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synced 2025-03-25 14:19:56 -04:00
FEATURE: remove user option for edit history public
Users can no longer opt-in for "public" edit history if site owner disables it. This feature adds cost and complexity to post rendering since user options need to be premeptively loaded for every user in the stream. It is also confusing to explain to communities with private edit history.
This commit is contained in:
58 changed files with 12 additions and 82 deletions
@ -198,10 +198,6 @@ const User = RestModel.extend({
if (!Discourse.SiteSettings.edit_history_visible_to_public) {
data['edit_history_public'] = this.get('user_option.edit_history_public');
// TODO: We can remove this when migrated fully to rest model.
this.set('isSaving', true);
return ajax(`/users/${this.get('username_lower')}`, {
@ -241,10 +241,6 @@
{{preference-checkbox labelKey="user.enable_quoting" checked=model.user_option.enable_quoting}}
{{preference-checkbox labelKey="user.dynamic_favicon" checked=model.user_option.dynamic_favicon}}
{{preference-checkbox labelKey="user.disable_jump_reply" checked=model.user_option.disable_jump_reply}}
{{#unless siteSettings.edit_history_visible_to_public}}
{{preference-checkbox labelKey="user.edit_history_public" checked=model.user_option.edit_history_public}}
{{plugin-outlet "user-custom-preferences"}}
@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ class UserOption < ActiveRecord::Base
self.external_links_in_new_tab = SiteSetting.default_other_external_links_in_new_tab
self.dynamic_favicon = SiteSetting.default_other_dynamic_favicon
self.disable_jump_reply = SiteSetting.default_other_disable_jump_reply
self.edit_history_public = SiteSetting.default_other_edit_history_public
self.new_topic_duration_minutes = SiteSetting.default_other_new_topic_duration_minutes
self.auto_track_topics_after_msecs = SiteSetting.default_other_auto_track_topics_after_msecs
@ -140,7 +139,6 @@ end
# enable_quoting :boolean default(TRUE), not null
# dynamic_favicon :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# disable_jump_reply :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# edit_history_public :boolean default(FALSE), not null
# automatically_unpin_topics :boolean default(TRUE), not null
# digest_after_minutes :integer
# auto_track_topics_after_msecs :integer
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ class UserOptionSerializer < ApplicationSerializer
@ -21,10 +20,6 @@ class UserOptionSerializer < ApplicationSerializer
def include_edit_history_public?
def auto_track_topics_after_msecs
object.auto_track_topics_after_msecs || SiteSetting.default_other_auto_track_topics_after_msecs
@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ class UserUpdater
@ -564,7 +564,6 @@ ar:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "جعل جميع اشعارات غيرمقروء الى مقروء"
disable_jump_reply: "لاتذهب إلى مشاركتي بعد الرد"
dynamic_favicon: "إعرض عدد المواضيع الجديدة والمحدثة في أيقونة المتصفح"
edit_history_public: "جعل المستخدمين الاخرين يطلعون على تعديلاتي"
external_links_in_new_tab: "إفتح كل الروابط الخارجية في صفحة جديدة"
enable_quoting: "فعل خاصية إقتباس النصوص المظللة"
change: "تغيير"
@ -418,7 +418,6 @@ bs_BA:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Markiraj sve nepročitane notifikacije kao pročitane"
disable_jump_reply: "Don't jump to your new post after replying"
dynamic_favicon: "Show incoming message notifications on favicon (experimental)"
edit_history_public: "Let other users view my post revisions"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Open all external links in a new tab"
enable_quoting: "Enable quote reply for highlighted text"
change: "promjeni"
@ -426,7 +426,6 @@ cs:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Označit všechny nepřečtené notifikace jako přečtené"
disable_jump_reply: "Po odpovědi nepřeskakovat na nový příspěvek"
dynamic_favicon: "Zobrazit počet nových témat v ikoně prohlížeče"
edit_history_public: "Povolit ostatním zobrazení všech verzí mého příspěvku"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Otevírat všechny externí odkazy do nové záložky"
enable_quoting: "Povolit odpověď s citací z označeného textu"
change: "změnit"
@ -432,7 +432,6 @@ da:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Marker alle ulæste notifikationer som læst"
disable_jump_reply: "Ikke hop til mit indlæg efter jeg svarer"
dynamic_favicon: "Vis nyt / opdateret emnetal på browserikon"
edit_history_public: "Lad andre brugere se mine tidligere revisioner"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Åbn alle eksterne links i en ny fane"
enable_quoting: "Tillad citering af markeret tekst"
change: "skift"
@ -450,7 +450,6 @@ de:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Alle ungelesenen Benachrichtigungen als gelesen markieren"
disable_jump_reply: "Springe nicht zu meinem Beitrag, nachdem ich geantwortet habe"
dynamic_favicon: "Zeige die Anzahl der neuen und geänderten Themen im Browser-Symbol an"
edit_history_public: "Andere Benutzer dürfen in Beiträgen meine Überarbeitungen sehen."
external_links_in_new_tab: "Öffne alle externen Links in einem neuen Tab"
enable_quoting: "Aktiviere Zitatantwort mit dem hervorgehobenen Text"
change: "ändern"
@ -517,7 +517,6 @@ en:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Mark all unread notifications as read"
disable_jump_reply: "Don't jump to my post after I reply"
dynamic_favicon: "Show new / updated topic count on browser icon"
edit_history_public: "Let other users view my post revisions"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Open all external links in a new tab"
enable_quoting: "Enable quote reply for highlighted text"
change: "change"
@ -450,7 +450,6 @@ es:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Marcar todas las notificaciones no leídas como leídas"
disable_jump_reply: "No dirigirme a mi post cuando responda"
dynamic_favicon: "Mostrar contador de temas nuevos/actualizados en el favicon"
edit_history_public: "Dejar que otros usuarios puedan ver las revisiones de mis posts"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Abrir todos los enlaces externos en una nueva pestaña"
enable_quoting: "Activar respuesta citando el texto resaltado"
change: "cambio"
@ -442,7 +442,6 @@ et:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Märgi kõik lugemata teavitused loetuks"
disable_jump_reply: "Ära hüppa minu postitusse peale vastamist"
dynamic_favicon: "Kuva uute / muudetud teemade arvu brauseri ikoonil"
edit_history_public: "Näita minu postituse redaktsioone teistele kasutajatele"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Ava kõik välisviited uuel sakil"
enable_quoting: "Luba esiletõstetud tekstile tsitaadiga vastata"
change: "muuda"
@ -391,7 +391,6 @@ fa_IR:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "علامت گذاری همه اطلاعیه های خوانده نشده به عنوان خوانده شده"
disable_jump_reply: "بعد از پاسخ من به پست من پرش نکن"
dynamic_favicon: " تعداد موضوعات جدید یا بروز شده را روی آیکون مرورگر نمایش بده"
edit_history_public: "اجازه بده کاربران دیگر اصلاحات نوشته مرا ببینند"
external_links_in_new_tab: "همهٔ پیوندهای برونرو را در یک تب جدید باز کن"
enable_quoting: "فعال کردن نقل قول گرفتن از متن انتخاب شده"
change: "تغییر"
@ -450,7 +450,6 @@ fi:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Merkitse kaikki lukemattomat ilmoitukset luetuiksi"
disable_jump_reply: "Älä siirry uuteen viestiini lähetettyäni sen"
dynamic_favicon: "Näytä uusien / päivittyneiden ketjujen määrä selaimen ikonissa"
edit_history_public: "Anna muiden nähdä viestieni revisiot"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Avaa sivuston ulkopuoliset linkit uudessa välilehdessä"
enable_quoting: "Ota käyttöön viestin lainaaminen tekstiä valitsemalla"
change: "vaihda"
@ -450,7 +450,6 @@ fr:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Marquer comme lues toutes les notifications non lues"
disable_jump_reply: "Ne pas se déplacer à mon nouveau message après avoir répondu"
dynamic_favicon: "Faire apparaître le nombre de sujets récemment créés ou mis à jour sur l'icône navigateur"
edit_history_public: "Autoriser les autres utilisateurs à consulter les modifications de mes messages."
external_links_in_new_tab: "Ouvrir tous les liens externes dans un nouvel onglet"
enable_quoting: "Proposer la citation du texte surligné"
change: "modifier"
@ -442,7 +442,6 @@ gl:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Marcar todas notificacións sen ler como lidas"
disable_jump_reply: "Non saltar á miña publicación despois de que responda"
dynamic_favicon: "Amosar o número de temas novos / actualizados na icona do navegador"
edit_history_public: "Permitirlles a outros usuarios ver as revisións das miñas publicacións"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Abrir todas as ligazóns externas nunha nova lapela"
enable_quoting: "Activar as comiñas de resposta para o texto realzado"
change: "cambiar"
@ -422,7 +422,6 @@ he:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "סימון כל ההתראות שלא נקראו כהתראות שנקראו"
disable_jump_reply: "אל תקפצו לפרסומים שלי לאחר שאני משיב/ה"
dynamic_favicon: "הצג את מספר פוסטים חדשים/מעודכנים על האייקון של הדפדפן"
edit_history_public: "אפשרו למשתמשים אחרים לראות את תיקוני הפרסומים שלי"
external_links_in_new_tab: "פתח את כל הקישורים החיצוניים בעמוד חדש"
enable_quoting: "אפשרו תגובת ציטוט לטקסט מסומן"
change: "שנה"
@ -418,7 +418,6 @@ id:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Tandai semua notifikasi belum dibaca telah dibaca"
disable_jump_reply: "Jangan pindah ke kiriman saya setelah saya balas"
dynamic_favicon: "Tampilkan jumlah topik baru / pembaharuan pada icon browser."
edit_history_public: "Biarkan pengguna lain melihat revisi pos saya"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Buka semua link eksternal ke dalam tab baru"
enable_quoting: "Aktifkan balasan kutipan untuk teks yang disorot"
change: "ubah"
@ -450,7 +450,6 @@ it:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Imposta tutte le notifiche non lette come lette "
disable_jump_reply: "Non saltare al mio messaggio dopo la mia risposta"
dynamic_favicon: "Visualizza il conteggio degli argomenti nuovi / aggiornati sull'icona del browser"
edit_history_public: "Consenti agli altri utenti di visualizzare le mie revisioni ai messaggi"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Apri tutti i link esterni in nuove schede"
enable_quoting: "Abilita \"rispondi quotando\" per il testo evidenziato"
change: "cambia"
@ -412,7 +412,6 @@ ja:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "全ての未読の通知を既読にします"
disable_jump_reply: "返信した後に投稿へ移動しない"
dynamic_favicon: "新規または更新されたトピックのカウントをブラウザアイコンに表示する"
edit_history_public: "投稿の編集履歴を公開する"
external_links_in_new_tab: "外部リンクをすべて別のタブで開く"
enable_quoting: "選択したテキストを引用して返信する"
change: "変更"
@ -415,7 +415,6 @@ ko:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "읽지 않은 알림을 모두 읽음으로 표시"
disable_jump_reply: "댓글을 작성했을 때, 새로 작성한 댓글로 화면을 이동하지 않습니다."
dynamic_favicon: "새 글이나 업데이트된 글 수를 브라우저 아이콘에 보이기"
edit_history_public: "내 글의 리비전을 다른 사용자들이 볼 수 있게 허용"
external_links_in_new_tab: "모든 외부 링크를 새 탭에 열기"
enable_quoting: "강조 표시된 텍스트에 대한 알림을 사용합니다"
change: "변경"
@ -409,7 +409,6 @@ nb_NO:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Merk alle uleste varslinger som lest"
disable_jump_reply: "Ikke hopp til ditt nye innlegg etter svar"
dynamic_favicon: "Vis antall nye / oppdaterte emner på nettleser ikonet"
edit_history_public: "La andre brukere se mine innleggsrevisjoner"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Åpne alle eksterne lenker i ny fane"
enable_quoting: "Aktiver svar med sitat for uthevet tekst"
change: "Endre"
@ -448,7 +448,6 @@ nl:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Markeer alle ongelezen berichten als gelezen"
disable_jump_reply: "Niet naar je nieuwe bericht gaan na reageren"
dynamic_favicon: "Laat aantal nieuwe / bijgewerkte berichten zien in favicon"
edit_history_public: "Laat andere gebruikers mijn aanpassingen aan dit bericht zien."
external_links_in_new_tab: "Open alle externe links in een nieuw tabblad"
enable_quoting: "Activeer antwoord-met-citaat voor geselecteerde tekst"
change: "verander"
@ -467,7 +467,6 @@ pl_PL:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Oznacz wszystkie powiadomienia jako przeczytane"
disable_jump_reply: "Po odpowiedzi nie przechodź do nowego wpisu"
dynamic_favicon: "Pokazuj licznik powiadomień na karcie jako dynamiczny favicon"
edit_history_public: "Pozwól innym oglądać historię edycji moich wpisów"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Otwieraj wszystkie zewnętrzne odnośniki w nowej karcie"
enable_quoting: "Włącz cytowanie zaznaczonego tekstu"
change: "zmień"
@ -446,7 +446,6 @@ pt:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Marcar como lidas todas as notificações por ler"
disable_jump_reply: "Não voltar para a minha mensagem após ter respondido"
dynamic_favicon: "Mostrar contagem de tópicos novos / atualizados no ícone do browser."
edit_history_public: "Permitir que outros utilizadores vejam as minhas revisões de publicação"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Abrir todas as hiperligações externas num novo separador"
enable_quoting: "Ativar resposta usando citação de texto destacado"
change: "alterar"
@ -446,7 +446,6 @@ pt_BR:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Marcar todas as notificações não lidas como lidos"
disable_jump_reply: "Não pular para o meu tópico depois que eu respondo"
dynamic_favicon: "Exibir ícone no navegador de tópicos novos / atualizados."
edit_history_public: "Deixar que os outros usuários visualizem minhas revisões na resposta"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Abrir todos os links externos em uma nova aba"
enable_quoting: "Ativar resposta citando o texto destacado"
change: "alterar"
@ -462,7 +462,6 @@ ro:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Marchează cu citit toate notificările necitite"
disable_jump_reply: "Nu sări la postarea mea după ce răspund"
dynamic_favicon: "Arată subiectele noi/actualizate în iconiţă browserului."
edit_history_public: "Permite altor utilizatori să vizualizeze reviziile postului meu"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Deschide toate adresele externe într-un tab nou"
enable_quoting: "Activează răspunsuri-citat pentru textul selectat"
change: "schimbă"
@ -504,7 +504,6 @@ ru:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Пометить все непрочитанные уведомления прочитанными"
disable_jump_reply: "Не переходить к вашему новому сообщению после ответа"
dynamic_favicon: "Показывать колличество новых / обновленных тем на иконке сообщений"
edit_history_public: "Разрешить другим пользователям просматривать мои редакции сообщения"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Открывать все внешние ссылки в новой вкладке"
enable_quoting: "Позволить отвечать с цитированием выделенного текста"
change: "изменить"
@ -469,7 +469,6 @@ sk:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Označiť všetky neprečítané upozornenia ako prečítané"
disable_jump_reply: "Neskočiť na môj príspevok po odpovedi"
dynamic_favicon: "Zobraziť počet nových/upravených tém na ikone prehliadača"
edit_history_public: "Povoliť ostatným užívateľom zobrazenie všetkých verzií môjho príspevku"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Otvoriť všekty externé odkazy v novej záložke"
enable_quoting: "Umožniť odpoveď s citáciou z označeného textu"
change: "zmeniť"
@ -444,7 +444,6 @@ sq:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Shëno njoftimet e palexuara si të lexuara"
disable_jump_reply: "Don't jump to my post after I reply"
dynamic_favicon: "Tregoni numrin e temave të reja e azhornuara në ikonën e shfletuesit"
edit_history_public: "Lejo anëtarët e tjerë të shikojnë redaktimet e mia"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Hap të gjitha lidhjet e jashtme në një tab të ri"
enable_quoting: "Aktivizo citimin në përgjigje për tekstin e përzgjedhur"
change: "ndrysho"
@ -437,7 +437,6 @@ sv:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Markera alla olästa aviseringar som lästa"
disable_jump_reply: "Hoppa inte till mitt inlägg efter att jag har svarat"
dynamic_favicon: "Visa antal nya / uppdaterade ämnen på webbläsarikon"
edit_history_public: "Låt andra användare se mina ändringar"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Öppna alla externa länkar i en ny flik"
enable_quoting: "Aktivera citatsvar för markerad text"
change: "ändra"
@ -286,7 +286,6 @@ te:
dismiss_notifications: "అన్నీ చదివినట్టు గుర్తించు"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "అన్ని చదవని ప్రకటనలూ చదివినట్టు గుర్తించు"
disable_jump_reply: "నేను జవాబిచ్చాక నా టపాకు వెళ్లవద్దు"
edit_history_public: "ఇతర సభ్యలను నా టపా దిద్దుబాట్లను చూడనివ్వు"
external_links_in_new_tab: "అన్ని బాహ్య లంకెలనూ కొత్త ట్యాబులో తెరువు"
enable_quoting: "హైలైట్ అయిన పాఠ్యానికి కోట్ జవాబు చేతనం చేయి"
change: "మార్చు"
@ -419,7 +419,6 @@ tr_TR:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Tüm okunmamış bildirileri okunmuş olarak işaretle"
disable_jump_reply: "Cevapladıktan sonra gönderime atlama"
dynamic_favicon: "Tarayıcı simgesinde yeni / güncellenen konu sayısını göster"
edit_history_public: "Gönderimde yaptığım revizyonları diğer kullanıcıların görmesine izin ver"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Tüm dış bağlantıları yeni sekmede aç"
enable_quoting: "Vurgulanan yazıyı alıntılayarak cevaplama özelliğini etkinleştir"
change: "değiştir"
@ -279,7 +279,6 @@ uk:
dismiss_notifications: "Позначити все як прочитане"
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Позначити всі сповіщення як прочитані"
disable_jump_reply: "Не перескакувати до мого допису коли я відповім"
edit_history_public: "Дати іншим дивитися версії мого повідомлення"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Відкривати всі зовнішні посилання у новій вкладці"
enable_quoting: "Увімкнути відповіді на цитати для виділеного тексту"
change: "змінити"
@ -412,7 +412,6 @@ vi:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Đánh dấu đã đọc cho tất cả các thông báo chưa đọc"
disable_jump_reply: "Đừng tới bài viết của tôi sau khi tôi trả lời"
dynamic_favicon: "Hiện số chủ đề mới / cập nhật vào biểu tượng trình duyệt"
edit_history_public: "Để thành viên khác xem những sửa chữa bài viết của bạn"
external_links_in_new_tab: "Mở tất cả liên kết bên ngoài trong thẻ mới"
enable_quoting: "Bật chế độ làm nổi bật chữ trong đoạn trích dẫn trả lời"
change: "thay đổi"
@ -419,7 +419,6 @@ zh_CN:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "标记所有未读通知为已读"
disable_jump_reply: "不要在回复后跳转到我的新帖子"
dynamic_favicon: "在浏览器图标上显示新/更新的主题数量"
edit_history_public: "让其他用户查看我的帖子的历史版本"
external_links_in_new_tab: "始终在新的标签页打开外部链接"
enable_quoting: "在高亮选择文字时显示引用回复按钮"
change: "修改"
@ -392,7 +392,6 @@ zh_TW:
dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "標記所有未讀通知為已讀"
disable_jump_reply: "不要在回覆之後直接跳到我的文章"
dynamic_favicon: "在瀏覽器小圖示上顯示新主題/更新的主題數"
edit_history_public: "讓其他用戶檢視我的文章修訂紀錄"
external_links_in_new_tab: "以新分頁開啟所有外部連結"
enable_quoting: "允許引用已標註的文字"
change: "修改"
@ -1208,7 +1208,6 @@ ar:
default_other_enable_quoting: "فعل إقتباس الردود لتحديد النص إفتراضيا."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "إعرض عدد المواضيع الجديدة/الحديثة في أيقونة المتصفح إفتراضيا."
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "لا تتجاوز إلى مشاركة الضو بعد ردهم إفتراضيا."
default_other_edit_history_public: "أنشئ مشاركة المراجعات العامة إفتراضيا."
default_other_like_notification_frequency: "أشعر المستخدمين بالاستحسان على المشورات افتراضياً"
default_topics_automatic_unpin: "تلقائياً قم إزالة تثبيت المواضيع عندما يصل العضو إلى الأسفل \"إفتراضيا\"."
default_categories_watching: "قائمة الفئات التي تشاهد إفتراضيا."
@ -624,7 +624,6 @@ da:
default_other_enable_quoting: "Slå som standard \"svar på den markerede tekst\" til."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "Vis som standard nyt / opdateret emnetal på browserikon"
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "Spring ikke som standard til det nye indlæg efter brugeren har svaret"
default_other_edit_history_public: "Offentliggør som standard rettelser til indlæg."
default_categories_watching: "Liste over kategorier der som standard overvåges."
default_categories_tracking: "Liste over kategorier der som standard følges."
default_categories_muted: "Liste over kategorier der som standard ignoreres."
@ -1132,7 +1132,6 @@ de:
default_other_enable_quoting: "Aktiviere standardmäßig die Zitat-Antwort Funktion für hervorgehobenen Text."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "Zeige standardmäßig die Anzahl von neuen und geänderten Beiträgen im Browser-Symbol an."
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "Springe standardmäßig nicht zum neusten Beitrag des Users, wenn dieser geantwortet hat."
default_other_edit_history_public: "Zeige standardmäßig die Beitragshistorie öffentlich an."
default_other_like_notification_frequency: "Benutzer standardmäßig bei Likes benachrichtigen."
default_topics_automatic_unpin: "Standardmäßig Themen automatisch loslösen, wenn ein Benutzer das Ende erreicht."
default_categories_watching: "Liste der standardmäßig beobachteten Kategorien."
@ -1344,7 +1344,6 @@ en:
default_other_enable_quoting: "Enable quote reply for highlighted text by default."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "Show new/updated topic count on browser icon by default."
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "Don't jump to user's post after they reply by default."
default_other_edit_history_public: "Make the post revisions public by default."
default_other_like_notification_frequency: "Notify users on likes by default"
@ -1127,7 +1127,6 @@ es:
default_other_enable_quoting: "Activar respuesta citando texto seleccionado por defecto."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "Mostrar temas nuevos/actualizados en el icono del navegador por defecto"
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "No ir a un nuevo post tras publicarlo por defecto"
default_other_edit_history_public: "Hacer la lista de ediciones pública por defecto."
default_other_like_notification_frequency: "Notificar a los usuarios de los me gusta por defecto"
default_topics_automatic_unpin: "Quitar destacado automáticamente cuando el usuario llega al final del tema."
default_categories_watching: "Lista de categorías que están vigiladas por defecto."
@ -1145,7 +1145,6 @@ fi:
default_other_enable_quoting: "Ota oletuksena käyttöön lainaaminen valitsemalla tekstiä."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "Näytä oletuksena uusien/päivittyneiden ketjujen määrä selaimen ikonissa."
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "Älä hyppää oletuksena uuteen vastaukseen käyttäjän lähetettyä sen."
default_other_edit_history_public: "Tee oletuksena viestien versioista julkisia."
default_other_like_notification_frequency: "Ilmoita käyttäjiä tykkäyksistä oletuksena"
default_topics_automatic_unpin: "Aseta oletukseksi, että ketjun kiinnitys poistuu automaattisesti, jos käyttäjä selaa keskustelun loppuun"
default_categories_watching: "Lista oletuksena tarkkailtavista alueista."
@ -1116,7 +1116,6 @@ fr:
default_other_enable_quoting: "Par défaut, proposer la citation du texte surligné."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "Par défaut, faire apparaître le nombre de sujets récemment créés ou mis à jour sur l'icône navigateur."
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "Par défaut, ne pas se déplacer au nouveau message après avoir répondu."
default_other_edit_history_public: "Par défaut, rendre publiques les révisions de message."
default_other_like_notification_frequency: "Notifier lors d'un J'aime par défaut"
default_topics_automatic_unpin: "Par défaut, désépingler automatiquement le sujet lorsque l'utilisateur atteint la fin."
default_categories_watching: "Liste de catégories surveillées par défaut."
@ -954,7 +954,6 @@ he:
default_other_enable_quoting: "Enable quote reply for highlighted text by default."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "Show new/updated topic count on browser icon by default."
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "Don't jump to user's post after they reply by default."
default_other_edit_history_public: "Make the post revisions public by default."
default_categories_watching: "List of categories that are watched by default."
default_categories_tracking: "List of categories that are tracked by default."
default_categories_muted: "List of categories that are muted by default."
@ -1038,7 +1038,6 @@ nl:
default_other_enable_quoting: "Citeer antwoord standaard inschakelen voor gemarkeerde tekst."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "Toon standaard een teller van nieuwe/bijgewerkte topics op browser icoon."
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "Spring standaard niet naar de gebruiker post nadat ze hebben geantwoord."
default_other_edit_history_public: "Maak standaard de aanpassingen aan de post openbaar."
default_other_like_notification_frequency: "Stuur gebruikers standaard een bericht bij een like"
default_topics_automatic_unpin: "Standaard automatisch topics ontpinnen wanneer de gebruiker het einde van de pagina heeft bereikt."
default_categories_watching: "Lijst van categorieën die standaard worden bekeken."
@ -1139,7 +1139,6 @@ pt:
default_other_enable_quoting: "Por defeito, ativar resposta por citação para texto destacado."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "Mostrar contagem de tópicos novos / atualizados no ícone do browser."
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "Por defeito, não saltar para a mensagem do utilizador após ter respondido."
default_other_edit_history_public: "Por defeito, realizar revisões públicas das mensagens."
default_other_like_notification_frequency: "Notificar por defeito os utilizadores quando alguém gostar"
default_topics_automatic_unpin: "Desafixar automaticamente tópicos quando um utilizador chega ao final, por defeito."
default_categories_watching: "Lista de categorias que por defeito são vigiadas."
@ -1072,7 +1072,6 @@ sk:
default_other_enable_quoting: "Štandardne na vybraný text zapnúť citované odpovede."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "Štandardne zobraziť počet nových/aktualizovaných tém v ikone prehliadača."
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "Štandardne po odpovedi neskákať na používateľov príspevok."
default_other_edit_history_public: "Štandardne zobraziť revízie príspevku verejne."
default_topics_automatic_unpin: "Štandardne automaticky odopnúť témy ak používateľ dosiahne posledný príspevok."
default_categories_watching: "Štandardný zoznam kategórií, ktoré sú sledované."
default_categories_tracking: "Štandardný zoznam kategórií, ktoré sú sledované."
@ -964,7 +964,6 @@ tr_TR:
default_other_enable_quoting: "Vurgulanmış yazılar için alıntı ile cevaplamayı, öntanımlı olarak, etkinleştir."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "Tarayıcı simgesinde, öntanımlı olarak, yeni/güncellenmiş konu sayısını göster."
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "Kullanıcılar cevapladıktan sonra, öntanımlı olarak, onların gönderilerine atlama."
default_other_edit_history_public: "Gönderi değişikliklerini, öntanımlı olarak, herkese açık yap."
default_topics_automatic_unpin: "Kullanıcı sayfa sonuna eriştiğinde tutturulmuş konuları otomatik olarak sayfadan ayır."
default_categories_watching: "Öntanımlı olarak, izlenen kategorilerin listesi."
default_categories_tracking: "Öntanımlı olarak, takip edilen kategorilerin listesi."
@ -1053,7 +1053,6 @@ vi:
default_other_enable_quoting: "Bật trích dẫn trả lời để nổi bật nội dung theo mặc định."
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "Hiện bộ đếm chủ đề mới/cập nhật trên icon trình duyệt theo mặc định."
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "Không nhảy tới bài viết của thành viên sau khi họ trả lời theo mặc định."
default_other_edit_history_public: "Đặt sửa đổi bài viết công khai theo mặc định."
default_other_like_notification_frequency: "Thông báo thành viên khi like theo mặc định"
default_topics_automatic_unpin: "Tự động bỏ ghim chủ đề khi thành viên xuống cuối trang theo mặc định."
default_categories_watching: "Hiển thị danh sách chuyên mục đang xem theo mặc định."
@ -1058,7 +1058,6 @@ zh_CN:
default_other_enable_quoting: "默认在高亮选择文字时启用引用回复"
default_other_dynamic_favicon: "默认在浏览器图标上显示新/更新的主题数量"
default_other_disable_jump_reply: "默认不在用户回复后跳转到新帖子位置"
default_other_edit_history_public: "将帖子修订历史默认公开。"
default_other_like_notification_frequency: "默认通知用户赞的消息"
default_topics_automatic_unpin: "默认时当用户到达底部时自动解除主题置顶。"
default_categories_watching: "分类列表默认跟踪。"
@ -1205,7 +1205,6 @@ user_preferences:
default_other_enable_quoting: true
default_other_dynamic_favicon: false
default_other_disable_jump_reply: false
default_other_edit_history_public: false
enum: 'LikeNotificationFrequencySiteSetting'
default: 1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
class RemoveEditHistoryPublic < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
remove_column :user_options, :edit_history_public
def down
raise ActiveRecord::IrreversibleMigration
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ module PostGuardian
return false unless post
if !post.hidden
return true if post.wiki || SiteSetting.edit_history_visible_to_public || (post.user && post.user.user_option.edit_history_public)
return true if post.wiki || SiteSetting.edit_history_visible_to_public
authenticated? &&
@ -574,12 +574,6 @@ describe Guardian do
it 'is true when logged in' do
expect(Guardian.new(Fabricate(:user)).can_see?(post_revision)).to be_truthy
it 'is true if the author has public edit history' do
public_post_revision = Fabricate(:post_revision)
public_post_revision.post.user.user_option.edit_history_public = true
expect(Guardian.new.can_see?(public_post_revision)).to be_truthy
context 'edit_history_visible_to_public is false' do
@ -597,12 +591,6 @@ describe Guardian do
it 'is false for trust level lower than 4' do
expect(Guardian.new(trust_level_3).can_see?(post_revision)).to be_falsey
it 'is true if the author has public edit history' do
public_post_revision = Fabricate(:post_revision)
public_post_revision.post.user.user_option.edit_history_public = true
expect(Guardian.new.can_see?(public_post_revision)).to be_truthy
@ -1223,7 +1223,6 @@ describe User do
SiteSetting.default_other_enable_quoting = false
SiteSetting.default_other_dynamic_favicon = true
SiteSetting.default_other_disable_jump_reply = true
SiteSetting.default_other_edit_history_public = true
SiteSetting.default_topics_automatic_unpin = false
@ -1243,7 +1242,6 @@ describe User do
expect(options.enable_quoting).to eq(false)
expect(options.dynamic_favicon).to eq(true)
expect(options.disable_jump_reply).to eq(true)
expect(options.edit_history_public).to eq(true)
expect(options.automatically_unpin_topics).to eq(false)
expect(options.email_direct).to eq(false)
expect(options.new_topic_duration_minutes).to eq(-1)
@ -18,19 +18,18 @@ describe UserSerializer do
context "as current user" do
it "serializes options correctly" do
# so we serialize more stuff
SiteSetting.edit_history_visible_to_public = false
SiteSetting.default_other_auto_track_topics_after_msecs = 0
SiteSetting.default_other_new_topic_duration_minutes = 60*24
user = Fabricate.build(:user,
user_profile: Fabricate.build(:user_profile),
user_option: UserOption.new(edit_history_public: true),
user_option: UserOption.new(dynamic_favicon: true),
user_stat: UserStat.new
json = UserSerializer.new(user, scope: Guardian.new(user), root: false).as_json
expect(json[:user_option][:edit_history_public]).to eq(true)
expect(json[:user_option][:dynamic_favicon]).to eq(true)
expect(json[:user_option][:new_topic_duration_minutes]).to eq(60*24)
expect(json[:user_option][:auto_track_topics_after_msecs]).to eq(0)
Add table
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