diff --git a/config/locales/server.en.yml b/config/locales/server.en.yml
index d2eca953a..769f0a35e 100644
--- a/config/locales/server.en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/server.en.yml
@@ -907,12 +907,12 @@ en:
     autohighlight_all_code: "Apply code highlighting to all preformatted code blocks even when they didn't specify the language"
     embeddable_host: "Host that can embed the comments from this Discourse forum"
-    feed_polling_enabled: "Whether to import a RSS/ATOM feed as posts"
-    feed_polling_url: "URL of RSS/ATOM feed to import"
-    embed_by_username: "Discourse username of the user who creates the topics"
+    feed_polling_enabled: "EMBEDDING ONLY: Whether to embed a RSS/ATOM feed as posts"
+    feed_polling_url: "EMBEDDING ONLY: URL of RSS/ATOM feed to embed"
+    embed_by_username: "Discourse username of the user who creates the embedded topics"
     embed_username_key_from_feed: "Key to pull discourse username from feed"
-    embed_truncate: "Truncate the imported posts"
-    embed_category: "Category of created topics"
+    embed_truncate: "Truncate the embedded posts"
+    embed_category: "Category of embedded topics"
     embed_post_limit: "Maximum number of posts to embed"
     embed_whitelist_selector: "css selector for elements that are allowed in embeds"
     embed_blacklist_selector: "css selector for elements that are removed from embeds"