diff --git a/config/locales/server.cs.yml b/config/locales/server.cs.yml index d21de715d..e3eea99a5 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.cs.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.cs.yml @@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ cs: min_body_similar_length: "Minimální délka těla příspěvku, než budou hledána podobná témata" category_colors: "Seznam hexadecimálních barev oddělený svislítkem (|) pro barvy kategorií" - max_upload_size_kb: "Maximální povolená velikost nahrávaných souborů v kb - nezapomeňte tento limit změnit v nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache a na proxy serverech." + max_upload_size_kb: "Maximální povolená velikost nahrávaných souborů v kB - nezapomeňte tento limit změnit v nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache a na proxy serverech." max_similar_results: "Kolik podobných témat se má zobrazovat uživateli, když vytváří nové téma" title_prettify: "Zabrání běžným překlepům a chybám v názvu tématu, včetně psaní velkými písmeny, malé písmeno na začátku, vícenásobné vykřičníky a otazníky, atd." diff --git a/config/locales/server.de.yml b/config/locales/server.de.yml index b9533e6cc..00e7d09eb 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.de.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.de.yml @@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ de: min_body_similar_length: "Minimale Länge eines Beitragstextes, bevor nach ähnlichen Themen gesucht wird." category_colors: "Eine durch senkrechte Striche getrennte Liste hexadezimaler Farbwerte, die als Kategoriefarben erlaubt sind." - max_upload_size_kb: "Maximale Größe in Kilobytes (KB), die von Benutzer hochgeladene Bilder groß sein dürfen. Stelle sicher, dass dieser Wert auch in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache und Proxies konfiguriert ist." + max_upload_size_kb: "Maximale Größe in Kilobytes (kB), die von Benutzer hochgeladene Bilder groß sein dürfen. Stelle sicher, dass dieser Wert auch in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache und Proxies konfiguriert ist." max_similar_results: "Zahl der Themen, die ein Nutzer sieht während sei ein neues Thema erstellen." notification_types: diff --git a/config/locales/server.en.yml b/config/locales/server.en.yml index 07aea4be8..17832b120 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.en.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.en.yml @@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ en: min_body_similar_length: "The minimum length of a post's body before it will be checked for similar topics" category_colors: "A pipe (|) separated list of hexadecimal color values allowed for categories" - max_upload_size_kb: "The maximum size of files we allow users to upload in kb - be sure to configure the limit in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache or proxy as well." + max_upload_size_kb: "The maximum size of files we allow users to upload in kB - be sure to configure the limit in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache or proxy as well." max_similar_results: "How many similar topics to show a user while they are composing a new topic" title_prettify: "Prevent common title typos and errors, including all caps, lowercase first character, multiple ! and ?, extra . at end, etc." diff --git a/config/locales/server.fr.yml b/config/locales/server.fr.yml index 5c600b95f..1cddd0537 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.fr.yml @@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ fr: min_body_similar_length: "La taille minimale du message avant que l'on vérifie l'existence de discussions identiques" category_colors: "Une liste de couleurs autorisées pour les catégories (au format hexadécimal, séparés par un |)" - max_upload_size_kb: "La taille maximum des fichiers que les utilisateurs peuvent envoyer en Kb - assurez-vous de configurer également cette limite dans nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache ou votre proxy." + max_upload_size_kb: "La taille maximum des fichiers que les utilisateurs peuvent envoyer en kB - assurez-vous de configurer également cette limite dans nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache ou votre proxy." max_similar_results: "Nombre de discussions similaires à afficher lorsqu'un utilisateur est en train de créer une nouvelle discussion" title_prettify: "Corrige les coquilles les plus communes dans les titres (intégralité du titre en majuscule, première lettre en minuscule, de multiples ! et ?, un . inutile à la fin, etc.)" diff --git a/config/locales/server.id.yml b/config/locales/server.id.yml index c5877de44..c09277ae4 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.id.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.id.yml @@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ id: min_body_similar_length: "The minimum length of a post's body before it will be checked for similar topics" category_colors: "A pipe (|) separated list of hexadecimal color values allowed for categories" - max_upload_size_kb: "The maximum size of files we allow users to upload in kb - be sure to configure the limit in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache or proxy as well." + max_upload_size_kb: "The maximum size of files we allow users to upload in kB - be sure to configure the limit in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache or proxy as well." max_similar_results: "How many similar topics to show a user while they are composing a new topic" notification_types: diff --git a/config/locales/server.it.yml b/config/locales/server.it.yml index d1f8fa8a2..39a78957f 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.it.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.it.yml @@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ it: min_body_similar_length: "Lunghezza minima del contenuto di un post perattivare il controllo su topic simili" category_colors: "Lista di colori esadecimali per sfondo categorie, separati da pipe (\"|\")" - max_upload_size_kb: "Dimensione massima in kb per gli upload degli utenti - assicurati di configurare il limite in nginx (client_max_body_size) o apache." + max_upload_size_kb: "Dimensione massima in kB per gli upload degli utenti - assicurati di configurare il limite in nginx (client_max_body_size) o apache." max_similar_results: "Numero di topic simili da mostrare all'utente durante la creazione di un nuovo topic" notification_types: diff --git a/config/locales/server.nl.yml b/config/locales/server.nl.yml index 731090972..dc1a48181 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.nl.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.nl.yml @@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ nl: min_body_similar_length: De minimale lengte die de inhoud van een bericht moet hebben voordat er wordt gezocht naar vergelijkbare topics category_colors: "Een lijst, gescheiden door een pipe (|), van hexadecimal kleurwaardes die gebruikt kunnen worden voor categorien" - max_upload_size_kb: "De maximale bestandsgrootte die we toestaan voor uploads, in Kb. Zorg er voor dat deze limiet ook ingesteld is in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache of een proxy." + max_upload_size_kb: "De maximale bestandsgrootte die we toestaan voor uploads, in kB. Zorg er voor dat deze limiet ook ingesteld is in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache of een proxy." max_similar_results: "How many similar topics to show a user while they are composing a new topic" title_prettify: "Voorkom veel voorkomende fouten in titels (alles in hoofdletters, eerste woord zonder hoofdletter, meerdere ! en ?, een extra . aan het eind, etc." diff --git a/config/locales/server.sv.yml b/config/locales/server.sv.yml index be988ae5b..3a328f4b2 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.sv.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.sv.yml @@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ sv: min_body_similar_length: "The minimum length of a post's body before it will be checked for similar topics" category_colors: "A pipe (|) separated list of hexadecimal color values allowed for categories" - max_upload_size_kb: "The maximum size of files we allow users to upload in kb - be sure to configure the limit in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache or proxy as well." + max_upload_size_kb: "The maximum size of files we allow users to upload in kB - be sure to configure the limit in nginx (client_max_body_size) / apache or proxy as well." max_similar_results: "How many similar topics to show a user while they are composing a new topic" notification_types: diff --git a/config/locales/server.zh_CN.yml b/config/locales/server.zh_CN.yml index 8b4d83ea4..e70926c3b 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.zh_CN.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.zh_CN.yml @@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ zh_CN: min_body_similar_length: "开始检查相似主题的帖子内容的最小长度" category_colors: "设置分类颜色的用'|'分隔的十六进制色彩值列表" - max_upload_size_kb: "允许用户上传的最大文件大小(以kb为单位) - 确保在nginx(client_max_body_size), apache或代理服务中进行限制文件大小的配置." + max_upload_size_kb: "允许用户上传的最大文件大小(以kB为单位) - 确保在nginx(client_max_body_size), apache或代理服务中进行限制文件大小的配置." max_similar_results: "当用户撰写新主题时,显示多少类似主题给用户" title_prettify: "防止常见标题里的错别字和错误,包括全部大写,第一个字符小写,多个!和?,结尾多余的. 等等。" diff --git a/config/locales/server.zh_TW.yml b/config/locales/server.zh_TW.yml index 752f52aa7..c2928de9a 100644 --- a/config/locales/server.zh_TW.yml +++ b/config/locales/server.zh_TW.yml @@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ zh_TW: min_body_similar_length: "開始檢查相似主題的帖子內容的最小長度" category_colors: "設置分類顔色的用'|'分隔的十六進制色彩值列表" - max_upload_size_kb: "允許用戶上傳的最大文件大小(以kb爲單位) - 確保在nginx(client_max_body_size), apache或代理服務中進行限制文件大小的配置." + max_upload_size_kb: "允許用戶上傳的最大文件大小(以kB爲單位) - 確保在nginx(client_max_body_size), apache或代理服務中進行限制文件大小的配置." max_similar_results: "當用戶撰寫新主題時,顯示多少類似主題給用戶" title_prettify: "防止常見標題裏的錯別字和錯誤,包括全部大寫,第一個字符小寫,多個!和?,結尾多余的. 等等。"