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synced 2025-03-02 16:34:08 -05:00
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211 lines
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CocoClass = require 'core/CocoClass'
module.exports = class Label extends CocoClass
@STYLE_DIALOGUE = 'dialogue' # A speech bubble from a script
@STYLE_SAY = 'say' # A piece of text generated from the world
@STYLE_NAME = 'name' # A name like Scott set up for the Wizard
# We might want to combine 'say' and 'name'; they're very similar
# Nick designed 'say' based off of Scott's 'name' back when they were using two systems
subscriptions: {}
constructor: (options) ->
options ?= {}
@sprite = options.sprite
@camera = options.camera
@layer = options.layer
@style = options.style ? (@sprite?.thang?.labelStyle || Label.STYLE_SAY)
console.error @toString(), 'needs a sprite.' unless @sprite
console.error @toString(), 'needs a camera.' unless @camera
console.error @toString(), 'needs a layer.' unless @layer
@setText options.text if options.text
destroy: ->
@setText null
toString: -> "<Label for #{@sprite?.thang?.id ? 'None'}: #{@text?.substring(0, 10) ? ''}>"
setText: (text) ->
# Returns whether an update was actually performed
return false if text is @text
@text = text
build: ->
if @layer and not @layer.destroyed
@layer.removeChild @background if @background
@layer.removeChild @label if @label
@label = null
@background = null
return unless @text # null or '' should both be skipped
o = @buildLabelOptions()
@layer.addChild @label = @buildLabel o
@layer.addChild @background = @buildBackground o
update: ->
return unless @text and @sprite.sprite
offset = @sprite.getOffset? (if @style in ['dialogue', 'say'] then 'mouth' else 'aboveHead')
offset ?= x: 0, y: 0 # temp (if not Lank)
rotation = @sprite.getRotation()
offset.x *= -1 if rotation >= 135 or rotation <= -135
@label.x = @background.x = @sprite.sprite.x + offset.x
@label.y = @background.y = @sprite.sprite.y + offset.y
show: ->
return unless @label
@layer.addChild @label
@layer.addChild @background
hide: ->
return unless @label
@layer.removeChild @background
@layer.removeChild @label
buildLabelOptions: ->
o = {}
st = {dialogue: 'D', say: 'S', name: 'N'}[@style]
o.marginX = {D: 5, S: 6, N: 3}[st]
o.marginY = {D: 6, S: 4, N: 3}[st]
o.fontWeight = {D: 'bold', S: 'bold', N: 'bold'}[st]
o.shadow = {D: false, S: true, N: true}[st]
o.shadowColor = {D: '#FFF', S: '#000', N: '#000'}[st]
o.fontSize = {D: 25, S: 12, N: 24}[st]
fontFamily = {D: 'Arial', S: 'Arial', N: 'Arial'}[st]
o.fontDescriptor = "#{o.fontWeight} #{o.fontSize}px #{fontFamily}"
o.fontColor = {D: '#000', S: '#FFF', N: '#6c6'}[st]
if @style is 'name' and @sprite?.thang?.team is 'humans'
o.fontColor = '#c66'
else if @style is 'name' and @sprite?.thang?.team is 'ogres'
o.fontColor = '#66c'
o.backgroundFillColor = {D: 'white', S: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.4)', N: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)'}[st]
o.backgroundStrokeColor = {D: 'black', S: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.6)', N: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'}[st]
o.backgroundStrokeStyle = {D: 2, S: 1, N: 1}[st]
o.backgroundBorderRadius = {D: 10, S: 3, N: 3}[st]
o.layerPriority = {D: 10, S: 5, N: 5}[st]
maxWidth = {D: 300, S: 300, N: 180}[st]
maxWidth = Math.max @camera.canvasWidth / 2 - 100, maxWidth # Does this do anything?
maxLength = {D: 100, S: 100, N: 30}[st]
multiline = @addNewLinesToText _.string.prune(@text, maxLength), o.fontDescriptor, maxWidth
o.text = multiline.text
o.textWidth = multiline.textWidth
buildLabel: (o) ->
label = new createjs.Text o.text, o.fontDescriptor, o.fontColor
label.lineHeight = o.fontSize + 2
label.x = o.marginX
label.y = o.marginY
label.shadow = new createjs.Shadow o.shadowColor, 1, 1, 0 if o.shadow
label.layerPriority = o.layerPriority
label.name = "Sprite Label - #{@style}"
bounds = label.getBounds()
label.cache(bounds.x, bounds.y, bounds.width, bounds.height)
o.textHeight = label.getMeasuredHeight()
o.label = label
buildBackground: (o) ->
w = o.textWidth + 2 * o.marginX
h = o.textHeight + 2 * o.marginY + 1 # Is this +1 needed?
background = new createjs.Shape()
background.name = "Sprite Label Background - #{@style}"
g = background.graphics
g.beginFill o.backgroundFillColor
g.beginStroke o.backgroundStrokeColor
g.setStrokeStyle o.backgroundStrokeStyle
if @style is 'dialogue'
radius = o.backgroundBorderRadius # Rounded rectangle border radius
pointerHeight = 10 # Height of pointer triangle
pointerWidth = 8 # Actual width of pointer triangle
pointerWidth += radius # Convenience value including pointer width and border radius
# Figure out the position of the pointer for the bubble
sup = x: @sprite.sprite.x, y: @sprite.sprite.y # a little more accurate to aim for mouth--how?
cap = @camera.surfaceToCanvas sup
hPos = if cap.x / @camera.canvasWidth > 0.53 then 'right' else 'left'
vPos = if cap.y / @camera.canvasHeight > 0.53 then 'bottom' else 'top'
pointerPos = "#{vPos}-#{hPos}"
# TODO: we should redo this when the Thang moves enough, not just when we change its text
#return if pointerPos is @lastBubblePos and blurb is @lastBlurb
# Draw a rounded rectangle with the pointer coming out of it
g.moveTo(radius, 0)
if pointerPos is 'top-left'
g.lineTo(radius / 2, -pointerHeight)
g.lineTo(pointerWidth, 0)
else if pointerPos is 'top-right'
g.lineTo(w - pointerWidth, 0)
g.lineTo(w - radius / 2, -pointerHeight)
# Draw top and right edges
g.lineTo(w - radius, 0)
g.quadraticCurveTo(w, 0, w, radius)
g.lineTo(w, h - radius)
g.quadraticCurveTo(w, h, w - radius, h)
if pointerPos is 'bottom-right'
g.lineTo(w - radius / 2, h + pointerHeight)
g.lineTo(w - pointerWidth, h)
else if pointerPos is 'bottom-left'
g.lineTo(pointerWidth, h)
g.lineTo(radius / 2, h + pointerHeight)
# Draw bottom and left edges
g.lineTo(radius, h)
g.quadraticCurveTo(0, h, 0, h - radius)
g.lineTo(0, radius)
g.quadraticCurveTo(0, 0, radius, 0)
# Center the container where the mouth of the speaker will be
background.regX = if hPos is 'left' then 3 else o.textWidth + 3
background.regY = if vPos is 'bottom' then h + pointerHeight else -pointerHeight
# Just draw a rounded rectangle
background.regX = w / 2
background.regY = h + 2 # Just above health bar, say
g.drawRoundRect(o.label.x - o.marginX, o.label.y - o.marginY, w, h, o.backgroundBorderRadius)
o.label.regX = background.regX - o.marginX
o.label.regY = background.regY - o.marginY
background.cache(-10, -10, w+20, h+20) # give a wide berth for speech box pointers
background.layerPriority = o.layerPriority - 1
addNewLinesToText: (originalText, fontDescriptor, maxWidth=400) ->
rows = []
row = []
words = _.string.words originalText
textWidth = 0
for word in words
text = new createjs.Text(_.string.join(' ', row...), fontDescriptor, '#000')
width = text.getMeasuredWidth()
if width > maxWidth
if row.length is 1 # one long word, truncate it
row[0] = _.string.truncate(row[0], 40)
text.text = row[0]
textWidth = Math.max(text.getMeasuredWidth(), textWidth)
row = []
row = [word]
textWidth = Math.max(textWidth, width)
rows.push(row) if row.length
for row, i in rows
rows[i] = _.string.join(' ', row...)
text: _.string.join("\n", rows...), textWidth: textWidth