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253 lines
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Bus = require './Bus'
{me} = require 'core/auth'
LevelSession = require 'models/LevelSession'
utils = require 'core/utils'
module.exports = class LevelBus extends Bus
@get: (levelID, sessionID) ->
docName = "play/level/#{levelID}/#{sessionID}"
return Bus.getFromCache(docName) or new LevelBus docName
'tome:editing-began': 'onEditingBegan'
'tome:editing-ended': 'onEditingEnded'
'script:state-changed': 'onScriptStateChanged'
'script:ended': 'onScriptEnded'
'script:reset': 'onScriptReset'
'surface:sprite-selected': 'onSpriteSelected'
'level:show-victory': 'onVictory'
'tome:spell-changed': 'onSpellChanged'
'tome:spell-created': 'onSpellCreated'
'tome:cast-spells': 'onCastSpells'
'application:idle-changed': 'onIdleChanged'
'goal-manager:new-goal-states': 'onNewGoalStates'
'god:new-world-created': 'onNewWorldCreated'
constructor: ->
@changedSessionProperties = {}
if application.isProduction()
@saveSession = _.debounce(@reallySaveSession, 4000, {maxWait: 10000}) # Save slower on production.
@saveSession = _.debounce(@reallySaveSession, 1000, {maxWait: 5000}) # Save quickly in development.
@playerIsIdle = false
init: ->
@fireScriptsRef = @fireRef?.child('scripts')
setSession: (@session) ->
@listenTo(@session, 'change:multiplayer', @onMultiplayerChanged)
@timerIntervalID = setInterval(@incrementSessionPlaytime, 1000)
onIdleChanged: (e) ->
@playerIsIdle = e.idle
incrementSessionPlaytime: =>
if @playerIsIdle then return
@changedSessionProperties.playtime = true
@session.set('playtime', (@session.get('playtime') ? 0) + 1)
onPoint: ->
return true unless @session?.get('multiplayer')
onMeSynced: =>
join: ->
disconnect: ->
@fireScriptsRef = null
removeFirebaseData: (callback) ->
return callback?() unless @myConnection
@onDisconnect.cancel(-> callback?())
onEditingBegan: -> #@wizardRef?.child('editing').set(true) # no more wizards
onEditingEnded: -> #@wizardRef?.child('editing').set(false) # no more wizards
# HACK: Backbone does not work with nested documents, but we want to
# patch only those props that have changed. Look into plugins to
# give Backbone support for nested docs and update the code here.
# TODO: The LevelBus doesn't need to be in charge of updating the
# LevelSession object. Either break this off into a separate class
# or have the LevelSession object listen for all these events itself.
setSpells: (spells) ->
@onSpellCreated spell: spell for spellKey, spell of spells
onSpellChanged: (e) ->
return unless @onPoint()
code = @session.get('code')
code ?= {}
parts = e.spell.spellKey.split('/')
code[parts[0]] ?= {}
code[parts[0]][parts[1]] = e.spell.getSource()
@changedSessionProperties.code = true
@session.set({'code': code})
onSpellCreated: (e) ->
return unless @onPoint()
spellTeam = e.spell.team
@teamSpellMap ?= {}
@teamSpellMap[spellTeam] ?= []
unless e.spell.spellKey in @teamSpellMap[spellTeam]
@teamSpellMap[spellTeam].push e.spell.spellKey
@changedSessionProperties.teamSpells = true
@session.set({'teamSpells': @teamSpellMap})
if spellTeam is me.team or (e.spell.otherSession and spellTeam isnt e.spell.otherSession.get('team'))
# https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/issues/81
@onSpellChanged e # Save the new spell to the session, too.
onCastSpells: (e) ->
return unless @onPoint() and e.realTime
# We have incremented state.submissionCount and reset state.flagHistory.
@changedSessionProperties.state = true
onNewWorldCreated: (e) ->
return unless @onPoint()
# Record the flag history.
state = @session.get('state')
flagHistory = (flag for flag in e.world.flagHistory when flag.source isnt 'code')
return if _.isEqual state.flagHistory, flagHistory
state.flagHistory = flagHistory
@changedSessionProperties.state = true
@session.set('state', state)
onScriptStateChanged: (e) ->
return unless @onPoint()
state = @session.get('state')
scripts = state.scripts ? {}
scripts.currentScript = e.currentScript
scripts.currentScriptOffset = e.currentScriptOffset
@changedSessionProperties.state = true
@session.set('state', state)
onScriptEnded: (e) ->
return unless @onPoint()
state = @session.get('state')
scripts = state.scripts
scripts.ended ?= {}
return if scripts.ended[e.scriptID]?
index = _.keys(scripts.ended).length + 1
scripts.ended[e.scriptID] = index
@session.set('state', state)
@changedSessionProperties.state = true
onScriptReset: ->
return unless @onPoint()
state = @session.get('state')
state.scripts = {}
#state.complete = false # Keep it complete once ever completed.
@session.set('state', state)
@changedSessionProperties.state = true
onSpriteSelected: (e) ->
return unless @onPoint()
state = @session.get('state')
state.selected = e.thang?.id or null
@session.set('state', state)
@changedSessionProperties.state = true
onVictory: ->
return unless @onPoint()
state = @session.get('state')
state.complete = true
@session.set('state', state)
@changedSessionProperties.state = true
@reallySaveSession() # Make sure it saves right away; don't debounce it.
onNewGoalStates: (e) ->
# TODO: this log doesn't capture when null-status goals are being set during world streaming. Where can they be coming from?
goalStates = e.goalStates
return console.error("Somehow trying to save null goal states!", newGoalStates) if _.find(newGoalStates, (gs) -> not gs.status)
return unless e.overallStatus is 'success'
newGoalStates = goalStates
state = @session.get('state')
oldGoalStates = state.goalStates or {}
changed = false
for goalKey, goalState of newGoalStates
continue if oldGoalStates[goalKey]?.status is 'success' and goalState.status isnt 'success' # don't undo success, this property is for keying off achievements
continue if utils.kindaEqual state.goalStates?[goalKey], goalState # Only save when goals really change
changed = true
oldGoalStates[goalKey] = _.cloneDeep newGoalStates[goalKey]
if changed
state.goalStates = oldGoalStates
@session.set 'state', state
@changedSessionProperties.state = true
onPlayerJoined: (snapshot) =>
return unless @onPoint()
players = @session.get('players')
players ?= {}
player = snapshot.val()
return if players[player.id]?
players[player.id] = {}
@session.set('players', players)
@changedSessionProperties.players = true
onChatAdded: (snapshot) =>
chat = @session.get('chat')
chat ?= []
message = snapshot.val()
return if message.system
chat = chat[chat.length-50...] if chat.length > 50
@session.set('chat', chat)
@changedSessionProperties.chat = true
onMultiplayerChanged: ->
@changedSessionProperties.multiplayer = true
@changedSessionProperties.permissions = true
# Debounced as saveSession
reallySaveSession: ->
return if _.isEmpty @changedSessionProperties
# don't let peeking admins mess with the session accidentally
return unless @session.get('multiplayer') or @session.get('creator') is me.id
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level:session-will-save', session: @session
patch = {}
patch[prop] = @session.get(prop) for prop of @changedSessionProperties
@changedSessionProperties = {}
# since updates are coming fast and loose for session objects
# don't let what the server returns overwrite changes since the save began
tempSession = new LevelSession _id: @session.id
tempSession.save(patch, {patch: true, type: 'PUT'})
destroy: ->