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synced 2025-03-25 20:30:01 -04:00
Admins can generate a prepaid code, which a user can use to subscribe for free via the account/subscription page. The subscription will be identical to the normal monthly subscription (e.g. 3500 gems per month), except they won’t be charged. Does not require the recipient to enter billing information. Can be applied to an existing subscription, which will be converted to free. Prepaid code can only be used once. Prepaid subscription cannot be unsubscribed via the UI.
317 lines
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317 lines
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c = require './../schemas'
emailSubscriptions = ['announcement', 'tester', 'level_creator', 'developer', 'article_editor', 'translator', 'support', 'notification']
UserSchema = c.object
title: 'User'
visa: 'Authorized to work in the US'
music: true
name: 'Anoner'
autocastDelay: 5000
emails: {}
permissions: []
anonymous: true
points: 0
preferredLanguage: 'en-US'
aceConfig: {}
simulatedBy: 0
simulatedFor: 0
jobProfile: {}
earned: {heroes: [], items: [], levels: [], gems: 0}
purchased: {heroes: [], items: [], levels: [], gems: 0}
c.extendNamedProperties UserSchema # let's have the name be the first property
#Put the various filters in variables for reusability
phoneScreenFilter =
title: 'Phone screened'
type: 'boolean'
description: 'Whether the candidate has been phone screened.'
schoolFilter =
title: 'School'
type: 'string'
enum: ['Top School', 'Other']
locationFilter =
title: 'Location'
type: 'string'
enum: ['Bay Area', 'New York', 'Other US', 'International']
roleFilter =
title: 'Role'
type: 'string'
enum: ['Web Developer', 'Software Developer', 'Mobile Developer']
seniorityFilter =
title: 'Seniority'
type: 'string'
enum: ['College Student', 'Recent Grad', 'Junior', 'Senior']
visa = c.shortString
title: 'US Work Status'
description: 'Are you authorized to work in the US, or do you need visa sponsorship? (If you live in Canada or Australia, mark authorized.)'
enum: ['Authorized to work in the US', 'Need visa sponsorship']
_.extend UserSchema.properties,
email: c.shortString({title: 'Email', format: 'email'})
iosIdentifierForVendor: c.shortString({format: 'hidden'})
firstName: c.shortString({title: 'First Name'})
lastName: c.shortString({title: 'Last Name'})
gender: {type: 'string', 'enum': ['male', 'female']}
ageRange: {type: 'string'} # 'enum': ['0-13', '14-17', '18-24', '25-34', '35-44', '45-100']
password: {type: 'string', maxLength: 256, minLength: 2, title: 'Password'}
passwordReset: {type: 'string'}
photoURL: {type: 'string', format: 'image-file', title: 'Profile Picture', description: 'Upload a 256x256px or larger image to serve as your profile picture.'}
facebookID: c.shortString({title: 'Facebook ID'})
githubID: {type: 'integer', title: 'GitHub ID'}
gplusID: c.shortString({title: 'G+ ID'})
wizardColor1: c.pct({title: 'Wizard Clothes Color'})
volume: c.pct({title: 'Volume'})
music: { type: 'boolean' }
autocastDelay: { type: 'integer' }
lastLevel: { type: 'string' }
heroConfig: c.HeroConfigSchema
emailSubscriptions: c.array {uniqueItems: true}, {'enum': emailSubscriptions}
emails: c.object {title: 'Email Settings', default: generalNews: {enabled: true}, anyNotes: {enabled: true}, recruitNotes: {enabled: true} },
# newsletters
generalNews: {$ref: '#/definitions/emailSubscription'}
adventurerNews: {$ref: '#/definitions/emailSubscription'}
ambassadorNews: {$ref: '#/definitions/emailSubscription'}
archmageNews: {$ref: '#/definitions/emailSubscription'}
artisanNews: {$ref: '#/definitions/emailSubscription'}
diplomatNews: {$ref: '#/definitions/emailSubscription'}
scribeNews: {$ref: '#/definitions/emailSubscription'}
# notifications
anyNotes: {$ref: '#/definitions/emailSubscription'} # overrides any other notifications settings
recruitNotes: {$ref: '#/definitions/emailSubscription'}
employerNotes: {$ref: '#/definitions/emailSubscription'}
oneTimes: c.array {title: 'One-time emails'},
c.object {title: 'One-time email', required: ['type', 'email']},
type: c.shortString() # E.g 'subscribe modal parent'
email: c.shortString()
sent: c.date() # Set when sent
# server controlled
permissions: c.array {}, c.shortString()
dateCreated: c.date({title: 'Date Joined'})
anonymous: {type: 'boolean' }
testGroupNumber: {type: 'integer', minimum: 0, maximum: 256, exclusiveMaximum: true}
mailChimp: {type: 'object'}
hourOfCode: {type: 'boolean'}
hourOfCodeComplete: {type: 'boolean'}
lastIP: {type: 'string'}
emailLower: c.shortString()
nameLower: c.shortString()
passwordHash: {type: 'string', maxLength: 256}
# client side
emailHash: {type: 'string'}
#Internationalization stuff
preferredLanguage: {'enum': [null].concat(c.getLanguageCodeArray())}
signedCLA: c.date({title: 'Date Signed the CLA'})
wizard: c.object {},
colorConfig: c.object {additionalProperties: c.colorConfig()}
aceConfig: c.object { default: { language: 'python', keyBindings: 'default', invisibles: false, indentGuides: false, behaviors: false, liveCompletion: true }},
language: {type: 'string', 'enum': ['python', 'javascript', 'coffeescript', 'clojure', 'lua', 'io']}
keyBindings: {type: 'string', 'enum': ['default', 'vim', 'emacs']}
invisibles: {type: 'boolean' }
indentGuides: {type: 'boolean' }
behaviors: {type: 'boolean' }
liveCompletion: {type: 'boolean' }
simulatedBy: {type: 'integer', minimum: 0 }
simulatedFor: {type: 'integer', minimum: 0 }
jobProfile: c.object {title: 'Job Profile', default: { active: false, lookingFor: 'Full-time', jobTitle: 'Software Developer', city: 'Defaultsville, CA', country: 'USA', skills: ['javascript'], shortDescription: 'Programmer seeking to build great software.', longDescription: '* I write great code.\n* You need great code?\n* Great!' }},
lookingFor: {title: 'Looking For', type: 'string', enum: ['Full-time', 'Part-time', 'Remote', 'Contracting', 'Internship'], description: 'What kind of developer position do you want?'}
jobTitle: {type: 'string', maxLength: 50, title: 'Desired Job Title', description: 'What role are you looking for? Ex.: "Full Stack Engineer", "Front-End Developer", "iOS Developer"' }
active: {title: 'Open to Offers', type: 'boolean', description: 'Want interview offers right now?'}
updated: c.date {title: 'Last Updated', description: 'How fresh your profile appears to employers. Profiles go inactive after 4 weeks.'}
name: c.shortString {title: 'Name', description: 'Name you want employers to see, like "Nick Winter".'}
city: c.shortString {title: 'City', description: 'City you want to work in (or live in now), like "San Francisco" or "Lubbock, TX".', format: 'city'}
country: c.shortString {title: 'Country', description: 'Country you want to work in (or live in now), like "USA" or "France".', format: 'country'}
skills: c.array {title: 'Skills', description: 'Tag relevant developer skills in order of proficiency', maxItems: 30, uniqueItems: true},
{type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 50, description: 'Ex.: "objective-c", "mongodb", "rails", "android", "javascript"', format: 'skill'}
experience: {type: 'integer', title: 'Years of Experience', minimum: 0, description: 'How many years of professional experience (getting paid) developing software do you have?'}
shortDescription: {type: 'string', maxLength: 140, title: 'Short Description', description: 'Who are you, and what are you looking for? 140 characters max.' }
longDescription: {type: 'string', maxLength: 600, title: 'Description', description: 'Describe yourself to potential employers. Keep it short and to the point. We recommend outlining the position that would most interest you. Tasteful markdown okay; 600 characters max.', format: 'markdown' }
visa: visa
work: c.array {title: 'Work Experience', description: 'List your relevant work experience, most recent first.'},
c.object {title: 'Job', description: 'Some work experience you had.', required: ['employer', 'role', 'duration']},
employer: c.shortString {title: 'Employer', description: 'Name of your employer.'}
role: c.shortString {title: 'Job Title', description: 'What was your job title or role?'}
duration: c.shortString {title: 'Duration', description: 'When did you hold this gig? Ex.: "Feb 2013 - present".'}
description: {type: 'string', title: 'Description', description: 'What did you do there? (140 chars; optional)', maxLength: 140}
education: c.array {title: 'Education', description: 'List your academic ordeals.'},
c.object {title: 'Ordeal', description: 'Some education that befell you.', required: ['school', 'degree', 'duration']},
school: c.shortString {title: 'School', description: 'Name of your school.'}
degree: c.shortString {title: 'Degree', description: 'What was your degree and field of study? Ex. Ph.D. Human-Computer Interaction (incomplete)'}
duration: c.shortString {title: 'Dates', description: 'When? Ex.: "Aug 2004 - May 2008".'}
description: {type: 'string', title: 'Description', description: 'Highlight anything about this educational experience. (140 chars; optional)', maxLength: 140}
projects: c.array {title: 'Projects (Top 3)', description: 'Highlight your projects to amaze employers.', maxItems: 3},
c.object {title: 'Project', description: 'A project you created.', required: ['name', 'description', 'picture'], default: {name: 'My Project', description: 'A project I worked on.', link: 'http://example.com', picture: ''}},
name: c.shortString {title: 'Project Name', description: 'What was the project called?' }
description: {type: 'string', title: 'Description', description: 'Briefly describe the project.', maxLength: 400, format: 'markdown'}
picture: {type: 'string', title: 'Picture', format: 'image-file', description: 'Upload a 230x115px or larger image showing off the project.'}
link: c.url {title: 'Link', description: 'Link to the project.'}
links: c.array {title: 'Personal and Social Links', description: 'Link any other sites or profiles you want to highlight, like your GitHub, your LinkedIn, or your blog.'},
c.object {title: 'Link', description: 'A link to another site you want to highlight, like your GitHub, your LinkedIn, or your blog.', required: ['name', 'link'], default: {link: 'http://example.com'}},
name: {type: 'string', maxLength: 30, title: 'Link Name', description: 'What are you linking to? Ex: "Personal Website", "GitHub"', format: 'link-name'}
link: c.url {title: 'Link', description: 'The URL.' }
photoURL: {type: 'string', format: 'image-file', title: 'Profile Picture', description: 'Upload a 256x256px or larger image if you want to show a different profile picture to employers than your normal avatar.'}
curated: c.object {title: 'Curated', required: ['shortDescription', 'mainTag', 'location', 'education', 'workHistory', 'phoneScreenFilter', 'schoolFilter', 'locationFilter', 'roleFilter', 'seniorityFilter']},
title: 'Short description'
description: 'A sentence or two describing the candidate'
type: 'string'
title: 'Main tag'
description: 'A main tag to describe this candidate'
type: 'string'
title: 'Location'
description: 'The CURRENT location of the candidate'
type: 'string'
title: 'Education'
description: 'The main educational institution of the candidate'
type: 'string'
workHistory: c.array {title: 'Work history', description: 'One or two places the candidate has worked', type: 'array'},
title: 'Workplace'
type: 'string'
phoneScreenFilter: phoneScreenFilter
schoolFilter: schoolFilter
locationFilter: locationFilter
roleFilter: roleFilter
seniorityFilter: seniorityFilter
title: 'Featured'
type: 'boolean'
description: 'Should this candidate be prominently featured on the site?'
jobProfileApproved: {title: 'Job Profile Approved', type: 'boolean', description: 'Whether your profile has been approved by CodeCombat.'}
jobProfileApprovedDate: c.date {title: 'Approved date', description: 'The date that the candidate was approved'}
jobProfileNotes: {type: 'string', maxLength: 1000, title: 'Our Notes', description: 'CodeCombat\'s notes on the candidate.', format: 'markdown' }
employerAt: c.shortString {description: 'If given employer permissions to view job candidates, for which employer?'}
signedEmployerAgreement: c.object {},
linkedinID: c.shortString {title: 'LinkedInID', description: 'The user\'s LinkedIn ID when they signed the contract.'}
date: c.date {title: 'Date signed employer agreement'}
data: c.object {description: 'Cached LinkedIn data slurped from profile.', additionalProperties: true}
savedEmployerFilterAlerts: c.array {
title: 'Saved Employer Filter Alerts'
description: 'Employers can get emailed alerts whenever there are new candidates matching their filters'
}, c.object({
title: 'Saved filter set'
description: 'A saved filter set'
required: ['phoneScreenFilter','schoolFilter','locationFilter','roleFilter','seniorityFilter','visa']
}, {
title: 'Phone screen filter values'
type: 'array'
type: 'boolean'
title: 'School filter values'
type: 'array'
type: schoolFilter.type
enum: schoolFilter.enum
title: 'Location filter values'
type: 'array'
type: locationFilter.type
enum: locationFilter.enum
title: 'Role filter values'
type: 'array'
type: roleFilter.type
enum: roleFilter.enum
title: 'Seniority filter values'
type: 'array'
type: roleFilter.type
enum: seniorityFilter.enum
title: 'Visa filter values'
type: 'array'
type: visa.type
enum: visa.enum
points: {type: 'number'}
activity: {type: 'object', description: 'Summary statistics about user activity', additionalProperties: c.activity}
stats: c.object {additionalProperties: false},
gamesCompleted: c.int()
articleEdits: c.int()
levelEdits: c.int()
levelSystemEdits: c.int()
levelComponentEdits: c.int()
thangTypeEdits: c.int()
patchesSubmitted: c.int
description: 'Amount of patches submitted, not necessarily accepted'
patchesContributed: c.int
description: 'Amount of patches submitted and accepted'
patchesAccepted: c.int
description: 'Amount of patches accepted by the user as owner'
# The below patches only apply to those that actually got accepted
totalTranslationPatches: c.int()
totalMiscPatches: c.int()
articleTranslationPatches: c.int()
articleMiscPatches: c.int()
levelTranslationPatches: c.int()
levelMiscPatches: c.int()
levelComponentTranslationPatches: c.int()
levelComponentMiscPatches: c.int()
levelSystemTranslationPatches: c.int()
levelSystemMiscPatches: c.int()
thangTypeTranslationPatches: c.int()
thangTypeMiscPatches: c.int()
earned: c.RewardSchema 'earned by achievements'
purchased: c.RewardSchema 'purchased with gems or money'
deleted: {type: 'boolean'}
spent: {type: 'number'}
stripeCustomerID: { type: 'string' } # TODO: Migrate away from this property
stripe: c.object {}, {
customerID: { type: 'string' }
planID: { enum: ['basic'], description: 'Determines if a user has or wants to subscribe' }
subscriptionID: { type: 'string', description: 'Determines if a user is subscribed' }
token: { type: 'string' }
couponID: { type: 'string' }
free: { type: ['boolean', 'string'], format: 'date-time', description: 'Type string is subscription end date' }
prepaidCode: c.shortString description: 'Prepaid code to apply to sub purchase'
# Sponsored subscriptions
subscribeEmails: c.array { description: 'Input for subscribing other users' }, c.shortString()
unsubscribeEmail: { type: 'string', description: 'Input for unsubscribing a sponsored user' }
recipients: c.array { title: 'Recipient subscriptions owned by this user' },
c.object { required: ['userID', 'subscriptionID'] },
userID: c.objectId { description: 'User ID of recipient' }
subscriptionID: { type: 'string' }
couponID: { type: 'string' }
sponsorID: c.objectId { description: "User ID that owns this user's subscription" }
sponsorSubscriptionID: { type: 'string', description: 'Sponsor aggregate subscription used to pay for all recipient subs' }
siteref: { type: 'string' }
referrer: { type: 'string' }
c.extendBasicProperties UserSchema, 'user'
UserSchema.definitions =
emailSubscription: c.object { default: { enabled: true, count: 0 } }, {
enabled: {type: 'boolean'}
lastSent: c.date()
count: {type: 'integer'}
module.exports = UserSchema