mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 04:12:49 -04:00
107 lines
3.5 KiB
107 lines
3.5 KiB
CocoClass = require 'core/CocoClass'
locale = require 'locale/locale'
LOG = false
module.exports = ModuleLoader = class ModuleLoader extends CocoClass
@WADS = [
constructor: ->
@loaded = {}
@queue = new createjs.LoadQueue()
@queue.on('fileload', @onFileLoad, @)
load: (path, first=true) ->
if first
$('#module-loading-list ul').empty()
@recentPaths = []
@recentLoadedBytes = 0
originalPath = path
wad = _.find ModuleLoader.WADS, (wad) -> _.string.startsWith(path, wad)
path = wad if wad
return false if @loaded[path]
$('#module-loading-list').modal('show') if first
@loaded[path] = true
li = $("<li class='list-group-item loading' data-path='#{path}'>#{path}</li>")
.prepend($("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-minus'></span>"))
.prepend($("<span class='glyphicon glyphicon-ok'></span>"))
ul = $('#module-loading-list ul')
console.debug 'Loading js file:', "/javascripts/app/#{path}.js" if LOG
id: path
src: "/javascripts/app/#{path}.js"
type: createjs.LoadQueue.JAVASCRIPT
return true
loadLanguage: (langCode) ->
loading = @load("locale/#{langCode}")
firstBit = langCode[...2]
return loading if firstBit is langCode
return loading unless locale[firstBit]?
return @load("locale/#{firstBit}", false) or loading
onFileLoad: (e) =>
$("#module-loading-list li[data-path='#{e.item.id}']").removeClass('loading').addClass('success')
have = window.require.list()
console.group('Dependencies', e.item.id) if LOG
@recentLoadedBytes += e.rawResult.length
dependencies = @parseDependencies(e.rawResult)
console.groupEnd() if LOG
missing = _.difference dependencies, have
@load(module, false) for module in missing
locale.update() if _.string.startsWith(e.item.id, 'locale')
if @queue.progress is 1
console.log @recentPaths.join('\n')
console.log 'loaded', @recentPaths.length, 'files,', parseInt(@recentLoadedBytes/1024), 'KB'
@trigger 'load-complete'
parseDependencies: (raw) ->
bits = raw.match(/(require\(['"](.+?)['"])|(register\(['"].+?['"])/g) or []
rootFolder = null
dependencies = []
for bit in bits
if _.string.startsWith(bit, 'register')
root = bit.slice(10, bit.length-1) # remove 'register("' and final double quote
console.groupEnd() if rootFolder if LOG
rootFolder = (root.match('.+/')[0] or '')[...-1]
console.group('register', rootFolder, "(#{bit})") if LOG
dep = bit.slice(9, bit.length-1) # remove "require('" and final single quote
dep = dep[1...] if dep[0] is '/'
dep = @expand(rootFolder, dep)
continue if dep is 'memwatch'
continue if _.string.startsWith(dep, 'ace/')
console.log dep if LOG
console.groupEnd() if LOG
return dependencies
expand: (root, name) ->
results = []
if /^\.\.?(\/|$)/.test(name)
parts = [root, name].join('/').split('/')
parts = name.split('/')
for part in parts
if part is '..'
else if (part isnt '.' and part isnt '')
return results.join('/')