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644 lines
18 KiB
ModalView = require 'views/core/ModalView'
template = require 'templates/editor/level/modal/generate-terrain-modal'
CocoModel = require 'models/CocoModel'
clusters = {
'hero': {
'thangs': ['Hero Placeholder']
'margin': 1
'rocks': {
'thangs': ['Rock 1', 'Rock 2', 'Rock 3', 'Rock 4', 'Rock 5', 'Rock Cluster 1', 'Rock Cluster 2', 'Rock Cluster 3']
'margin': 1
'trees': {
'thangs': ['Tree 1', 'Tree 2', 'Tree 3', 'Tree 4']
'margin': 0.5
'tree_stands': {
'thangs': ['Tree Stand 1', 'Tree Stand 2', 'Tree Stand 3', 'Tree Stand 4', 'Tree Stand 5', 'Tree Stand 6']
'margin': 3
'shrubs': {
'thangs': ['Shrub 1', 'Shrub 2', 'Shrub 3']
'margin': 0.5
'houses': {
'thangs': ['House 1', 'House 2', 'House 3', 'House 4']
'margin': 4
'animals': {
'thangs': ['Cow', 'Horse']
'margin': 1
'wood': {
'thangs': ['Firewood 1', 'Firewood 2', 'Firewood 3']
'margin': 1
'farm': {
'thangs': ['Farm']
'margin': 9
'cave': {
'thangs': ['Cave']
'margin': 5
'stone': {
'thangs': ['Gargoyle', 'Rock Cluster 1', 'Rock Cluster 2', 'Rock Cluster 3']
'margin': 1
'torch': {
'thangs': ['Torch']
'margin': 0
'chains': {
'thangs': ['Chains']
'margin': 0
'barrel': {
'thangs': ['Barrel']
'margin': 1
'doors': {
'thangs': ['Dungeon Door']
'margin': -1
'grass_floor': {
'thangs': ['Grass01', 'Grass02', 'Grass03', 'Grass04', 'Grass05']
'margin': -1
'dungeon_wall': {
'thangs': ['Dungeon Wall']
'margin': 2
'dungeon_floor': {
'thangs': ['Dungeon Floor']
'margin': -1
'indoor_wall': {
'thangs': ['Indoor Wall']
'margin': 2
'indoor_floor': {
'thangs': ['Indoor Floor']
'margin': -1
'furniture': {
'thangs': ['Bookshelf', 'Chair', 'Table', 'Candle', 'Treasure Chest']
'margin': -1
'desert_walls': {
'thangs': ['Desert Wall 1', 'Desert Wall 2', 'Desert Wall 3', 'Desert Wall 4', 'Desert Wall 5', 'Desert Wall 6', 'Desert Wall 7', 'Desert Wall 8']
'margin': 6
'desert_floor': {
'thangs': ['Sand 01', 'Sand 02', 'Sand 03', 'Sand 04', 'Sand 05', 'Sand 06']
'margin': -1
'oases': {
'thangs': ['Oasis 1', 'Oasis 2', 'Oasis 3']
'margin': 4
'mountain_floor': {
'thangs': ['Talus 1', 'Talus 2', 'Talus 3', 'Talus 4', 'Talus 5', 'Talus 6']
'margin': -1
'mountain_walls': {
'thangs': ['Mountain 1','Mountain 3']
'margin': 6
'glacier_floor': {
'thangs': ['Firn 1', 'Firn 2', 'Firn 3', 'Firn 4', 'Firn 5', 'Firn 6']
'margin': -1
'glacier_walls': {
'thangs': ['Ice Wall']
'margin': 2
presets = {
'dungeon': {
'terrainName': 'Dungeon'
'decorations': {
'Room': {
'num': [1,1]
'width': [12, 20]
'height': [8, 16]
'thickness': [2,2]
'cluster': 'dungeon_wall'
'hero': {
'num': [1, 1]
'width': 2
'height': 2
'clusters': {
'hero': [1, 1]
'Barrels': {
'num': [1,1]
'width': [8, 12]
'height': [8, 12]
'numBarrels': [4,6]
'cluster': 'barrel'
'cave': {
'width': 10
'height': 10
'clusters': {
'indoor': {
'terrainName': 'Indoor'
'decorations': {
'Room': {
'num': [1,1]
'width': [12, 20]
'height': [8, 16]
'thickness': [2,2]
'cluster': 'indoor_wall'
'hero': {
'num': [1, 1]
'width': 2
'height': 2
'clusters': {
'hero': [1, 1]
'furniture': {
'width': 15
'height': 15
'clusters': {
'grassy': {
'terrainName': 'Grass'
'decorations': {
'hero': {
'num': [1, 1]
'width': 2
'height': 2
'clusters': {
'hero': [1, 1]
'house': {
'num':[1,2] #min-max
'width': 15
'height': 15
'clusters': {
'farm': {
'num':[1,1] #min-max
'width': 25
'height': 15
'clusters': {
'desert': {
'terrainName': 'Desert'
'decorations': {
'hero': {
'num': [1, 1]
'width': 2
'height': 2
'clusters': {
'hero': [1, 1]
'oasis': {
'num':[1,2] #min-max
'width': 10
'height': 10
'clusters': {
'mountain': {
'terrainName': 'Mountain'
'type': 'mountain'
'floors': 'mountain_floor'
'borders': 'mountain_walls'
'borderNoise': 1
'borderSize': 1
'borderThickness': 1
'decorations': {
'hero': {
'num': [1, 1]
'width': 2
'height': 2
'clusters': {
'hero': [1, 1]
'glacier': {
'terrainName': 'Glacier'
'type': 'glacier'
'floors': 'glacier_floor'
'borders': 'glacier_walls'
'borderNoise': 0
'borderSize': 4
'borderThickness': 1
'decorations': {
'hero': {
'num': [1, 1]
'width': 2
'height': 2
'clusters': {
'hero': [1, 1]
'Room': {
'num': [1,1]
'width': [12, 20]
'height': [8, 16]
'thickness': [2,2]
'cluster': 'glacier_walls'
presetSizes = {
'small': {
'large': {
thangSizes = {
'floorSize': {
'borderSize': {
module.exports = class GenerateTerrainModal extends ModalView
id: 'generate-terrain-modal'
template: template
plain: true
modalWidthPercent: 90
'click .choose-option': 'onGenerate'
constructor: (options) ->
super options
@presets = presets
@presetSizes = presetSizes
onRevertModel: (e) ->
id = $(e.target).val()
@reloadOnClose = true
onGenerate: (e) ->
target = $(e.target)
presetType = target.attr 'data-preset-type'
presetSize = target.attr 'data-preset-size'
@generateThangs presetType, presetSize
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'editor:random-terrain-generated', thangs: @thangs, terrain: presets[presetType].terrainName
generateThangs: (presetName, presetSize) ->
@falseCount = 0
preset = presets[presetName]
presetSize = presetSizes[presetSize]
@thangs = []
@rects = []
@generateFloor preset, presetSize
@generateBorder preset, presetSize, preset.borderNoise
@generateDecorations preset, presetSize
generateFloor: (preset, presetSize) ->
for i in _.range(0, presetSize.x, thangSizes.floorSize.x)
for j in _.range(0, presetSize.y, thangSizes.floorSize.y)
@thangs.push {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[preset.floors].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i + thangSizes.floorSize.x/2
'y': j + thangSizes.floorSize.y/2
'margin': clusters[preset.floors].margin
generateBorder: (preset, presetSize, noiseFactor=1) ->
for i in _.range(0, presetSize.x, thangSizes.borderSize.x)
for j in _.range(preset.borderThickness)
# Bottom wall
while not @addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[preset.borders].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i + preset.borderSize/2 + noiseFactor * _.random(-thangSizes.borderSize.x/2, thangSizes.borderSize.x/2)
'y': 0 + preset.borderSize/2 + noiseFactor * _.random(-thangSizes.borderSize.y/2, thangSizes.borderSize.y)
'margin': clusters[preset.borders].margin
# Top wall
while not @addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[preset.borders].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i + preset.borderSize/2 + noiseFactor * _.random(-thangSizes.borderSize.x/2, thangSizes.borderSize.x/2)
'y': presetSize.y - preset.borderSize/2 + noiseFactor * _.random(-thangSizes.borderSize.y, thangSizes.borderSize.y/2)
'margin': clusters[preset.borders].margin
# Double wall on top
if preset.type is 'dungeon'
@addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[preset.borders].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i + preset.borderSize/2
'y': presetSize.y - 3 * preset.borderSize/2
'margin': clusters[preset.borders].margin
if ( i / preset.borderSize ) % 2 and i isnt presetSize.x - thangSizes.borderSize.x
@addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters['torch'].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i + preset.borderSize
'y': presetSize.y - preset.borderSize / 2
'margin': clusters['torch'].margin
else if ( i / preset.borderSize ) % 2 is 0 and i and _.random(100) < 30
@addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters['chains'].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i + preset.borderSize
'y': presetSize.y - preset.borderSize / 2
'margin': clusters['chains'].margin
for i in _.range(0, presetSize.y, thangSizes.borderSize.y)
for j in _.range(preset.borderThickness)
# Left wall
while not @addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[preset.borders].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': 0 + preset.borderSize/2 + noiseFactor * _.random(-thangSizes.borderSize.x/2, thangSizes.borderSize.x)
'y': i + preset.borderSize/2 + noiseFactor * _.random(-thangSizes.borderSize.y/2, thangSizes.borderSize.y/2)
'margin': clusters[preset.borders].margin
# Right wall
while not @addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[preset.borders].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': presetSize.x - preset.borderSize/2 + noiseFactor * _.random(-thangSizes.borderSize.x, thangSizes.borderSize.x/2)
'y': i + preset.borderSize/2 + noiseFactor * _.random(-thangSizes.borderSize.y/2, thangSizes.borderSize.y/2)
'margin': clusters[preset.borders].margin
generateDecorations: (preset, presetSize)->
for name, decoration of preset.decorations
for num in _.range(presetSize.sizeFactor * _.random(decoration.num[0], decoration.num[1]))
if @['build'+name] isnt undefined
@['build'+name](preset, presetSize, decoration)
while true
rect = {
'x':_.random(decoration.width/2 + preset.borderSize/2 + thangSizes.borderSize.x, presetSize.x - decoration.width/2 - preset.borderSize/2 - thangSizes.borderSize.x),
'y':_.random(decoration.height/2 + preset.borderSize/2 + thangSizes.borderSize.y, presetSize.y - decoration.height/2 - preset.borderSize/2 - thangSizes.borderSize.y)
break if @addRect rect
for cluster, range of decoration.clusters
for i in _.range(_.random(range[0], range[1]))
while not @addThang {
'x':_.random(rect.x - rect.width/2, rect.x + rect.width/2)
'y':_.random(rect.y - rect.height/2, rect.y + rect.height/2)
buildRoom: (preset, presetSize, room) ->
grid = preset.borderSize
while true
rect = {
'width':presetSize.sizeFactor * (room.width[0] + grid * _.random(0, (room.width[1] - room.width[0])/grid))
'height':presetSize.sizeFactor * (room.height[0] + grid * _.random(0, (room.height[1] - room.height[0])/grid))
# This logic isn't quite right--it makes the rooms bigger than intended--but it's snapping correctly, which is fine for now.
rect.width = Math.round((rect.width - grid) / (2 * grid)) * 2 * grid + grid
rect.height = Math.round((rect.height - grid) / (2 * grid)) * 2 * grid + grid
roomThickness = _.random(room.thickness[0], room.thickness[1])
rect.x = _.random(rect.width/2 + grid * (roomThickness+1.5), presetSize.x - rect.width/2 - grid * (roomThickness+1.5))
rect.y = _.random(rect.height/2 + grid * (roomThickness+2.5), presetSize.y - rect.height/2 - grid * (roomThickness+3.5))
# Snap room walls to the wall grid.
rect.x = Math.round((rect.x - grid / 2) / grid) * grid
rect.y = Math.round((rect.y - grid / 2) / grid) * grid
break if @addRect {
'x': rect.x
'y': rect.y
'width': rect.width + 2.5 * roomThickness * grid
'height': rect.height + 2.5 * roomThickness * grid
xRange = _.range(rect.x - rect.width/2 + grid, rect.x + rect.width/2, grid)
topDoor = _.random(1) > 0.5
topDoorX = xRange[_.random(0, xRange.length-1)]
bottomDoor = if not topDoor then true else _.random(1) > 0.5
bottomDoorX = xRange[_.random(0, xRange.length-1)]
for t in _.range(0, roomThickness+1)
for i in _.range(rect.x - rect.width/2 - (t-1) * grid, rect.x + rect.width/2 + t * grid, grid)
# Bottom wall
thang = {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[room.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i
'y': rect.y - rect.height/2 - t * grid
'margin': clusters[room.cluster].margin
if i is bottomDoorX and bottomDoor
thang.id = @getRandomThang(clusters['doors'].thangs)
thang.pos.y -= grid/3
@addThang thang unless i is bottomDoorX and t isnt roomThickness and bottomDoor
if t is roomThickness and i isnt rect.x - rect.width/2 - (t-1) * grid and preset.type is 'dungeon'
if ( i isnt bottomDoorX and i isnt bottomDoorX + grid ) or not bottomDoor
@addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters['torch'].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': thang.pos.x - grid / 2
'y': thang.pos.y + grid
'margin': clusters['torch'].margin
# Top wall
thang = {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[room.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': i
'y': rect.y + rect.height/2 + t * grid
'margin': clusters[room.cluster].margin
if i is topDoorX and topDoor
thang.id = @getRandomThang(clusters['doors'].thangs)
thang.pos.y -= grid
@addThang thang unless i is topDoorX and t isnt roomThickness and topDoor
for t in _.range(0, roomThickness)
for i in _.range(rect.y - rect.height/2 - t * grid, rect.y + rect.height/2 + (t+1) * grid, grid)
# Left wall
@addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[room.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': rect.x - rect.width/2 - t * grid
'y': i
'margin': clusters[room.cluster].margin
# Right wall
@addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[room.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': rect.x + rect.width/2 + t * grid
'y': i
'margin': clusters[room.cluster].margin
buildBarrels: (preset, presetSize, decoration) ->
rect = {
'width':presetSize.sizeFactor * ( _.random( decoration.width[0], decoration.width[1] ) )
'height':presetSize.sizeFactor * ( _.random( decoration.height[0], decoration.height[1] ) )
x = [ rect.width/2 + preset.borderSize , presetSize.x - rect.width/2 - preset.borderSize ]
y = [ rect.height/2 + preset.borderSize , presetSize.y - rect.height/2 - 2 * preset.borderSize ]
for i in x
for j in y
if _.random(100) < 40
rect = {
'x': i
'y': j
'width': rect.width
'height': rect.height
if @addRect rect
for num in _.range( _.random( decoration.numBarrels[0], decoration.numBarrels[1] ) )
while not @addThang {
'id': @getRandomThang(clusters[decoration.cluster].thangs)
'pos': {
'x': _.random(rect.x - rect.width/2, rect.x + rect.width/2)
'y': _.random(rect.y - rect.height/2, rect.y + rect.height/2)
'margin': clusters[decoration.cluster].margin
addThang: (thang) ->
if @falseCount > 100
console.log 'infinite loop', thang
@falseCount = 0
return true
for existingThang in @thangs
if existingThang.margin is -1 or thang.margin is -1
if Math.abs(existingThang.pos.x - thang.pos.x) < thang.margin + existingThang.margin and Math.abs(existingThang.pos.y - thang.pos.y) < thang.margin + existingThang.margin
return false
@thangs.push thang
addRect: (rect) ->
if @falseCount > 100
console.log 'infinite loop', rect
@falseCount = 0
return true
for existingRect in @rects
if Math.abs(existingRect.x - rect.x) <= rect.width/2 + existingRect.width/2 and Math.abs(existingRect.y - rect.y) <= rect.height/2 + existingRect.height/2
return false
@rects.push rect
getRandomThang: (thangList) ->
return thangList[_.random(0, thangList.length-1)]
onHidden: ->
location.reload() if @reloadOnClose