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375 lines
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// Evaluate help videos styles A/B test
// Usage:
// mongo <address>:<port>/<database> <script file> -u <username> -p <password>
// What do we want to know?
// For a given style:
// - Video completion rates (Not too interesting unless each level has all styles available)
// - Video completion rates, per-level too
// - Watched another video
// - Level completion rates
// - Subscription coversion totals
// TODO: The rest
// - How many people who start a level click the help button, and which one?
// - Need a hard start date when the help button presented
// 12:42am 12/18/14 PST - Intial production deploy completed
var testStartDate = '2014-12-18T08:42:00.000Z';
// 12:29pm 12/18/14 PST - 2nd deploy w/ originals for dungeons-of-kithgard and second-kithmaze
// TODO: move this date up to avoid prod deploy transitional data messing with us.
// testStartDate = '2014-12-18T20:29:00.000Z';
testStartDate = '2014-12-18T22:29:00.000Z';
function printVideoCompletionRates() {
print("Querying for help video events...");
var videosCursor = db['analytics.log.events'].find({
$and: [
{"created": { $gte: ISODate(testStartDate)}},
{$or : [
{"event": "Start help video"},
{"event": "Finish help video"}
print("Building video progression data...");
// Build: <style><level><userID><event> counts
var videoProgression = {};
while (videosCursor.hasNext()) {
var doc = videosCursor.next();
var userID = doc.user.valueOf();
var levelID = doc.properties.level;
var style = doc.properties.style;
var event = doc.event;
if (!videoProgression[style]) videoProgression[style] = {};
if (!videoProgression[style][levelID]) videoProgression[style][levelID] = {};
if (!videoProgression[style][levelID][userID]) videoProgression[style][levelID][userID] = {};
if (!videoProgression[style][levelID][userID][event]) videoProgression[style][levelID][userID][event] = 0;
// Overall per-style
print("Counting start/finish events per-style...");
// Calculate overall video style completion rates, agnostic of level
// Build: <style><event>{<starts>, <finishes>}
var styleCompletionCounts = {}
for (style in videoProgression) {
styleCompletionCounts[style] = {};
for (levelID in videoProgression[style]) {
for (userID in videoProgression[style][levelID]) {
for (event in videoProgression[style][levelID][userID]) {
if (!styleCompletionCounts[style][event]) styleCompletionCounts[style][event] = 0;
styleCompletionCounts[style][event] += videoProgression[style][levelID][userID][event];
print("Sorting per-style completion rates...");
var styleCompletionRates = [];
for (style in styleCompletionCounts) {
var started = 0;
var finished = 0;
for (event in styleCompletionCounts[style]) {
if (event === "Start help video") started += styleCompletionCounts[style][event];
else if (event === "Finish help video") finished += styleCompletionCounts[style][event];
else throw new Error("Unknown event " + event);
var data = {
style: style,
started: started,
finished: finished
if (finished > 0) data['rate'] = finished / started * 100;
styleCompletionRates.sort(function(a,b) {return b['rate'] && a['rate'] ? b.rate - a.rate : 0;});
print("Overall per-style completion rates:");
for (var i = 0; i < styleCompletionRates.length; i++) {
var item = styleCompletionRates[i];
var msg = item.style + (item.style === 'edited' ? "\t\t" : "\t") + item.started + "\t" + item.finished;
if (item['rate']) msg += "\t" + item.rate + "%";
// Style completion rates per-level
print("Counting start/finish events per-level and style...");
var styleLevelCompletionCounts = {}
for (style in videoProgression) {
for (levelID in videoProgression[style]) {
if (!styleLevelCompletionCounts[levelID]) styleLevelCompletionCounts[levelID] = {};
if (!styleLevelCompletionCounts[levelID][style]) styleLevelCompletionCounts[levelID][style] = {};
for (userID in videoProgression[style][levelID]) {
for (event in videoProgression[style][levelID][userID]) {
if (!styleLevelCompletionCounts[levelID][style][event]) styleLevelCompletionCounts[levelID][style][event] = 0;
styleLevelCompletionCounts[levelID][style][event] += videoProgression[style][levelID][userID][event];
print("Sorting per-level completion rates...");
var styleLevelCompletionRates = [];
for (levelID in styleLevelCompletionCounts) {
for (style in styleLevelCompletionCounts[levelID]) {
var started = 0;
var finished = 0;
for (event in styleLevelCompletionCounts[levelID][style]) {
if (event === "Start help video") started += styleLevelCompletionCounts[levelID][style][event];
else if (event === "Finish help video") finished += styleLevelCompletionCounts[levelID][style][event];
else throw new Error("Unknown event " + event);
var data = {
level: levelID,
style: style,
started: started,
finished: finished
if (finished > 0) data['rate'] = finished / started * 100;
styleLevelCompletionRates.sort(function(a,b) {
if (a.level !== b.level) {
if (a.level < b.level) return -1;
else return 1;
return b['rate'] && a['rate'] ? b.rate - a.rate : 0;
print("Per-level style completion rates:");
for (var i = 0; i < styleLevelCompletionRates.length; i++) {
var item = styleLevelCompletionRates[i];
var msg = item.level + "\t" + item.style + (item.style === 'edited' ? "\t\t" : "\t") + item.started + "\t" + item.finished;
if (item['rate']) msg += "\t" + item.rate + "%";
function printWatchedAnotherVideoRates() {
// How useful is a style/level in yielding more video starts
// Algorithm:
// 1. Fetch all start/finish video events after test start date
// 2. Create a per-userID dictionary of user event history arrays
// 3. Sort each user event history array in ascending order. Now we have a video watching history, per-user.
// 4. Walk through each user's history
// a. Increment global count for level/style/event, for each level/style event in past history.
// b. Save current entry in the past history.
// 5. Sort by ascending level name, descending started count
// TODO: only attribute one start/finish per level to a user?
print("Querying for help video events...");
var videosCursor = db['analytics.log.events'].find({
$and: [
{"created": { $gte: ISODate(testStartDate)}},
{$or : [
{"event": "Start help video"},
{"event": "Finish help video"}
print("Building per-user video progression data...");
// Find video progression per-user
// Build: <userID>[sorted style/event/level/date events]
var videoProgression = {};
while (videosCursor.hasNext()) {
var doc = videosCursor.next();
var event = doc.event;
var userID = doc.user.valueOf();
var created = doc.created
var levelID = doc.properties.level;
var style = doc.properties.style;
if (!videoProgression[userID]) videoProgression[userID] = [];
style: style,
level: levelID,
event: event,
created: created.toISOString()
// printjson(videoProgression);
print("Sorting per-user video progression data...");
for (userID in videoProgression) videoProgression[userID].sort(function (a,b) {return a.created < b.created ? -1 : 1});
print("Building per-level/style additional watched videos..");
var additionalWatchedVideos = {};
for (userID in videoProgression) {
// Walk user's history, and tally what preceded each historical entry
var userHistory = videoProgression[userID];
// printjson(userHistory);
var previouslyWatched = {};
for (var i = 0; i < userHistory.length; i++) {
// Walk previously watched events, and attribute to correct additionally watched entry
var item = userHistory[i];
var level = item.level;
var style = item.style;
var event = item.event;
var created = item.created;
for (previousLevel in previouslyWatched) {
for (previousStyle in previouslyWatched[previousLevel]) {
if (previousLevel === level) continue;
var previous = previouslyWatched[previousLevel];
// For previous level and style, 'event' followed it
if (!additionalWatchedVideos[previousLevel]) additionalWatchedVideos[previousLevel] = {};
if (!additionalWatchedVideos[previousLevel][previousStyle]) {
additionalWatchedVideos[previousLevel][previousStyle] = {};
// TODO: care which video watched next?
if (!additionalWatchedVideos[previousLevel][previousStyle][event]) {
additionalWatchedVideos[previousLevel][previousStyle][event] = 0;
if (previousLevel === 'the-second-kithmaze') {
print("Followed the-second-kithmaze " + userID + " " + level + " " + event + " " + created);
// Add level/style to previouslyWatched for this user
if (!previouslyWatched[level]) previouslyWatched[level] = {};
if (!previouslyWatched[level][style]) previouslyWatched[level][style] = true;
print("Sorting additional watched videos by started event counts...");
var additionalWatchedVideoByStarted = [];
for (levelID in additionalWatchedVideos) {
for (style in additionalWatchedVideos[levelID]) {
var started = 0;
var finished = 0;
for (event in additionalWatchedVideos[levelID][style]) {
if (event === "Start help video") started += additionalWatchedVideos[levelID][style][event];
else if (event === "Finish help video") finished += additionalWatchedVideos[levelID][style][event];
else throw new Error("Unknown event " + event);
var data = {
level: levelID,
style: style,
started: started,
finished: finished
if (finished > 0) data['rate'] = finished / started * 100;
additionalWatchedVideoByStarted.sort(function(a,b) {
if (a.level !== b.level) {
if (a.level < b.level) return -1;
else return 1;
return b.started - a.started;
print("Per-level additional videos watched:");
print("For a given level and style, this is how many more videos were started and finished.");
print("Columns: level, style, started, finished, additionals completion rate");
for (var i = 0; i < additionalWatchedVideoByStarted.length; i++) {
var item = additionalWatchedVideoByStarted[i];
var msg = item.level + "\t" + item.style + (item.style === 'edited' ? "\t\t" : "\t") + item.started + "\t" + item.finished;
if (item['rate']) msg += "\t" + item.rate + "%";
function printSubConversionTotals() {
// For a user, who started a video, did they subscribe afterwards?
// Find each started event, per user
print("Querying for help video start events...");
var eventsCursor = db['analytics.log.events'].find({
$and: [
{"created": { $gte: ISODate(testStartDate)}},
{$or : [
{"event": "Start help video"},
{"event": "Finished subscription purchase"}
print("Building per-user events progression data...");
// Find event progression per-user
var eventsProgression = {};
while (eventsCursor.hasNext()) {
var doc = eventsCursor.next();
var event = doc.event;
var userID = doc.user.valueOf();
var created = doc.created
var levelID = doc.properties.level;
var style = doc.properties.style;
if (!eventsProgression[userID]) eventsProgression[userID] = [];
style: style,
level: levelID,
event: event,
created: created.toISOString()
// if (event === 'Finished subscription purchase')
// printjson(eventsProgression[userID]);
// printjson(eventsProgression);
print("Sorting per-user events progression data...");
for (userID in eventsProgression) eventsProgression[userID].sort(function (a,b) {return a.created < b.created ? -1 : 1});
print("Building per-level/style sub purchases..");
// Build: <level><style><count>
var subPurchaseCounts = {};
for (userID in eventsProgression) {
var history = eventsProgression[userID];
for (var i = 0; i < history.length; i++) {
if (history[i].event === 'Finished subscription purchase') {
var item = i > 0 ? history[i - 1] : {level: 'unknown', style: 'unknown'};
// if (i === 0) {
// print(userID);
// printjson(history[i]);
// }
if (!subPurchaseCounts[item.level]) subPurchaseCounts[item.level] = {};
if (!subPurchaseCounts[item.level][item.style]) subPurchaseCounts[item.level][item.style] = 0;
// printjson(subPurchaseCounts);
print("Sorting per-level/style sub purchase counts...");
var subPurchasesByTotal = [];
for (levelID in subPurchaseCounts) {
for (style in subPurchaseCounts[levelID]) {
level: levelID,
style: style,
total: subPurchaseCounts[levelID][style]
subPurchasesByTotal.sort(function (a,b) {
if (a.level !== b.level) return a.level < b.level ? -1 : 1;
return b.total - a.total;
print("Per-level/style following sub purchases:");
print("Columns: level, style, following sub purchases.");
print("'unknown' means no preceding start help video event.");
for (var i = 0; i < subPurchasesByTotal.length; i++) {
var item = subPurchasesByTotal[i];
print(item.level + "\t" + item.style + (item.style === 'edited' ? "\t\t" : "\t") + item.total);
printSubConversionTotals(); |