multiple_polls_without_name:"There are multiple polls without a name. Use the '<code>name</code>' attribute to uniquely identify your polls."
multiple_polls_with_same_name:"There are multiple polls with the same name: <strong>%{name}</strong>. Use the '<code>name</code>' attribute to uniquely identify your polls."
default_poll_must_have_at_least_2_options:"Poll must have at least 2 options."
named_poll_must_have_at_least_2_options:"Poll named <strong>%{name}</strong> must have at least 2 options."
staff_cannot_add_or_remove_options_after_5_minutes:"After the first 5 minutes, poll options can only be edited, not added or removed. If you need to add or remove options, you should close this topic and create a new one."