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synced 2025-03-02 16:34:08 -05:00
Previously, when diplomats submit translations, the system would try to figure out whether it should be a 'patch' or a 'change', and then would either create a patch for an admin or artisan to review and accept or reject, or would apply the changes immediately and they would be live. This was done as a compromise between getting translations live quickly, but also preventing already-translated text from getting overwritten without oversight. But having the client handle this added logical complexity. So this makes all diplomats submit patches, no matter what. The server is then in charge of deciding if it should auto-accept the patch or not. Either way, a patch is created. There was also much refactoring. This commit includes: * Update jsondiffpatch so changes within array items are handled correctly * Refactor posting patches to use the new auto-accepting logic, and out of Patch model * Refactor POST /db/patch/:handle/status so that it doesn't rely on handlers * Refactor patch stat handling to ensure auto-accepted patches are counted * Refactor User.incrementStat to use mongodb update commands, to avoid race conditions * Refactor Patch tests
182 lines
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182 lines
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SystemNameLoader = require './../core/SystemNameLoader'
dataPath: an array of keys that walks you up a JSON object that's being patched
ex: ['scripts', 0, 'description']
deltaPath: an array of keys that walks you up a JSON Diff Patch object.
ex: ['scripts', '_0', 'description']
module.exports.expandDelta = (delta, left, schema) ->
flattenedDeltas = flattenDelta(delta)
(expandFlattenedDelta(fd, left, schema) for fd in flattenedDeltas)
module.exports.flattenDelta = flattenDelta = (delta, dataPath=null, deltaPath=null) ->
# takes a single jsondiffpatch delta and returns an array of objects with
return [] unless delta
dataPath ?= []
deltaPath ?= []
return [{dataPath: dataPath, deltaPath: deltaPath, o: delta}] if _.isArray delta
results = []
affectingArray = delta._t is 'a'
for deltaIndex, childDelta of delta
continue if deltaIndex is '_t'
dataIndex = if affectingArray then parseInt(deltaIndex.replace('_', '')) else deltaIndex
results = results.concat flattenDelta(
childDelta, dataPath.concat([dataIndex]), deltaPath.concat([deltaIndex]))
expandFlattenedDelta = (delta, left, schema) ->
# takes a single flattened delta and converts into an object that can be
# easily formatted into something human readable.
delta.action = '???'
o = delta.o # the raw jsondiffpatch delta
if _.isArray(o) and o.length is 1
delta.action = 'added'
delta.newValue = o[0]
if _.isArray(o) and o.length is 2
delta.action = 'modified'
delta.oldValue = o[0]
delta.newValue = o[1]
if _.isArray(o) and o.length is 3 and o[1] is 0 and o[2] is 0
delta.action = 'deleted'
delta.oldValue = o[0]
if _.isPlainObject(o) and o._t is 'a'
delta.action = 'modified-array'
if _.isPlainObject(o) and o._t isnt 'a'
delta.action = 'modified-object'
if _.isArray(o) and o.length is 3 and o[2] is 3
delta.action = 'moved-index'
delta.destinationIndex = o[1]
delta.originalIndex = delta.dataPath[delta.dataPath.length-1]
if _.isArray(o) and o.length is 3 and o[1] is 0 and o[2] is 2
delta.action = 'text-diff'
delta.unidiff = o[0]
humanPath = []
parentLeft = left
parentSchema = schema
for key, i in delta.dataPath
# TODO: Better schema/json walking
childSchema = parentSchema?.items or parentSchema?.properties?[key] or {}
childLeft = parentLeft?[key]
humanKey = null
childData = if i is delta.dataPath.length-1 and delta.action is 'added' then o[0] else childLeft
humanKey ?= childData.name or childData.id if childData
humanKey ?= SystemNameLoader.getName(childData?.original)
humanKey ?= "#{childSchema.title}" if childSchema.title
humanKey ?= _.string.titleize key
humanPath.push humanKey
parentLeft = childLeft
parentSchema = childSchema
delta.humanPath = humanPath.join(' :: ')
delta.schema = childSchema
delta.left = childLeft
delta.right = jsondiffpatch.patch childLeft, delta.o unless delta.action is 'moved-index'
module.exports.makeJSONDiffer = ->
objectHash = (obj) -> if obj? then (obj.name or obj.id or obj._id or JSON.stringify(_.keys(obj))) else 'null'
module.exports.getConflicts = (headDeltas, pendingDeltas) ->
# headDeltas and pendingDeltas should be lists of deltas returned by expandDelta
# Returns a list of conflict objects with properties:
# headDelta
# pendingDelta
# The deltas that have conflicts also have conflict properties pointing to one another.
headPathMap = groupDeltasByAffectingPaths(headDeltas)
pendingPathMap = groupDeltasByAffectingPaths(pendingDeltas)
paths = _.keys(headPathMap).concat(_.keys(pendingPathMap))
# Here's my thinking: conflicts happen when one delta path is a substring of another delta path
# So, sort paths from both deltas together, which will naturally make conflicts adjacent,
# and if one is identified AND one path is from the headDeltas AND the other is from pendingDeltas
# This is all to avoid an O(nm) brute force search.
conflicts = []
for path, i in paths
offset = 1
while i + offset < paths.length
# Look at the neighbor
nextPath = paths[i+offset]
offset += 1
# these stop being substrings of each other? Then conflict DNE
if not (_.string.startsWith nextPath, path) then break
# check if these two are from the same group, but we still need to check for more beyond
unless headPathMap[path] or headPathMap[nextPath] then continue
unless pendingPathMap[path] or pendingPathMap[nextPath] then continue
# Okay, we found two deltas from different groups which conflict
for headMetaDelta in (headPathMap[path] or headPathMap[nextPath])
headDelta = headMetaDelta.delta
for pendingMetaDelta in (pendingPathMap[path] or pendingPathMap[nextPath])
pendingDelta = pendingMetaDelta.delta
conflicts.push({headDelta: headDelta, pendingDelta: pendingDelta})
pendingDelta.conflict = headDelta
headDelta.conflict = pendingDelta
return conflicts if conflicts.length
groupDeltasByAffectingPaths = (deltas) ->
metaDeltas = []
for delta in deltas
conflictPaths = []
# We're being fairly liberal with what's a conflict, because the alternative is worse
if delta.action is 'moved-index'
# If you moved items around in an array, mark the whole array as a gonner
conflictPaths.push delta.dataPath.slice(0, delta.dataPath.length-1)
else if delta.action in ['deleted', 'added'] and _.isNumber(delta.dataPath[delta.dataPath.length-1])
# If you remove or add items in an array, mark the whole thing as a gonner
conflictPaths.push delta.dataPath.slice(0, delta.dataPath.length-1)
conflictPaths.push delta.dataPath
for path in conflictPaths
metaDeltas.push {
delta: delta
path: (item.toString() for item in path).join('/')
map = _.groupBy metaDeltas, 'path'
return map
module.exports.pruneConflictsFromDelta = (delta, conflicts) ->
expandedDeltas = (conflict.pendingDelta for conflict in conflicts)
module.exports.pruneExpandedDeltasFromDelta delta, expandedDeltas
module.exports.pruneExpandedDeltasFromDelta = (delta, expandedDeltas) ->
# the jsondiffpatch delta mustn't include any dangling nodes,
# or else things will get removed which shouldn't be, or errors will occur
for expandedDelta in expandedDeltas
prunePath delta, expandedDelta.deltaPath
if _.isEmpty delta then undefined else delta
prunePath = (delta, path) ->
if path.length is 1
delete delta[path] unless delta[path] is undefined
prunePath delta[path[0]], path.slice(1) unless delta[path[0]] is undefined
keys = (k for k in _.keys(delta[path[0]]) when k isnt '_t')
delete delta[path[0]] if keys.length is 0
module.exports.DOC_SKIP_PATHS = [
'_id','version', 'commitMessage', 'parent', 'created',
'slug', 'index', '__v', 'patches', 'creator', 'js', 'watchers', 'levelsUpdated'