
292 lines
10 KiB

mongoose = require('mongoose')
User = require('../users/User')
textSearch = require('mongoose-text-search')
module.exports.MigrationPlugin = (schema, migrations) ->
# Property name migrations made EZ
# This is for just when you want one property to be named differently
# 1. Change the schema and the client/server logic to use the new name
# 2. Add this plugin to the target models, passing in a dictionary of old/new names.
# 3. Check that tests still run, deploy to production.
# 4. Run db.<collection>.update({}, { $rename: {'<oldname>':'<newname>'} }) on the server
# 5. Remove the names you added to the migrations dictionaries for the next deploy 'init', ->
for oldKey in _.keys migrations
val = @get oldKey
@set oldKey, undefined
continue if val is undefined
newKey = migrations[oldKey]
@set newKey, val
module.exports.PatchablePlugin = (schema) ->
schema.is_patchable = true
schema.index({'target.original':1, 'status':'1', 'created':-1})
RESERVED_NAMES = ['search', 'names']
module.exports.NamedPlugin = (schema) ->
schema.uses_coco_names = true
schema.add({name: String, slug: String})
schema.index({'slug': 1}, {unique: true, sparse: true, name: 'slug index'})
schema.pre('save', (next) ->
if schema.uses_coco_versions
v = @get('version')
return next() unless v.isLatestMajor and v.isLatestMinor
newSlug = _.str.slugify(@get('name'))
if newSlug in RESERVED_NAMES
err = new Error('Reserved name.')
err.response = {message:' is a reserved name', property: 'name'}
err.code = 422
return next(err)
if newSlug isnt @get('slug')
@set('slug', newSlug)
schema.methods.checkSlugConflicts = (done) ->
slug = @get('slug')
if slug.length is 24 and slug.match(/[a-f0-9]/gi)?.length is 24
err = new Error('Bad name.')
err.response = {message: 'cannot be like a MongoDB ID, Mr. Hacker.', property: 'name'}
err.code = 422
query = { slug:slug }
if @get('original')
query.original = {'$ne':@original}
else if @_id
query._id = {'$ne':@_id}
@model(@constructor.modelName).count query, (err, count) ->
if count
err = new Error('Slug conflict.')
err.response = {message:'is already in use', property:'name'}
err.code = 409
module.exports.PermissionsPlugin = (schema) ->
schema.uses_coco_permissions = true
PermissionSchema = new mongoose.Schema
target: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed
access: {type: String, 'enum':['read', 'write', 'owner']}
, {id: false, _id: false}
schema.add(permissions: [PermissionSchema])
schema.pre 'save', (next) ->
return next() if @getOwner()
err = new Error('Permissions needs an owner.')
err.response = {message:'needs an owner.', property:'permissions'}
err.code = 409
schema.methods.hasPermissionsForMethod = (actor, method) ->
method = method.toLowerCase()
# method is 'get', 'put', 'patch', 'post', or 'delete'
# actor is a User object
allowed =
get: ['read', 'write', 'owner']
put: ['write', 'owner']
patch: ['write', 'owner']
post: ['write', 'owner'] # used to post new versions of something
delete: [] # nothing may go!
allowed = allowed[method] or []
for permission in @permissions
if is 'public' or actor._id.equals(
return true if permission.access in allowed
return false
schema.methods.getOwner = ->
for permission in @permissions
if permission.access is 'owner'
schema.methods.getPublicAccess = ->
for permission in @permissions
if is 'public'
return permission.access
schema.methods.getAccessForUserObjectId = (objectId) ->
public_access = null
for permission in @permissions
if is 'public'
public_access = permission.access
if objectId.equals(
return permission.access
return public_access
module.exports.VersionedPlugin = (schema) ->
schema.uses_coco_versions = true
major: {type: Number, 'default': 0}
minor: {type: Number, 'default': 0}
isLatestMajor: {type: Boolean, 'default': true}
isLatestMinor: {type: Boolean, 'default': true}
original: {type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: @modelName}
parent: {type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: @modelName}
creator: {type: mongoose.Schema.ObjectId, ref: 'User'}
created: { type: Date, 'default': }
commitMessage: {type: String}
# Prevent multiple documents with the same version
# Also used for looking up latest version, or specific versions.
schema.index({'original': 1, 'version.major': -1, 'version.minor': -1}, {unique: true, name: 'version index'})
schema.statics.getLatestMajorVersion = (original, options, done) ->
options = options or {}
query = @findOne({original:original, 'version.isLatestMajor':true}) if
query.exec((err, latest) =>
return done(err) if err
return done(null, latest) if latest
# handle the case where no version is marked as the latest
q = @find({original:original})
q.sort({'version.major':-1, 'version.minor':-1}) if
q.exec((err, latest) =>
return done(err) if err
return done(null, null) if latest.length is 0
latest = latest[0]
# don't fix missing versions by default. In all likelihood, it's about to change anyway
if options.autofix
latest.version.isLatestMajor = true
latest.version.isLatestMinor = true
latestObject = latest.toObject()
@update({_id: latest._id}, {version: latestObject.version})
done(null, latest)
schema.statics.getLatestMinorVersion = (original, majorVersion, options, done) ->
options = options or {}
query = @findOne({original:original, 'version.isLatestMinor':true, 'version.major':majorVersion}) if
query.exec((err, latest) =>
return done(err) if err
return done(null, latest) if latest
q = @find({original:original, 'version.major':majorVersion})
q.sort({'version.minor':-1}) if
q.exec((err, latest) ->
return done(err) if err
return done(null, null) if latest.length is 0
latest = latest[0]
if options.autofix
latestObject = latest.toObject()
latestObject.version.isLatestMajor = true
latestObject.version.isLatestMinor = true
@update({_id: latest._id}, {version: latestObject.version})
done(null, latest)
schema.methods.makeNewMajorVersion = (newObject, done) ->
Model = @model(@constructor.modelName)
latest = Model.getLatestMajorVersion(@original, {select:'version'}, (err, latest) =>
return done(err) if err
updatedObject = _.cloneDeep latestObject
# unmark the current latest major version in the database
latestObject = latest.toObject()
latestObject.version.isLatestMajor = false
Model.update({_id: latest._id}, {version: latestObject.version, $unset: {index:1, slug: 1} }, {}, (err) =>
return done(err) if err
newObject['version'] = { major: latest.version.major + 1 }
newObject.index = true
newObject.parent = @_id
delete newObject['_id']
delete newObject['created']
done(null, new Model(newObject))
schema.methods.makeNewMinorVersion = (newObject, majorVersion, done) ->
Model = @model(@constructor.modelName)
latest = Model.getLatestMinorVersion(@original, majorVersion, {select:'version'}, (err, latest) =>
return done(err) if err
# unmark the current latest major version in the database
latestObject = latest.toObject()
wasLatestMajor = latestObject.version.isLatestMajor
latestObject.version.isLatestMajor = false
latestObject.version.isLatestMinor = false
Model.update({_id: latest._id}, {version: latestObject.version, $unset: {index:1, slug: 1}}, {}, (err) =>
return done(err) if err
newObject['version'] =
major: latest.version.major
minor: latest.version.minor + 1
isLatestMajor: wasLatestMajor
if wasLatestMajor
newObject.index = true
delete newObject.index if newObject.index?
delete newObject.slug if newObject.slug?
newObject.parent = @_id
delete newObject['_id']
delete newObject['created']
done(null, new Model(newObject))
module.exports.SearchablePlugin = (schema, options) ->
# this plugin must be added only after the others (specifically Versioned and Permissions)
# have been added, as how it builds the text search index depends on which of those are used.
searchable = options.searchable
unless searchable
throw Error('SearchablePlugin options must include list of searchable properties.')
index = {}
schema.uses_coco_search = true
if schema.uses_coco_versions or schema.uses_coco_permissions
index['index'] = 1
schema.add(index: mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed)
index[prop] = 'text' for prop in searchable
# should now have something like {'index': 1, name:'text', body:'text'}
schema.index(index, { sparse: true, name: 'search index', language_override: 'searchLanguage' })
schema.pre 'save', (next) ->
# never index old versions, index plugin handles un-indexing old versions
if schema.uses_coco_versions and ((not @version.isLatestMajor) or (not @version.isLatestMinor))
return next()
@index = true
if schema.uses_coco_permissions
access = @getPublicAccess()
@index = @getOwner() unless access