FIX: 'clean up uploads' job

Only 1 query was needed.
This commit is contained in:
Régis Hanol 2015-05-22 20:28:52 +02:00
parent 30d0c84ece
commit 41cd438f0b

View file

@ -6,25 +6,18 @@ module Jobs
def execute(args)
return unless SiteSetting.clean_up_uploads?
ignore_urls = []
ignore_urls << UserProfile.uniq.where("profile_background IS NOT NULL AND profile_background != ''").pluck(:profile_background)
ignore_urls << UserProfile.uniq.where("card_background IS NOT NULL AND card_background != ''").pluck(:card_background)
ignore_urls << Category.uniq.where("logo_url IS NOT NULL AND logo_url != ''").pluck(:logo_url)
ignore_urls << Category.uniq.where("background_url IS NOT NULL AND background_url != ''").pluck(:background_url)
grace_period = [SiteSetting.clean_orphan_uploads_grace_period_hours, 1].max
Upload.where("created_at < ? AND
(retain_hours IS NULL OR created_at < current_timestamp - interval '1 hour' * retain_hours )", grace_period.hour.ago)
.where("id NOT IN (SELECT upload_id from post_uploads)")
.where("id NOT IN (SELECT custom_upload_id from user_avatars)")
.where("id NOT IN (SELECT gravatar_upload_id from user_avatars)")
.where("url NOT IN (?)", ignore_urls)
.find_each do |upload|
Upload.where("created_at < ?", grace_period.hour.ago)
.where("retain_hours IS NULL OR created_at < current_timestamp - interval '1 hour' * retain_hours")
.where("id NOT IN (SELECT upload_id FROM post_uploads)")
.where("id NOT IN (SELECT uploaded_avatar_id FROM users)")
.where("id NOT IN (SELECT gravatar_upload_id FROM user_avatars)")
.where("url NOT IN (SELECT profile_background FROM user_profiles)")
.where("url NOT IN (SELECT card_background FROM user_profiles)")
.where("url NOT IN (SELECT logo_url FROM categories)")
.where("url NOT IN (SELECT background_url FROM categories)")