mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 09:18:45 -05:00
209 lines
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209 lines
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Grid = require 'gridfs-stream'
fs = require 'fs'
request = require 'request'
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
errors = require '../commons/errors'
config = require '../../server_config'
module.exports.setup = (app) ->
app.all '/file*', (req, res) ->
return fileGet(req, res) if req.route.method is 'get'
return filePost(req, res) if req.route.method is 'post'
return fileDelete(req, res) if req.route.method is 'delete'
return errors.badMethod(res, ['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE'])
fileDelete = (req, res) ->
return errors.forbidden(res) unless req.user
query = parsePathIntoQuery(req.path)
return errors.badInput(res) if not query.filename
Grid.gfs.collection('media').findOne query, (err, filedata) =>
return errors.notFound(res) if not filedata
return errors.forbidden(res) unless userCanEditFile(req.user, filedata)
Grid.gfs.remove {_id: filedata._id, root: 'media'}, (err) ->
return errors.serverError(res) if err
return res.end()
fileGet = (req, res) ->
query = parsePathIntoQuery(req.path)
if not query.filename # it's a folder, return folder contents
Grid.gfs.collection('media').find query, (err, cursor) ->
return errors.serverError(res) if err
results = cursor.toArray (err, results) ->
return errors.serverError(res) if err
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/json')
else # it's a single file
Grid.gfs.collection('media').findOne query, (err, filedata) =>
return errors.notFound(res) if not filedata
readstream = Grid.gfs.createReadStream({_id: filedata._id, root: 'media'})
if req.headers['if-modified-since'] is filedata.uploadDate
return res.end()
res.setHeader('Content-Type', filedata.contentType)
res.setHeader('Last-Modified', filedata.uploadDate)
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public')
handleStreamEnd(res, res)
parsePathIntoQuery = (path) ->
path = path[6..]
path = decodeURI path
objectId = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(path)
query = objectId
catch e
path = path.split('/')
filename = path[path.length-1]
path = path[...path.length-1].join('/')
query =
'metadata.path': path
query.filename = filename if filename
postFileSchema =
type: 'object'
# source
url: { type: 'string', description: 'The url to download the file from.' }
postName: { type: 'string', description: 'The input field this file was sent on.' }
b64png: { type: 'string', description: 'Raw png data to upload.' }
# options
force: { type: 'string', 'default': '', description: 'Whether to overwrite existing files (as opposed to throwing an error).' }
# metadata
filename: { type: 'string', description: 'What the file will be named in the system.' }
mimetype: { type: 'string' }
name: { type: 'string', description: 'Human readable and searchable string.' }
description: { type: 'string' }
path: { type: 'string', description: 'What "folder" this file goes into.' }
required: ['filename', 'mimetype', 'path']
filePost = (req, res) ->
return errors.forbidden(res) unless req.user
options = req.body
tv4 = require('tv4').tv4
valid = tv4.validate(options, postFileSchema)
hasSource = options.url or options.postName or options.b64png
# TODO : give tv4.error to badInput
return errors.badInput(res) if (not valid) or (not hasSource)
return saveURL(req, res) if options.url
return saveFile(req, res) if options.postName
return savePNG(req, res) if options.b64png
saveURL = (req, res) ->
options = createPostOptions(req)
checkExistence options, req, res, req.body.force, (err) ->
return errors.serverError(res) if err
writestream = Grid.gfs.createWriteStream(options)
handleStreamEnd(res, writestream)
saveFile = (req, res) ->
options = createPostOptions(req)
checkExistence options, req, res, req.body.force, (err) ->
return if err
writestream = Grid.gfs.createWriteStream(options)
f = req.files[req.body.postName]
fileStream = fs.createReadStream(f.path)
handleStreamEnd(res, writestream)
savePNG = (req, res) ->
options = createPostOptions(req)
checkExistence options, req, res, req.body.force, (err) ->
return if err
writestream = Grid.gfs.createWriteStream(options)
img = new Buffer(req.body.b64png, 'base64')
streamBuffers = require 'stream-buffers'
myReadableStreamBuffer = new streamBuffers.ReadableStreamBuffer({frequency: 10, chunkSize: 2048})
handleStreamEnd(res, writestream)
userCanEditFile = (user=null, file=null) ->
# no user means 'anyone'. No file means 'any file'
return false unless user
return true if user.isAdmin() or user.isArtisan()
return false unless file
return true if file.metadata.creator is user.id
return false
checkExistence = (options, req, res, force, done) ->
q = {
filename: options.filename
'metadata.path': options.metadata.path
Grid.gfs.collection('media').find(q).toArray (err, files) ->
file = files[0]
if file and ((not userCanEditFile(req.user, file) or (not force)))
errors.conflict(res, {canForce: userCanEditFile(req.user, file)})
else if file
fullPath = "/file/#{options.metadata.path}/#{options.filename}"
q = { _id: file._id }
q.root = 'media'
Grid.gfs.remove q, (err) ->
if err
return done(true)
handleStreamEnd = (res, stream) ->
stream.on 'close', (f) ->
stream.on 'error', ->
return errors.serverError(res)
CHUNK_SIZE = 1024*256
createPostOptions = (req) ->
unless req.body.name
name = req.body.filename.split('.')[0]
req.body.name = _.str.humanize(name)
path = req.body.path or ''
path = path[1...] if path and path[0] is '/'
path = path[...path.length-2] if path and path[path.length-1] is '/'
options =
mode: 'w'
filename: req.body.filename
chunk_size: CHUNK_SIZE
root: 'media'
content_type: req.body.mimetype
name: req.body.name
path: path
creator: ''+req.user._id
options.metadata.description = req.body.description if req.body.description?
clearCloudFlareCacheForFile = (path='/file') ->
unless config.cloudflare.token
console.log 'skipping clearing cloud cache, not configured'
request = require 'request'
r = request.post 'https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html', (err, httpResponse, body) ->
if (err)
console.error('CloudFlare file cache clear failed:', body)
form = r.form()
form.append 'tkn', config.cloudflare.token
form.append 'email', 'scott@codecombat.com'
form.append 'z', 'codecombat.com'
form.append 'a', 'zone_file_purge'
form.append 'url', "http://codecombat.com#{path}"