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synced 2025-03-26 06:41:22 -04:00
rename max_word_length to title_max_word_length
This commit is contained in:
19 changed files with 19 additions and 19 deletions
@ -840,7 +840,7 @@ de:
email_time_window_mins: "Warte (n) Minuten, bevor Nutzern eine Hinweis-E-Mail geschickt wird, um ihnen Gelegenheit zu geben, ihre Beiträge abschließend bearbeiten zu können."
email_posts_context: "Anzahl der Antworten welche als Konext einer Notifikations-Mail hinzugefügt werden."
flush_timings_secs: "Sekunden, nach denen Zeiteinstellungen auf den Server übertragen werden."
max_word_length: "Maximale Wortlänge in Zeichen in Thementiteln."
title_max_word_length: "Maximale Wortlänge in Zeichen in Thementiteln."
title_min_entropy: "Für Titel neuer Themen minimal erforderliche Entropie (einzigartige Zeichen)."
body_min_entropy: "Für den Text neuer Beiträge minimal erforderliche Entropie (einzigartige Zeichen)."
title_fancy_entities: "Konvertiere HTML-Entitys in Thementiteln."
@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ en:
email_time_window_mins: "Wait (n) minutes before sending any notification emails, to give users a chance to edit and finalize their posts."
email_posts_context: "How many prior replies to include as context in notification emails."
flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds."
max_word_length: "The maximum allowed word length, in characters, in a topic title."
title_max_word_length: "The maximum allowed word length, in characters, in a topic title."
title_min_entropy: "The minimum entropy (unique characters, non-english count for more) required for a topic title."
body_min_entropy: "The minimum entropy (unique characters, non-english count for more) required for a post body."
@ -860,7 +860,7 @@ es:
email_time_window_mins: "Esperar (n) minutos antes de enviar cualquier email de notificación, para dar a los usuarios margen con el que editar y finalizar sus posts."
email_posts_context: "Cuántas respuestas previas se incluirán como contexto en los emails de notificación."
flush_timings_secs: "Cuán frecuente, en segundos, se alinean los datos de sincronización con el servidor."
max_word_length: "La extensión máxima que una palabra puede tener, en caracteres, en el título de un tema."
title_max_word_length: "La extensión máxima que una palabra puede tener, en caracteres, en el título de un tema."
title_min_entropy: "La mínima entropía permitida (caracteres únicos) requerida para el título de un tema."
body_min_entropy: "La mínima entropía permitida (caracteres únicos) requerida para el cuerpo de un post."
title_fancy_entities: "Convertir caracteres ASCII comunes en entidades HTML de adorno en el título de los temas, como SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ fi:
email_time_window_mins: "Odota (n) minuuttia ennen ilmoitussähköpostien lähettämistä, jotta käyttäjällä on aikaa muokata ja viimeistellä viestinsä."
email_posts_context: "Kuinka monta edellistä vastausta liitetään kontekstiksi sähköposti-ilmoituksessa."
flush_timings_secs: "Kuinka usein timing data päivitetään palvelimelle, sekunneissa."
max_word_length: "Sanan enimmäispituus merkkeinä ketjun otsikossa."
title_max_word_length: "Sanan enimmäispituus merkkeinä ketjun otsikossa."
title_min_entropy: "Ketjun otsikon minimientropia (uniikkeja merkkejä)."
body_min_entropy: "Viestin minimientropia (uniikkeja merkkejä)."
title_fancy_entities: "Muunna tavalliset ASCII merkit hienommiksi HTML merkinnöiksi ketjun otsikoissa, kuten SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -855,7 +855,7 @@ fr:
email_time_window_mins: "Attendre (n) minutes avant l'envoi des courriels de notification, afin de laisser une chance aux utilisateurs de modifier ou finaliser leurs messages."
email_posts_context: "Combien de réponses précédentes doit-on inclure dans les courriels de notifications pour situer le contexte."
flush_timings_secs: "A quelle fréquence les données de timing doivent être vider, en secondes."
max_word_length: "Le nombre maximum de mots, en caractères, dans un titre de sujet."
title_max_word_length: "Le nombre maximum de mots, en caractères, dans un titre de sujet."
title_min_entropy: "L'entropie minimale (caractères unique, les caractères en langues étrangères compte pour plus) requise pour le titre d'un sujet."
body_min_entropy: "L'entropie minimale (caractères unique, les caractères en langues étrangères compte pour plus) requise pour le corps d'un message."
title_fancy_entities: "Convertir les caractères ASCII commun en jolies entitées HTML dans les titres des sujets, comme SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ he:
email_time_window_mins: "המתינו (n) דקות לפני משלוח כל התראת מייל, כדי לאפשר למשתמשים הזדמנות לערוך ולוודא באופן סופי את הפרסומים שלהם."
email_posts_context: "כמה תגובות קודמות יש לכלול למתקן הקשר בהודעות דוא\"ל עם התראות."
flush_timings_secs: "באיזו תדירות אנחנו מזרימים מידע לשרת, בשניות."
max_word_length: "האורך המקסימלי המותר למילה בכותרת נושא, בתווים. "
title_max_word_length: "האורך המקסימלי המותר למילה בכותרת נושא, בתווים. "
title_min_entropy: "האנטרופיה (תווים ייחודים שאינם בשפת הכתיבה) המינימלית הנדרשת בכותרת נושא."
body_min_entropy: "האנטרופיה (תוים ייחודיים שאינם בשפת הכתיבה) המינימלית הנדרשת בגוף המסמך."
title_fancy_entities: "Convert common ASCII characters to fancy HTML entities in topic titles, ala SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ it:
email_time_window_mins: "Aspetta (n) minuti prima di inviare email di notifica, per dare agli utenti la possibilità di modificare e completare i loro messaggi."
email_posts_context: "Quante risposte precedenti inserire come contesto nelle email di notifica."
flush_timings_secs: "Frequenza di svuotamento dei dati temporali verso il server, in secondi."
max_word_length: "Numero massimo di caratteri che compongono il titolo di un argomento."
title_max_word_length: "Numero massimo di caratteri che compongono il titolo di un argomento."
title_min_entropy: "Minima entropia (caratteri unici) richiesti come titolo di un argomento."
body_min_entropy: "Minima entropia (caratteri unici) richiesti come corpo di un messaggio."
title_fancy_entities: "Converti caratteri ASCII comuni in HTML nei titoli dell'argomento, tipo SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -779,7 +779,7 @@ ja:
email_time_window_mins: "ユーザによるポストの最終編集チャンスを与えるために、通知用メール送信までに待つ時間 (分)"
email_posts_context: "通知メールのコンテンツに含める回答の数"
flush_timings_secs: "サーバにタイミングデータを送信する頻度 (秒)"
max_word_length: "トピックタイトルの最大文字数"
title_max_word_length: "トピックタイトルの最大文字数"
title_min_entropy: "トピックタイトルの最小許容エントロピー (ユニークキャラクターや英語以外の単語を含むとより大きな値になります)"
body_min_entropy: "ポスト本文の最小許容エントロピー (ユニークキャラクターや英語以外の単語を含むとより大きな値になります)"
title_fancy_entities: "トピックタイトルの一般的な ASCII 文字をファンシーな HTML エンティティに変換する; SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -688,7 +688,7 @@ ko:
email_time_window_mins: "알림 메일을 보내기 전 대기 기간(분), 사용자에게 포스트의 변경하고 완료할 수 있는 기회를 준다."
email_posts_context: "알림메일의 내용에 추가할 기존 답글 수"
flush_timings_secs: "사용자의 이용 시간 데이터를 서버로 보내는 기간(초)"
max_word_length: "토픽 제목에 최대 단어 길이(글자 수)"
title_max_word_length: "토픽 제목에 최대 단어 길이(글자 수)"
title_min_entropy: "토픽 제목에 필요한 최소 엔트로피(서로 다른 글자들이 몇개 존재해야하는지)"
body_min_entropy: "포스트 본문에 필요한 최소 엔트로피(서로 다른 글자들이 몇개 존재해야하는지)"
title_fancy_entities: "토픽 제목에 일반 ASCII 문자로 만든 기호들을 보기 좋은 HTML로 변환시켜준다. 참고: SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ pt:
email_time_window_mins: "Esperar (n) minutos antes de enviar quaisquer emails de notificação, para dar aos utilizadores a hipótese de editarem e finalizarem as suas mensagens."
email_posts_context: "Quantas respostas prévias a serem incluídas como contexto em emails de notificação."
flush_timings_secs: "Com que frequência o servidor é alimentado com dados de sincronização, em segundos."
max_word_length: "Tamanho máximo permitido de palavras, em caracteres, no título de um tópico."
title_max_word_length: "Tamanho máximo permitido de palavras, em caracteres, no título de um tópico."
title_min_entropy: "Entropia mínima (caracteres únicos, contagem não-inglesa para mais) necessária para o título de um tópico."
body_min_entropy: "Entropia mínima (caracteres únicos, contagem não-inglesa para mais) necessária para o corpo de uma mensagem."
title_fancy_entities: "Converter caracteres ASCII comuns em entidades HTML nos títulos dos tópicos, ala SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -832,7 +832,7 @@ pt_BR:
create_thumbnails: "Criar thumbnails e lightbox para imagens que são muito largas para caber em uma postagem."
email_time_window_mins: "Aguardar (n) minutos antes de enviar quaisquer emails de notificação, para dar aos usuários uma chance de editarem e finalizarem seus posts."
email_posts_context: "Quantas respostas prévias incluir como contexto em emails de notificação."
max_word_length: "O tamanho máximo permitido de uma palavra, em caracteres, num título de tópico."
title_max_word_length: "O tamanho máximo permitido de uma palavra, em caracteres, num título de tópico."
title_fancy_entities: "Converter caracteres ASCII comuns em entidades HTML nos títulos dos tópicos, ala SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
min_title_similar_length: "O tamanho mínimo de um título antes que ele seja checado por tópicos semelhantes."
min_body_similar_length: "O tamanho mínimo do corpo de conteúdo de um post antes que ele seja checado por tópicos semelhantes."
@ -869,7 +869,7 @@ ro:
email_time_window_mins: "Aşteaptă (n) minute până să trimiţi orice email de notificare, pentru a da utilizatorilor şansa să-şi editeze şi să-şi finalizeze postările."
email_posts_context: "Câte răspunsuri precedente să fie incluse ca context în email-urile de notificare."
flush_timings_secs: "Cât de frecvent se resetează timpul de pe server, în secunde."
max_word_length: "Lungimea maximă permisă a unui cuvânt, în caractere, în titlul discuţiei."
title_max_word_length: "Lungimea maximă permisă a unui cuvânt, în caractere, în titlul discuţiei."
title_min_entropy: "Minimul de entropie (caractere unice, non-engelze ce definesc mai multe elemente) necesară pentru un titlu de discuţie."
body_min_entropy: "Minimul de entropie (caractere unice, non-engleze ce definesc mai multe elemente) necesară pentru conţinutul unei postari."
@ -781,7 +781,7 @@ ru:
create_thumbnails: "Создавать миниатюры слишком больших картинок в сообщениях, показывать большие оригиналы в отдельно открывающемся окне."
email_time_window_mins: "Подождать (n) минут перед отсылкой каких-либо уведомлений почтой, чтобы дать автору возможность перечитать и отредактировать своё сообщение."
email_posts_context: "Сколько предыдущих ответов включать для контекста в уведомления по e-mail."
max_word_length: "Максимальная длина слов в названии темы."
title_max_word_length: "Максимальная длина слов в названии темы."
title_min_entropy: "Минимальная энтропия, требуемая для названия темы. Энтропия - количество уникальных символов, причем некоторые русские буквы могут считаться за 2 символа, а не за 1, как английские)."
body_min_entropy: "Минимальная энтропия, требуемая для текста новой темы. Энтропия - количество уникальных символов, причем некоторые русские буквы могут считаться за 2 символа, а не за 1, как английские)."
title_fancy_entities: "Конвертировать обычные ASCII символы в симпатичные HTML символы в названиях тем, аля SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ sq:
email_time_window_mins: "Wait (n) minutes before sending any notification emails, to give users a chance to edit and finalize their posts."
email_posts_context: "How many prior replies to include as context in notification emails."
flush_timings_secs: "How frequently we flush timing data to the server, in seconds."
max_word_length: "The maximum allowed word length, in characters, in a topic title."
title_max_word_length: "The maximum allowed word length, in characters, in a topic title."
title_min_entropy: "The minimum entropy (unique characters, non-english count for more) required for a topic title."
body_min_entropy: "The minimum entropy (unique characters, non-english count for more) required for a post body."
title_fancy_entities: "Convert common ASCII characters to fancy HTML entities in topic titles, ala SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ tr_TR:
email_time_window_mins: "Kullanıcılara, gönderilerini düzenlemelerine ve tamamlamalarına fırsat vermek için herhangi bir bildiri e-postası göndermeden önce (n) dakika bekleyin."
email_posts_context: "Genel durumu göstermek amaçlı, bildiri e-postalarında yer alacak önceki cevap sayısı."
flush_timings_secs: "Zaman verisinin sunucuya atılma sıklığı, saniye olarak."
max_word_length: "Konu başlığında bulunabilecek en fazla karakter sayısı."
title_max_word_length: "Konu başlığında bulunabilecek en fazla karakter sayısı."
title_min_entropy: "Konu başlığı için gereken en az entropi (tekil karakter, ingilizce-dışı karakterler daha fazla sayılır)"
body_min_entropy: "Gönderi içeriği için gereken en az entropi (tekil karakter, ingilizce-dışı karakterler daha fazla sayılır)"
title_fancy_entities: "SmartyPants tarzında, konu başlıklarında ASCII karakterlerini süslü HTML öğelerine çevir: http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ zh_CN:
email_time_window_mins: "等待多少(n)分钟才给用户发送通知电子邮件,好让他们有机会自己来编辑和完善他们的帖子。"
email_posts_context: "在通知邮件中包含的作为上下文的回复数量。"
flush_timings_secs: "向服务器刷新时间数据的频率,以秒为单位。"
max_word_length: "在主题的标题中,允许的词语长度的最大字符数。"
title_max_word_length: "在主题的标题中,允许的词语长度的最大字符数。"
title_min_entropy: "在主题的标题中,允许的最低熵值(单个字符)。"
body_min_entropy: "在一个帖子内文中,允许的最低熵值(单个字符)。"
title_fancy_entities: "转换主题标题中的 HTML 实体,参考:SmartyPants http://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/"
@ -769,7 +769,7 @@ zh_TW:
email_time_window_mins: "等待多少 (n) 分鐘才給用戶發送通知電子郵件,好讓他們有機會自己來編輯和完善他們的帖子。"
email_posts_context: "在通知電郵中包含的作為上下文的回覆數量。"
flush_timings_secs: "刷新時間資料的頻率,以秒為單位"
max_word_length: "在討論話題的標題中,允許的詞彙最長字數"
title_max_word_length: "在討論話題的標題中,允許的詞彙最長字數"
title_min_entropy: "在主題的標題中,允許的最低熵值(單字)。"
body_min_entropy: "在一個帖子內文中,允許的最低熵值(單字)。"
title_fancy_entities: "轉換討論話題標題中的 HTML 實體"
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ posting:
max_mentions_per_post: 10
newuser_max_replies_per_topic: 3
newuser_max_mentions_per_post: 2
max_word_length: 30
title_max_word_length: 30
newuser_max_links: 2
client: true
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class TextSentinel
(SiteSetting.min_topic_title_length.to_f * ENTROPY_SCALE).to_i
TextSentinel.new(text, min_entropy: entropy, max_word_length: SiteSetting.max_word_length)
TextSentinel.new(text, min_entropy: entropy, max_word_length: SiteSetting.title_max_word_length)
# Entropy is a number of how many unique characters the string needs.
Add table
Reference in a new issue