diff --git a/app/assets/images/default-favicon.ico b/app/assets/images/default-favicon.ico
index d20ae8eed..cab552a23 100644
Binary files a/app/assets/images/default-favicon.ico and b/app/assets/images/default-favicon.ico differ
diff --git a/app/assets/images/favicon.ico b/app/assets/images/favicon.ico
index db5a23d75..ac54b34b9 100644
Binary files a/app/assets/images/favicon.ico and b/app/assets/images/favicon.ico differ
diff --git a/app/assets/javascripts/external/jquery.faviconNotify.js b/app/assets/javascripts/external/jquery.faviconNotify.js
index e0c370b9d..984bd2dd0 100644
--- a/app/assets/javascripts/external/jquery.faviconNotify.js
+++ b/app/assets/javascripts/external/jquery.faviconNotify.js
@@ -1,226 +1,53 @@
- * jQuery Favicon Notify
- *
- * Updates the favicon to notify the user of changes. In the original tests I
- * had an embedded font collection to allow any charachers - I decided that the
- * ~130Kb and added complexity was overkill. As such it now uses a manual glyph
- * set meaning that only numerical notifications are possible.
- *
- * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
- *
- * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
- *
- * @author David King
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011 +
- * @url oodavid.com
- */
+* jQuery Favicon Notify
+* Updates the favicon with a number to notify the user of changes.
+* iconUrl: Url of favicon image or icon
+* count: Integer count to place above favicon
+* $.faviconNotify(iconUrl, count)
- var canvas;
- var bg = '#000000';
- var fg = '#FFFFFF';
- var pos = 'br';
- $.faviconNotify = function(icon, num, myPos, myBg, myFg){
- // Default the positions
- myPos = myPos || pos;
- myFg = myFg || fg;
- myBg = myBg || bg;
- // Create a canvas if we need one
- canvas = canvas || $('')[0];
- if(canvas.getContext){
- // Load the icon
- $('
- // Load the icon into the canvas
- canvas.height = canvas.width = 16;
- var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
- ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
- ctx.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
- // We gots num?
- if(num !== undefined){
- num = parseFloat(num, 10);
- // Convert the num into a glyphs array
- var myGlyphs = [];
- if(num > 99){
- myGlyphs.push(glyphs['LOTS']);
- } else {
- num = num.toString().split('');
- $.each(num, function(k,v){
- myGlyphs.push(glyphs[v]);
- });
- }
- if(num>0) {
- // Merge the glyphs together
- var combined = [];
- var glyphHeight = myGlyphs[0].length;
- $.each(myGlyphs, function(k,v){
- for(y=0; y').attr('href', canvas.toDataURL('image/png')));
- }).attr('src', icon)
- }
- };
- var glyphs = {
- '0': [
- ' --- ',
- ' -@@@- ',
- '-@---@-',
- '-@- -@-',
- '-@- -@-',
- '-@- -@-',
- '-@---@-',
- ' -@@@- ',
- ' --- ' ],
- '1': [
- ' - ',
- ' -@- ',
- '-@@- ',
- ' -@- ',
- ' -@- ',
- ' -@- ',
- ' -@- ',
- '-@@@-',
- ' --- ' ],
- '2': [
- ' --- ',
- ' -@@@- ',
- '-@---@-',
- ' - --@-',
- ' -@@- ',
- ' -@-- ',
- '-@---- ',
- '-@@@@@-',
- ' ----- ' ],
- '3': [
- ' --- ',
- ' -@@@- ',
- '-@---@-',
- ' - --@-',
- ' -@@- ',
- ' - --@-',
- '-@---@-',
- ' -@@@- ',
- ' --- ' ],
- '4': [
- ' -- ',
- ' -@@-',
- ' -@-@-',
- ' -@--@-',
- '-@---@-',
- '-@@@@@-',
- ' ----@-',
- ' -@-',
- ' - ' ],
- '5': [
- ' ----- ',
- '-@@@@@-',
- '-@---- ',
- '-@--- ',
- '-@@@@- ',
- ' ----@-',
- '-@---@-',
- ' -@@@- ',
- ' --- ' ],
- '6': [
- ' --- ',
- ' -@@@- ',
- '-@---@-',
- '-@---- ',
- '-@@@@- ',
- '-@---@-',
- '-@---@-',
- ' -@@@- ',
- ' --- ' ],
- '7': [
- ' ----- ',
- '-@@@@@-',
- ' ----@-',
- ' -@- ',
- ' -@- ',
- ' -@- ',
- ' -@- ',
- ' -@- ',
- ' - ' ],
- '8': [
- ' --- ',
- ' -@@@- ',
- '-@---@-',
- '-@---@-',
- ' -@@@- ',
- '-@---@-',
- '-@---@-',
- ' -@@@- ',
- ' --- ' ],
- '9': [
- ' --- ',
- ' -@@@- ',
- '-@---@-',
- '-@---@-',
- ' -@@@@-',
- ' ----@-',
- '-@---@-',
- ' -@@@- ',
- ' --- ' ],
- '!': [
- ' - ',
- '-@-',
- '-@-',
- '-@-',
- '-@-',
- '-@-',
- ' - ',
- '-@-',
- ' - ' ],
- '.': [
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ' ',
- ' - ',
- '-@-',
- ' - ' ],
- 'LOTS': [
- ' - -- --- -- ',
- '-@- -@@-@@@--@@-',
- '-@--@--@-@--@- ',
- '-@--@--@-@--@- ',
- '-@--@--@-@- -@- ',
- '-@--@--@-@- -@-',
- '-@--@--@-@----@-',
- '-@@@-@@--@-@@@- ',
- ' --- -- - --- '
- ]
- };
+ $.faviconNotify = function(iconUrl, count){
+ var canvas = canvas || $('')[0],
+ img = $('
+ multiplier, fontSize, context, xOffset, yOffset;
+ if (canvas.getContext) {
+ if (count < 1) { count = '' }
+ else if (count < 10) { count = ' ' + count }
+ else if (count > 99) { count = '99' }
+ img.onload = function () {
+ canvas.height = canvas.width = this.width;
+ multiplier = (this.width / 16);
+ fontSize = multiplier * 11;
+ xOffset = multiplier;
+ yOffset = multiplier * 11;
+ context = canvas.getContext('2d');
+ context.drawImage(this, 0, 0);
+ context.font = 'bold ' + fontSize + 'px "helvetica", sans-serif';
+ context.fillStyle = '#FFF';
+ context.fillText(count, xOffset, yOffset);
+ context.fillText(count, xOffset + 2, yOffset);
+ context.fillText(count, xOffset, yOffset + 2);
+ context.fillText(count, xOffset + 2, yOffset + 2);
+ context.fillStyle = '#000';
+ context.fillText(count, xOffset + 1, yOffset + 1);
+ $('link[rel$=icon]').remove();
+ $('head').append(
+ $('').attr(
+ 'href', canvas.toDataURL('image/png')
+ )
+ );
+ };
+ img.src = iconUrl;
+ }
+ };