diff --git a/Summer-Project-Ideas-List.md b/Summer-Project-Ideas-List.md
index a7aadd1..a2249c8 100644
--- a/Summer-Project-Ideas-List.md
+++ b/Summer-Project-Ideas-List.md
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@ This was originally put together as a Google Summer of Code projects list, but d
1. [Improve iPad App Performance](#wiki-ipad)
1. [Upgrade the Level Editor](#wiki-editor)
1. [Add Classroom Organization Features](#wiki-classroom)
-1. [Add Visual Effects](#wiki-effects)
1. [Organize Multilingual Audio Recordings](#wiki-multilingual-audio)
1. [Improve Game Physics](#wiki-physics)
1. [Add WebRTC Voice/Video Chat to Multiplayer](#wiki-webrtc)
@@ -134,17 +133,6 @@ Teachers of students of all ages often ask us for features to manage student acc
*Difficulty:* Medium. Teachers don't need a lot of features, but the features must be well-designed and intuitive to use.
-##### Add Visual Effects
-CodeCombat uses [EaselJS](http://www.createjs.com/#!/EaselJS), a 2D graphics library for Canvas with a Flash-like API, for rendering the game graphics. It also has [a new WebGL-backed renderer](http://blog.createjs.com/webgl-easeljs-a-technical-intro/) that we use for awesome performance. But we could do so much more with the visuals, like adding particle emitters, faux 3D effects, drawing heroes' equipped weapons and armor, and visualizing the effects of player's code. Plus, we could dynamically adaptive performance to push up to 60 FPS when performance allows it.
-*Expected results:* CodeCombat can introduce particle emitters and other visual effects.
-*Knowledge prerequisite:* Basic programming skills and an interest in graphics. Knowledge of CoffeeScript or JavaScript helpful.
-*Difficulty:* Easy. Getting the basic particle emitters in should be a cinch, and then after that, it's up to you how much cool stuff to add using it.
##### Organize Multilingual Audio Recordings
We've built internationalization and localization tools allowing translation of almost all of CodeCombat's text (pretty much except for the names of the player's API methods themselves), but we still have some voiceover from the heroes that is only in English. We could organize our Diplomats to record this dialogue for us in their own languages so that even younger international players can understand it (since often they want to hear, not read, the instructions, plus having flavor sound bytes in your own language is always cool). This wouldn't take much coding, although if you can code, there is some to do to be able to use the sound files in game and visualize the recording completion coverage progress. But mostly it'll take patience and communication with all of our Diplomats to get the recordings done. Alternatively, if your coding is strong, you could build an HTML5-based speech recorder node for [Treema](https://github.com/codecombat/treema) that would allow anyone to record their language's audio from their browser, normalize the audio and remove noise using the web audio APIs, and upload it to our server in mp3 and ogg.