mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 09:18:45 -05:00
* Tweak API doc behavior and styling * Instead of moving to the left during active dialogues, just move to the top * Allow pointer events * Adjust close button * Re-enable pinning API docs for game-dev and web-dev levels * Make sidebar in PlayGameDevLevelView stretch, better layout columns * Set up content of PlayGameDevLevelView sidebar to scroll * Add rest of PlayGameDevLevelView sidebar content, rework what loading looks like * Finish PlayGameDevLevelView * Add share area below * Cover the brown background, paint it gray * Tweak PlayGameDevLevelView * Have progress bar show everything * Fix Surface resize handling * Fix PlayGameDevLevelView resizing incorrectly when playing * Add GameDevVictoryModal to PlayGameDevLevelView * Don't show missing-doctype annotation in Ace * Hook up GameDevVictoryModal copy button * Fix onChangeAnnotation runtime error * Fix onLevelLoaded runtime error * Have CourseVictoryModal link to /courses when course is done * Trim, update CourseDetailsView * Remove last vestiges of teacherMode * Remove giant navigation buttons at top * Quick switch to flat style * Add analytics for game-dev * Update Analytics events for gamedev * Prefix event names with context * Send to Mixpanel * Include more properties * Mostly set up indefinite play and autocast for game-dev levels * Set up cast buttons and shortcut for game-dev * Add rudimentary instructions when students play game-dev levels * Couple tweaks * fix a bit of code that expects frames to always stick around * have PlayGameDevLevelView render a couple frames on load * API Docs use 'game' instead of 'hero' * Move tags to head without combining * Add HTML comment-start string Fixes missing entry point arrows * Fix some whitespace
154 lines
6.6 KiB
154 lines
6.6 KiB
Course = require 'models/Course'
Courses = require 'collections/Courses'
LevelSessions = require 'collections/LevelSessions'
CourseInstance = require 'models/CourseInstance'
CourseInstances = require 'collections/CourseInstances'
Classroom = require 'models/Classroom'
Classrooms = require 'collections/Classrooms'
Levels = require 'collections/Levels'
RootView = require 'views/core/RootView'
template = require 'templates/courses/course-details'
User = require 'models/User'
storage = require 'core/storage'
module.exports = class CourseDetailsView extends RootView
id: 'course-details-view'
template: template
memberSort: 'nameAsc'
'click .btn-play-level': 'onClickPlayLevel'
'click .btn-select-instance': 'onClickSelectInstance'
'submit #school-form': 'onSubmitSchoolForm'
constructor: (options, @courseID, @courseInstanceID) ->
super options
@courses = new Courses()
@course = new Course()
@levelSessions = new LevelSessions()
@courseInstance = new CourseInstance({_id: @courseInstanceID})
@owner = new User()
@classroom = new Classroom()
@levels = new Levels()
@courseInstances = new CourseInstances()
@course = @courses.get(@courseID)
sessionsLoaded = @supermodel.trackRequest(@levelSessions.fetchForCourseInstance(@courseInstanceID, {cache: false}))
return if @destroyed
@owner = new User({_id: @courseInstance.get('ownerID')})
classroomID = @courseInstance.get('classroomID')
@classroom = new Classroom({ _id: classroomID })
levelsLoaded = @supermodel.trackRequest(@levels.fetchForClassroomAndCourse(classroomID, @courseID, {
data: { project: 'concepts,practice,type,slug,name,original,description,shareable,i18n' }
@supermodel.trackRequest($.when(levelsLoaded, sessionsLoaded).then(=>
return if @destroyed
if @memberStats[me.id]?.totalLevelsCompleted >= @levels.size() - 1 # Don't need to complete arena
# need to figure out the next course instance
@courseComplete = true
@courseInstances.comparator = 'courseID'
# TODO: make this logic use locked course content to figure out the next course, then fetch the
# course instance for that
@nextCourseInstance = _.find @courseInstances.models, (ci) => ci.get('courseID') > @courseID
if @nextCourseInstance
nextCourseID = @nextCourseInstance.get('courseID')
@nextCourse = @courses.get(nextCourseID)
@promptForSchool = @courseComplete and not me.isAnonymous() and not me.get('schoolName') and not storage.load('no-school')
initialize: (options) ->
window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Students Class Course Loaded', category: 'Students', ['Mixpanel']
buildSessionStats: ->
return if @destroyed
@levelConceptMap = {}
for level in @levels.models
@levelConceptMap[level.get('original')] ?= {}
for concept in level.get('concepts') or []
@levelConceptMap[level.get('original')][concept] = true
if level.isType('course-ladder')
@arenaLevel = level
# console.log 'onLevelSessionsSync'
@memberStats = {}
@userConceptStateMap = {}
@userLevelStateMap = {}
for levelSession in @levelSessions.models
continue if levelSession.skipMe # Don't track second arena session as another completed level
userID = levelSession.get('creator')
levelID = levelSession.get('level').original
state = if levelSession.get('state')?.complete then 'complete' else 'started'
playtime = parseInt(levelSession.get('playtime') ? 0, 10)
do (userID, levelID) =>
secondSessionForLevel = _.find(@levelSessions.models, ((otherSession) ->
otherSession.get('creator') is userID and otherSession.get('level').original is levelID and otherSession.id isnt levelSession.id
if secondSessionForLevel
state = 'complete' if secondSessionForLevel.get('state')?.complete
playtime = playtime + parseInt(secondSessionForLevel.get('playtime') ? 0, 10)
secondSessionForLevel.skipMe = true
@memberStats[userID] ?= totalLevelsCompleted: 0, totalPlayTime: 0
@memberStats[userID].totalLevelsCompleted++ if state is 'complete'
@memberStats[userID].totalPlayTime += playtime
@userConceptStateMap[userID] ?= {}
for concept of @levelConceptMap[levelID]
@userConceptStateMap[userID][concept] = state
@userLevelStateMap[userID] ?= {}
@userLevelStateMap[userID][levelID] = state
@conceptsCompleted = {}
for userID, conceptStateMap of @userConceptStateMap
for concept, state of conceptStateMap
@conceptsCompleted[concept] ?= 0
onClickPlayLevel: (e) ->
levelSlug = $(e.target).closest('.btn-play-level').data('level-slug')
levelID = $(e.target).closest('.btn-play-level').data('level-id')
level = @levels.findWhere({original: levelID})
window.tracker?.trackEvent 'Students Class Course Play Level', category: 'Students', courseID: @courseID, courseInstanceID: @courseInstanceID, levelSlug: levelSlug, ['Mixpanel']
if level.isType('course-ladder')
viewClass = 'views/ladder/LadderView'
viewArgs = [{supermodel: @supermodel}, levelSlug]
route = '/play/ladder/' + levelSlug
route += '/course/' + @courseInstance.id
viewArgs = viewArgs.concat ['course', @courseInstance.id]
route = @getLevelURL levelSlug
viewClass = 'views/play/level/PlayLevelView'
viewArgs = [{courseID: @courseID, courseInstanceID: @courseInstanceID, supermodel: @supermodel}, levelSlug]
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', route: route, viewClass: viewClass, viewArgs: viewArgs
getLevelURL: (levelSlug) ->
getOwnerName: ->
return if @owner.isNew()
if @owner.get('firstName') and @owner.get('lastName')
return "#{@owner.get('firstName')} #{@owner.get('lastName')}"
@owner.get('name') or @owner.get('email')
getLastLevelCompleted: ->
lastLevelCompleted = null
for levelID in @levels.pluck('original')
if @userLevelStateMap?[me.id]?[levelID] is 'complete'
lastLevelCompleted = levelID
return lastLevelCompleted