mirror of
synced 2025-02-25 22:14:29 -05:00
688 lines
41 KiB
688 lines
41 KiB
module.exports = nativeDescription: "简体中文", englishDescription: "Chinese (Simplified)", translation:
loading: "读取中……"
saving: "保存中……"
sending: "发送中……"
send: "发送"
cancel: "取消"
save: "保存"
publish: "发布"
create: "创建"
delay_1_sec: "1 秒"
delay_3_sec: "3 秒"
delay_5_sec: "5 秒"
manual: "手动"
fork: "派生"
play: "开始"
retry: "重试"
# watch: "Watch"
# unwatch: "Unwatch"
# submit_patch: "Submit Patch"
second: "秒"
seconds: "秒"
minute: "分钟"
minutes: "分钟"
hour: "小时"
hours: "小时"
close: "关闭"
okay: "好的"
page_not_found: "找不到网页"
play: "开始游戏"
editor: "编辑器"
blog: "博客"
forum: "论坛"
# account: "Account"
admin: "管理"
home: "首页"
contribute: "贡献"
legal: "版权声明"
about: "关于"
contact: "联系我们"
twitter_follow: "关注"
employers: "招募信息"
save_version_title: "保存新版本"
new_major_version: "新的重要版本"
cla_prefix: "要想保存更改,您必须先同意我们的"
cla_url: "贡献者许可协议"
cla_suffix: "。"
cla_agree: "我同意"
sign_up: "注册"
log_in: "登录"
logging_in: "正在登录"
log_out: "登出"
recover: "找回账户"
recover_account_title: "找回账户"
send_password: "发送重置链接"
create_account_title: "创建一个账户来保存进度"
description: "免费而且简单易学:"
email_announcements: "通过邮件接收通知"
coppa: "13岁以上或非美国用户"
coppa_why: " 为什么?"
creating: "账户创建中……"
sign_up: "注册"
log_in: "登录"
social_signup: "或者,你可以通过Facebook或G+注册:"
slogan: "通过游戏学习 Javascript"
no_ie: "抱歉! Internet Explorer 9 等旧式预览器无法使用本网站。"
no_mobile: "CodeCombat 不是针对手机设备设计的,所以可能无法达到最好的体验!"
play: "开始游戏"
old_browser: "噢, 你的浏览器太老了, 不能运行CodeCombat. 抱歉!"
old_browser_suffix: "尽管你可以多试几次, 但也许不会管用."
campaign: "战役模式"
for_beginners: "适合初学者"
multiplayer: "多人游戏"
for_developers: "适合开发者"
choose_your_level: "选择关卡"
adventurer_prefix: "你可以选择以下任意关卡,或者讨论以上的关卡。到"
adventurer_forum: "冒险者论坛"
adventurer_suffix: "。"
campaign_beginner: "新手作战"
campaign_beginner_description: "……在这里你可以学习到编程技巧。"
campaign_dev: "随机困难关卡"
campaign_dev_description: "……在这里你可以学到做一些复杂功能的接口。"
campaign_multiplayer: "多人竞技场"
campaign_multiplayer_description: "……在这里你可以与其他玩家进行代码肉搏战。"
campaign_player_created: "创建玩家"
campaign_player_created_description: "……在这里你可以与你的小伙伴的创造力战斗 <a href=\"/contribute#artisan\">技术指导</a>."
level_difficulty: "难度:"
play_as: "Play As"
spectate: "旁观他人的游戏"
contact_us: "联系我们"
welcome: "我们很乐意收到你的邮件!请用这个表单给我们发邮件。 "
contribute_prefix: "如果你想贡献什么,请看我们的 "
contribute_page: "贡献页面"
contribute_suffix: "!"
forum_prefix: "如果你想发布任何公开的东西, 可以试试"
forum_page: "我们的论坛"
forum_suffix: ""
send: "反馈意见"
contact_candidate: "联系参选人"
# recruitment_reminder: "Use this form to reach out to candidates you are interested in interviewing. Remember that CodeCombat charges 18% of first-year salary. The fee is due upon hiring the employee and is refundable for 90 days if the employee does not remain employed. Part time, remote, and contract employees are free, as are interns."
title: "帮助我们翻译 CodeCombat"
sub_heading: "我们需要您的语言技能"
pitch_body: "我们开发了 CodeCombat 英文版,但是现在我们的玩家遍布全球。很多人英语不熟练,所以很想玩简体中文版的游戏,如果你中英文都很熟练,请考虑参加我们的翻译工作,帮忙把 CodeCombat 网站和所有关卡翻译成简体中文。"
missing_translations: "没被翻译的文字将以英文显示。"
learn_more: "了解更多成为翻译人员的说明"
subscribe_as_diplomat: "提交翻译人员申请"
title: "设置向导"
customize_avatar: "设置你的头像"
active: "启用"
color: "颜色"
group: "类别"
clothes: "衣服"
trim: "条纹"
cloud: "云"
team: "队伍"
spell: "魔法球"
boots: "鞋子"
hue: "颜色"
saturation: "饱和度"
lightness: "亮度"
title: "账户设置"
not_logged_in: "登录或创建一个账户来修改设置。"
autosave: "自动保存修改"
me_tab: "我"
picture_tab: "图片"
wizard_tab: "巫师"
password_tab: "密码"
emails_tab: "邮件"
admin: "管理"
wizard_color: "巫师 衣服 颜色"
new_password: "新密码"
new_password_verify: "核实"
email_subscriptions: "邮箱验证"
email_announcements: "通知"
email_notifications: "通知"
email_notifications_description: "接收来自你的账户的定期通知。"
email_announcements_description: "接收关于 CodeCombat 的邮件。"
contributor_emails: "贡献者通知"
contribute_prefix: "我们在寻找志同道合的人!请到"
contribute_page: "贡献页面"
contribute_suffix: "查看更多信息。"
email_toggle: "切换所有"
error_saving: "保存时出错"
saved: "更改已保存"
password_mismatch: "密码不匹配。"
job_profile: "工作经历"
job_profile_approved: "你填写的工作经历将由CodeCombat认证. 雇主将看到这些信息,除非你将它设置为不启用状态或者连续四周没有更新."
job_profile_explanation: "你好! 填写这些信息, 我们将使用它帮你寻找一份软件开发的工作."
# sample_profile: "See a sample profile"
# view_profile: "View Your Profile"
edit_settings: "编辑设置"
profile_for_prefix: "关于他的基本资料:"
profile_for_suffix: ""
approved: "已认证"
not_approved: "为认证"
looking_for: "寻找"
last_updated: "最后一次更新:"
contact: "联系"
work_experience: "工作经验"
education: "教育程度"
# our_notes: "Our Notes"
projects: "项目"
want_to_hire_our_players: "想要雇用CodeCombat上的专业玩家?"
# see_candidates: "Click here to see our candidates"
candidates_count_prefix: "我们当前有 "
candidates_count_many: "很多"
candidates_count_suffix: "经过我们认证的高手们正在找工作。"
candidate_name: "姓名"
candidate_location: "地点"
candidate_looking_for: "寻找"
candidate_role: "角色"
candidate_top_skills: "高级技能"
candidate_years_experience: "多年工作经验"
candidate_last_updated: "最后一次更新"
# candidate_approved: "Us?"
# candidate_active: "Them?"
level_load_error: "关卡不能载入: "
done: "完成"
grid: "格子"
customize_wizard: "自定义向导"
home: "主页"
guide: "指南"
multiplayer: "多人游戏"
restart: "重新开始"
goals: "目标"
action_timeline: "行动时间轴"
click_to_select: "点击选择一个单元。"
reload_title: "重载所有代码?"
reload_really: "确定重载这一关,返回开始处吗?"
reload_confirm: "重载所有"
victory_title_prefix: ""
victory_title_suffix: " 完成"
victory_sign_up: "保存进度"
victory_sign_up_poke: "想保存你的代码?创建一个免费账户吧!"
victory_rate_the_level: "评估关卡:"
victory_rank_my_game: "给我的游戏评分"
victory_ranking_game: "正在提交..."
victory_return_to_ladder: "返回"
victory_play_next_level: "下一关"
victory_go_home: "返回主页"
victory_review: "给我们反馈!"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "你完成了吗?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "是的, 完成了!"
multiplayer_title: "多人游戏设置"
multiplayer_link_description: "把这个链接告诉小伙伴们,一起玩吧。"
multiplayer_hint_label: "提示:"
multiplayer_hint: " 点击全选,然后按 Apple-C(苹果电脑)或 Ctrl-C 复制链接。"
multiplayer_coming_soon: "多人游戏的更多特性!"
guide_title: "指南"
tome_minion_spells: "助手的咒语"
tome_read_only_spells: "只读的咒语"
tome_other_units: "其他单元"
tome_cast_button_castable: "发动"
tome_cast_button_casting: "发动中"
tome_cast_button_cast: "发动咒语"
tome_autocast_delay: "自动施法延迟"
tome_select_spell: "选择一个法术"
tome_select_a_thang: "选择人物来 "
tome_available_spells: "可用的法术"
hud_continue: "继续(按 Shift-空格)"
spell_saved: "咒语已保存"
skip_tutorial: "跳过(esc)"
editor_config: "编辑器配置"
editor_config_title: "编辑器配置"
editor_config_language_label: "编程语言"
editor_config_language_description: "请输入你想写的编程语言."
editor_config_keybindings_label: "按键设置s"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "默认 (Ace)"
# editor_config_keybindings_description: "Adds additional shortcuts known from the common editors."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "显示隐藏的"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "显示诸如空格或TAB键。"
editor_config_indentguides_label: "显示缩进提示"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "显示一条竖线以使缩进更明显。"
# editor_config_behaviors_label: "Smart Behaviors"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "自动完成括号,大括号和引号。"
loading_ready: "载入完成!"
tip_insert_positions: "使用Shift+左键来插入拼写编辑器。"
tip_toggle_play: "用 Ctrl+P 来暂停或继续"
tip_scrub_shortcut: "用 Ctrl+[ 和 Ctrl+] 来倒退和快进."
tip_guide_exists: "点击页面上方的指南, 可以获得更多有用信息."
tip_open_source: "CodeCombat 是 100% 开源的!"
tip_beta_launch: "CodeCombat 开始于 2013的10月份."
tip_js_beginning: "JavaScript 仅仅只是个开始."
# tip_autocast_setting: "Adjust autocast settings by clicking the gear on the cast button."
think_solution: "思考解决方法, 而不是问题."
tip_theory_practice: "在理论研究中,理论和实践之间是没有区别的。但在实践中,它们是有区别的。 - Yogi Berra"
tip_error_free: "有两种方式可以写出没有错误的程序;但是只有第三种方式能让程序达到预期的效果。 - Alan Perlis"
tip_debugging_program: "如果说调试是清除Bug的过程,那么编码就是放置Bug的过程。- Edsger W. Dijkstra"
tip_forums: "到论坛去告诉我们你的想法!"
tip_baby_coders: "在未来,就算小孩都能成为大法师."
# tip_morale_improves: "Loading will continue until morale improves."
tip_all_species: "我们相信学习编程的机会对任何种族都是平等的。"
# tip_reticulating: "Reticulating spines."
tip_harry: "巫师, "
tip_great_responsibility: "更高的编程技巧也意味着更大的调试责任。"
tip_munchkin: "如果你不吃掉你的蔬菜, 一个小矮人将在你睡着之后来找你。"
tip_binary: "这个世界上只有 10 种人: 那些懂二进制的, 还有那些不懂二进制的."
tip_commitment_yoda: "一个程序员必须有高度的责任感和一颗认真的心。 ~ 尤达大师"
tip_no_try: "做. 或是不做. 这世上不存在'尝试'这种东西. - 尤达大师"
tip_patience: "你必须要有耐心,年轻的学徒 - 尤达大师"
tip_documented_bug: "一个写在文档里的漏洞不算漏洞, 那是个功能."
tip_impossible: "在事情未完成之前,一切都看似不可能. - 纳尔逊·曼德拉"
tip_talk_is_cheap: "多说无用, 亮出你的代码. - Linus Torvalds"
tip_first_language: "你所经历过最可怕的事情是你的第一门编程语言。 - Alan Kay"
time_current: "现在:"
time_total: "最大:"
time_goto: "跳到:"
infinite_loop_try_again: "请重试"
infinite_loop_reset_level: "重置等级"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "为我的代码添加注释"
av_title: "管理员视图"
av_entities_sub_title: "实体"
av_entities_users_url: "用户"
av_entities_active_instances_url: "活动实例"
av_other_sub_title: "其他"
av_other_debug_base_url: "Base(用于调试 base.jade)"
u_title: "用户列表"
lg_title: "最新的游戏"
# clas: "CLAs"
# community:
# level_editor: "Level Editor"
# main_title: "CodeCombat Community"
# facebook: "Facebook"
# twitter: "Twitter"
# gplus: "Google+"
main_title: "CodeCombat 编辑器"
main_description: "建立你自己的关卡、 战役、单元和教育内容。我们会提供所有你需要的工具!"
article_title: "提示编辑器"
article_description: "编写提示,让玩家可以使用编程概念来通过各种关卡和战役。"
thang_title: "物体编辑器"
thang_description: "创建单元,并定义单元的逻辑、图形和音频。目前只支持导入 Flash 导出的矢量图形。"
level_title: "关卡编辑器"
level_description: "所有用来创造所有难度的关卡的工具,包括脚本、上传音频和构建自定义逻辑。"
# got_questions: "Questions about using the CodeCombat editors?"
contact_us: "联系我们!"
hipchat_prefix: "你也可以在这里找到我们"
hipchat_url: "HipChat 房间。"
back: "后退"
revert: "还原"
revert_models: "还原模式"
fork_title: "派生新版本"
fork_creating: "正在执行派生..."
more: "更多"
wiki: "维基"
live_chat: "在线聊天"
level_some_options: "有哪些选项?"
level_tab_thangs: "物体"
level_tab_scripts: "脚本"
level_tab_settings: "设定"
level_tab_components: "组件"
level_tab_systems: "系统"
level_tab_thangs_title: "目前所有物体"
level_tab_thangs_all: "所有"
level_tab_thangs_conditions: "启动条件"
level_tab_thangs_add: "增加物体"
delete: "删除"
duplicate: "复制"
level_settings_title: "设置"
level_component_tab_title: "目前所有组件"
level_component_btn_new: "创建新的组件"
level_systems_tab_title: "目前所有系统"
level_systems_btn_new: "创建新的系统"
level_systems_btn_add: "增加系统"
level_components_title: "返回到所有物体主页"
level_components_type: "类型"
level_component_edit_title: "编辑组件"
level_component_config_schema: "配置模式"
level_component_settings: "设置"
level_system_edit_title: "编辑系统"
create_system_title: "创建新的系统"
new_component_title: "创建新的组件"
new_component_field_system: "系统"
new_article_title: "创建一个新物品"
new_thang_title: "创建一个新物品类型"
new_level_title: "创建一个新关卡"
# new_article_title_signup: "Sign Up to Create a New Article"
# new_thang_title_signup: "Sign Up to Create a New Thang Type"
# new_level_title_signup: "Sign Up to Create a New Level"
article_search_title: "在这里搜索物品"
thang_search_title: "在这里搜索物品类型"
level_search_title: "在这里搜索关卡"
read_only_warning2: "提示:你不能保存任何编辑,因为你没有登陆"
edit_btn_preview: "预览"
edit_article_title: "编辑提示"
and: "和"
name: "名字"
body: "正文"
version: "版本"
commit_msg: "提交信息"
version_history: "版本历史"
version_history_for: "版本历史: "
result: "结果"
results: "结果"
description: "描述"
or: "或"
subject: "主题"
email: "邮件"
password: "密码"
message: "信息"
code: "代码"
ladder: "升级比赛"
when: "当"
opponent: "对手"
rank: "等级"
score: "分数"
win: "胜利"
loss: "失败"
tie: "平局"
easy: "容易"
medium: "中等"
hard: "困难"
player: "玩家"
who_is_codecombat: "什么是 CodeCombat?"
why_codecombat: "为什么选择 CodeCombat?"
who_description_prefix: "在 2013 年开始一起编写 CodeCombat。在 2008 年时,我们还创造"
who_description_suffix: "并且发展出了开发中文和日文的 Web 和 IOS 应用的首选教程"
who_description_ending: "现在是时候教人们如何写代码了。"
why_paragraph_1: "当我们制作 Skritter 时,George 还不会写程序,对于不能实现他的灵感这一点很苦恼。他试着学了学,但那些课程都太慢了。他的室友不想通过教材学习新技能,试了试 CodeAcademy,但是觉得“太无聊了。”每星期都会有个熟人尝试 CodeAcademy,然后无一例外地放弃掉。我们发现这和 Skritter 想要解决的是一个问题:人们想要的是高速学习、充分练习,得到的却是缓慢、冗长的课程。我们知道该怎么办了。"
why_paragraph_2: "你想学编程?你不用上课。你需要的是写好多代码,并且享受这个过程。"
why_paragraph_3_prefix: "这才是编程的要义。编程必须要好玩。不是"
why_paragraph_3_italic: "哇又一个奖章诶"
why_paragraph_3_center: "那种“好玩”,而是"
why_paragraph_3_italic_caps: "老妈,我得先把这关打完!"
why_paragraph_3_suffix: "这就是为什么 CodeCombat 是个多人游戏,而不是一个游戏化的编程课。你不停,我们就不停——但这次这是件好事。"
why_paragraph_4: "如果你一定要对游戏上瘾,那就对这个游戏上瘾,然后成为科技时代的法师吧。"
why_ending: "再说,这游戏还是免费的。"
why_ending_url: "开始学习法术!"
# george_description: "CEO, business guy, web designer, game designer, and champion of beginning programmers everywhere."
# scott_description: "Programmer extraordinaire, software architect, kitchen wizard, and master of finances. Scott is the reasonable one."
# nick_description: "Programming wizard, eccentric motivation mage, and upside-down experimenter. Nick can do anything and chooses to build CodeCombat."
# jeremy_description: "Customer support mage, usability tester, and community organizer; you've probably already spoken with Jeremy."
# michael_description: "Programmer, sys-admin, and undergrad technical wunderkind, Michael is the person keeping our servers online."
# glen_description: "Programmer and passionate game developer, with the motivation to make this world a better place, by developing things that matter. The word impossible can't be found in his dictionary. Learning new skills is his joy!"
page_title: "法律"
opensource_intro: "CodeCombat 是一个自由发挥,完全开源的项目。"
opensource_description_prefix: "查看 "
github_url: "我们的 GitHub"
opensource_description_center: "并做你想做的修改吧!CodeCombat 是构筑在几十个开源项目之上的,我们爱它们。请查阅"
archmage_wiki_url: "我们 大法师的维基页"
opensource_description_suffix: " 看看是哪些人让这个游戏成为可能."
practices_title: "尊重最佳实践"
practices_description: "这是我们对您的承诺,即玩家,尽管这在法律用语中略显不足。"
privacy_title: "隐私"
privacy_description: "我们不会出售您的任何个人信息。我们计划最终通过招聘来盈利,但请您放心,未经您的明确同意,我们不会将您的个人信息出售有兴趣的公司。"
security_title: "安全"
security_description: "我们竭力保证您的个人信息安全性。作为一个开源项目,任何人都可以检讨并改善我们自由开放的网站的安全性。"
email_title: "电子邮件"
email_description_prefix: "我们不会发给您垃圾邮件。通过"
email_settings_url: "您的电子邮件设置"
email_description_suffix: "或者我们发送的邮件中的链接,您可以随时更改您的偏好设置或者随时取消订阅。"
cost_title: "花费"
cost_description: "目前来说,CodeCombat 是完全免费的!我们的主要目标之一也是保持目前这种方式,让尽可能多的人玩得更好,不论是否是生活中。如果天空变暗,我们可能会对某些内容采取订阅收费,但我们宁愿不那么做。运气好的话,我们可以维持公司,通过:"
recruitment_title: "招募"
recruitment_description_prefix: "在 CodeCombat 这里,你将得以成为一名法力强大的“巫师”,不只是在游戏中,更在生活中。"
url_hire_programmers: "没有人能以足够快速度招聘程序员,"
recruitment_description_suffix: "所以一旦你的技能成熟并且得到你的同意,我们将战士你的最佳编码成就给上万名雇主,希望他们垂涎欲滴。而他们支付给我们一点点报酬,并且付给你工资,"
recruitment_description_italic: "“一大笔”"
recruitment_description_ending: "。而这网站也就能保持免费,皆大欢喜。计划就是这样。"
copyrights_title: "版权与许可"
contributor_title: "贡献者许可协议"
contributor_description_prefix: "所有对本网站或是 GitHub 代码库的贡献都依照我们的"
cla_url: "贡献者许可协议(CLA)"
contributor_description_suffix: "而这在您贡献之前就应该已经同意。"
code_title: "代码 - MIT"
code_description_prefix: "所有由 CodeCombat 拥有或是托管在 codecombat.com 的代码,在 GitHub 版本库或者 codecombat.com 数据库,以上许可协议都依照"
mit_license_url: "MIT 许可证"
code_description_suffix: "这包括所有 CodeCombat 公开的制作关卡用的系统和组件代码。"
art_title: "美术和音乐 - Creative Commons"
art_description_prefix: "所有共通的内容都在"
# cc_license_url: "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License"
art_description_suffix: "条款下公开。共通内容是指所有 CodeCombat 发布出来用于制作关卡的内容。这包括:"
art_music: "音乐"
art_sound: "声效"
art_artwork: "图画"
art_sprites: "精灵"
art_other: "所有制作关卡时公开的,不是代码的创造性产品。"
art_access: "目前还没有简便通用的下载素材的方式。一般来讲,从网站上使用的URL下载,或者联系我们寻找帮助。当然你也可以帮我们扩展网站,让这些资源更容易下载。"
art_paragraph_1: "关于署名,请说明并在使用处附近,或对媒体形式来说合适的地方提供一个 codecombat.com 的链接。举例:"
use_list_1: "如果是用在电影里或者其他游戏里,请在制作人员表中加入 codecombat.com 。"
use_list_2: "如果用在网站上,将链接在使用的地方附近,比如图片下面,或者一个你放置其他 Creative Commons 署名和开源软件协议的专门页面。如果你的内容明确提到关于 CodeCombat,那你就不需要额外署名。"
art_paragraph_2: "如果你使用的内容不是由 CodeCombat 制作,而是由 codecombat.com 上其他的用户制作的,那你应该给他们署名。如果相应资源的页面上有署名指示,那你应该遵循那些指示。"
rights_title: "版权所有"
rights_desc: "所有关卡由他们自己版权所有。这包括"
rights_scripts: "脚本"
rights_unit: "单元配置"
rights_description: "描述"
rights_writings: "作品"
rights_media: "声音、音乐以及其他专门为某个关卡制作,而不对其他关卡开放的创造性内容"
rights_clarification: "澄清:所有在关卡编辑器里公开用于制作关卡的资源都是在CC协议下发布的,而使用关卡编辑器制作,或者在关卡制作过程中上传的内容则不是。"
nutshell_title: "简而言之"
nutshell_description: "我们在关卡编辑器里公开的任何资源,你都可以在制作关卡时随意使用,但我们保留限制在 codecombat.com 之上创建的关卡本身传播的权利,因为我们以后可能决定为它们收费。"
canonical: "这篇说明的英文版本是权威版本。如果各个翻译版本之间有任何冲突,以英文版为准。"
page_title: "贡献"
character_classes_title: "贡献者职业"
introduction_desc_intro: "我们对 CodeCombat 有很高的期望。"
introduction_desc_pref: "我们希望所有的程序员一起来学习和游戏,让其他人也见识到代码的美妙,并且展现出社区的最好一面。我们无法, 而且也不想独自完成这个目标:你要知道, 让 GitHub、Stack Overflow 和 Linux 真正伟大的是它们的用户。为了完成这个目标,"
introduction_desc_github_url: "我们把 CodeCombat 完全开源"
introduction_desc_suf: ",而且我们希望提供尽可能多的方法让你来参加这个项目,与我们一起创造。"
introduction_desc_ending: "我们希望你也能一起加入进来!"
introduction_desc_signature: "- Nick, George, Scott, Michael, Jeremy 以及 Glen"
alert_account_message_intro: "你好!"
alert_account_message_pref: "要订阅贡献者邮件,你得先"
alert_account_message_suf: "。"
alert_account_message_create_url: "创建账号"
archmage_summary: "你对游戏图像、界面设计、数据库和服务器运营、多人在线、物理、声音、游戏引擎性能感兴趣吗?想做一个教别人编程的游戏吗?如果你有编程经验,想要开发 CodeCombat ,那就选择这个职业吧。我们会非常高兴在制作史上最棒编程游戏的过程中得到你的帮助。"
archmage_introduction: "制作游戏时,最令人激动的事莫过于整合诸多东西。图像、音响、实时网络交流、社交网络,从底层数据库管理到服务器运维,再到用户界面的设计和实现。制作游戏有很多事情要做,所以如果你有编程经验, 那么你应该选择这个职业。我们会很高兴在制作史上最好编程游戏的路上有你的陪伴."
class_attributes: "职业说明"
archmage_attribute_1_pref: "了解"
archmage_attribute_1_suf: ",或者想要学习。我们的多数代码都是用它写就的。如果你喜欢 Ruby 或者 Python,那你肯定会感到很熟悉。它就是 JavaScript,但它的语法更友好。"
archmage_attribute_2: "编程经验和干劲。我们可以帮你走上正规,但恐怕没多少时间培训你。"
how_to_join: "如何加入"
join_desc_1: "谁都可以加入!先看看我们的"
join_desc_2: ",然后勾选下面的复选框,这样你就会作为勇敢的大法师收到我们的电邮。如果你想和开发人员聊天或者更深入地参与,可以 "
join_desc_3: " 或者去我们的"
join_desc_4: ",然后我们有话好说!"
join_url_email: "给我们发邮件"
join_url_hipchat: " HipChat 聊天室"
more_about_archmage: "了解如何成为一名大法师"
archmage_subscribe_desc: "通过电子邮件获得新的编码机会和公告。"
artisan_summary_pref: "想要设计 CodeCombat 的关卡吗?人们玩的比我们做的快多了!现在我们的关卡编辑器还很基本,所以做起关卡来会有点麻烦,还会有bug。只要你有制作关卡的灵感,不管是简单的for循环还是"
artisan_summary_suf: "这种东西,这个职业都很适合你。"
# artisan_introduction_pref: "We must construct additional levels! People be clamoring for more content, and we can only build so many ourselves. Right now your workstation is level one; our level editor is barely usable even by its creators, so be wary. If you have visions of campaigns spanning for-loops to"
# artisan_introduction_suf: ", then this class might be for you."
# artisan_attribute_1: "Any experience in building content like this would be nice, such as using Blizzard's level editors. But not required!"
# artisan_attribute_2: "A hankering to do a whole lot of testing and iteration. To make good levels, you need to take it to others and watch them play it, and be prepared to find a lot of things to fix."
# artisan_attribute_3: "For the time being, endurance en par with an Adventurer. Our Level Editor is super preliminary and frustrating to use. You have been warned!"
# artisan_join_desc: "Use the Level Editor in these steps, give or take:"
artisan_join_step1: "阅读文档."
artisan_join_step2: "创建一个新关卡 以及探索已经存在的关卡."
artisan_join_step3: "来我们的 HipChat 聊天室寻求帮助."
artisan_join_step4: "吧你的关卡发到论坛让别人给你评价."
more_about_artisan: "了解如何成为一名工匠"
artisan_subscribe_desc: "通过电子邮件获得关卡编辑器更新和公告。"
adventurer_summary: "丑话说在前面,你就是那个挡枪子的,而且你会伤得很重。我们需要人手来测试崭新的关卡,并且提出改进意见。做一个好游戏是一个漫长的过程,没人第一次就能搞对。如果你能忍得了这些,而且身体健壮,那这个职业就是你的了。"
# adventurer_introduction: "Let's be clear about your role: you are the tank. You're going to take heavy damage. We need people to try out brand-new levels and help identify how to make things better. The pain will be enormous; making good games is a long process and no one gets it right the first time. If you can endure and have a high constitution score, then this class might be for you."
# adventurer_attribute_1: "A thirst for learning. You want to learn how to code and we want to teach you how to code. You'll probably be doing most of the teaching in this case, though."
# adventurer_attribute_2: "Charismatic. Be gentle but articulate about what needs improving, and offer suggestions on how to improve."
# adventurer_join_pref: "Either get together with (or recruit!) an Artisan and work with them, or check the box below to receive emails when there are new levels to test. We'll also be posting about levels to review on our networks like"
adventurer_forum_url: "我们的论坛"
adventurer_join_suf: "如果你更喜欢以这些方式被通知, 那就注册吧!"
more_about_adventurer: "了解如何成为一名冒险家"
adventurer_subscribe_desc: "通过电子邮件获得新关卡通知。"
scribe_summary_pref: "CodeCombat 不只是一堆关卡的集合,它还是玩家们编程知识的来源。这样的话,每个工匠都能链接详尽的文档,以供玩家们学习,类似于"
scribe_summary_suf: "那些。如果你喜欢解释编程概念,那么这个职业很适合你。"
# scribe_introduction_pref: "CodeCombat isn't just going to be a bunch of levels. It will also include a resource for knowledge, a wiki of programming concepts that levels can hook into. That way rather than each Artisan having to describe in detail what a comparison operator is, they can simply link their level to the Article describing them that is already written for the player's edification. Something along the lines of what the "
scribe_introduction_url_mozilla: "Mozilla 开发者社区"
# scribe_introduction_suf: " has built. If your idea of fun is articulating the concepts of programming in Markdown form, then this class might be for you."
# scribe_attribute_1: "Skill in words is pretty much all you need. Not only grammar and spelling, but able to convey complicated ideas to others."
contact_us_url: "联系我们"
scribe_join_description: "介绍一下你自己, 比如你的编程经历和你喜欢写什么东西, 我们将从这里开始了解你!!"
more_about_scribe: "了解如何成为一名文书"
scribe_subscribe_desc: "通过电子邮件获得写作新文档的通知。"
diplomat_summary: "很多国家不说英文,但是人们对 CodeCombat 兴致很高!我们需要具有热情的翻译者,来把这个网站上的文字尽快带向全世界。如果你想帮我们走向全球,那这个职业适合你。"
diplomat_introduction_pref: "如果说我们从"
diplomat_launch_url: "十月的发布"
diplomat_introduction_suf: "中得到了什么启发:那就是全世界的人都对 CodeCombat 很感兴趣。我们召集了一群翻译者,尽快地把网站上的信息翻译成各国文字。如果你对即将发布的新内容很感兴趣,想让你的国家的人们玩上,就快来成为外交官吧。"
diplomat_attribute_1: "既会说流利的英语,也熟悉自己的语言。编程是一件很复杂的事情,而要翻译复杂的概念,你必须对两种语言都在行!"
diplomat_join_pref_github: "在"
diplomat_github_url: " GitHub "
diplomat_join_suf_github: "找到你的语言文件 (中文的是: codecombat/app/locale/zh-HNAS.coffee),在线编辑它,然后提交一个合并请求。同时,选中下面这个复选框来关注最新的国际化开发!"
more_about_diplomat: "了解如何成为一名外交官"
diplomat_subscribe_desc: "接受有关国际化开发和翻译情况的邮件"
ambassador_summary: "我们要建立一个社区,而当社区遇到麻烦的时候,就要支持人员出场了。我们运用 IRC、电邮、社交网站等多种平台帮助玩家熟悉游戏。如果你想帮人们参与进来,学习编程,然后玩的开心,那这个职业属于你。"
ambassador_introduction: "这是一个正在成长的社区,而你将成为我们与世界的联结点。大家可以通过Olark即时聊天、邮件、参与者众多的社交网络来认识了解讨论我们的游戏。如果你想帮助大家尽早参与进来、获得乐趣、感受CodeCombat的脉搏、与我们同行,那么这将是一个适合你的职业。"
ambassador_attribute_1: "有出色的沟通能力。能够辨识出玩家遇到的问题并帮助他们解决这些问题。与此同时,和我们保持联系,及时反馈玩家的喜恶和愿望!"
ambassador_join_desc: "介绍一下你自己:你做过什么?你喜欢做什么?我们将从这里开始了解你!"
# ambassador_join_note_strong: "Note"
# ambassador_join_note_desc: "One of our top priorities is to build multiplayer where players having difficulty solving levels can summon higher level wizards to help them. This will be a great way for ambassadors to do their thing. We'll keep you posted!"
more_about_ambassador: "了解如何成为一名使节"
ambassador_subscribe_desc: "通过电子邮件获得支持系统的现状,以及多人游戏方面的新进展。"
counselor_summary: "以上的职业都不适合你?没关系,我们欢迎每一个想参与 CodeCombat 开发的人!如果你熟悉教学、游戏开发、开源管理,或者任何你觉得和我们有关的方面,那这个职业属于你。"
counselor_introduction_1: "也许你有人生的经验,也许你对 CodeCombat 的发展有独特的观点。在所有这些角色中,这个角色花费的时间可能最少,但作为个人你的价值却最高。我们在寻找各方面的贤人,尤其是在教学、游戏开发、开源软件管理、技术企业招聘、创业或者设计方面的。"
counselor_introduction_2: "任何和 CodeCombat 的开发有关系的又可以。如果你有知识,并且希望分享给我们,帮这个项目成长,那这个职业属于你。"
counselor_attribute_1: "经验。上述的任何领域,或者你认为对我们有帮助的领域。"
counselor_attribute_2: "一点用来谈笑风生的时间!"
counselor_join_desc: ",向我们介绍以下你自己:你做过什么、对什么有兴趣。当我们需要你的建议的时候,我们会联系你的(不会很经常)。"
more_about_counselor: "了解如何成为一名顾问"
changes_auto_save: "在你勾选复选框后,更改将自动保存。"
diligent_scribes: "我们勤奋的文书:"
powerful_archmages: "我们强力的大法师:"
creative_artisans: "我们极具创意的工匠:"
brave_adventurers: "我们勇敢的冒险家:"
translating_diplomats: "我们遍及世界的外交官:"
helpful_ambassadors: "我们亲切的使节:"
archmage_title: "大法师"
archmage_title_description: "(代码编写人员)"
artisan_title: "工匠"
artisan_title_description: "(关卡建立人员)"
adventurer_title: "冒险家"
adventurer_title_description: "(关卡测试人员)"
scribe_title: "文书"
scribe_title_description: "(提示编辑人员)"
diplomat_title: "外交官"
diplomat_title_description: "(翻译人员)"
ambassador_title: "使节"
ambassador_title_description: "(用户支持人员)"
counselor_title: "顾问"
counselor_title_description: "(专家/导师)"
please_login: "请在对奕之前先登录."
my_matches: "我的对手"
simulate: "模拟"
# simulation_explanation: "By simulating games you can get your game ranked faster!"
simulate_games: "模拟游戏!"
# simulate_all: "RESET AND SIMULATE GAMES"
# games_simulated_by: "Games simulated by you:"
# games_simulated_for: "Games simulated for you:"
# games_simulated: "Games simulated"
# games_played: "Games played"
# ratio: "Ratio"
leaderboard: "排行榜"
battle_as: "我要加入这一方 "
summary_your: "你 "
summary_matches: "对手 - "
summary_wins: " 胜利, "
summary_losses: " 失败"
rank_no_code: "没有新代码可供评分"
rank_my_game: "为我的游戏评分!"
rank_submitting: "正在提交..."
# rank_submitted: "Submitted for Ranking"
rank_failed: "评分失败"
# rank_being_ranked: "Game Being Ranked"
# code_being_simulated: "Your new code is being simulated by other players for ranking. This will refresh as new matches come in."
# no_ranked_matches_pre: "No ranked matches for the "
# no_ranked_matches_post: " team! Play against some competitors and then come back here to get your game ranked."
choose_opponent: "选择一个对手"
tutorial_play: "玩教程"
tutorial_recommended: "如果你从未玩过的话,推荐先玩下教程"
tutorial_skip: "跳过教材"
tutorial_not_sure: "不知道怎么玩?"
tutorial_play_first: "先玩一次教程."
simple_ai: "简单电脑"
warmup: "热身"
vs: "对决"
introducing_dungeon_arena: "介绍地下城竞技场"
new_way: "用代码竞技的新方式."
to_battle: "去战斗, 开发者们!"
modern_day_sorcerer: "你能编程? 这太牛了。 在这个时代你就是巫师! 还不快用你编码的魔力指挥你的手下投入壮烈的战斗中么? 我们说的可不是和机器战斗哦。"
arenas_are_here: "CodeCombat一个多人对抗的头脑竞技场."
# ladder_explanation: "Choose your heroes, enchant your human or ogre armies, and climb your way over defeated fellow Wizards to reach the top of the ladders–then challenge your friends in our glorious, asynchronous multiplayer coding arenas. If you're feeling creative, you can even"
fork_our_arenas: "派生我的竞技场"
create_worlds: "以及创造我自己的世界."
javascript_rusty: "对JavaScript有点生疏? 没关系,这里有一个"
tutorial: "教程"
new_to_programming: ". 编程新手? 参加我们的新手训练营来提高技能吧."
so_ready: "我准备好了!"
could_not_load: "载入失败"
connection_failure: "连接失败."
unauthorized: "你需要登录才行. 你是不是把 cookies 禁用了?"
forbidden: "你没有权限."
not_found: "没找到."
not_allowed: "方法不允许."
timeout: "服务器超时."
conflict: "资源冲突."
bad_input: "坏输入."
server_error: "服务器错误."
unknown: "未知错误."
# your_sessions: "Your Sessions"
level: "等级"
social_network_apis: "社交网络 APIs"
facebook_status: "Facebook 状态"
facebook_friends: "Facebook 朋友"
# facebook_friend_sessions: "Facebook Friend Sessions"
gplus_friends: "G+ 朋友"
# gplus_friend_sessions: "G+ Friend Sessions"
leaderboard: "排行榜"
user_schema: "用户模式"
user_profile: "User Profile"
patches: "补丁"
# model: "Model"