diff --git a/config/locales/client.cs.yml b/config/locales/client.cs.yml index 31592740b..1698e5d4e 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.cs.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.cs.yml @@ -364,7 +364,6 @@ cs: ok: "Pro potvrzení vám pošleme email." invalid: "Zadejte prosím správnou emailovou adresu" authenticated: "Vaše emailová adresa byla autorizována přes službu {{provider}}." - frequency: "Budeme vás informovat emailem pouze pokud jste se na našem webu dlouho neukázali a pokud jste obsah, o kterém vás chceme informovat, doposud neviděli." name: title: "Jméno" instructions: "Celé jméno (volitelně)" diff --git a/config/locales/client.da.yml b/config/locales/client.da.yml index 3f4a92714..b8de4b6b1 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.da.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.da.yml @@ -333,7 +333,6 @@ da: instructions: "Profil baggrunde vil blive centrerede og have en standard bredde på 850 pixels" email: title: "E-mail" - frequency: "Vi sender dig kun e-mail, hvis du ikke har været på siden for nylig, og du ikke allerede har set de ting vi ville e-mail’e dig om." name: title: "Navn" username: diff --git a/config/locales/client.de.yml b/config/locales/client.de.yml index ab744d3d8..14da42471 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.de.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.de.yml @@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ de: mute: "Stummschalten" edit: "Einstellungen bearbeiten" download_archive: "Ein Archiv meiner Beiträge herunterladen" + new_private_message: "Neue private Nachricht" private_message: "Private Nachricht" private_messages: "Nachrichten" activity_stream: "Aktivität" @@ -348,7 +349,6 @@ de: ok: "Wir senden dir zur Bestätigung eine E-Mail" invalid: "Bitte gib eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse ein" authenticated: "Deine E-Mail-Adresse wurde von {{provider}} bestätigt" - frequency: "Wir werden dir nur E-Mails senden, wenn wir dich kürzlich nicht gesehen haben und wenn du die betroffenen Inhalte noch nicht gesehen hast." name: title: "Name" instructions: "Dein vollständiger Name (optional)" @@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ de: requires_invite: "Entschuldige, der Zugriff auf dieses Forum ist nur mit einer Einladung möglich." not_activated: "Du kannst dich noch nicht anmelden. Wir haben dir schon eine E-Mail zur Aktivierung an {{sentTo}} geschickt. Bitte folge den Anweisungen in dieser E-Mail, um dein Benutzerkonto zu aktivieren." not_allowed_from_ip_address: "Du kannst dich mit dieser IP-Adresse nicht anmelden." - resend_activation_email: "Klicke hier um eine neue Aktivierungsmail zu schicken." + resend_activation_email: "Klicke hier, um eine neue Aktivierungsmail zu schicken." sent_activation_email_again: "Wir haben dir eine weitere E-Mail zur Aktivierung an {{currentEmail}} geschickt. Es könnte ein paar Minuten dauern, bis diese ankommt; sieh auch im Spam-Ordner nach." google: title: "mit Google" @@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ de: reply: "Antworten" cancel: "Abbrechen" create_topic: "Thema erstellen" - create_pm: "Private Nachricht" + create_pm: "Private Nachricht erstellen" title: "Oder drücke Strg+Eingabetaste" users_placeholder: "Benutzer hinzufügen" title_placeholder: "Um was geht es in dieser Diskussion? Schreib einen kurzen Satz." @@ -1520,6 +1520,9 @@ de: title: "Die Datenbank auf den letzten funktionierenden Zustand zurücksetzen" confirm: "Möchtest du wirklich die Datenbank auf den letzten funktionierenden Stand zurücksetzen?" export_csv: + users: + title: "Vollständige Benutzerliste im CSV-Format exportieren." + success: "Der Export wurde gestartet. Du wirst in Kürze über den Fortschritt benachrichtigt." failed: "Der Export ist fehlgeschlagen. Bitte überprüfe die Logs." button_text: "Exportieren" customize: @@ -1713,8 +1716,10 @@ de: new: "Neu" active: "Aktiv" pending: "Genehmigung" + staff: 'Mitarbeiter' suspended: 'Gesperrt' blocked: 'Blockiert' + suspect: 'Verdächtiger' approved: "Genehmigt?" approved_selected: one: "Benutzer genehmigen" @@ -1731,10 +1736,12 @@ de: regular: 'Benutzer mit Vertrauensstufe 2 (Mitglied)' leader: 'Benutzer mit Vertrauensstufe 3 (Stammgast)' elder: 'Benutzer mit Vertrauensstufe 4 (Leitwolf)' + staff: "Mitarbeiter" admins: 'Administratoren' moderators: 'Moderatoren' blocked: 'Blockierte Benutzer' suspended: 'Gesperrte Benutzer' + suspect: 'Verdächtige Benutzer' reject_successful: one: "Erfolgreich 1 Benutzer abgelehnt." other: "Erfolgreich %{count} Benutzer abgelehnt." diff --git a/config/locales/client.es.yml b/config/locales/client.es.yml index 9f21f7d95..9f852a377 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.es.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.es.yml @@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ es: organisation: Organización phone: Teléfono other_accounts: "Otras cuentas con esta dirección IP:" + delete_other_accounts: "Eliminar %{count}" username: "usuario" trust_level: "NC" read_time: "tiempo de lectura" @@ -347,7 +348,6 @@ es: ok: "Te enviaremos un email para confirmar" invalid: "Por favor, introduce una dirección de correo válida" authenticated: "Tu dirección de correo ha sido autenticada por {{provider}}" - frequency: "Sólo te enviaremos e-mails si no te hemos visto recientemente y todavía no has visto lo que te estamos enviando." name: title: "Nombre" instructions: "Tu nombre completo (opcional)" @@ -1517,7 +1517,13 @@ es: title: "Regresar la base de datos al estado funcional anterior" confirm: "¿Estás seguro que quieres regresar la base de datos al estado funcional anterior?" export_csv: + users: + title: "Exportar lista completa de usuarios en formato CSV" + screened_ips: + title: "Exportar lista completa de IPs vifiladas en formato CSV" + success: "Exportación iniciada, serás notificado dentro de poco sobre el progreso." failed: "Exportación fallida, revisa los logs." + button_text: "Exportar" customize: title: "Personalizar" long_title: "Personalizaciones del sitio" @@ -1685,6 +1691,7 @@ es: title: "IPs bloqueadas" description: 'Direcciones IP que están siendo vigiladas. Usa "Permitir" para añadir direcciones IP preaprobadas.' delete_confirm: "Estás seguro que quieres remover el bloqueo para %{ip_address}?" + roll_up_confirm: "Estás seguro de que quieres deshacer estos baneos?" actions: block: "Bloquear" do_nothing: "Permitir" @@ -1693,6 +1700,9 @@ es: label: "Nueva:" ip_address: "Dirección IP" add: "Añadir" + roll_up: + text: "Deshacer" + title: "Crea nuevas entradas de baneo de subred si hay al menos 'min_ban_entries_for_roll_up' entradas." logster: title: "Registros de errores" impersonate: @@ -1709,8 +1719,10 @@ es: new: "Nuevo" active: "Activo" pending: "Pendiente" + staff: 'Staff' suspended: 'Suspendidos' blocked: 'Bloqueados' + suspect: 'Sospechoso' approved: "Aprobado/s?" approved_selected: one: "aprobar usuario" @@ -1727,10 +1739,12 @@ es: regular: 'Usuarios con Nivel de confianza 2 (Miembro)' leader: 'Usuarios con Nivel de confianza 3 (Habitual)' elder: 'Usuarios con Nivel de confianza 4 (Líder)' + staff: "Staff" admins: 'Administradores' moderators: 'Moderadores' blocked: 'Usuarios bloqueados' suspended: 'Usuarios suspendidos' + suspect: 'Usuarios sospechados' reject_successful: one: "1 usuario rechazado con éxito." other: "%{count} usuarios rechazados con éxito." diff --git a/config/locales/client.fi.yml b/config/locales/client.fi.yml index 416e95622..41ccda510 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.fi.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.fi.yml @@ -246,6 +246,14 @@ fi: location_not_found: (tuntematon) organisation: Yritys phone: Puhelin + other_accounts: "Muut tilit samasta IP osoitteesta:" + delete_other_accounts: "Poista %{count}" + username: "käyttäjätunnus" + trust_level: "LT" + read_time: "lukuaika" + topics_entered: "katseltuja ketjuja" + post_count: "# viestiä" + confirm_delete_other_accounts: "Oletko varma, että haluat poistaa nämä tunnukset?" user: said: "{{username}}:" profile: "Profiili" @@ -275,6 +283,7 @@ fi: admin_tooltip: "Tämä käyttäjä on ylläpitäjä" suspended_notice: "Tämä käyttäjätili on hyllytetty {{date}} asti." suspended_reason: "Syy:" + github_profile: "GitHub" mailing_list_mode: "Lähetä sähköposti jokaisesta uudesta viestistä (paitsi vaimennetuista ketjuista ja alueilta)." watched_categories: "Tarkkaillut" watched_categories_instructions: "Näiden alueiden ketjut asetetaan automaattisesti tarkkailuun. Saat ilmoituksen kaikista uusista viesteistä ja ketjuista ja uusien ja lukemattomien viestien lukumäärä näytetään ketjujen listauksissa. " @@ -287,6 +296,7 @@ fi: deleted_yourself: "Käyttäjätilisi on poistettu." delete_yourself_not_allowed: "Et voi poistaa käyttäjätiliäsi juuti nyt. Sinun tulee pyytää ylläpitäjää poistamaan tilisi." unread_message_count: "Viestit" + admin_delete: "Poista" staff_counters: flags_given: "hyödyllisiä lippuja" flagged_posts: "liputettuja viestejä" @@ -334,14 +344,28 @@ fi: instructions: "Taustakuvan leveys on 590 pikseliä." email: title: "Sähköposti" - frequency: "Lähetämme sähköpostia vain aiheista, joita et ole nähnyt, ja kun emme ole nähneet sinua viime aikoina." + instructions: "Ei tule julkiseksi" + ok: "Lähetämme sinulle sähköpostin varmistukseksi." + invalid: "Ole hyvä ja anna toimiva sähköpostiosoite" + authenticated: "{{provider}} on todentanut sähköpostiosoitteesi" name: title: "Nimi" + instructions: "Koko nimesi (valinnainen)" + too_short: "Nimesi on liian lyhyt" + ok: "Nimesi vaikuttaa hyvältä" username: title: "Käyttäjätunnus" + instructions: "Uniikki, lyhyt, ei välilyöntejä" + short_instructions: "Muut käyttäjät voivat viitata sinuun nimellä @{{username}}" + available: "Käyttäjätunnus on vapaana" + global_match: "Sähköposti vastaa rekisteröityä käyttäjänimeä" global_mismatch: "Nimi on jo käytössä. Kokeile {{suggestion}}?" not_available: "Ei saatavilla. Kokeile {{suggestion}}?" + too_short: "Käyttäjätunnus on liian lyhyt" + too_long: "Käyttäjätunnus on liian pitkä" checking: "Tarkistetaan käyttäjätunnusta..." + enter_email: 'Käyttäjänimi löydetty; kirjoita sitä vastaava sähköpostiosoite.' + prefilled: "Sähköposti vastaa tätä käyttäjänimeä" locale: title: "Käyttöliittymän kieli" instructions: "Käyttöliittymän kieli. Kieli vaihtuu sivun uudelleen lataamisen yhteydessä." @@ -456,6 +480,8 @@ fi: fixed: "Lataa sivu" close: "Sulje" assets_changed_confirm: "Sivustolla on tehty päivityksiä. Ladataanko uudelleen?" + logout: "Sinut kirjattiin ulos." + refresh: "Lataa uudelleen" read_only_mode: enabled: "Ylläpitäjä on käynnistänyt vain luku -tilan. Voit jatkaa sivuston selaamista, mutta osa toiminallisuudesta on poistettu käytöstä." login_disabled: "Kirjautuminen ei ole käytössä sivuston ollessa vain luku -tilassa." @@ -569,6 +595,8 @@ fi: reply_here: "Vastaa tänne" reply: "Vastaa" cancel: "Peruuta" + create_topic: "Uusi ketju" + create_pm: "Yksityisviesti" title: "Tai paina Ctrl+Enter" users_placeholder: "Lisää käyttäjä" title_placeholder: "Kuvaile lyhyesti mistä tässä ketjussa on kyse?" @@ -639,7 +667,10 @@ fi: title_with_attachments: "Lisää kuva tai tidosto" from_my_computer: "Tästä laitteesta" from_the_web: "Netistä" + remote_tip: "linkki kuvaan" + remote_tip_with_attachments: "linkki kuvaan tai tiedostoon ({{authorized_extensions}})" local_tip: "Klikkaa tästä ladataksesi kuvan laitteeltasi" + local_tip_with_attachments: "klikkaa valitaksesi kuvan tai tiedoston laitteeltasi ({{authorized_extensions}})" hint: "(voit myös raahata ne editoriin ladataksesi ne sivustolle)" hint_for_supported_browsers: "(voit myös raahata tai liittää kuvia editoriin ladataksesi ne sivustolle)" uploading: "Lähettää" @@ -706,6 +737,7 @@ fi: top: "Huippuketjuja ei ole enempää." topic: filter_to: "{{post_count}} viestiä ketjussa" + create: 'Uusi ketju' create_long: 'Luo uusi ketju' private_message: 'Luo yksityisviesti' list: 'Ketjut' @@ -863,6 +895,7 @@ fi: n_posts: one: "1 viesti" other: "{{count}} viestiä" + cancel: "Poista suodatin" split_topic: title: "Siirrä uuteen ketjuun" action: "siirrä uuteen ketjuun" @@ -1099,6 +1132,7 @@ fi: general: 'Yleistä' settings: 'Asetukset' delete: 'Poista alue' + create: 'Uusi alue' save: 'Tallenna alue' creation_error: Alueen luonnissa tapahtui virhe. save_error: Alueen tallennuksessa tapahtui virhe. @@ -1149,6 +1183,8 @@ fi: title: "Vaimennettu" description: "Et saa imoituksia uusista viesteistä näillä alueilla, eivätkä ne näy Lukemattomat-välilehdellä" flagging: + title: 'Kiitos avustasi yhteisön hyväksi!' + private_reminder: 'liput ovat yksityisiä, ne näkyvät ainoastaan henkilökunnalle' action: 'Liputa viesti' take_action: "Ryhdy toimiin" notify_action: 'Yksityisviesti' @@ -1160,11 +1196,18 @@ fi: submit_tooltip: "Toimita lippu" take_action_tooltip: "Saavuta liputusraja välittömästi, ennemmin kuin odota muidenkin käyttäjien liputuksia." cant: "Pahoittelut, et pysty liputtamaan tätä viestiä tällä hetkellä." + formatted_name: + off_topic: "Se on asiaankuulumaton" + inappropriate: "Se on asiaton" + spam: "Se on roskapostia" + custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Esitä asiasi ymmärrettäväsi, ole rakentava ja kohtelias." + custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Kerro ymmärrettävästi ja selvästi, mistä olet huolestunut ja lisää viestiin oleelliset esimerkit ja linkit, jos mahdollista." custom_message: at_least: "kirjoita vähintään {{n}} merkkiä" more: "vielä {{n}}..." left: "{{n}} jäljellä" flagging_topic: + title: "Kiitos avustasi yhteisön hyväksi!" action: "Liputa ketju" notify_action: "Yksityisviesti" topic_map: @@ -1323,6 +1366,11 @@ fi: 7_days_ago: "7 päivää sitten" 30_days_ago: "30 päivää sitten" all: "Kaikki" + view_table: "taulukko" + view_chart: "pylväsdiagrammi" + refresh_report: "Päivitä raportti" + start_date: "Alkupäivämäärä" + end_date: "Loppupäivämäärä" commits: latest_changes: "Viimeisimmät muutokset: päivitä usein!" by: "käyttäjältä" @@ -1469,11 +1517,19 @@ fi: title: "Palauta tietokanta edelliseen toimivaan tilaan" confirm: "Oletko varma, että haluat palauttaa tietokannan edelliseen toimivaan tilaan?" export_csv: + users: + title: "Vie lista käyttäjistä CSV-formaatissa." + screened_ips: + title: "Vie koko lista seulotuista IP-osoitteista CSV-formaatissa." + success: "Vienti on käynnissä, saat pian ilmoituksen sen edistymisestä." failed: "Vienti epäonnistui. Tarkista loki-tiedostot." + button_text: "Vie" customize: title: "Mukauta" long_title: "Sivuston mukautukset" + css: "CSS" header: "Header" + footer: "Footer" override_default: "Älä sisällytä oletus-tyylitiedostoa" enabled: "Otettu käyttöön?" preview: "esikatselu" @@ -1543,6 +1599,7 @@ fi: settings: "Asetukset" all: "Kaikki" sending_test: "Lähetetään testisähköpostia..." + error: "VIRHE - %{server_error}" test_error: "Testisähköpostin lähettäminen ei onnistunut. Tarkista uudelleen sähköpostiasetukset, varmista, että palveluntarjoajasi ei estä sähköpostiyhteyksiä ja kokeile sitten uudestaan." sent: "Lähetetty" skipped: "Jätetty väliin" @@ -1556,6 +1613,7 @@ fi: sent_test: "lähetetty!" delivery_method: "Lähetystapa" preview_digest: "Esikatsele tiivistelmä" + preview_digest_desc: "Esikatsele palstan viikoittaisten sähköpostitiivistelmien sisältöä." refresh: "Päivitä" format: "Muotoilu" html: "html" @@ -1617,6 +1675,7 @@ fi: check_email: "tarkista sähköposti" delete_topic: "poista ketju" delete_post: "poista viesti" + impersonate: "esiinny käyttäjänä" screened_emails: title: "Seulottavat sähköpostiosoitteet" description: "Uuden käyttäjätunnuksen luonnin yhteydessä annettua sähköpostiosoitetta verrataan alla olevaan listaan ja tarvittaessa tunnuksen luonti joko estetään tai suoritetaan muita toimenpiteitä." @@ -1651,10 +1710,12 @@ fi: last_emailed: "Viimeksi lähetetty sähköpostia" not_found: "Pahoittelut, tuota käyttäjänimeä ei löydy järjestelmästä." active: "Aktiivinen" + show_emails: "Näytä sähköpostit" nav: new: "Uudet" active: "Aktiiviset" pending: "Odottaa" + staff: 'Henkilökunta' suspended: 'Hyllytetyt' blocked: 'Estetyt' approved: "Hyväksytty?" @@ -1673,6 +1734,7 @@ fi: regular: 'Käyttäjät luottamustasolla 2 (Konkari)' leader: 'Käyttäjät luottamustasolla 3 (Mestari)' elder: 'Käyttäjät luottamustasolla 4 (Johtaja)' + staff: "Henkilökunta" admins: 'Ylläpitäjät' moderators: 'Valvojat' blocked: 'Estetyt käyttäjät' @@ -1958,6 +2020,7 @@ fi: actions: title: 'Toiminnot' star: 'f Merkitse ketju tähdellä' + pin_unpin_topic: 'shift p Kiinnitä ketju/poista kiinnitys' share_topic: 'shift s Jaa ketju' share_post: 's Jaa viesti' reply_as_new_topic: 't Aloita uusi yhdistetty ketju' diff --git a/config/locales/client.fr.yml b/config/locales/client.fr.yml index 25441ab04..8b2c18df0 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.fr.yml @@ -247,6 +247,7 @@ fr: organisation: Société phone: Téléphone other_accounts: "Autres comptes avec cette adresse IP :" + delete_other_accounts: "Supprimer %{count}" username: "nom d'utilisateur" trust_level: "NC" read_time: "temps de lecture" @@ -259,6 +260,7 @@ fr: mute: "Silencieux" edit: "Modifier les préférences" download_archive: "télécharger une archive de mes messages" + new_private_message: "Nouveau Message Privé" private_message: "Message privé" private_messages: "Messages privés" activity_stream: "Activité" @@ -347,7 +349,10 @@ fr: ok: "On vous envoie un mail pour confirmer" invalid: "Merci d'entrer une adresse email valide" authenticated: "Votre adresse email a été authentifiée par {{provider}}" - frequency: "Nous vous envoyons des courriels contenant uniquement des informations que vous n'avez pas déjà vues lors d'une précédente connexion." + frequency: + zero: "Nous vous enverrons des courriels seulement si vous n'avez pas lu le contenu pour lequel nous envoyons un courriel." + one: "Nous vous enverrons des courriels seulement si nous ne vous avons pas vu sur le site dans la dernière minute et que vous n'avez pas lu le contenu pour lequel nous envoyons un courriel." + other: "Nous vous enverrons des courriels seulement si nous ne vous avons pas vu sur le site dans les dernières {{count}} minutes et que vous n'avez pas lu le contenu pour lequel nous envoyons un courriel." name: title: "Nom" instructions: "Votre nom complet (facultatif)" @@ -595,7 +600,7 @@ fr: reply_here: "Répondre ici" reply: "Répondre" cancel: "Annuler" - create_topic: "Nouvelle discussion" + create_topic: "Créer votre sujet" create_pm: "Message privé" title: "ou appuyez sur Ctrl+Entrée" users_placeholder: "Ajouter un utilisateur" @@ -637,7 +642,7 @@ fr: toggler: "Afficher ou cacher le composer" admin_options_title: "Paramètres optionnels pour ce sujet" auto_close: - label: "Heure de fermeture automatique de cette discussion:" + label: "Heure de fermeture automatique de ce sujet :" error: "Merci d'entrer une valeur valide." based_on_last_post: "Ne pas fermer tant que le dernier message dans ce sujet n'est pas plus ancien que çà." all: @@ -741,7 +746,7 @@ fr: top: "Il n'y a plus de meilleurs sujets." topic: filter_to: "{{post_count}} messages sur ce sujet" - create: 'Nouvelle discussion' + create: 'Créer votre sujet' create_long: 'Créer un nouveau sujet' private_message: 'Commencer un message privé' list: 'Sujets' @@ -1521,7 +1526,13 @@ fr: title: "Restaurer (RollBack) la base de données à l'état de travail précédent" confirm: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir restaurer (rollback) la base de données à l'état de fonctionnement précédent?" export_csv: + users: + title: "Exporter la liste des utilisateurs dans un fichier CSV." + screened_ips: + title: "Exporter la liste complète des adresses IP sous surveillance dans un fichier CSV." + success: "L'export a commencé, vous serez notifié prochainement de sa progression." failed: "L'export a échoué. Veuillez consulter les logs." + button_text: "Exporter" customize: title: "Personnaliser" long_title: "Personnalisation du site" @@ -1689,6 +1700,9 @@ fr: title: "IP Suivies" description: 'Adresses IP qui sont surveillés. Utiliser "Autoriser" pour ajouter les adresses IP à la liste blanche.' delete_confirm: "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer la règle pour %{ip_address} ?" + roll_up_confirm: "Êtes-vous certain de vouloir consolider la liste des interdictions ?" + rolled_up_some_subnets: "Consolidation réussie des adresses IP interdites sous cette forme de plages de sous réseaux: %{subnets}." + rolled_up_no_subnet: "Aucune consolidation possible." actions: block: "Bloquer" do_nothing: "Autoriser" @@ -1697,6 +1711,9 @@ fr: label: "Nouveau :" ip_address: "Adresse IP" add: "Ajouter" + roll_up: + text: "Consolider" + title: "Créer de nouvelles plages de sous réseaux à bannir s'il y a au moins 'min_ban_entries_for_roll_up' entrées." logster: title: "Logs d'erreurs" impersonate: @@ -1707,14 +1724,17 @@ fr: create: 'Ajouter un administateur' last_emailed: "Derniers contacts" not_found: "Désolé ce pseudo n'existe pas dans notre système." + id_not_found: "Désolé cet identifiant d'utilisateur n'existe pas dans notre système." active: "Actifs" show_emails: "Afficher les adresses de courriels" nav: new: "Nouveaux" active: "Actifs" pending: "En attente" + staff: 'Membres de l''équipe' suspended: 'Suspendus' blocked: 'Bloqués' + suspect: 'Suspect' approved: "Approuvé ?" approved_selected: one: "Approuver l'utilisateur" @@ -1731,10 +1751,12 @@ fr: regular: 'Utilisateurs de niveau 2 (Membre)' leader: 'Utilisateurs de niveau 3 (Régulier)' elder: 'Utilisateurs de niveau 4 (Meneur)' + staff: "Membres de l'équipe" admins: 'Administrateurs' moderators: 'Modérateurs' blocked: 'Utilisateurs bloqués' suspended: 'Utilisateurs suspendus' + suspect: 'Utilisateurs suspects' reject_successful: one: "Utilisateur rejeté avec succès." other: "%{count} utilisateurs rejetés avec succès." diff --git a/config/locales/client.he.yml b/config/locales/client.he.yml index 1a96734de..f67b69fc3 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.he.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.he.yml @@ -347,7 +347,6 @@ he: ok: "נשלח לך דואר אלקטרוני לאישור" invalid: "בבקשה הכנס כתובת דואר אלקטרוני חוקית" authenticated: "כתובת הדואר האלקטרוני שלך אושרה על ידי {{provider}}" - frequency: "נשלח לך דואר אלקטרוני רק אם לא ראינו אותך לאחרונה ועדיין לא ראית את מה שאנחנו רוצים לשלוח" name: title: "שם" instructions: "שמך המלא (רשות)" diff --git a/config/locales/client.it.yml b/config/locales/client.it.yml index b27f036e0..bc2d5f6d6 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.it.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.it.yml @@ -247,8 +247,13 @@ it: organisation: Organizzazione phone: Telefono other_accounts: "Altri account con questo indirizzo IP:" + delete_other_accounts: "Cancella %{count}" username: "nome utente" trust_level: "TL" + read_time: "durata lettura" + topics_entered: "argomenti creati" + post_count: "n° messaggi" + confirm_delete_other_accounts: "Sicuro di voler cancellare questi account?" user: said: "{{username}}:" profile: "Profilo" @@ -339,17 +344,28 @@ it: instructions: "Le immagini di sfondo saranno centrate e per difetto avranno un'ampiezza di 590px." email: title: "Email" - frequency: "Ti invieremo mail solo se è un po' che non ti si vede; le email riguarderanno solo le conversazioni che non hai letto." + instructions: "Mai mostrato pubblicamente" + ok: "Ti invieremo una email di conferma" + invalid: "Inserisci un indirizzo email valido" + authenticated: "{{provider}} ha autenticato la tua email" name: title: "Nome" + instructions: "Nome completo (facoltativo)" + too_short: "Il nome è troppo breve" + ok: "Il nome sembra adeguato" username: title: "Nome utente" - available: "Il tuo nome utente è disponibile" + instructions: "Deve essere univoco, senza spazi e breve" + short_instructions: "Gli utenti possono citarti scrivendo @{{username}}" + available: "Il nome utente è disponibile" + global_match: "L'email corrisponde al nome utente registrato" global_mismatch: "Già registrato. Prova {{suggestion}}?" not_available: "Non disponibile. Prova {{suggestion}}?" - too_short: "Il tuo nome utente è troppo corto" - too_long: "Il tuo nome utente è troppo lungo" + too_short: "Il nome utente è troppo corto" + too_long: "Il nome utente è troppo lungo" checking: "Controllo la disponibilità del nome utente..." + enter_email: 'Nome utente trovato; inserisci l''email corrispondente' + prefilled: "L'email corrisponde al nome utente registrato" locale: title: "Lingua dell'interfaccia" instructions: "Lingua dell'interfaccia utente. Cambierà quando aggiornerai la pagina." @@ -464,6 +480,7 @@ it: fixed: "Carica Pagina" close: "Chiudi" assets_changed_confirm: "Questo sito è stato aggiornato. Aggiornare ora alla nuova versione?" + logout: "Ti sei disconnesso." refresh: "Ricarica" read_only_mode: enabled: "Un amministratore ha attivato la modalità di sola lettura. Puoi continuare a navigare nel sito ma le interazioni potrebbero non funzionare." @@ -1167,6 +1184,7 @@ it: description: "Non ti verrà notificato nulla sui nuovi argomenti di queste categorie, e non compariranno nella tua tab dei non letti." flagging: title: 'Grazie per aiutarci a mantenere la nostra comunità civile!' + private_reminder: 'le segnalazioni sono private, visibili soltanto allo staff ' action: 'Segnala Messaggio' take_action: "Procedi" notify_action: 'Messaggio privato' @@ -1182,6 +1200,8 @@ it: off_topic: "E' fuori tema" inappropriate: "È inappropriato" spam: "E' Spam" + custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Sii dettagliato, costruttivo e sempre gentile." + custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "Facci sapere esattamente cosa ti preoccupa, fornendo collegamenti pertinenti ed esempi ove possibile." custom_message: at_least: "inserisci almeno {{n}} caratteri" more: "{{n}} alla fine..." @@ -1326,7 +1346,7 @@ it: stale_data: "Non è stato effettuato un controllo recente sugli aggiornamenti. Assicurati che sidekiq sia attivo." version_check_pending: "Sembra che tu abbia aggiornato di recente. Ottimo!" installed_version: "Installata" - latest_version: "Ultimi" + latest_version: "Ultima" problems_found: "Si sono verificati dei problemi con la tua installazione di Discourse:" last_checked: "Ultimo controllo" refresh_problems: "Aggiorna" @@ -1497,7 +1517,13 @@ it: title: "Ripristina il database a una versione funzionante precedente" confirm: "Sicuro di voler ripristinare una precedente versione funzionante del database?" export_csv: + users: + title: "Esporta l'intero elenco utenti in formato CSV." + screened_ips: + title: "Esposta l'elenco completo di indirizzi IP schermati in formato CSV." + success: "L'esportazione è stata avviata, ti verrà a breve notificato il progresso del processo." failed: "Esportazione fallita. Controlla i log." + button_text: "Esporta" customize: title: "Personalizza" long_title: "Personalizzazioni Sito" @@ -1573,6 +1599,7 @@ it: settings: "Impostazioni" all: "Tutto" sending_test: "Invio email di prova in corso..." + error: "ERRORE - %{server_error}" test_error: "C'è stato un problema nell'invio dell'email di test. Controlla nuovamente le impostazioni email, verifica che il tuo host non blocchi le connessioni email e riprova." sent: "Inviato" skipped: "Omesso" @@ -1586,6 +1613,7 @@ it: sent_test: "inviata!" delivery_method: "Metodo di consegna" preview_digest: "Anteprima Riassunto" + preview_digest_desc: "Vedi in anteprima il contenuto delle email di riassunto inviate agli utenti inattivi." refresh: "Aggiorna" format: "Formato" html: "html" @@ -1647,6 +1675,7 @@ it: check_email: "controlla email" delete_topic: "cancella argomento" delete_post: "cancella messaggio" + impersonate: "impersona" screened_emails: title: "Email Scansionate" description: "Quando qualcuno cerca di creare un nuovo account, verrando controllati i seguenti indirizzi email e la registrazione viene bloccata, o eseguita qualche altra azione." @@ -1662,6 +1691,9 @@ it: title: "IP scansionati" description: 'Gli indirizzi IP che sono sotto controllo. Usa "Permetti" per inserirli nella lista bianca.' delete_confirm: "Davvero vuoi rimuovere la regola per %{ip_address}?" + roll_up_confirm: "Sicuro di voler sintetizzare l'elenco di indirizzi IP interdetti?" + rolled_up_some_subnets: "L'elenco di indirizzi IP interdetti sono stati sintetizzati con successo: %{subnets}." + rolled_up_no_subnet: "Non c'era nulla da sintetizzare." actions: block: "Blocca" do_nothing: "Permetti" @@ -1670,6 +1702,9 @@ it: label: "Nuovo:" ip_address: "Indirizzo IP" add: "Aggiungi" + roll_up: + text: "Sintetizza" + title: "Crea nuovi elenchi di indirizzi IP interdetti se ci sono almeno 'min_ban_entries_for_roll_up' elementi." logster: title: "Log Errori" impersonate: @@ -1686,8 +1721,10 @@ it: new: "Nuovi" active: "Attivi" pending: "In attesa" + staff: 'Staff' suspended: 'Sospesi' blocked: 'Bloccati' + suspect: 'Sospetti' approved: "Approvato?" approved_selected: one: "approva l'utente" @@ -1704,10 +1741,12 @@ it: regular: 'Utenti al Livello Esperienza 2 (Assiduo)' leader: 'Utenti al Livello Esperienza 3 (Esperto)' elder: 'Utenti al Livello Esperienza 4 (Veterano)' + staff: "Staff" admins: 'Utenti Amministratori' moderators: 'Moderatori' blocked: 'Utenti Bloccati' suspended: 'Utenti Sospesi' + suspect: 'Utenti Sospetti' reject_successful: one: "1 utente rifiutato." other: "%{count} utenti rifiutati." @@ -1864,7 +1903,7 @@ it: none: "Scegli un tipo di contenuto per iniziare la modifica." title: 'Contenuto Testuale' site_settings: - show_overriden: 'Mostra solo i sovrascritti' + show_overriden: 'Mostra solo le opzioni sovrascritte' title: 'Impostazioni' reset: 'reimposta' none: 'nessuno' @@ -1989,6 +2028,7 @@ it: actions: title: 'Azioni' star: 'f Aggiungi l''argomento ai preferiti' + pin_unpin_topic: 'shift p Appunta/Spunta argomento' share_topic: 'shift s Condividi argomento' share_post: 's Condividi messaggio' reply_as_new_topic: 't Rispondi con argomento collegato' diff --git a/config/locales/client.ja.yml b/config/locales/client.ja.yml index 291293ae3..483a74cf6 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.ja.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.ja.yml @@ -301,7 +301,6 @@ ja: title: "プロフィール背景" email: title: "メールアドレス" - frequency: "メールは、あなたがしばらくの間サイトにログインせず未読トピックが溜まった時のみ送信されます。" name: title: "名前" username: diff --git a/config/locales/client.ko.yml b/config/locales/client.ko.yml index 05aad45cc..4f24bdf4c 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.ko.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.ko.yml @@ -191,8 +191,8 @@ ko: '2': "받은 '좋아요'" '3': "북마크" '4': "토픽" - '5': "게시글" - '6': "답글" + '5': "작성한 답글" + '6': "받은 답글" '7': "언급" '9': "인용" '10': "즐겨찾기" @@ -224,6 +224,12 @@ ko: organisation: 소속 phone: 전화 other_accounts: "현재 IP주소의 다른 계정들:" + delete_other_accounts: "삭제 %{count}" + username: "아이디" + trust_level: "TL" + read_time: "읽은 시간" + post_count: "포스트 개수" + confirm_delete_other_accounts: "정말 이 계정들을 삭제하시겠습니까?" user: said: "{{username}}:" profile: "프로필" @@ -314,14 +320,27 @@ ko: instructions: "배경 이미지는 가운데를 기준으로 표시되며 590px이 기본 가로 사이즈 입니다." email: title: "이메일" - frequency: "당신의 활동이 뜸해지거나 저희가 보낸 이메일에 포함된 글들을 읽지 못하셨다면 확인 이메일을 보내드립니다." + instructions: "절대로 공개되지 않습니다." + ok: "당신에게 확인 메일을 보내겠습니다." + invalid: "유효한 이메일 주소를 입력해주세요." + authenticated: "당신의 이메일은 {{provider}}에 의해 인증되었습니다." name: title: "이름" + instructions: "이름을 적어주세요. (선택사항)" + too_short: "이름이 너무 짧습니다." + ok: "사용 가능한 이름입니다." username: title: "아이디" + instructions: "중복될 수 없으며 띄어쓰기 사용이 불가합니다. 짧을 수록 좋아요." + short_instructions: "@{{username}}으로 언급이 가능합니다." + available: "아이디\x1D로 사용가능합니다." global_mismatch: "이미 등록된 아이디입니다. 다시 시도해보세요. {{suggestion}}" not_available: "사용할 수 없는 아이디입니다. 다시 시도해보세요. {{suggestion}}" + too_short: "아이디가 너무 짧습니다" + too_long: "아이디가 너무 깁니다." checking: "사용가능한지 확인 중..." + enter_email: '아이디를 찾았습니다. 일치하는 이메일을 입력해주세요.' + prefilled: "이메일이 등록된 아이디와 연결되어 있습니다." locale: title: "인터페이스 언어" instructions: "UI 언어. 변경 후 새로 고침하면 반영됩니다." @@ -432,6 +451,8 @@ ko: fixed: "페이지 열기" close: "닫기" assets_changed_confirm: "사이트가 업데이트 되었습니다. 새로고침하시겠습니까?" + logout: "로그아웃 되었습니다." + refresh: "새로고침" read_only_mode: enabled: "관리자가 일기 전용모드를 활성화 하였습니다. 컨텐츠를 읽을 수는 있지만 활동할 수는 없습니다." login_disabled: "사이트가 읽기 전용모드로 되면서 로그인은 비활성화되었습니다." @@ -1427,7 +1448,13 @@ ko: title: "데이터베이스를 이전 workiong state로 되돌리기" confirm: "정말로 이전 작업 상태로 데이터베이스를 롤백하시겠습니까?" export_csv: + users: + title: "CSV 파일로 사용자 목록 내보내기" + screened_ips: + title: "CVS 파일로 차단한 IPs 목록 내보내기" + success: "내보내기가 시작되었습니다. 곧 진행사항을 알려드릴께요." failed: "내보내기가 실패했습니다. 로그를 확인해주세요" + button_text: "내보니기" customize: title: "사용자 지정" long_title: "사이트 사용자 지정" @@ -1503,6 +1530,7 @@ ko: settings: "설정" all: "전체" sending_test: "테스트 메일 발송중..." + error: "에러 - %{server_error}" test_error: "테스트 메일을 전송하는데 문제가 있습니다. 메일 설정을 다시한번 체크해보고 메일 전송이 정상인지 다시 확인하고 시도해주세요." sent: "보낸 메일" skipped: "생략" @@ -1618,6 +1646,7 @@ ko: new: "새로운 사용자" active: "활성화 사용자" pending: "보류된 사용자" + staff: '스태프' suspended: '접근 금지 사용자' blocked: '블락된 사용자' approved: "승인?" @@ -1634,6 +1663,7 @@ ko: regular: '사용자 신뢰도 2 (회원)' leader: '사용자 신뢰도 3 (정규)' elder: '사용자 신뢰도 4 (지도자)' + staff: "스태프" admins: '관리자 사용자 목록' moderators: '운영자' blocked: '블락된 사용자들' diff --git a/config/locales/client.nb_NO.yml b/config/locales/client.nb_NO.yml index 574aa88ac..b2f14df56 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.nb_NO.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.nb_NO.yml @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ nb_NO: other: "%{count} dager siden" share: topic: 'del en lenke til dette emnet' - post: 'del en lenke til dette innlegget' + post: 'del en lenke til innlegg #%{postNumber}' close: 'lukk' twitter: 'del denne lenken på Twitter' facebook: 'del denne lenken på Facebook' @@ -247,15 +247,20 @@ nb_NO: organisation: Organisasjon phone: Telefon other_accounts: "Andre kontoer med denne IP-adressen:" + delete_other_accounts: "Slett %{count}" username: "brukernavn" + trust_level: "TN" read_time: "lesetid" + topics_entered: "emner laget" post_count: "# innlegg" + confirm_delete_other_accounts: "Er du sikker på at du vil slette disse kontoene?" user: said: "{{username}}:" profile: "Profil" mute: "Demp" edit: "Rediger innstillinger" download_archive: "last ned arkiv av mine innlegg" + new_private_message: "Ny Privat Melding" private_message: "Privat melding" private_messages: "Meldinger" activity_stream: "Aktivitet" @@ -340,8 +345,14 @@ nb_NO: instructions: "Bakgrunnsbilder vil bli sentrert og ha en standard bredde på 590px." email: title: "E-post" + instructions: "Aldri vist i offentlighet" ok: "Vi sender deg en email for å bekrefte" - frequency: "Vi sender deg bare en e-post om vi ikke har sett deg nylig og du ikke allerede har sett det vi varsler deg om." + invalid: "Vennligst gi en gyldig email-addresse" + authenticated: "Din email har blitt autentisert av {{provider}}" + frequency: + zero: "Vi sender deg straks en email hvis du ikke har lest tingen vi sendte deg en email om." + one: "Vi sender deg bare en email hvis vi ikke har sett deg i det siste minuttet og du har ikke lest tingen vi sender deg en email om." + other: "Vi sender deg bare en email om vi ikke har sett deg i de siste {{count}} minuttene og du har ikke lest tingen vi sender deg en email om." name: title: "Navn" instructions: "Ditt fulle navn (valgfritt)" @@ -352,11 +363,14 @@ nb_NO: instructions: "Unikt, kort og uten mellomrom." short_instructions: "Folk kan nevne deg som @{{username}}." available: "Ditt brukernavn er tilgjengelig." + global_match: "Email stemmer med det registrerte brukernavnet" global_mismatch: "Allerede registrert. Prøv {{suggestion}}?" not_available: "Ikke tilgjengelig. Prøv {{suggestion}}?" too_short: "Ditt brukernavn er for kort." too_long: "Ditt brukernavn er for langt." checking: "Sjekker brukernavnets tilgjengelighet..." + enter_email: 'Brukernavn funnet; oppgi samsvarende email' + prefilled: "Email stemmer med dette registrerte brukernavnet" locale: title: "Språk for grensesnitt" instructions: "Språk for grensesnitt. Endringen vil tre i kraft når du oppdaterer siden." @@ -471,6 +485,7 @@ nb_NO: fixed: "Last side" close: "Lukk" assets_changed_confirm: "Dette nettstedet ble nettopp oppdatert. Oppdater nå for nyeste versjon?" + logout: "De ble logget ut." refresh: "Refresh" read_only_mode: enabled: "En administrator har aktivert skrivebeskyttet modus. Du kan fortsette å benytte siden, men enkelte operasjoner vil kanskje ikke fungere." @@ -660,6 +675,7 @@ nb_NO: remote_tip: "link til bilde" remote_tip_with_attachments: "link til bilde eller fil ({{authorized_extensions}})" local_tip: "klikk for å velge et bilde fra din enhet." + local_tip_with_attachments: "klikk for å velge et bilde eller en fil fra din enhet ({{authorized_extensions}})" hint: "(du kan også drag & drop inn i editoren for å laste dem opp)" hint_for_supported_browsers: "(du kan også drag og drop eller lime inn bilder inn i editoren for å laste dem opp)" uploading: "Laster opp bilde" @@ -1172,6 +1188,8 @@ nb_NO: title: "Dempet" description: "Du vil ikke bli varslet om noe vedrørende disse emnene i disse kategoriene og de vil ikke vises i din ulest-liste." flagging: + title: 'Takk for at du hjelper å holde forumet ryddig!' + private_reminder: 'flagg er private, bare synlige for staben' action: 'Rapporter innlegg' take_action: "Ta Handling" notify_action: 'Privat melding' @@ -1188,11 +1206,13 @@ nb_NO: inappropriate: "Det er upassende" spam: "Det er reklame" custom_placeholder_notify_user: "Vær spesifikk, konstruktiv og snill." + custom_placeholder_notify_moderators: "La oss vite nøyaktig hva problemet er, og del relevante lenker og eksempler hvorvidt det er mulig." custom_message: at_least: "skriv minst {{n}} bokstaver" more: "{{n}} igjen..." left: "{{n}} gjenstående" flagging_topic: + title: "Takk for at du hjelper med å vedlikeholde god skikk i samfundet vårt!" action: "Rapporter emne" notify_action: "Privat melding" topic_map: @@ -1243,6 +1263,7 @@ nb_NO: history: "Historie" changed_by: "av {{author}}" raw_email: + title: "Rå Email" not_available: "Ikke tilgjengelig!" categories_list: "Kategoriliste" filters: @@ -1350,6 +1371,9 @@ nb_NO: 7_days_ago: "7 Dager Siden" 30_days_ago: "30 Dager Siden" all: "Alle" + view_table: "tabell" + view_chart: "stolpediagram" + refresh_report: "Refresh Rapport" start_date: "Startdato" end_date: "Sluttdato" commits: @@ -1498,7 +1522,13 @@ nb_NO: title: "Gjenopprett databasen til en tidligere fungerende tilstand" confirm: "Er du sikker på at du vil gjenopprette databasen til en tidligere fungerende tilstand?" export_csv: + users: + title: "Eksporter komplett brukerliste i CSV format." + screened_ips: + title: "Eksporter komplett liste over filtrerte IP-addresser i CSV format." + success: "Eksport igangsatt; du vil motta en prosessrapport om kort tid." failed: "Eksporteringen feilet. Venligst undersøk loggene." + button_text: "Eksporter" customize: title: "Tilpasse" long_title: "Nettstedstilpasninger" @@ -1574,6 +1604,7 @@ nb_NO: settings: "Instillinger" all: "Alle" sending_test: "Sender e-post for testing" + error: "ERROR - %{server_error}" test_error: "Det oppsto et problem ved utsendelse av e-post for testing. Sjekk e-postinnstillinger nøye, sjekk at verten ikke blokkerer e-posttilkoblinger, og prøv igjen." sent: "Sendt" skipped: "Hoppet over" @@ -1649,6 +1680,7 @@ nb_NO: check_email: "sjekk e-post" delete_topic: "slett emne" delete_post: "slett innlegg" + impersonate: "overta brukerkonto" screened_emails: title: "Kontrollerte Emails" description: "Når noen forsøker å lage en ny konto, vil de følgende e-postadressene bli sjekket, og registreringen vil bli blokkert, eller en annen handling vil bli utført." @@ -1664,6 +1696,9 @@ nb_NO: title: "Kontrollerte IPs" description: 'IP-adresser som blir fulgt. Benytt "Tillat" for å hvitliste IP-adresser.' delete_confirm: "Er du sikker på at du vil fjerne regelen for %{ip_address}?" + roll_up_confirm: "Er du sikker på at du vil så sammen ban-oppføringer?" + rolled_up_some_subnets: "Fullførte sammenslåingen av blokkerte IP-addresser til disse subnettene: %{subnets}." + rolled_up_no_subnet: "Det var ingenting å slå sammen." actions: block: "Blokker" do_nothing: "Tillat" @@ -1672,6 +1707,9 @@ nb_NO: label: "Ny:" ip_address: "IP-adresse" add: "Legg til" + roll_up: + text: "Slå sammen." + title: "Lager nye blokkeringsoppføringer for subnett hvis det er minst 'min_ban_entries_for_roll_up' oppføringer." logster: title: "Feillogg" impersonate: @@ -1682,14 +1720,17 @@ nb_NO: create: 'Legg til Admin Bruker' last_emailed: "Sist kontaktet" not_found: "Beklager, det brukernavner eksisterer ikke i systemet vårt." + id_not_found: "Beklager, denne brukerID eksisterer ikke i vårt system." active: "Aktiv" show_emails: "Vis email" nav: new: "Ny" active: "Aktiv" pending: "Ventende" + staff: 'Stab' suspended: 'Bannlyst' blocked: 'Blokkert' + suspect: 'Mistenkt' approved: "Godkjent?" approved_selected: one: "godkjenn bruker" @@ -1706,10 +1747,12 @@ nb_NO: regular: 'Brukere med tillitsnivå 2 (Medlem)' leader: 'Brukere med tillitsnivå 3 (Aktivt medlem)' elder: 'Brukere med tillitsnivå 4 (Leder)' + staff: "Stab" admins: 'Admins' moderators: 'Moderatorer' blocked: 'Blokkerte brukere' suspended: 'Bannlyste brukere' + suspect: 'Mistenkte Brukere' reject_successful: one: "Avvist 1 bruker." other: "Avviste %{count} brukere." @@ -1924,6 +1967,7 @@ nb_NO: enabled: Aktiver merke icon: Ikon image: Bilde + icon_help: "Bruk enten en Font Awesome class eller URL for et bilde" query: Spørring for merke (SQL) target_posts: Spørring har innlegg som mål auto_revoke: Kjør tilbakedragningsspørring daglig diff --git a/config/locales/client.nl.yml b/config/locales/client.nl.yml index 9e0ccb090..6249345e9 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.nl.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.nl.yml @@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ nl: admin_title: "Beheer" flags_title: "Meldingen" show_more: "meer..." + show_help: "help" links: "Links" links_lowercase: "links" faq: "FAQ" @@ -138,6 +139,10 @@ nl: stat: all_time: "Sinds het begin" last_7_days: "Afgelopen 7 dagen" + like_count: "Likes" + topic_count: "Topics" + post_count: "Berichten" + user_count: "Gebruikers" bookmarks: not_logged_in: "sorry, je moet ingelogd zijn om berichten aan je favorieten toe te kunnen voegen" created: "je hebt dit bericht aan je favorieten toegevoegd" @@ -146,13 +151,13 @@ nl: remove: "Verwijder favoriet" topic_count_latest: one: "{{count}} nieuwe of aangepaste discussie." - other: "{{count}} nieuwe of aangepaste discussies." + other: "{{count}} nieuwe of bijgewerkte topics." topic_count_unread: one: "{{count}} ongelezen discussie." - other: "{{count}} ongelezen discussies." + other: "{{count}} ongelezen topics." topic_count_new: one: "{{count}} nieuwe discussie. " - other: "{{count}} nieuwe discussies." + other: "{{count}} nieuwe topics." click_to_show: "Klik om te bekijken." preview: "voorbeeld" cancel: "annuleer" @@ -241,12 +246,17 @@ nl: location_not_found: (onbekend) organisation: Organisatie phone: Telefoon + other_accounts: "Andere accounts met dit IP-adres" + username: "gebruikersnaam" + topics_entered: "topics ingevoerd" + confirm_delete_other_accounts: "Weet je zeker dat je deze accounts wil verwijderen?" user: said: "{{username}}:" profile: "Profiel" mute: "Negeer" edit: "Wijzig voorkeuren" download_archive: "download een archief van mijn berichten" + new_private_message: "Nieuw persoonlijk bericht" private_message: "Privébericht" private_messages: "Berichten" activity_stream: "Activiteit" @@ -256,7 +266,9 @@ nl: invited_by: "Uitgenodigd door" trust_level: "Trustlevel" notifications: "Notificaties" - disable_jump_reply: "Niet naar je nieuwe bericht gaan na reageren" + dismiss_notifications: "Markeer als gelezen" + dismiss_notifications_tooltip: "Markeer alle niet gelezen berichten als gelezen" + disable_jump_reply: "Niet na reageren naar je nieuwe bericht gaan" dynamic_favicon: "Laat notificatie voor nieuw bericht zien in favicon (experiment)" edit_history_public: "Laat andere gebruikers mijn aanpassingen aan dit bericht zien." external_links_in_new_tab: "Open alle externe links in een nieuw tabblad" @@ -268,18 +280,19 @@ nl: admin_tooltip: "Deze gebruiker is een admin" suspended_notice: "Deze gebruiker is geschorst tot {{date}}." suspended_reason: "Reden: " - mailing_list_mode: "Ontvang een mail als er een nieuw bericht op het forum geplaatst is (tenzij je het topic of de betreffende categorie op stil zet)" + mailing_list_mode: "Ontvang een e-mail bij elk nieuwe bericht (tenzij je het topic of de categorie op stil zet)" watched_categories: "In de gaten gehouden" - watched_categories_instructions: "Je krijgt bericht van alle nieuwe berichten en topics in deze categoriën, daarnaast zal het aantal ongelezen en nieuwe berichten naast de topiclijst verschijnen." + watched_categories_instructions: "Je zal automatisch alle nieuwe topics in deze categorieën bekijken. Je ontvangt een notificatie van alle nieuwe berichten en topics. Daarnaast zal het aantal ongelezen en nieuwe berichten naast de topiclijst verschijnen." tracked_categories: "Gevolgd" - tracked_categories_instructions: "Het aantal ongelezen en nieuwe berichten in deze categoriën zal naast de topiclijst verschijnen" + tracked_categories_instructions: "Je zal automatisch alle nieuwe topics in deze categorieën volgen. Het aantal ongelezen en nieuwe berichten zal naast de topiclijst verschijnen." muted_categories: "Genegeerd" - muted_categories_instructions: "Je zal geen notificaties krijgen over nieuwe topics en berichten in deze categoriën" + muted_categories_instructions: "Je zal geen notificaties krijgen over nieuwe topics en berichten in deze categoriën en ze verschijnen niet op je ongelezen overzicht." delete_account: "Verwijder mijn account" delete_account_confirm: "Weet je zeker dat je je account definitief wil verwijderen? Dit kan niet meer ongedaan gemaakt worden!" deleted_yourself: "Je account is verwijderd." delete_yourself_not_allowed: "Je kan je account nu niet verwijderen. Neem contact op met een admin om je account te laten verwijderen." unread_message_count: "Berichten" + admin_delete: "Verwijder" staff_counters: flags_given: "behulpzame markeringen" flagged_posts: "gemarkeerde berichten" @@ -313,7 +326,7 @@ nl: title: "Wijzig je avatar" gravatar: "Gravatar, gebaseerd op" refresh_gravatar_title: "Laad je Gravatar opnieuw" - letter_based: "Automatisch aangemaakte avatar" + letter_based: "Automatisch toegewezen avatar" uploaded_avatar: "Eigen afbeelding" uploaded_avatar_empty: "Voeg een eigen afbeelding toe" upload_title: "Upload je afbeelding" @@ -323,7 +336,6 @@ nl: title: "Profielachtergrond" email: title: "E-mail" - frequency: "We zullen je alleen maar mailen als we je een tijd niet gezien hebben, en als je toevallig hetgeen waarover we je mailen nog niet hebt gezien op onze site." name: title: "Naam" username: @@ -333,7 +345,7 @@ nl: checking: "Kijken of gebruikersnaam beschikbaar is..." locale: title: "Interfacetaal" - instructions: "De taal van de foruminterface. Deze verandert als je de pagina herlaadt" + instructions: "De taal waarin het forum wordt getoond. Deze verandert als je de pagina herlaadt." default: "(standaard)" password_confirmation: title: "Nogmaals het wachtwoord" @@ -677,6 +689,7 @@ nl: top: "Er zijn geen top-topics meer." topic: filter_to: "{{post_count}} berichten in topic" + create: 'Nieuw topic' create_long: 'Maak een nieuw topic' private_message: 'Stuur een privébericht' list: 'Topics' @@ -823,6 +836,7 @@ nl: n_posts: one: "één bericht" other: "{{count}} berichten" + cancel: "Verwijder filter" split_topic: title: "Verplaats naar nieuwe topic" action: "verplaats naar nieuwe topic" @@ -1053,6 +1067,7 @@ nl: general: 'Algemeen' settings: 'Instellingen' delete: 'Verwijder categorie' + create: 'Nieuwe categorie' save: 'Bewaar categorie' creation_error: Er ging bij het maken van de categorie iets mis. save_error: Er ging iets mis bij het opslaan van de categorie. @@ -1109,6 +1124,8 @@ nl: hidden_email_address: "(verborgen)" submit_tooltip: "Verstuur de privé markering" cant: "Sorry, je kan dit bericht momenteel niet melden." + formatted_name: + spam: "Dit is spam" custom_message: at_least: "Gebruik ten minste {{n}} tekens" more: "Nog {{n}} te gaan..." @@ -1160,6 +1177,8 @@ nl: category_title: "Categorie" history: "Geschiedenis" changed_by: "door {{author}}" + raw_email: + not_available: "Niet beschikbaar" categories_list: "Categorielijst" filters: with_topics: "%{filter} topics" @@ -1265,6 +1284,8 @@ nl: 7_days_ago: "7 Dagen geleden" 30_days_ago: "30 Dagen geleden" all: "Alle" + start_date: "Start datum" + end_date: "Eind datum" commits: latest_changes: "Laatste wijzigingen: update regelmatig!" by: "door" @@ -1410,10 +1431,12 @@ nl: confirm: "Weet je zeker dat je de database wil herstellen naar de laatste versie?" export_csv: failed: "Exporteren is mislukt. Controleer de logbestanden." + button_text: "Exporteren" customize: title: "Aanpassingen" long_title: "Aanpassingen aan de site" header: "Header" + footer: "Voettekst" override_default: "Sluit de standaard stylesheet uit" enabled: "Ingeschakeld?" preview: "voorbeeld" @@ -1475,6 +1498,8 @@ nl: love: name: 'liefde' description: "De like knop kleur." + wiki: + name: 'wiki' email: title: "E-mail" settings: "Instellingen" @@ -1593,6 +1618,7 @@ nl: pending: "Te beoordelen" suspended: 'Geschorst' blocked: 'Geblokt' + suspect: 'Verdacht' approved: "Goedgekeurd?" approved_selected: one: "accepteer lid" @@ -1752,6 +1778,7 @@ nl: disabled: "wijzigen niet mogelijk" field_types: text: 'Tekstveld' + confirm: 'Bevestiging' site_settings: show_overriden: 'Bekijk alleen bewerkte instellingen' title: 'Instellingen' @@ -1807,6 +1834,7 @@ nl: listable: Badge op de publieke badges pagina tonen enabled: Badge aanzetten icon: Icoon + image: Afbeelding trigger_type: none: "Dagelijks bijwerken" preview: diff --git a/config/locales/client.pl_PL.yml b/config/locales/client.pl_PL.yml index 3c392e5ea..48c60e9cd 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.pl_PL.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.pl_PL.yml @@ -270,6 +270,7 @@ pl_PL: organisation: Organizacja phone: Numer telefonu other_accounts: "Inne konta z tym adresem IP:" + delete_other_accounts: "Usuń %{count}" username: "nazwa użytkownika" trust_level: "TL" read_time: "czas czytania:" @@ -282,6 +283,7 @@ pl_PL: mute: "Wycisz" edit: "Edytuj ustawienia" download_archive: "pobierz archiwum moich wpisów" + new_private_message: "Nowa Prywatna Wiadomość" private_message: "Prywatna wiadomość" private_messages: "Wiadomości" activity_stream: "Aktywność" @@ -370,7 +372,6 @@ pl_PL: ok: "Otrzymasz potwierdzenie emailem" invalid: "Podaj poprawny adres email" authenticated: "Twój email został potwierdzony przez {{provider}}" - frequency: "Wyślemy do Ciebie email tylko jeżeli dawno Cię nie widzieliśmy i wyłącznie na temat rzeczy których jeszcze nie widziałeś." name: title: "Pełna nazwa" instructions: "Twoja pełna nazwa (opcjonalna)" @@ -1580,7 +1581,13 @@ pl_PL: title: "Wycofaj bazę danych do poprzedniego poprawnego stanu" confirm: "Czy na pewno chcesz przywrócić bazę danych do poprzedniego poprawnego stanu?" export_csv: + users: + title: "Eksportuj listę użytkowników do pliku CSV." + screened_ips: + title: "Eksportuj listę obserwowanych IP do pliku CSV." + success: "Rozpoczęto eksport, wkrótce otrzymasz powiadomienie z informacją o postępie." failed: "Eksport zakończył się niepowodzeniem. Sprawdź logi." + button_text: "Eksportuj" customize: title: "Wygląd" long_title: "Personalizacja strony" @@ -1748,6 +1755,9 @@ pl_PL: title: "Ekranowane adresy IP" description: 'Adres IP który teraz oglądasz. Użyj "Zezwól" aby dodać do białej listy adresów IP.' delete_confirm: "Czy na pewno chcesz usunąć regułę dla %{ip_address}?" + roll_up_confirm: "Czy na pewno chcesz zgrupować zbanowane pozycje?" + rolled_up_some_subnets: "Pomyślnie zwinięto ban IP dla podsieci: %{subnets}." + rolled_up_no_subnet: "Brak pozycji do zwinięcia." actions: block: "Zablokuj" do_nothing: "Zezwól" @@ -1756,6 +1766,9 @@ pl_PL: label: "Nowy:" ip_address: "Adres IP" add: "Dodaj" + roll_up: + text: "Zgrupuj" + title: "Tworzy nowy ban dla podsieci jeśli jest co najmniej 'min_ban_entries_for_roll_up' pozycji." logster: title: "Logi błędów" impersonate: @@ -1766,14 +1779,17 @@ pl_PL: create: 'Dodaj Administratora' last_emailed: "Ostatnio wysłano email" not_found: "Przepraszamu, taka nazwa użytkowanika nie istnieje w naszym systemie." + id_not_found: "Przepraszamy, ten identyfikator użytkownika nie istnieje w naszym systemie." active: "Aktywny" show_emails: "Pokaż emaile" nav: new: "Nowi" active: "Aktywni" pending: "Oczekujący" + staff: 'Zespół' suspended: 'Zawieszeni' blocked: 'Zablokowani' + suspect: 'Podejrzani' approved: "Zatwierdzam?" approved_selected: one: "zatwierdź użytkownika" @@ -1792,10 +1808,12 @@ pl_PL: regular: 'Użytkownicy na 2 poziomie zaufania (Zwyczajni)' leader: 'Użytkownicy na 3 poziomie zaufania (Regularni)' elder: 'Użytkownicy na 4 poziomie zaufania (Weterani)' + staff: "Zespół" admins: 'Administratorzy' moderators: 'Moderatoratorzy' blocked: 'Zablokowane konta' suspended: 'Zawieszone konta' + suspect: 'Podejrzani użytkownicy' reject_successful: one: "Odrzucenie 1 użytkownika(-czki) powiodło się." few: "Odrzucenie %{count} użytkowników powiodło się." diff --git a/config/locales/client.pt.yml b/config/locales/client.pt.yml index 1f73ac3de..062b4751c 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.pt.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.pt.yml @@ -320,7 +320,6 @@ pt: title: "Fundo de Perfil" email: title: "Email" - frequency: "Vamos enviar-lhe emails apenas quando não o virmos há algum tempo e não tiver visto as coisas que temos enviado." name: title: "Nome" username: diff --git a/config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml b/config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml index 44d138743..28434a262 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.pt_BR.yml @@ -347,7 +347,6 @@ pt_BR: ok: "Nós vamos pedir confirmação por email" invalid: "Insira um endereço de email" authenticated: "Seu email foi autenticado por {{provider}}" - frequency: "Vamos lhe enviar emails apenas quando não o virmos há algum tempo e você não tiver visto as coisas que temos enviado." name: title: "Nome" instructions: "Seu nome completo (opcional)" diff --git a/config/locales/client.ru.yml b/config/locales/client.ru.yml index 46a56b869..893c634d6 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.ru.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.ru.yml @@ -370,7 +370,6 @@ ru: ok: "Мы вышлем вам письмо для подтверждения" invalid: "Введите действующий адрес электронной почты" authenticated: "Ваш адрес электронной почты подтвержден {{provider}}" - frequency: "В случае вашего отсутствия на форуме вы будете получать уведомления, но только о новых сообщениях." name: title: "Имя" instructions: "Ваше полное имя (опционально)" @@ -1584,6 +1583,8 @@ ru: title: "Откатить базу данных к предыдущему рабочему состоянию" confirm: "Вы уверены, что хотите откатить базу данных к предыдущему рабочему состоянию?" export_csv: + users: + title: "Экспортировать список пользователей в CSV файл." failed: "Экспорт не удался. Пожалуйста, проверьте логи." customize: title: "Оформление" diff --git a/config/locales/client.sq.yml b/config/locales/client.sq.yml index 1f6e47af8..f3dba0167 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.sq.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.sq.yml @@ -336,7 +336,6 @@ sq: instructions: "Sfondi profilit do të vendoset në qendër dhe do të ketë një gjerësi prej 590px." email: title: "Email" - frequency: "We'll only email you if we haven't seen you recently and you haven't already seen the thing we're emailing you about." name: title: "Emri" username: diff --git a/config/locales/client.sv.yml b/config/locales/client.sv.yml index f7fe31527..38c7d35f8 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.sv.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.sv.yml @@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ sv: facebook: 'dela denna länk på Facebook' google+: 'dela denna länk på Google+' email: 'skicka denna länk i ett email' + topic_admin_menu: "ämne admin åtgärder" edit: 'redigera titel och kategori för denna tråd' not_implemented: "Denna funktion har inte implementerats än, vi beklagar!" no_value: "Nej" @@ -123,6 +124,7 @@ sv: daily: "dagligen" weekly: "veckovis" every_two_weeks: "varannan vecka" + max_of_count: "max av {{count}}" character_count: one: "{{count}} tecken" other: "{{count}} tecken" @@ -245,11 +247,20 @@ sv: organisation: Organisation phone: Telefon other_accounts: "Andra konton med samma IP-adress" + delete_other_accounts: "Ta bort %{count}" + username: "användarnamn" + trust_level: "TL" + read_time: "lästid" + topics_entered: "ämnen skapade" + post_count: "# inlägg" + confirm_delete_other_accounts: "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort dessa här konton?" user: + said: "{{användarnamn}}:" profile: "Profil" mute: "Dämpa" edit: "Redigera inställningar" download_archive: "ladda ned ett arkiv med mina inlägg" + new_private_message: "Nytt Privat Meddelande" private_message: "Privat meddelande" private_messages: "Meddelanden" activity_stream: "Aktivitet" @@ -334,7 +345,12 @@ sv: instructions: "Bakgrundsbilder kommer att vara centrerade och ha en standardbredd på 590 px." email: title: "E-post" - frequency: "Vi kommer bara maila dig om vi inte har sett dig nyligen och du inte redan sett det vi mailar dig om." + instructions: "Visas aldrig publikt" + ok: "Vi skickar e-post till dig för bekräftelse." + invalid: "Vänligen ange en giltig e-postadress." + authenticated: "Din e-postadress har blivit verifierad av {{provider}}" + frequency: + zero: "Vi kommer att skicka e-post till dig omedelbart om du inte har läst det som vi skickar e-post till dig om." name: title: "Namn" username: diff --git a/config/locales/client.uk.yml b/config/locales/client.uk.yml index 41b150491..2ccd65680 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.uk.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.uk.yml @@ -243,7 +243,6 @@ uk: title: "Фон Профіля" email: title: "Електронна пошта" - frequency: "Ми будемо надсилати Вам листи тільки якщо ми Вас останнім часом не бачили і Ви ще не бачили те, про що ми Вам пишемо." name: title: "Ім'я" username: diff --git a/config/locales/client.zh_CN.yml b/config/locales/client.zh_CN.yml index 8bff1bc08..7b6108ad1 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.zh_CN.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.zh_CN.yml @@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ zh_CN: organisation: 组织 phone: 电话 other_accounts: "其他使用该 IP 地址的账户:" + delete_other_accounts: "删除 %{count}" username: "用户名" trust_level: "信任等级" read_time: "阅读时间" @@ -236,6 +237,7 @@ zh_CN: mute: "防打扰" edit: "修改设置" download_archive: "下载我的帖子的存档" + new_private_message: "新私信" private_message: "私信" private_messages: "消息" activity_stream: "活动" @@ -324,7 +326,10 @@ zh_CN: ok: "我们将邮件跟您确认" invalid: "请填写正确的电子邮箱地址" authenticated: "你的电子邮箱已经被 {{provider}} 验证了。" - frequency: "只有当您最近一段时间没有访问时,我们才会把您未读过的内容发送到您的电子邮箱。" + frequency: + zero: "如果您没有阅读过我们想寄给您的内容,我们会立即发送电子邮件给您。" + one: "如果您没有阅读过我们想寄给您的内容,我们只会在您没有访问时才会发送电子邮件给您。" + other: "如果您没有阅读过我们想寄给您的内容,我们只会在您最近 {{count}} 分钟内没有访问时才会发送电子邮件给您。" name: title: "名字" instructions: "您的全名(可选)" @@ -1450,7 +1455,13 @@ zh_CN: title: "将数据库回滚到之前的工作状态" confirm: "您确定要将数据库回滚到之前的工作状态吗?" export_csv: + users: + title: "以 CSV 格式导出所有用户。" + screened_ips: + title: "以 CSV 格式导出所有 IP。" + success: "导出开始,您将马上看到进度提示。" failed: "导出失败。请检查日志。" + button_text: "导出" customize: title: "定制" long_title: "站点定制" @@ -1618,6 +1629,9 @@ zh_CN: title: "被屏蔽的 IP" description: '受监视的 IP 地址,使用“放行”可将 IP 地址加入白名单。' delete_confirm: "确定要撤销对 IP 地址为 %{ip_address} 的规则?" + roll_up_confirm: "您确定您想要折叠封禁记录吗?" + rolled_up_some_subnets: "成功地折叠了 IP 封禁记录至这些子网: %{subnets}。" + rolled_up_no_subnet: "无法折叠。" actions: block: "封禁" do_nothing: "放行" @@ -1626,6 +1640,9 @@ zh_CN: label: "新:" ip_address: "IP地址" add: "添加" + roll_up: + text: "折叠" + title: "如果有至少 'min_ban_entries_for_roll_up' 个记录,创建一个子网封禁记录" logster: title: "错误日志" impersonate: @@ -1636,14 +1653,17 @@ zh_CN: create: '添加管理员用户' last_emailed: "最后一次邮寄" not_found: "抱歉,在我们的系统中此用户名不存在。" + id_not_found: "抱歉,在我们的系统中此用户 id 不存在。" active: "活跃" show_emails: "显示邮件" nav: new: "新建" active: "活跃" pending: "待定" + staff: '职员' suspended: '禁止登录' blocked: '禁止参与讨论' + suspect: '怀疑' approved: "已批准?" approved_selected: other: "批准用户({{count)" @@ -1658,10 +1678,12 @@ zh_CN: regular: '信用等级为2的用户(成员)' leader: '信用等级为3的用户(常规)' elder: '信用等级为4的用户(领导)' + staff: "职员" admins: '管理员' moderators: '版主' blocked: '被封用户' suspended: '被禁用户' + suspect: '嫌疑用户' reject_successful: other: "成功拒绝 %{count} 个用户。" reject_failures: diff --git a/config/locales/client.zh_TW.yml b/config/locales/client.zh_TW.yml index 5decf3294..7d625dbba 100644 --- a/config/locales/client.zh_TW.yml +++ b/config/locales/client.zh_TW.yml @@ -312,7 +312,6 @@ zh_TW: instructions: "背景會被置中,且默認寬度為850px。" email: title: "電子郵件" - frequency: "我們只會在一段時間未看到你及你尚未看過我們通知你的事物時才會寄信給你。" name: title: "名稱" username: diff --git a/config/locales/server.cs.yml b/config/locales/server.cs.yml index 708534366..5cfbfcc64 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.cs.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.cs.yml @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ cs: log_in: "Přihlásit se" via: "%{username} přes %{site_name}" is_reserved: "je rezervováno" - purge_reason: "Automaticky smazáno: staré a neověřené" disable_remote_images_download_reason: "Stahování obrázků z cizích serverů bylo vypnuto protože na disku není dostatek místa." errors: messages: diff --git a/config/locales/server.da.yml b/config/locales/server.da.yml index 16b22bf91..71f7ebcc2 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.da.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.da.yml @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ da: log_in: "Log ind" via: "%{username} via %{site_name}" is_reserved: "er reservet" - purge_reason: "Slettet automatisk eftersom dette var gammelt og ikke verificeret" disable_remote_images_download_reason: "Fjerndownload af billeder deaktiveret grundet utilstrækkelig diskplads" errors: messages: diff --git a/config/locales/server.de.yml b/config/locales/server.de.yml index c2e4033be..10bb6e574 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.de.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.de.yml @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ de: log_in: "Anmelden" via: "%{username} via %{site_name}" is_reserved: "ist reserviert" - purge_reason: "Automatisch gelöscht, da alt und ungeprüft" disable_remote_images_download_reason: "Da nicht mehr genug Plattenplatz vorhanden ist, wurde der Download von Bildern deaktiviert." errors: messages: @@ -570,9 +569,6 @@ de: title: "Kurzer Titel dieser Seite, der im Title-Tag verwendet wird." site_description: "Beschreibe diese Seite in einem Satz. Diese Beschreibung wird im \"description\" Meta-Tag verwendet." contact_email: "E-Mail-Adresse eines zentralen Ansprechpartners der Webseite. Wichtige Benachrichtigungen von discourse.org bezüglich kritischer Updates werden an diese Adresse gesendet." - company_full_name: "VERALTET. Ist nicht mehr benutzt und wird entfernt. Voller Name des Unternehmens, das diese Seite betreibt. Wird in rechtlich relevanten Dokumenten wie /tos und /privacy verwendet." - company_short_name: "VERALTET. Ist nicht mehr benutzt und wird entfernt. Kurzname des Unternehmens, das diese Seite betreibt. Wird in rechtlich relevanten Dokumenten wie /tos und /privacy verwendet." - company_domain: "VERALTET. Ist nicht mehr benutzt und wird entfernt. Domainname des Unternehmens, das diese Seite betreibt. Wird in rechtlich relevanten Dokumenten wie /tos und /privacy verwendet." queue_jobs: "NUR FÜR ENTWICKLER! ACHTUNG! Benutze Sidekiq zur Ausführung von Jobs. Wenn dies abgeschaltet wird, dann wird die Seite nicht mehr richtig funktionieren!" crawl_images: "Lade Bilder von fremden URLs herunter, um ihre Höhe und Breite zu bestimmen." download_remote_images_to_local: "Lade eine Kopie von extern gehosteten Bildern herunter und ersetze Links in Beiträgen entsprechend; dies verhindert defekte Bilder." diff --git a/config/locales/server.it.yml b/config/locales/server.it.yml index e5e2e771e..f16cffff8 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.it.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.it.yml @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ it: log_in: "Accedi" via: "%{username} via %{site_name}" is_reserved: "è riservato" - purge_reason: "Cancellato automaticamente poiché vecchio e non verificato" disable_remote_images_download_reason: "Lo scaricamento delle immagini remote è stato disabilitato perché non c'è abbastanza spazio disco disponibile." errors: messages: @@ -262,17 +261,17 @@ it: one: "1m" other: "%{count}m" about_x_hours: - one: "1h" - other: "%{count}h" + one: "1o" + other: "%{count}o" x_days: - one: "1d" - other: "%{count}d" + one: "1g" + other: "%{count}gg" about_x_months: - one: "1mes" - other: "%{count}mes" + one: "1mese" + other: "%{count}mesi" x_months: - one: "1mes" - other: "%{count}mes" + one: "1mese" + other: "%{count}mesi" about_x_years: one: "1a" other: "%{count}a" @@ -508,7 +507,7 @@ it: failing_emails_warning: 'Ci sono %{num_failed_jobs} job di email falliti. Controlla il tuo file config/environments/production.rb e accertati che le impostazioni config.action_mailer siano corrette. Guarda i job falliti in Sidekiq.' default_logo_warning: "Non hai personalizzato le immagini dei logo per il tuo sito. Aggiorna logo_url, logo_small_url, e favicon_url nelle Impostazioni Sito." contact_email_missing: "Non hai fornito una email di contatto per il tuo sito. Per favore aggiorna il campo contact_email nelle Impostazioni Sito." - contact_email_invalid: "Il contatto email non è valido. Per favore aggiorna contact_email nelle Impostazioni Sito." + contact_email_invalid: "La email di contatto non è valida. Per favore aggiorna contact_email nelle Impostazioni Sito." title_nag: "Il titolo del sito è ancora impostato al valore di default. Per favore aggiornalo con il titolo del tuo sito, dalle Impostazioni Sito." site_description_missing: "L'impostazione site_description è vuota. Scrivi una breve descrizione del forum nelle Impostazioni del sito." consumer_email_warning: "Il tuo sito è configurato per usare Gmail (o un altro servizio email consumer) per inviare le email. Gmail limita il numero di email che puoi inviare. Considera l'utilizzo di un provider come mandrill.com per l'invio delle tue email." @@ -708,11 +707,13 @@ it: newuser_max_attachments: "Quanti allegati un nuovo utente può aggiungere ad un post." newuser_max_replies_per_topic: "Numero massimo di risposte, che un utente può inoltrare in un singolo topic, prima che qualcuno risponda." title_fancy_entities: "Converti caratteri ASCII comuni in HTML nei titoli dell'argomento, tipo SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/" + category_colors: "Un elenco di valori di colori esadecimali permessi per le categorie." title_prettify: "Previeni refusi ed errori comuni nei titoli, inclusi Tutto maiuscolo, Primo carattere minuscolo, ! e ? ripetuti, . aggiuntivi alla fine, etc etc." faq_url: "Se hai un documento sulle FAQ ospitato da qualche altra parte che vuoi usare, fornisci l'URL qui." tos_url: "Se hai un documento dei Termini di Servizio ospitato da qualche altra parte che vuoi usare, fornisci l'URL qui." privacy_policy_url: "Se hai un documento sulle Politiche di Privacy ospitato da qualche altra parte che vuoi usare, fornisci l'URL qui." newuser_spam_host_threshold: "Il numero delle volte che un nuovo utente può postare un link verso lo stesso host compreso nel `newuser_spam_host_posts` post prima che venga considerato spam." + reply_by_email_enabled: "Abilita la possibilità di rispondere ai messaggi tramite e-mail." reply_by_email_address: "Template di risposta via email, per esempio: %{reply_key}@risposta.esempio.com o risposte+%{reply_key}@esempio.com" pop3_polling_port: "La porta dell'account POP3." delete_user_max_post_age: "Non permettere di cancellare utenti il cui primo messaggio è più vecchio di (x) giorni." @@ -727,6 +728,7 @@ it: enable_mobile_theme: "I dispositivi mobile usano un tema apposito, con possibilità di passare alla visualizzazione desktop. Disabilita questa opzione se vuoi usare un foglio di stile custom e completamente responsive." suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Non mostrare la targhetta per gli argomenti senza categoria nell'elenco degli argomenti." global_notice: "Mostra a tutti i visitatori un avviso con striscione globale URGENTE, EMERGENZA, lascia vuoto per nasconderlo (HTML consentito)." + invites_per_page: "Inviti predefiniti mostrati nella pagina utente." short_progress_text_threshold: "Quando il numero di messaggi di un argomento supera questo valore, la barra di avanzamento mostrerà solo il numero attuale di messaggi. Se modifichi la lunghezza della barra di avanzamento, potresti dover cambiare questo valore." default_code_lang: "Ai blocchi di codice GitHub viene applicata l'evidenziazione della sintassi del linguaggio di programmazione di default (lang-auto, ruby, python ecc.)" embed_truncate: "Tronca i messaggi incorporati." @@ -798,6 +800,9 @@ it: autoclosed_enabled_lastpost_days: one: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso un giorno dopo l'ultima risposta. Non sono permesse altre risposte." other: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso %{count} giorni dopo l'ultima risposta. Non sono permesse altre risposte." + autoclosed_enabled_lastpost_hours: + one: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso un'ora dopo l'ultima risposta. Non sono permesse altre risposte." + other: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso %{count} ore dopo l'ultima risposta. Non sono permesse altre risposte." autoclosed_enabled_lastpost_minutes: one: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso un minuto dopo l'ultima risposta. Non sono permesse altre risposte." other: "Questo argomento è stato automaticamente chiuso %{count} minuti dopo l'ultima risposta. Non sono permesse altre risposte." @@ -937,6 +942,8 @@ it: Ci dispiace, ma il tuo messaggio email per %{destination} (con il titolo %{former_title}) non è stato processato. Il tuo utente non ha il livello di esperienza richiesto per inviare nuovi argomenti a questo indirizzo email. Se credi che ciò sia un errore, contatta un membro dello staff. + email_reject_no_account: + subject_template: "Problema relativo all'e-mail -- Account sconosciuto" email_reject_empty: subject_template: "Problema email -- Nessun contenuto" email_reject_parsing: @@ -945,6 +952,8 @@ it: subject_template: "Problema email -- Errore di invio" email_reject_post_error_specified: subject_template: "Problema email -- Errore di invio" + email_reject_topic_not_found: + subject_template: "Problema relativo all'e-mail -- Argomento non trovato" too_many_spam_flags: subject_template: "Nuovo account bloccato" text_body_template: "Ciao, \n\nil presente è un messaggio automatico da %{site_name} per informarti che i tuoi messaggi sono stati automaticamente nascosti perché segnalati dalla comunità. \n\nCome misura precauzionale, il tuo nuovo account non può creare altre risposte o argomenti finché il tuo account non verrà revisionato da un membro dello staff. \n\nPer ulteriori informazioni, ti rimandiamo alle [Linee guida della comunità](%{base_url}/guidelines).\n" @@ -984,16 +993,16 @@ it: download_remote_images_disabled: subject_template: "Lo scaricamento delle immagini remote è disabilitato" text_body_template: "L'impostazione `download_remote_images_to_local` è stata disabilitata perché il limite di spazio sul disco definito in `download_remote_images_threshold` è stato raggiunto." - unsubscribe_link: "Se vuoi cancellarti per non ricevere più queste email, visita le tue [preferenze utente](%{user_preferences_url})." + unsubscribe_link: "Se vuoi annullare l'iscrizione a queste email, visita le tue [preferenze utente](%{user_preferences_url})." subject_re: "R:" subject_pm: "[MP]" user_notifications: previous_discussion: "Risposte Precedenti" unsubscribe: - title: "Cancella iscrizione" - description: "Non sei interessato a ricevere queste email? Nessun problema! Clicca qui sotto per cancellarti istantaneamente:" + title: "Annulla iscrizione" + description: "Non vuoi ricevere queste email? Nessun problema! Clicca qui sotto per annullare l'iscrizione:" reply_by_email: "Per intervenire, rispondi a questa email o visita %{base_url}%{url}." - visit_link_to_respond: "Per intervenire, visita %{base_url}%{url}" + visit_link_to_respond: "Per rispondere, visita %{base_url}%{url}" posted_by: "Pubblicato da %{username} il %{post_date}" user_invited_to_private_message_pm: subject_template: "[%{site_name}] %{username} ti invita alla conversazione privata '%{topic_title}'" @@ -1047,18 +1056,19 @@ it: --- %{respond_instructions} digest: - subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Riepilogo per %{date}" + subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Riepilogo del %{date}" new_activity: "Nuove attività nei tuoi argomenti e messaggi:" - top_topics: "Post Popolari" + top_topics: "Messaggi di successo" other_new_topics: "Argomenti più attivi" click_here: "clicca qui" from: "%{site_name} riepilogo" - read_more: "Leggi altro" + read_more: "Leggi Altro" + more_topics_category: "Ulteriori nuovi argomenti:" posts: - one: "1 post" - other: "%{count} post" + one: "1 messaggio" + other: "%{count} messaggi" forgot_password: - subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Reset Password" + subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Reimposta password" text_body_template: | Qualcuno ha richiesto il reset della password per questo account su [%{site_name}](%{base_url}). @@ -1067,7 +1077,7 @@ it: Clicca il link qui sotto per scegliere una nuova password: %{base_url}/users/password-reset/%{email_token} set_password: - subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Imposta una password" + subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Imposta Password" text_body_template: "Qualcuno ha richiesto di aggiungere una password al tuo account su [%{site_name}](%{base_url}). In alternativa, puoi collegarti usando uno dei servizi online supportati (Google, Facebook ecc.) associato con questo indirizzo email validato. \n\nSe non hai fatto tu questa richiesta, ignora tranquillamente questa email.\n\nClicca sul seguente collegamento per scegliere una password:\n%{base_url}/users/password-reset/%{email_token}\n" account_created: subject_template: "[%{site_name}] Il Tuo Nuovo Account " @@ -1078,7 +1088,7 @@ it: %{base_url}/users/authorize-email/%{email_token} signup_after_approval: - subject_template: "Puoi partecipare a %{site_name}!" + subject_template: "Sei stato ammesso su %{site_name}!" text_body_template: |+ Benvenuto su %{site_name}! @@ -1106,7 +1116,7 @@ it: Se il link non è cliccabile, copialo ed incollalo manualmente nella barra degli indirizzi del browser. page_not_found: title: "La pagina richiesta non esiste oppure è privata." - popular_topics: "Popolari" + popular_topics: "Di successo" recent_topics: "Recenti" see_more: "Altro" search_title: "Cerca nel sito" @@ -1118,7 +1128,7 @@ it: terms_of_service: title: "Termini di Servizio" signup_form_message: 'Ho letto e accetto i Termini del Servizio.' - deleted: 'cancellato' + deleted: 'cancellati' upload: edit_reason: "copie locali delle immagini scaricate" unauthorized: "Spiacenti, il file che stai cercando di caricare non è autorizzato (estensioni autorizzate: %{authorized_extensions})." diff --git a/config/locales/server.ja.yml b/config/locales/server.ja.yml index 69d6d6f59..8f094c493 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.ja.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.ja.yml @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ ja: log_in: "ログイン" via: "%{username} via %{site_name}" is_reserved: "is reserved" - purge_reason: "古い、もしくは未検証の為、自動的に削除された" disable_remote_images_download_reason: "ディスク容量が不足しているため、リモートでの画像ダウンロードは無効になっています。" errors: messages: diff --git a/config/locales/server.nl.yml b/config/locales/server.nl.yml index f38aa59ec..17825cca3 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.nl.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.nl.yml @@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ nl: log_in: "Inloggen" via: "%{username} via %{site_name}" is_reserved: "is gereserveerd" - purge_reason: "Automatisch verwijderd omdat het oud en niet geverifieerd is" errors: messages: too_long_validation: "is beperkt tot %{max} tekens; je gebruikt %{length}." @@ -550,9 +549,6 @@ nl: title: "Korte titel van deze website, wordt gebruikt in de titeltag" site_description: "Omschrijf dit forum in een zin. Deze wordt getoond in de meta omschrijvingstag." contact_email: "E-mailadres van een contactpersoon van deze site. Belangrijke updates van Discourse.org worden naar dit adres gestuurd." - company_full_name: "ACHTERHAALD. Wordt niet meer gebruikt en zal verwijderd worden. De volledige naam van het bedrijf dat deze site draait. Wordt gebruikt in juridische delen van de site, zoals /tos en /privacy" - company_short_name: "ACHTERHAALD. Wordt niet meer gebruikt en zal verwijderd worden. De korte naam van het bedrijf dat deze site draait. Wordt gebruikt in juridische delen van de site, zoals /tos en /privacy" - company_domain: "ACHTERHAALD. Wordt niet meer gebruikt en zal verwijderd worden. De domeinnaam van het bedrijf dat deze site draait. Wordt gebruikt in juridische delen van de site, zoals /tos en /privacy" queue_jobs: "DEVELOPERS ONLY! WARNING! Zet verschillende taken in een queue binnen sidekiq, bij 'false' worden taken ineens uitgevoerd" crawl_images: "Haal afbeeldingen van externe URLs om de correcte breedte- en hoogtedimensies in te voegen" download_remote_images_to_local: "Download externe afbeeldingen en sla ze lokaal op. Dit voorkomt dat afbeeldingen niet meer beschikbaar zouden kunnen worden." diff --git a/config/locales/server.pl_PL.yml b/config/locales/server.pl_PL.yml index 0b4b22bbf..b1388bc4d 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.pl_PL.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.pl_PL.yml @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ pl_PL: log_in: "Logowanie" via: "%{username} z %{site_name}" is_reserved: "jest zarezerwowana" - purge_reason: "Automatycznie usunięto z uwagi na wiek i brak weryfikacji" disable_remote_images_download_reason: "Pobieranie zewnętrznych grafik zostało wyłączone z uwagi na niską ilość wolnego miejsca na dysku." errors: messages: @@ -613,11 +612,16 @@ pl_PL: max_image_width: "Maksymalna szerokość miniaturki grafiki we wpisie. " max_image_height: "Maksymalna wysokość miniaturki grafiki we wpisie. " category_featured_topics: "Number of topics displayed per category on the /categories page. After changing this value, it takes up to 15 minutes for the categories page to update." - show_subcategory_list: "Po wejściu do kategorii zamiast listy tematów wyświetlaj listę podkategorii." + show_subcategory_list: "Po wejściu do kategorii, zamiast listy tematów wyświetlaj listę podkategorii." fixed_category_positions: "Zaznacz, aby ręcznie ustawiać kolejność kategorii. Odznacz, aby kategorie były sortowane na podstawie aktywności. " exclude_rel_nofollow_domains: "A pipe-delimited list of domains where nofollow is not added (tld.com will automatically allow sub.tld.com as well)" - favicon_url: "A favicon for your site, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon" - apple_touch_icon_url: "Icon used for Apple touch devices. Recommended size is 144px by 144px." + logo_url: "Logo widoczne w górnym lewym rogu serwisu, np: http://example.com/logo.png" + digest_logo_url: "Alternatywne logo używane w biuletynie email. Jeśli puste, zostanie użyta wartość z pola `logo_url`, np: http://example.com/logo.png" + logo_small_url: "Małe logo widoczne w górnym lewym rogu serwisu, widoczne po przewinięciu strony, np: http://example.com/logo-small.png" + favicon_url: "Favicon serwisu. Więcej informacji: http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon" + mobile_logo_url: "Statyczne logo widoczne w górnym lewym rogu mobilnej wersji serwisu, np: http://example.com/uploads/default/logo.png Jeśli puste, zostanie użyta grafika z pola `logo_url`. " + apple_touch_icon_url: "Ikona używana przez urządzenia Apple. Rekomendowany wymiar to 144px na 144px." + notification_email: "Adres z którego wysyłane będą wszystkie istotne emaile systemowe.\nKonieczna jest poprawna konfiguracja rekordów SPF, DKIM oraz zwrotnego PTR użytej domeny." email_custom_headers: "A pipe-delimited list of custom email headers" enable_long_polling: "Message bus used for notification can use long polling" anon_polling_interval: "How often should anonymous clients poll in milliseconds" @@ -629,10 +633,18 @@ pl_PL: ga_tracking_code: "Identyfikator Google analytics (ga.js), np: UA-12345678-9; zobacz http://google.com/analytics" ga_domain_name: "Google analytics (ga.js) domain name, eg: mysite.com; see http://google.com/analytics" ga_universal_tracking_code: "Identyfikator Google Universal Analytics (analytics.js), np: UA-12345678-9; zobacz http://google.com/analytics" + ga_universal_domain_name: "Domena dla Google Universal Analytics (analytics.js), np: mysite.com; zobacz http://google.com/analytics" enable_noscript_support: "Enable standard webcrawler search engine support via the noscript tag" allow_moderators_to_create_categories: "Zezwól moderatorom na tworzenie nowych kategorii" - top_menu: "Determine which items appear in the homepage navigation, and in what order. Example latest|new|unread|starred|categories|top|read|posted" + top_menu: "Określ które elementy nawigacyjne serwisu powinny być widoczne i w jakiej kolejności. Przykład latest|new|unread|starred|categories|top|read|posted" + post_menu: "Określ które elementy menu wpisu powinny być widoczne i w jakiej kolejności. Przykład like|edit|flag|delete|share|bookmark|reply" + share_links: "Określ które elementy menu udostępniania powinny być widoczne i w jakiej kolejności. " track_external_right_clicks: "Śledź zewnętrzne linki kliknięte prawym klawiszem (np. otwierane w nowej zakładce). Domyślnie wyłączone, gdyż wymaga nadpisywania URLi." + topics_per_page: "Liczba tematów ładowanych domyślnie na liście wątków oraz przy doładowaniu wywołanym przewijaniem strony." + site_contact_username: "Wszystkie automatycznie wysyłane wiadomości prywatne będą pochodzić od wskazanego tu użytkownika. Jeśli puste, zostanie użyte konto System. " + topics_per_period_in_top_summary: "Liczba tematów wyświetlanych w domyślnym podsumowaniu najbardziej popularnych wątków" + topics_per_period_in_top_page: "Liczba tematów wyświetlanych w widoku 'Pokaż więcej' na ekranie popularnych wątków." + enable_badges: "Włącz system odznak" port: "DEVELOPER ONLY! WARNING! Use this HTTP port rather than the default of port 80. Leave blank for default of 80." force_hostname: "DEVELOPER ONLY! WARNING! Specify a hostname in the URL. Leave blank for default." invite_only: "Publiczna rejestracja jest wyłączona: wszyscy nowi użytkownicy muszą zostać zaproszeni przez innych użytkowników lub zespół." @@ -649,10 +661,13 @@ pl_PL: github_client_secret: "Client secret for Github authentication, registered at https://github.com/settings/applications" active_user_rate_limit_secs: "How frequently we update the 'last_seen_at' field, in seconds" previous_visit_timeout_hours: "How long a visit lasts before we consider it the 'previous' visit, in hours" + suggested_topics: "Liczba sugerowanych tematów widocznych na końcu aktualnego tematu." + limit_suggested_to_category: "Sugeruj tematy jedynie z tej samej kategorii." min_trust_to_create_topic: "The minimum trust level required to create a new topic." newuser_max_mentions_per_post: "Maksymalna liczba powiadomień poprzez @nazwę w jednym wpisie (dla nowych użytkowników)." max_mentions_per_post: "Maksymalna liczba powiadomień poprzez @nazwę w jednym wpisie (dla wszystkich)." title_fancy_entities: "Convert common ASCII characters to fancy HTML entities in topic titles, ala SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/" + category_colors: "Lista kolorów w formacie hex do użycia w etykietach kategorii." title_prettify: "Prevent common title typos and errors, including all caps, lowercase first character, multiple ! and ?, extra . at end, etc." faq_url: "If you have a FAQ hosted elsewhere that you want to use, provide the full URL here." tos_url: "If you have a Terms of Service document hosted elsewhere that you want to use, provide the full URL here." @@ -660,10 +675,12 @@ pl_PL: newuser_spam_host_threshold: "How many times a new user can post a link to the same host within their `newuser_spam_host_posts` posts before being considered spam." staff_like_weight: "O ile większą wagę mają mieć polubienia przyznawane przez członków zespołu?" reply_by_email_address: "Template for reply by email incoming email address, for example: %{reply_key}@reply.example.com or replies+%{reply_key}@example.com" + relative_date_duration: "Liczba dni od wysłania wpisu gdy wyświetlana jest data relatywna (7d) zamiast absolutnej (20 Lut)." delete_all_posts_max: "The maximum number of posts that can be deleted at once with the Delete All Posts button. If a user has more than this many posts, the posts cannot all be deleted at once and the user can't be deleted." email_editable: "Allow users to change their e-mail address after registration." default_digest_email_frequency: "How often users receive digest emails by default. They can change this setting in their preferences." - enable_mobile_theme: "Mobile devices use a mobile-friendly theme, with the ability to switch to the full site. Disable this if you want to use a custom stylesheet that is fully responsive." + default_external_links_in_new_tab: "Otwieraj zewnętrzne odnośniki w nowej karcie. Użytkownicy mogą zmienić to ustawienie w swoich preferencjach." + enable_mobile_theme: "Urządzenia mobilne używają dedykowanego mobilnego szablonu. Wyłącz to, jeśli chcesz użyć własnego, pojedynczego i responsywnego szablonu stylów. " suppress_uncategorized_badge: "Nie pokazuj etykiety z nazwą kategorii Inne na listach tematów." notification_types: mentioned: "%{display_username} wspomina o Tobie w %{link}" diff --git a/config/locales/server.pt.yml b/config/locales/server.pt.yml index 5bfc1b8f9..85f89497b 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.pt.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.pt.yml @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ pt: log_in: "Entrar" via: "%{username} via %{site_name}" is_reserved: "está reservado" - purge_reason: "Apagar automaticamente devido à antiguidade e por não ser verificado" errors: messages: too_long_validation: "está limitado a %{max} caracteres; inseriu %{length}." diff --git a/config/locales/server.ru.yml b/config/locales/server.ru.yml index e54de7b71..38bddf8cd 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.ru.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.ru.yml @@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ ru: log_in: "Войти" via: "%{username} на %{site_name}" is_reserved: "зарезервировано" - purge_reason: "Автоматически удалить из-за просроченности и непроверенности" disable_remote_images_download_reason: "Загрузка картинок была отключена из-за недостаточности места на диске." errors: messages: @@ -605,9 +604,6 @@ ru: title: "Короткое название этого сайта. Будет использоваться в HTML-тэге title." site_description: "Короткое описание этого сайта. Будет использоваться в HTML-тэге description." contact_email: "Главный адрес электронной почты для переписки по вопросам сайта. Команда Discourse.org может посылать важные уведомления на этот адрес." - company_full_name: "DEPRECATED. Not used anymore and will be removed. The full name of the company that runs this site, used in legal documents like /tos and /privacy" - company_short_name: "DEPRECATED. Not used anymore and will be removed. The short name of the company that runs this site, used in legal documents like /tos and /privacy" - company_domain: "DEPRECATED. Not used anymore and will be removed. The domain name owned by the company that runs this site, used in legal documents like /tos and /privacy" queue_jobs: "ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ РАЗРАБОТЧИКОВ! ВНИМАНИЕ! По умолчанию задачи обрабатываются асинхронно в очереди sidekiq. Если настройка выключена, ваш сайт может не работать." crawl_images: "Скачивать картинки с других сайтов для автоматического определения их размеров." download_remote_images_to_local: "Скачивать картинки, вставленные в сообщения ссылками на другие сайты, и хранить их локально, чтобы предотвратить их изменения или утерю." diff --git a/config/locales/server.sv.yml b/config/locales/server.sv.yml index d8dcfbe6f..19fa3cf26 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.sv.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.sv.yml @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ sv: log_in: "Logga in" via: "%{username} via %{site_name}" is_reserved: "är reserverat" - purge_reason: "Automatiskt borttagen på grund av att vara gammal och ej verifierad" disable_remote_images_download_reason: "Fjärrbilds nedladdning är inaktiverad eftersom det inte fanns tillräckligt mycket lagringsutrymme tillgängligt." errors: messages: