mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 04:17:12 -05:00
Instead of lead-based. I.e. process trial request emails individually, in serial. This should fix a number of bugs we’ve seen recently. Find previous via email query should be more accurate. Send new contact email should be more accurate. Process coco contacts in series to avoid race condition bugs when two contacts belong on the same eventual Close lead.
906 lines
33 KiB
906 lines
33 KiB
// Upsert new lead data into Close.io
'use strict';
if (process.argv.length !== 10) {
log("Usage: node <script> <Close.io general API key> <Close.io mail API key1> <Close.io mail API key2> <Close.io mail API key3> <Close.io mail API key4> <Close.io EU mail API key> <Intercom 'App ID:API key'> <mongo connection Url>");
// TODO: Test multiple contacts
// TODO: Support multiple emails for the same contact (i.e diff trial and coco emails)
// TODO: Update notes with new data (e.g. coco user or intercom url)
// TODO: Reduce response data via _fields param
// TODO: Assumes 1:1 contact:email relationship (Close.io supports multiple emails for a single contact)
// TODO: Cleanup country/status lookup code
// TODO: automation states should be driven at contact-level
// TODO: unclear when we stop execution for an error vs. print it and continue
// Save as custom fields instead of user-specific lead notes (also saving nces_ props)
const commonTrialProperties = ['organization', 'district', 'city', 'state', 'country'];
// Old properties which are deprecated or moved
const customFieldsToRemove = [
'coco_name', 'coco_firstName', 'coco_lastName', 'coco_gender', 'coco_numClassrooms', 'coco_numStudents', 'coco_role', 'coco_schoolName', 'coco_stats', 'coco_lastLevel',
'email', 'intercom_url', 'name',
'trial_created', 'trial_educationLevel', 'trial_phoneNumber', 'trial_email', 'trial_location', 'trial_name', 'trial_numStudents', 'trial_role', 'trial_userID', 'userID', 'trial_organization', 'trial_city', 'trial_state', 'trial_country',
'demo_request_organization', 'demo_request_city', 'demo_request_state', 'demo_request_country'
const createTeacherEmailTemplatesAuto1 = ['tmpl_i5bQ2dOlMdZTvZil21bhTx44JYoojPbFkciJ0F560mn', 'tmpl_CEZ9PuE1y4PRvlYiKB5kRbZAQcTIucxDvSeqvtQW57G'];
const demoRequestEmailTemplatesAuto1 = [
'tmpl_cGb6m4ssDvqjvYd8UaG6cacvtSXkZY3vj9b9lSmdQrf', // (Auto1) Demo Request Short
'tmpl_2hV6OdOXtsObLQK9qlRdpf0C9QKbER06T17ksGYOoUE', // (Auto1) Demo Request With Questions
'tmpl_Q0tweZ5H4xs2E489KwdYj3HET9PpzkQ7jgDQb9hOMTR', // (Auto1) Demo Request Without Questions
const createTeacherInternationalEmailTemplateAuto1 = 'tmpl_8vsXwcr6dWefMnAEfPEcdHaxqSfUKUY8UKq6WfReGqG';
const demoRequestInternationalEmailTemplateAuto1 = 'tmpl_nnH1p3II7G7NJYiPOIHphuj4XUaDptrZk1mGQb2d9Xa';
const createTeacherNlEmailTemplatesAuto1 = ['tmpl_yf9tAPasz8KV7L414GhWWIclU8ewclh3Z8lCx2mCoIU', 'tmpl_OgPCV2p59uq0daVuUPF6r1rcQkxJbViyZ1ZMtW45jY8'];
const demoRequestNlEmailTemplatesAuto1 = ['tmpl_XGKyZm6gcbqZ5jirt7A54Vu8p68cLxAsKZtb9QBABUE', 'tmpl_xcfgQjUHPa6LLsbPWuPvEUElFXHmIpLa4IZEybJ0b0u'];
// Prioritized Close.io lead status match list
const closeIoInitialLeadStatuses = [
{status: 'Inbound UK Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^uk$|\.uk$/},
{status: 'Inbound Canada Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^ca$|\.ca$/},
{status: 'Inbound AU Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^au$|\.au$/},
{status: 'Inbound NZ Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^nz$|\.nz$/},
{status: 'New US Schools Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^us$|\.us$|\.gov$|k12|sd/},
{status: 'Inbound International Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^[A-Za-z]{2}$|\.[A-Za-z]{2}$/},
{status: 'Auto Attempt 1', regex: /^[A-Za-z]*$/}
const defaultLeadStatus = 'Auto Attempt 1';
const defaultInternationalLeadStatus = 'Inbound International Auto Attempt 1';
const defaultEuLeadStatus = 'Inbound EU Auto Attempt 1';
const usSchoolStatuses = ['Auto Attempt 1', 'New US Schools Auto Attempt 1', 'New US Schools Auto Attempt 1 Low'];
const emailDelayMinutes = 27;
const closeParallelLimit = 10;
const intercomParallelLimit = 100;
const scriptStartTime = new Date();
const closeIoApiKey = process.argv[2]; // Matt
// Automatic mails sent as API owners, first key assumed to be primary and gets 50% of the leads
// Names in comments are for reference, but Source of Truth is updateSalesLeads.sh on the analytics server
const closeIoMailApiKeys = [
apiKey: process.argv[3], // Lisa
weight: .8
apiKey: process.argv[4], // Elliot
weight: .15
apiKey: process.argv[5], // Nolan
weight: .05
apiKey: process.argv[6], // Sean
weight: 0
const closeIoEuMailApiKey = process.argv[7]; // Jurian
const intercomAppIdApiKey = process.argv[8];
const intercomAppId = intercomAppIdApiKey.split(':')[0];
const intercomApiKey = intercomAppIdApiKey.split(':')[1];
const mongoConnUrl = process.argv[9];
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const async = require('async');
const countryData = require('country-data');
const countryList = require('country-list')();
const parseDomain = require('parse-domain');
const request = require('request');
const earliestDate = new Date();
earliestDate.setUTCDate(earliestDate.getUTCDate() - 10);
// ** Main program
(err, results) => {
if (err) console.error(err);
log("Script runtime: " + (new Date() - scriptStartTime));
function upsertLeads(done) {
// log('DEBUG: Finding leads..');
findCocoContacts((err, contacts) => {
if (err) return done(err);
log(`Num contacts ${Object.keys(contacts).length}`);
// log('DEBUG: Adding Intercom data..');
addIntercomData(contacts, (err) => {
if (err) return done(err);
// log('DEBUG: Updating contacts..');
updateCloseLeads(contacts, (err) => {
return done(err);
// ** Utilities
function getCountryCode(country, emails) {
// console.log(`DEBUG: getCountryCode ${country} ${emails.length}`);
if (country) {
if (country.indexOf('Nederland') >= 0) return 'NL';
let countryCode = countryList.getCode(country);
if (countryCode) return countryCode;
for (const email of emails) {
const domain = parseDomain(email);
if (!domain) continue;
const tld = domain.tld;
if (tld) {
const matches = /^[A-Za-z]*\.?([A-Za-z]{2})$/ig.exec(tld);
if (matches && matches.length === 2) {
return matches[1].toUpperCase();
function getInitialLeadStatusViaCountry(country, trialRequests) {
// console.log(`DEBUG: getInitialLeadStatusViaCountry ${country} ${trialRequests.length}`);
if (/^u\.s\.?(\.a)?\.?$|^us$|usa|america|united states/ig.test(country)) {
const status = 'New US Schools Auto Attempt 1'
return isLowValueUsLead(status, trialRequests) ? `${status} Low` : status;
const highValueLead = isHighValueLead(trialRequests);
if (/^england$|^uk$|^united kingdom$/ig.test(country) && highValueLead) {
return 'Inbound UK Auto Attempt 1';
if (/^ca$|^canada$/ig.test(country)) {
return 'Inbound Canada Auto Attempt 1';
if (/^au$|^australia$/ig.test(country)) {
return 'Inbound AU Auto Attempt 1';
if (/^nz$|^new zealand$/ig.test(country)) {
return 'Inbound AU Auto Attempt 1';
if (/bolivia|iran|korea|macedonia|taiwan|tanzania|^venezuela$/ig.test(country)) {
return defaultInternationalLeadStatus;
const countryCode = countryList.getCode(country);
if (countryCode) {
if (countryCode === 'NL' || countryCode === 'BE') {
return defaultEuLeadStatus;
if (isEuCountryCode(countryCode)) {
return highValueLead ? 'Inbound EU Auto Attempt 1 High' : defaultEuLeadStatus;
return defaultInternationalLeadStatus;
return null;
function getInitialLeadStatusViaEmails(emails, trialRequests) {
// console.log(`DEBUG: getInitialLeadStatusViaEmails ${emails.length} ${trialRequests.length}`);
let currentStatus = null;
let currentRank = closeIoInitialLeadStatuses.length;
for (const email of emails) {
let tld = parseDomain(email).tld;
tld = tld ? tld.toLowerCase() : '';
for (let rank = 0; rank < currentRank; rank++) {
if (closeIoInitialLeadStatuses[rank].regex.test(tld)) {
currentStatus = closeIoInitialLeadStatuses[rank].status;
currentRank = rank;
if (!currentStatus || [defaultLeadStatus, defaultInternationalLeadStatus].indexOf(currentStatus) >= 0) {
// Look for a better EU match
const countryCode = getCountryCode(null, emails);
if (countryCode === 'NL' || countryCode === 'BE') {
return defaultEuLeadStatus;
if (isEuCountryCode(countryCode)) {
return isHighValueLead(trialRequests) ? 'Inbound EU Auto Attempt 1 High' : defaultEuLeadStatus;
currentStatus = currentStatus ? currentStatus : defaultLeadStatus;
return isLowValueUsLead(currentStatus, trialRequests) ? `${currentStatus} Low` : currentStatus;
function isEuCountryCode(countryCode) {
if (countryData.regions.northernEurope.countries.indexOf(countryCode) >= 0) {
return true;
if (countryData.regions.southernEurope.countries.indexOf(countryCode) >= 0) {
return true;
if (countryData.regions.easternEurope.countries.indexOf(countryCode) >= 0) {
return true;
if (countryData.regions.westernEurope.countries.indexOf(countryCode) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
function isLowValueUsLead(status, trialRequests) {
if (isUSSchoolStatus(status)) {
for (const trialRequest of trialRequests) {
if (parseInt(trialRequest.properties.nces_district_students) < 5000) {
return true;
else if (parseInt(trialRequest.properties.nces_district_students) >= 5000) {
return false;
for (const trialRequest of trialRequests) {
// Must match these values: https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/blob/master/app/templates/teachers/request-quote-view.jade#L159
if (['1-500', '500-1,000'].indexOf(trialRequest.properties.numStudentsTotal) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
function isHighValueLead(trialRequests) {
for (const trialRequest of trialRequests) {
// Must match these values: https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/blob/master/app/templates/teachers/request-quote-view.jade#L159
if (['5,000-10,000', '10,000+'].indexOf(trialRequest.properties.numStudentsTotal) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
function isUSSchoolStatus(status) {
return usSchoolStatuses.indexOf(status) >= 0;
function getEmailApiKey(leadStatus) {
if (leadStatus === defaultEuLeadStatus) return closeIoEuMailApiKey;
if (closeIoMailApiKeys.length < 0) return;
const weightedList = [];
for (let closeIoMailApiKey of closeIoMailApiKeys) {
const multiples = closeIoMailApiKey.weight * 100;
for (let i = 0; i < multiples; i++) {
return weightedList[Math.floor(Math.random() * weightedList.length)];
function getRandomEmailTemplate(templates) {
if (templates.length < 0) return '';
return templates[Math.floor(Math.random() * templates.length)];
function getEmailTemplate(siteOrigin, leadStatus, countryCode) {
// console.log(`DEBUG: getEmailTemplate ${siteOrigin} ${leadStatus} ${countryCode}`);
if (isUSSchoolStatus(leadStatus)) {
if (['create teacher', 'convert teacher'].indexOf(siteOrigin) >= 0) {
return getRandomEmailTemplate(createTeacherEmailTemplatesAuto1);
return getRandomEmailTemplate(demoRequestEmailTemplatesAuto1);
if (leadStatus === defaultEuLeadStatus && (countryCode === 'NL' || countryCode === 'BE')) {
if (['create teacher', 'convert teacher'].indexOf(siteOrigin) >= 0) {
return getRandomEmailTemplate(createTeacherNlEmailTemplatesAuto1);
return getRandomEmailTemplate(demoRequestNlEmailTemplatesAuto1);
if (['create teacher', 'convert teacher'].indexOf(siteOrigin) >= 0) {
return createTeacherInternationalEmailTemplateAuto1;
return demoRequestInternationalEmailTemplateAuto1;
function isSameEmailTemplateType(template1, template2) {
if (template1 == template2) {
return true;
if (createTeacherEmailTemplatesAuto1.indexOf(template1) >= 0 && createTeacherEmailTemplatesAuto1.indexOf(template2) >= 0) {
return true;
if (demoRequestEmailTemplatesAuto1.indexOf(template1) >= 0 && demoRequestEmailTemplatesAuto1.indexOf(template2) >= 0) {
return true;
return false;
function log(str) {
console.log(new Date().toISOString() + " " + str);
// ** Coco data collection methods and class
function findCocoContacts(done) {
MongoClient.connect(mongoConnUrl, (err, db) => {
if (err) return done(err);
// Recent trial requests
const query = {$and: [{created: {$gte: earliestDate}}, {type: 'course'}]};
db.collection('trial.requests').find(query).toArray((err, trialRequests) => {
if (err) {
return done(err);
const contacts = {};
for (const trialRequest of trialRequests) {
if (!trialRequest.properties || !trialRequest.properties.email) continue;
const email = trialRequest.properties.email.toLowerCase();
if (contacts[email]) {
console.log(`ERROR: found additional course trial requests for email ${email}, skipping.`);
contacts[email] = new CocoContact(email, trialRequest);
// Users for trial requests
const query = {$and: [
{emailLower: {$in: Object.keys(contacts)}},
{anonymous: false}
db.collection('users').find(query).toArray((err, users) => {
if (err) {
return done(err);
const userIDs = [];
const userContactMap = {};
const userEmailMap = {};
for (const user of users) {
const email = user.emailLower;
userContactMap[user._id.valueOf()] = contacts[email];
userEmailMap[user._id.valueOf()] = email;
// Classrooms for users
const query = {ownerID: {$in: userIDs}};
db.collection('classrooms').find(query).toArray((err, classrooms) => {
if (err) {
return done(err);
for (const classroom of classrooms) {
return done(null, contacts);
function createAddIntercomDataFn(contact) {
return (done) => {
const options = {
url: `https://api.intercom.io/users?email=${encodeURIComponent(contact.email)}`,
auth: {
user: intercomAppId,
pass: intercomApiKey
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json'
request.get(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
try {
const user = JSON.parse(body);
catch (err) {
return done();
function addIntercomData(contacts, done) {
const tasks = []
for (const email in contacts) {
async.parallelLimit(tasks, intercomParallelLimit, done);
class CocoContact {
constructor(email, trialRequest) {
this.email = email;
this.name = email;
this.trialRequest = trialRequest;
if (this.trialRequest.properties.firstName && this.trialRequest.properties.lastName) {
this.name = `${this.trialRequest.properties.firstName} ${this.trialRequest.properties.lastName}`;
else if (this.trialRequest.properties.name) {
this.name = this.trialRequest.properties.name;
this.leadName = trialRequest.properties.nces_name || trialRequest.properties.organization
|| trialRequest.properties.school || trialRequest.properties.district
|| trialRequest.properties.nces_district || email;
addClassroom(classroom) {
this.numClassrooms = this.numClassrooms ? this.numClassrooms + 1 : 1;
if (classroom.members && classroom.members.length) {
this.numStudents = this.numStudents ? this.numStudents + classroom.members.length : classroom.members.length;
addIntercomUser(user) {
if (user && user.id) {
this.intercomUrl = `https://app.intercom.io/a/apps/${intercomAppId}/users/${user.id}/`;
if (user.last_request_at) {
this.intercomLastSeen = new Date(parseInt(user.last_request_at) * 1000);
if (user.session_count) {
this.intercomSessionCount = parseInt(user.session_count);
addUser(user) {
this.user = user;
getInitialLeadStatus() {
const props = this.trialRequest.properties;
if (props && props['country']) {
const status = getInitialLeadStatusViaCountry(props['country'], [this.trialRequest]);
if (status) return status;
return getInitialLeadStatusViaEmails([this.email], [this.trialRequest]);
getLeadPostData() {
const postData = {
display_name: this.leadName,
name: this.leadName,
status: this.getInitialLeadStatus(),
contacts: [this.getContactPostData()],
custom: {
lastUpdated: new Date(),
'Lead Origin': this.getLeadOrigin()
const props = this.trialRequest.properties;
if (props) {
for (const prop in props) {
if (commonTrialProperties.indexOf(prop) >= 0 || /nces_/ig.test(prop)) {
postData.custom[`demo_${prop}`] = props[prop];
if (this.intercomLastSeen && (this.intercomLastSeen > (postData.custom['intercom_lastSeen'] || 0))) {
postData.custom['intercom_lastSeen'] = this.intercomLastSeen;
if (this.intercomSessionCount && (this.intercomSessionCount > (postData.custom['intercom_sessionCount'] || 0))) {
postData.custom['intercom_sessionCount'] = this.intercomSessionCount;
return postData;
getLeadPutData(closeLead) {
// console.log('DEBUG: getLeadPutData', closeLead.id);
const putData = {};
const currentCustom = closeLead.custom || {};
if (!currentCustom['Lead Origin']) {
putData['custom.Lead Origin'] = this.getLeadOrigin();
const props = this.trialRequest.properties;
if (props) {
for (const prop in props) {
if (!currentCustom[`demo_${prop}`] && (commonTrialProperties.indexOf(prop) >= 0 || /nces_/ig.test(prop))) {
putData[`custom.demo_${prop}`] = props[prop];
if (this.intercomLastSeen && (this.intercomLastSeen > (currentCustom['intercom_lastSeen'] || 0))) {
putData['custom.intercom_lastSeen'] = this.intercomLastSeen;
if (this.intercomSessionCount && (this.intercomSessionCount > (currentCustom['intercom_sessionCount'] || 0))) {
putData['custom.intercom_sessionCount'] = this.intercomSessionCount;
for (const field of customFieldsToRemove) {
if (currentCustom[field]) {
putData[`custom.${field}`] = null;
if (Object.keys(putData).length > 0) {
putData[`custom.lastUpdated`] = new Date();
return putData;
getLeadOrigin() {
const props = this.trialRequest.properties;
switch (props.siteOrigin) {
case 'create teacher':
return 'Create Teacher';
case 'convert teacher':
return 'Convert Teacher';
return 'Demo Request';
getContactPostData(existingLead) {
const data = {
emails: [{email: this.email}],
name: this.name
if (existingLead) {
data.lead_id = existingLead.id;
const props = this.trialRequest.properties;
if (props.nces_phone) {
data.phones = [{phone: props.nces_phone}];
else if (props.phoneNumber) {
data.phones = [{phone: props.phoneNumber}];
if (props.role) {
data.title = props.role;
else if (this.user && this.user.role) {
data.title = this.user.role;
return data;
getNotePostData(currentNotes) {
// Post activity notes for each contact
for (const note of currentNotes || []) {
if (note.note.indexOf(this.email) >= 0) {
return [];
let noteData = "";
if (this.trialRequest.properties) {
const props = this.trialRequest.properties;
if (props.name) {
noteData += `${props.name}\n`;
if (props.email) {
noteData += `demo_email: ${props.email.toLowerCase()}\n`;
if (this.trialRequest.created) {
noteData += `demo_request: ${this.trialRequest.created}\n`;
if (props.educationLevel) {
noteData += `demo_educationLevel: ${props.educationLevel.join(', ')}\n`;
for (const prop in props) {
if (['email', 'educationLevel', 'created'].indexOf(prop) >= 0) continue;
noteData += `demo_${prop}: ${props[prop]}\n`;
if (this.intercomUrl) noteData += `intercom_url: ${this.intercomUrl}\n`;
if (this.intercomLastSeen) noteData += `intercom_lastSeen: ${this.intercomLastSeen}\n`;
if (this.intercomSessionCount) noteData += `intercom_sessionCount: ${this.intercomSessionCount}\n`;
if (this.user) {
const user = this.user
noteData += `coco_userID: ${user._id}\n`;
if (user.firstName) noteData += `coco_firstName: ${user.firstName}\n`;
if (user.lastName) noteData += `coco_lastName: ${user.lastName}\n`;
if (user.name) noteData += `coco_name: ${user.name}\n`;
if (user.emaillower) noteData += `coco_email: ${user.emailLower}\n`;
if (user.gender) noteData += `coco_gender: ${user.gender}\n`;
if (user.lastLevel) noteData += `coco_lastLevel: ${user.lastLevel}\n`;
if (user.role) noteData += `coco_role: ${user.role}\n`;
if (user.schoolName) noteData += `coco_schoolName: ${user.schoolName}\n`;
if (user.stats && user.stats.gamesCompleted) noteData += `coco_gamesCompleted: ${user.stats.gamesCompleted}\n`;
noteData += `coco_preferredLanguage: ${user.preferredLanguage || 'en-US'}\n`;
if (this.numClassrooms) {
noteData += `coco_numClassrooms: ${this.numClassrooms}\n`
if (this.numStudents) {
noteData += `coco_numStudents: ${this.numStudents}\n`
return noteData;
// ** Upsert Close.io methods
function updateCloseLead(cocoContact, closeLead, userApiKeyMap, done) {
// console.log('DEBUG: updateCloseLead', cocoContact.email, closeLead.id);
const putData = cocoContact.getLeadPutData(closeLead);
const options = {
uri: `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/lead/${closeLead.id}/`,
body: JSON.stringify(putData)
request.put(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const result = JSON.parse(body);
if (result.errors || result['field-errors']) {
console.error(`Update existing lead PUT error for ${cocoContact.leadName}`);
return done();
// Check for existing contact
const existingContacts = closeLead.contacts || [];
for (const contact of existingContacts) {
const emails = contact.emails || [];
for (const email of emails) {
if (email.email.toLowerCase() === cocoContact.email) {
// console.log(`DEBUG: contact ${cocoContact.email} already exists on ${closeLead.id}`);
return done();
// Add Close contact
addContact(cocoContact, closeLead, userApiKeyMap, (err, results) => {
if (err) return done(err);
// Add Close note
const url = `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/activity/note/?lead_id=${closeLead.id}`;
request.get(url, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const currentNotes = JSON.parse(body).data;
addNote(cocoContact, closeLead, currentNotes, done);
function saveNewCloseLead(cocoContact, userApiKeyMap, done) {
const postData = cocoContact.getLeadPostData();
// console.log(`DEBUG: saveNewCloseLead ${cocoContact.email} ${postData.status}`);
const options = {
uri: `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/lead/`,
body: JSON.stringify(postData)
request.post(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const newCloseLead = JSON.parse(body);
if (newCloseLead.errors || newCloseLead['field-errors']) {
console.error(`New lead POST error for ${cocoContact.email}`);
console.error(newCloseLead.errors || newCloseLead['field-errors']);
return done();
// Add contact note
addNote(cocoContact, newCloseLead, null, (err, results) => {
if (err) return done(err);
// Send email to new contact
let newContact = null;
for (const contact of newCloseLead.contacts) {
for (const email of contact.emails) {
if (email.email === cocoContact.email) {
newContact = contact;
if (newContact) break;
if (!newContact) {
console.error(`ERROR: Could not find contact ${cocoContact.email} in new lead ${newCloseLead.id}`);
return done();
const countryCode = getCountryCode(cocoContact.trialRequest.properties.country, [cocoContact.email]);
const emailTemplate = getEmailTemplate(cocoContact.trialRequest.properties.siteOrigin, postData.status, countryCode);
sendMail(cocoContact.email, newCloseLead, newContact.id, emailTemplate, userApiKeyMap, emailDelayMinutes, done);
function createFindExistingLeadFn(email, existingLeads) {
return (done) => {
// console.log('DEBUG: findEmailLead', email);
const query = `email_address:"${email}"`;
const url = `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/lead/?query=${encodeURIComponent(query)}`;
request.get(url, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
try {
const data = JSON.parse(body);
if (data.total_results > 0) {
if (!existingLeads[email]) existingLeads[email] = [];
for (const lead of data.data) {
return done();
} catch (error) {
console.log(`ERROR: failed to parse email lead search for ${email}`);
return done(error);
function createUpdateCloseLeadFn(cocoContact, existingLeads, userApiKeyMap) {
// New contact lead matching algorithm:
// 1. New contact email exists
// 2. New contact NCES school id exists
// 3. New contact NCES district id and no NCES school id
// 4. New contact school name and no NCES data
// 5. New contact district name and no NCES data
return (done) => {
// console.log('DEBUG: createUpdateCloseLeadFn', cocoContact.email);
if (existingLeads[cocoContact.email]) {
if (existingLeads[cocoContact.email].length === 1) {
// console.log(`DEBUG: Using lead from email lookup: ${cocoContact.email}`);
return updateCloseLead(cocoContact, existingLeads[cocoContact.email][0], userApiKeyMap, done);
console.error(`ERROR: ${existingLeads[cocoContact.email].length} email leads found for ${cocoContact.email}`);
return done();
let nces_district_id = null, nces_school_id = null;
if (cocoContact.trialRequest.properties.nces_district_id) {
nces_district_id = cocoContact.trialRequest.properties.nces_district_id;
if (cocoContact.trialRequest.properties.nces_id) {
nces_school_id = cocoContact.trialRequest.properties.nces_id;
// console.log(`DEBUG: updateCloseLead district ${nces_district_id} school ${nces_school_id}`);
let query = `name:"${cocoContact.leadName}"`;
if (nces_school_id) {
query = `custom.demo_nces_id:"${nces_school_id}"`;
else if (nces_district_id) {
query = `custom.demo_nces_district_id:"${nces_district_id}" custom.demo_nces_id:""`;
const url = `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/lead/?query=${encodeURIComponent(query)}`;
request.get(url, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
try {
const data = JSON.parse(body);
if (data.total_results > 1) {
console.error(`ERROR: ${data.total_results} leads found for ${cocoContact.email} nces_district_id=${nces_district_id} nces_school_id=${nces_school_id}`);
return done();
if (data.total_results === 1) {
return updateCloseLead(cocoContact, data.data[0], userApiKeyMap, done);
return saveNewCloseLead(cocoContact, userApiKeyMap, done);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`ERROR: createUpdateCloseLeadFn ${cocoContact.email}`);
return done();
function addContact(cocoContact, closeLead, userApiKeyMap, done) {
// console.log('DEBUG: addContact', closeLead.id, cocoContact.email);
const postData = cocoContact.getContactPostData(closeLead);
const options = {
uri: `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/contact/`,
body: JSON.stringify(postData)
request.post(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const newContact = JSON.parse(body);
if (newContact.errors || newContact['field-errors']) {
console.error(`New Contact POST error for ${postData.lead_id}`);
return done();
const countryCode = getCountryCode(cocoContact.trialRequest.properties.country, [cocoContact.email]);
const emailTemplate = getEmailTemplate(cocoContact.trialRequest.properties.siteOrigin, closeLead.status_label, countryCode);
sendMail(cocoContact.email, closeLead, newContact.id, emailTemplate, userApiKeyMap, emailDelayMinutes, done);
function addNote(cocoContact, closeLead, currentNotes, done) {
// console.log('DEBUG: addNote', cocoContact.email, closeLead.id);
const newNote = cocoContact.getNotePostData(currentNotes);
const notePostData = {
note: newNote,
lead_id: closeLead.id
const options = {
uri: `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/activity/note/`,
body: JSON.stringify(notePostData)
request.post(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const result = JSON.parse(body);
if (result.errors || result['field-errors']) {
console.error(`New note POST error for ${closeLead.id}`);
return done();
function sendMail(toEmail, closeLead, contactId, template, userApiKeyMap, delayMinutes, done) {
// console.log('DEBUG: sendMail', toEmail, leadId, contactId, template, emailApiKey, delayMinutes);
let emailApiKey = getEmailApiKey(closeLead.status_label);
// Check for previously sent email
const url = `https://${closeIoApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/activity/email/?lead_id=${closeLead.id}`;
request.get(url, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
try {
const data = JSON.parse(body);
for (const emailData of data.data) {
emailApiKey = userApiKeyMap[emailData.user_id] || emailApiKey;
if (!isSameEmailTemplateType(emailData.template_id, template)) continue;
for (const email of emailData.to) {
if (email.toLowerCase() === toEmail.toLowerCase()) {
console.error("ERROR: sending duplicate email:", toEmail, closeLead.id, contactId, template, emailData.contact_id);
return done();
catch (err) {
console.error(`ERROR: parsing previous email sent GET for ${toEmail} ${closeLead.id}`);
return done();
// Send mail
const dateScheduled = new Date();
dateScheduled.setUTCMinutes(dateScheduled.getUTCMinutes() + delayMinutes);
const postData = {
to: [toEmail],
contact_id: contactId,
lead_id: closeLead.id,
template_id: template,
status: 'scheduled',
date_scheduled: dateScheduled
const options = {
uri: `https://${emailApiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/activity/email/`,
body: JSON.stringify(postData)
request.post(options, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done(error);
const result = JSON.parse(body);
if (result.errors || result['field-errors']) {
const errorMessage = `Send email POST error for ${toEmail} ${closeLead.id} ${contactId}`;
return done(errorMessage);
return done();
function updateCloseLeads(cocoContacts, done) {
const userApiKeyMap = {};
let createGetUserFn = (apiKey) => {
return (done) => {
const url = `https://${apiKey}:X@app.close.io/api/v1/me/`;
request.get(url, (error, response, body) => {
if (error) return done();
const results = JSON.parse(body);
userApiKeyMap[results.id] = apiKey;
return done();
const tasks = [];
for (const closeIoMailApiKey of closeIoMailApiKeys) {
async.parallelLimit(tasks, closeParallelLimit, (err, results) => {
if (err) console.log(err);
// Lookup existing leads via email to protect against direct lead name querying later
// Querying via lead name is unreliable
const existingLeads = {};
const tasks = [];
for (const email in cocoContacts) {
tasks.push(createFindExistingLeadFn(email, existingLeads));
async.parallelLimit(tasks, closeParallelLimit, (err, results) => {
if (err) return done(err);
const tasks = [];
for (const email in cocoContacts) {
tasks.push(createUpdateCloseLeadFn(cocoContacts[email], existingLeads, userApiKeyMap));
async.series(tasks, done);