mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 12:20:32 -04:00
886 lines
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886 lines
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// Upsert new lead data into Close.io
'use strict';
if (process.argv.length !== 9) {
log("Usage: node <script> <Close.io general API key> <Close.io mail API key1> <Close.io mail API key2> <Close.io mail API key3> <Close.io EU mail API key> <Intercom 'App ID:API key'> <mongo connection Url>");
// TODO: Test multiple contacts
// TODO: Support multiple emails for the same contact (i.e diff trial and coco emails)
// TODO: Update notes with new data (e.g. coco user or intercom url)
// TODO: Find/fix case-sensitive bugs
// TODO: Use generators and promises
// TODO: Reduce response data via _fields param
// TODO: Assumes 1:1 contact:email relationship (Close.io supports multiple emails for a single contact)
// TODO: Cleanup country/status lookup code
// Save as custom fields instead of user-specific lead notes (also saving nces_ props)
const commonTrialProperties = ['organization', 'city', 'state', 'country'];
// Old properties which are deprecated or moved
const customFieldsToRemove = [
'coco_name', 'coco_firstName', 'coco_lastName', 'coco_gender', 'coco_numClassrooms', 'coco_numStudents', 'coco_role', 'coco_schoolName', 'coco_stats', 'coco_lastLevel',
'email', 'intercom_url', 'name',
'trial_created', 'trial_educationLevel', 'trial_phoneNumber', 'trial_email', 'trial_location', 'trial_name', 'trial_numStudents', 'trial_role', 'trial_userID', 'userID', 'trial_organization', 'trial_city', 'trial_state', 'trial_country',
'demo_request_organization', 'demo_request_city', 'demo_request_state', 'demo_request_country'
// Skip these problematic leads
const leadsToSkip = ['6 sınıflar', 'fdsafd', 'ashtasht', 'matt+20160404teacher3 school', 'sdfdsf', 'ddddd', 'dsfadsaf', "Nolan's School of Wonders"];
const createTeacherEmailTemplatesAuto1 = ['tmpl_i5bQ2dOlMdZTvZil21bhTx44JYoojPbFkciJ0F560mn', 'tmpl_CEZ9PuE1y4PRvlYiKB5kRbZAQcTIucxDvSeqvtQW57G'];
const demoRequestEmailTemplatesAuto1 = ['tmpl_s7BZiydyCHOMMeXAcqRZzqn0fOtk0yOFlXSZ412MSGm', 'tmpl_cGb6m4ssDvqjvYd8UaG6cacvtSXkZY3vj9b9lSmdQrf'];
const createTeacherInternationalEmailTemplateAuto1 = 'tmpl_8vsXwcr6dWefMnAEfPEcdHaxqSfUKUY8UKq6WfReGqG';
const demoRequestInternationalEmailTemplateAuto1 = 'tmpl_nnH1p3II7G7NJYiPOIHphuj4XUaDptrZk1mGQb2d9Xa';
const createTeacherNlEmailTemplatesAuto1 = ['tmpl_yf9tAPasz8KV7L414GhWWIclU8ewclh3Z8lCx2mCoIU', 'tmpl_OgPCV2p59uq0daVuUPF6r1rcQkxJbViyZ1ZMtW45jY8'];
const demoRequestNlEmailTemplatesAuto1 = ['tmpl_XGKyZm6gcbqZ5jirt7A54Vu8p68cLxAsKZtb9QBABUE', 'tmpl_xcfgQjUHPa6LLsbPWuPvEUElFXHmIpLa4IZEybJ0b0u'];
// Prioritized Close.io lead status match list
const closeIoInitialLeadStatuses = [
{status: 'Inbound UK Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^uk$|\.uk$/},
{status: 'Inbound Canada Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^ca$|\.ca$/},
{status: 'Inbound AU Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^au$|\.au$/},
{status: 'Inbound NZ Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^nz$|\.nz$/},
{status: 'New US Schools Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^us$|\.us$|\.gov$|k12|sd/},
{status: 'Inbound International Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^[A-Za-z]{2}$|\.[A-Za-z]{2}$/},
{status: 'Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^[A-Za-z]*$/}
const defaultLeadStatus = 'Auto Attempt 1';
const defaultInternationalLeadStatus = 'Inbound International Auto Attempt 1';
const defaultEuLeadStatus = 'Inbound EU Auto Attempt 1';
const usSchoolStatuses = ['Auto Attempt 1', 'New US Schools Auto Attempt 1', 'New US Schools Auto Attempt 1 Low'];
const emailDelayMinutes = 27;
const scriptStartTime = new Date();
const closeIoApiKey = process.argv[2];
// Automatic mails sent as API owners, first key assumed to be primary and gets 50% of the leads
const closeIoMailApiKeys = [process.argv[3], process.argv[3], process.argv[4], process.argv[5]];
const closeIoEuMailApiKey = process.argv[6];
const intercomAppIdApiKey = process.argv[7];
const intercomAppId = intercomAppIdApiKey.split(':')[0];
const intercomApiKey = intercomAppIdApiKey.split(':')[1];
const mongoConnUrl = process.argv[8];
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const async = require('async');
const countryData = require('country-data');
const countryList = require('country-list')();
const parseDomain = require('parse-domain');
const request = require('request');
const earliestDate = new Date();
earliestDate.setUTCDate(earliestDate.getUTCDate() - 10);
// ** Main program
(err, results) => {
if (err) console.error(err);
log("Script runtime: " + (new Date() - scriptStartTime));
function upsertLeads(done) {
// log('DEBUG: Finding leads..');
findCocoLeads((err, leads) => {
if (err) return done(err);
log(`Num leads ${Object.keys(leads).length}`);
// log('DEBUG: Adding Intercom data..');
addIntercomData(leads, (err) => {
if (err) return done(err);
// log('DEBUG: Updating leads..');
updateLeads(leads, (err) => {
return done(err);
// ** Utilities
function getCountryCode(country, emails) {
// console.log(`DEBUG: getCountryCode ${country} ${emails.length}`);
if (country) {
let countryCode = countryList.getCode(country);
if (countryCode) return countryCode;
for (const email of emails) {
const tld = parseDomain(email).tld;
if (tld) {
const matches = /^[A-Za-z]*\.?([A-Za-z]{2})$/ig.exec(tld);
if (matches && matches.length === 2) {
return matches[1].toUpperCase();
function getInitialLeadStatusViaCountry(country, trialRequests) {
// console.log(`DEBUG: getInitialLeadStatusViaCountry ${country} ${trialRequests.length}`);
if (/^u\.s\.?(\.a)?\.?$|^us$|usa|america|united states/ig.test(country)) {
const status = 'New US Schools Auto Attempt 1'
return isLowValueUsLead(status, trialRequests) ? `${status} Low` : status;
const highValueLead = isHighValueLead(trialRequests);
if (/^england$|^uk$|^united kingdom$/ig.test(country) && highValueLead) {
return 'Inbound UK Auto Attempt 1';
if (/^ca$|^canada$/ig.test(country)) {
return 'Inbound Canada Auto Attempt 1';
if (/^au$|^australia$/ig.test(country)) {
return 'Inbound AU Auto Attempt 1';
if (/^nz$|^new zealand$/ig.test(country)) {
return 'Inbound AU Auto Attempt 1';
if (/bolivia|iran|korea|macedonia|taiwan|tanzania|^venezuela$/ig.test(country)) {
return defaultInternationalLeadStatus;
const countryCode = countryList.getCode(country);
if (countryCode) {
if (countryCode === 'NL' || countryCode === 'BE') {
return defaultEuLeadStatus;
if (isEuCountryCode(countryCode)) {
return highValueLead ? 'Inbound EU Auto Attempt 1 High' : defaultEuLeadStatus;
return defaultInternationalLeadStatus;
return null;
function getInitialLeadStatusViaEmails(emails, trialRequests) {
// console.log(`DEBUG: getInitialLeadStatusViaEmails ${emails.length} ${trialRequests.length}`);
let currentStatus = null;
let currentRank = closeIoInitialLeadStatuses.length;
for (const email of emails) {
let tld = parseDomain(email).tld;
tld = tld ? tld.toLowerCase() : '';
for (let rank = 0; rank < currentRank; rank++) {
if (closeIoInitialLeadStatuses[rank].regex.test(tld)) {
currentStatus = closeIoInitialLeadStatuses[rank].status;
currentRank = rank;
if (!currentStatus || [defaultLeadStatus, defaultInternationalLeadStatus].indexOf(currentStatus) >= 0) {
// Look for a better EU match
const countryCode = getCountryCode(null, emails);
if (countryCode === 'NL' || countryCode === 'BE') {
return defaultEuLeadStatus;
if (isEuCountryCode(countryCode)) {
return isHighValueLead(trialRequests) ? 'Inbound EU Auto Attempt 1 High' : defaultEuLeadStatus;
currentStatus = currentStatus ? currentStatus : defaultLeadStatus;
return isLowValueUsLead(currentStatus, trialRequests) ? `${currentStatus} Low` : currentStatus;
function isEuCountryCode(countryCode) {
if (countryData.regions.northernEurope.countries.indexOf(countryCode) >= 0) {
return true;
if (countryData.regions.southernEurope.countries.indexOf(countryCode) >= 0) {
return true;
if (countryData.regions.easternEurope.countries.indexOf(countryCode) >= 0) {
return true;
if (countryData.regions.westernEurope.countries.indexOf(countryCode) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
function isLowValueUsLead(status, trialRequests) {
if (isUSSchoolStatus(status)) {
for (const trialRequest of trialRequests) {
if (parseInt(trialRequest.properties.nces_district_students) < 5000) {
return true;
else if (parseInt(trialRequest.properties.nces_district_students) >= 5000) {
return false;
for (const trialRequest of trialRequests) {
// Must match these values: https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/blob/master/app/templates/teachers/request-quote-view.jade#L159
if (['1-500', '500-1,000'].indexOf(trialRequest.properties.numStudentsTotal) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
function isHighValueLead(trialRequests) {
for (const trialRequest of trialRequests) {
// Must match these values: https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/blob/master/app/templates/teachers/request-quote-view.jade#L159
if (['5,000-10,000', '10,000+'].indexOf(trialRequest.properties.numStudentsTotal) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
function isUSSchoolStatus(status) {
return usSchoolStatuses.indexOf(status) >= 0;
function getEmailApiKey(leadStatus) {
if (leadStatus === defaultEuLeadStatus) return closeIoEuMailApiKey;
if (closeIoMailApiKeys.length < 0) return;
return closeIoMailApiKeys[Math.floor(Math.random() * closeIoMailApiKeys.length)];
function getRandomEmailTemplate(templates) {
if (templates.length < 0) return '';
return templates[Math.floor(Math.random() * templates.length)];
function getEmailTemplate(siteOrigin, leadStatus, countryCode) {
// console.log(`DEBUG: getEmailTemplate ${siteOrigin} ${leadStatus} ${countryCode}`);
if (isUSSchoolStatus(leadStatus)) {
if (['create teacher', 'convert teacher'].indexOf(siteOrigin) >= 0) {
return getRandomEmailTemplate(createTeacherEmailTemplatesAuto1);
return getRandomEmailTemplate(demoRequestEmailTemplatesAuto1);
if (leadStatus === defaultEuLeadStatus && (countryCode === 'NL' || countryCode === 'BE')) {
if (['create teacher', 'convert teacher'].indexOf(siteOrigin) >= 0) {
return getRandomEmailTemplate(createTeacherNlEmailTemplatesAuto1);
return getRandomEmailTemplate(demoRequestNlEmailTemplatesAuto1);
if (['create teacher', 'convert teacher'].indexOf(siteOrigin) >= 0) {
return createTeacherInternationalEmailTemplateAuto1;
return demoRequestInternationalEmailTemplateAuto1;
function isSameEmailTemplateType(template1, template2) {
if (template1 == template2) {
return true;
if (createTeacherEmailTemplatesAuto1.indexOf(template1) >= 0 && createTeacherEmailTemplatesAuto1.indexOf(template2) >= 0) {
return true;
if (demoRequestEmailTemplatesAuto1.indexOf(template1) >= 0 && demoRequestEmailTemplatesAuto1.indexOf(template2) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
function log(str) {
console.log(new Date().toISOString() + " " + str);
// ** Coco data collection methods and class
function findCocoLeads(done) {
MongoClient.connect(mongoConnUrl, (err, db) => {
if (err) return done(err);
// Recent trial requests
const query = {$and: [{created: {$gte: earliestDate}}, {type: 'course'}]};
db.collection('trial.requests').find(query).toArray((err, trialRequests) => {
if (err) {
return done(err);
const leads = {};
const emailLeadMap = {};
const emails = [];
for (const trialRequest of trialRequests) {
if (!trialRequest.properties || !trialRequest.properties.email) continue;
const email = trialRequest.properties.email.toLowerCase();
const name = trialRequest.properties.organization || trialRequest.properties.name || email;
if (!leads[name]) leads[name] = new CocoLead(name);
leads[name].addTrialRequest(email, trialRequest);
emailLeadMap[email] = leads[name];
// Users for trial requests
const query = {$and: [
{emailLower: {$in: emails}},
{anonymous: false}
db.collection('users').find(query).toArray((err, users) => {
if (err) {
return done(err);
const userIDs = [];
const userLeadMap = {};
const userEmailMap = {};
for (const user of users) {
const email = user.emailLower;
emailLeadMap[email].addUser(email, user);
userLeadMap[user._id.valueOf()] = emailLeadMap[email];
userEmailMap[user._id.valueOf()] = email;
// Classrooms for users
const query = {ownerID: {$in: userIDs}};
db.collection('classrooms').find(query).toArray((err, classrooms) => {
if (err) {
return done(err);
for (const classroom of classrooms) {
userLeadMap[classroom.ownerID.valueOf()].addClassroom(userEmailMap[classroom.ownerID.valueOf()], classroom);
return done(null, leads);
function createAddIntercomDataFn(cocoLead, email) {
return (done) => {
const options = {
url: `https://api.intercom.io/users?email=${encodeURIComponent(email)}`,
auth: {
user: intercomAppId,
pass: intercomApiKey
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json'
request.get(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
try {
const user = JSON.parse(body);
cocoLead.addIntercomUser(email, user);
catch (err) {
return done();
function addIntercomData(leads, done) {
const tasks = []
for (const name in leads) {
for (const email in leads[name].contacts) {
tasks.push(createAddIntercomDataFn(leads[name], email));
async.parallel(tasks, (err, results) => {
return done(err);
class CocoLead {
constructor(name) {
this.contacts = {};
this.custom = {};
this.name = name;
this.trialRequests = [];
addClassroom(email, classroom) {
if (!this.contacts[email.toLowerCase()]) this.contacts[email.toLowerCase()] = {};
const contact = this.contacts[email.toLowerCase()];
contact.numClassrooms = contact.numClassrooms ? contact.numClassrooms + 1 : 1;
if (classroom.members && classroom.members.length) {
contact.numStudents = contact.numStudents ? contact.numStudents + classroom.members.length : classroom.members.length;
addIntercomUser(email, user) {
if (user && user.id) {
if (!this.contacts[email.toLowerCase()]) this.contacts[email.toLowerCase()] = {};
this.contacts[email.toLowerCase()].intercomUrl = `https://app.intercom.io/a/apps/${intercomAppId}/users/${user.id}/`;
addTrialRequest(email, trial) {
if (!this.contacts[email.toLowerCase()]) this.contacts[email.toLowerCase()] = {};
if (trial.properties.firstName && trial.properties.lastName) {
this.contacts[email.toLowerCase()].name = `${trial.properties.firstName} ${trial.properties.lastName}`;
else if (trial.properties.name) {
this.contacts[email.toLowerCase()].name = trial.properties.name;
this.contacts[email.toLowerCase()].trial = trial;
addUser(email, user) {
this.contacts[email.toLowerCase()].user = user;
getInitialLeadStatus() {
for (const email in this.contacts) {
const props = this.contacts[email].trial.properties;
if (props && props['country']) {
const status = getInitialLeadStatusViaCountry(props['country'], this.trialRequests);
if (status) return status;
return getInitialLeadStatusViaEmails(Object.keys(this.contacts), this.trialRequests);
getLeadPostData() {
const postData = {
display_name: this.name,
name: this.name,
status: this.getInitialLeadStatus(),
contacts: this.getContactsPostData(),
custom: {
lastUpdated: new Date(),
'Lead Origin': this.getLeadOrigin()
for (const email in this.contacts) {
const props = this.contacts[email].trial.properties;
if (props) {
for (const prop in props) {
if (commonTrialProperties.indexOf(prop) >= 0 || /nces_/ig.test(prop)) {
postData.custom[`demo_${prop}`] = props[prop];
return postData;
getLeadPutData(currentLead) {
// console.log('DEBUG: getLeadPutData', currentLead.name);
const putData = {};
const currentCustom = currentLead.custom || {};
if (!currentCustom['Lead Origin']) {
putData['custom.Lead Origin'] = this.getLeadOrigin();
for (const email in this.contacts) {
const props = this.contacts[email].trial.properties;
if (props) {
let haveNcesData = false;
for (const prop in props) {
if (/nces_/ig.test(prop)) {
haveNcesData = true;
putData[`custom.demo_${prop}`] = props[prop];
for (const prop in props) {
// Always overwrite common props if we have NCES data, because other fields more likely to be accurate
if (commonTrialProperties.indexOf(prop) >= 0 && (haveNcesData || !currentCustom[`demo_${prop}`] || currentCustom[`demo_${prop}`] !== props[prop] && currentCustom[`demo_${prop}`].indexOf(props[prop]) < 0)) {
putData[`custom.demo_${prop}`] = props[prop];
for (const field of customFieldsToRemove) {
if (currentCustom[field]) {
putData[`custom.${field}`] = null;
if (Object.keys(putData).length > 0) {
putData[`custom.lastUpdated`] = new Date();
return putData;
getLeadOrigin() {
for (const email in this.contacts) {
const props = this.contacts[email].trial.properties;
switch (props.siteOrigin) {
case 'create teacher':
return 'Create Teacher';
case 'convert teacher':
return 'Convert Teacher';
return 'Demo Request';
getContactsPostData(existingLead) {
const postData = [];
const existingEmails = {};
if (existingLead) {
const existingContacts = existingLead.contacts || [];
for (const contact of existingContacts) {
const emails = contact.emails || [];
for (const email of emails) {
existingEmails[email.email.toLowerCase()] = true;
for (const email in this.contacts) {
if (existingEmails[email]) continue;
const contact = this.contacts[email];
const data = {
emails: [{email: email}],
name: contact.name
const props = contact.trial.properties;
if (props.phoneNumber) {
data.phones = [{phone: props.phoneNumber}];
if (props.role) {
data.title = props.role;
else if (contact.user || contact.user.role) {
data.title = contact.user.role;
return postData;
getNotesPostData(currentNotes) {
// Post activity notes for each contact
function noteExists(email) {
if (currentNotes) {
for (const note of currentNotes) {
if (note.note.indexOf(email) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
const notes = [];
for (const email in this.contacts) {
if (!noteExists(email)) {
const contact = this.contacts[email];
let noteData = "";
const trial = contact.trial
if (trial.properties) {
const props = trial.properties;
if (props.name) {
noteData += `${props.name}\n`;
if (props.email) {
noteData += `demo_email: ${props.email.toLowerCase()}\n`;
if (trial.created) {
noteData += `demo_request: ${trial.created}\n`;
if (props.educationLevel) {
noteData += `demo_educationLevel: ${props.educationLevel.join(', ')}\n`;
for (const prop in props) {
if (['email', 'educationLevel', 'created'].indexOf(prop) >= 0 || commonTrialProperties.indexOf(prop) >= 0) continue;
noteData += `demo_${prop}: ${props[prop]}\n`;
if (contact.intercomUrl) noteData += `intercom_url: ${contact.intercomUrl}\n`;
if (contact.user) {
const user = contact.user
noteData += `coco_userID: ${user._id}\n`;
if (user.firstName) noteData += `coco_firstName: ${user.firstName}\n`;
if (user.lastName) noteData += `coco_lastName: ${user.lastName}\n`;
if (user.name) noteData += `coco_name: ${user.name}\n`;
if (user.emaillower) noteData += `coco_email: ${user.emailLower}\n`;
if (user.gender) noteData += `coco_gender: ${user.gender}\n`;
if (user.lastLevel) noteData += `coco_lastLevel: ${user.lastLevel}\n`;
if (user.role) noteData += `coco_role: ${user.role}\n`;
if (user.schoolName) noteData += `coco_schoolName: ${user.schoolName}\n`;
if (user.stats && user.stats.gamesCompleted) noteData += `coco_gamesCompleted: ${user.stats.gamesCompleted}\n`;
noteData += `coco_preferredLanguage: ${user.preferredLanguage || 'en-US'}\n`;
if (contact.numClassrooms) {
noteData += `coco_numClassrooms: ${contact.numClassrooms}\n`
if (contact.numStudents) {
noteData += `coco_numStudents: ${contact.numStudents}\n`
return notes;
// ** Upsert Close.io methods
function updateExistingLead(lead, existingLead, done) {
// console.log('DEBUG: updateExistingLead', existingLead.id);
const putData = lead.getLeadPutData(existingLead);
const options = {
uri: `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/lead/${existingLead.id}/`,
body: JSON.stringify(putData)
request.put(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const result = JSON.parse(body);
if (result.errors || result['field-errors']) {
console.error(`Update existing lead PUT error for ${lead.name}`);
// console.log(putData);
return done();
// Add contacts
const newContacts = lead.getContactsPostData(existingLead);
const tasks = []
for (const newContact of newContacts) {
newContact.lead_id = existingLead.id;
tasks.push(createAddContactFn(newContact, lead, existingLead));
async.parallel(tasks, (err, results) => {
if (err) return done(err);
// Add notes
const url = `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/activity/note/?lead_id=${existingLead.id}`;
request.get(url, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const currentNotes = JSON.parse(body).data;
const newNotes = lead.getNotesPostData(currentNotes);
const tasks = []
for (const newNote of newNotes) {
tasks.push(createAddNoteFn(existingLead.id, newNote));
async.parallel(tasks, (err, results) => {
return done(err);
function saveNewLead(lead, done) {
const postData = lead.getLeadPostData();
// console.log(`DEBUG: saveNewLead ${lead.name} ${postData.status}`);
const options = {
uri: `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/lead/`,
body: JSON.stringify(postData)
request.post(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const existingLead = JSON.parse(body);
if (existingLead.errors || existingLead['field-errors']) {
console.error(`New lead POST error for ${lead.name}`);
// console.error(JSON.stringify(postData, null, 2));
return done();
// Add notes
const newNotes = lead.getNotesPostData();
const tasks = []
for (const newNote of newNotes) {
tasks.push(createAddNoteFn(existingLead.id, newNote));
async.parallel(tasks, (err, results) => {
if (err) return done(err);
// Send emails to new contacts
const tasks = [];
for (const contact of existingLead.contacts) {
for (const email of contact.emails) {
const countryCode = getCountryCode(lead.contacts[email.email].trial.properties.country, [email.email]);
const emailTemplate = getEmailTemplate(lead.contacts[email.email].trial.properties.siteOrigin, postData.status, countryCode);
tasks.push(createSendEmailFn(email.email, existingLead.id, contact.id, emailTemplate, postData.status));
async.parallel(tasks, (err, results) => {
return done(err);
function createFindExistingLeadFn(email, name, existingLeads) {
return (done) => {
// console.log('DEBUG: findEmailLead', email);
const query = `recipient:"${email}"`;
const url = `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/lead/?query=${encodeURIComponent(query)}`;
request.get(url, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
try {
const data = JSON.parse(body);
if (data.total_results > 0) {
if (!existingLeads[name]) existingLeads[name] = [];
for (const lead of data.data) {
return done();
} catch (error) {
// console.log(url);
// console.log(body);
return done(error);
function createUpdateLeadFn(lead, existingLeads) {
return (done) => {
// console.log('DEBUG: updateLead', lead.name);
const query = `name:"${lead.name}"`;
const url = `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/lead/?query=${encodeURIComponent(query)}`;
request.get(url, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
try {
const data = JSON.parse(body);
if (data.total_results === 0) {
if (existingLeads[lead.name.toLowerCase()]) {
if (existingLeads[lead.name.toLowerCase()].length === 1) {
console.log(`DEBUG: Using lead from email lookup: ${lead.name}`);
return updateExistingLead(lead, existingLeads[lead.name.toLowerCase()][0], done);
console.error(`ERROR: ${existingLeads[lead.name.toLowerCase()].length} email leads found for ${lead.name}`);
return done();
return saveNewLead(lead, done);
if (data.total_results > 1) {
console.error(`ERROR: ${data.total_results} leads found for ${lead.name}`);
return done();
return updateExistingLead(lead, data.data[0], done);
} catch (error) {
// console.log(url);
console.log(`ERROR: updateLead ${error}`);
// console.log(body);
return done();
function createAddContactFn(postData, internalLead, externalLead) {
return (done) => {
// console.log('DEBUG: addContact', postData.lead_id);
const options = {
uri: `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/contact/`,
body: JSON.stringify(postData)
request.post(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const newContact = JSON.parse(body);
if (newContact.errors || newContact['field-errors']) {
console.error(`New Contact POST error for ${postData.lead_id}`);
return done();
// Send emails to new contact
const email = postData.emails[0].email;
const countryCode = getCountryCode(internalLead.contacts[email].trial.properties.country, [email]);
const emailTemplate = getEmailTemplate(internalLead.contacts[email].trial.properties.siteOrigin, externalLead.status_label);
sendMail(email, externalLead.id, newContact.id, emailTemplate, getEmailApiKey(externalLead.status_label), emailDelayMinutes, done);
function createAddNoteFn(leadId, newNote) {
return (done) => {
// console.log('DEBUG: addNote', leadId);
const notePostData = {
note: newNote,
lead_id: leadId
const options = {
uri: `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/activity/note/`,
body: JSON.stringify(notePostData)
request.post(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const result = JSON.parse(body);
if (result.errors || result['field-errors']) {
console.error(`New note POST error for ${leadId}`);
// console.error(notePostData);
return done();
function createSendEmailFn(email, leadId, contactId, template, leadStatus) {
return (done) => {
return sendMail(email, leadId, contactId, template, getEmailApiKey(leadStatus), emailDelayMinutes, done);
function sendMail(toEmail, leadId, contactId, template, emailApiKey, delayMinutes, done) {
// console.log('DEBUG: sendMail', toEmail, leadId, contactId, template, emailApiKey, delayMinutes);
// Check for previously sent email
const url = `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/activity/email/?lead_id=${leadId}`;
request.get(url, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
try {
const data = JSON.parse(body);
for (const emailData of data.data) {
if (!isSameEmailTemplateType(emailData.template_id, template)) continue;
for (const email of emailData.to) {
if (email.toLowerCase() === toEmail.toLowerCase()) {
console.error("ERROR: sending duplicate email:", toEmail, leadId, contactId, template, emailData.contact_id);
return done();
catch (err) {
return done();
// Send mail
const dateScheduled = new Date();
dateScheduled.setUTCMinutes(dateScheduled.getUTCMinutes() + delayMinutes);
const postData = {
to: [toEmail],
contact_id: contactId,
lead_id: leadId,
template_id: template,
status: 'scheduled',
date_scheduled: dateScheduled
const options = {
uri: `https://${emailApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/activity/email/`,
body: JSON.stringify(postData)
request.post(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const result = JSON.parse(body);
if (result.errors || result['field-errors']) {
const errorMessage = `Send email POST error for ${toEmail} ${leadId} ${contactId}`;
// console.error(postData);
return done(errorMessage);
return done();
function updateLeads(leads, done) {
// Lookup existing leads via email to protect against direct lead name querying later
// Querying via lead name is unreliable
const existingLeads = {};
const tasks = [];
for (const name in leads) {
if (leadsToSkip.indexOf(name) >= 0) continue;
for (const email in leads[name].contacts) {
tasks.push(createFindExistingLeadFn(email.toLowerCase(), name.toLowerCase(), existingLeads));
async.series(tasks, (err, results) => {
if (err) return done(err);
const tasks = [];
for (const name in leads) {
if (leadsToSkip.indexOf(name) >= 0) continue;
tasks.push(createUpdateLeadFn(leads[name], existingLeads));
async.series(tasks, (err, results) => {
return done(err);