
74 lines
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SpriteBuilder = require 'lib/sprites/SpriteBuilder'
module.exports = class WebGLSprite extends createjs.Sprite
childMovieClips: null
constructor: (@spriteSheet, @thangType, @spriteSheetPrefix, @resolutionFactor=SPRITE_RESOLUTION_FACTOR) ->
destroy: ->
gotoAndPlay: (actionName) -> @goto(actionName, false)
gotoAndStop: (actionName) -> @goto(actionName, true)
_gotoAndPlay: createjs.Sprite.prototype.gotoAndPlay
_gotoAndStop: createjs.Sprite.prototype.gotoAndStop
goto: (actionName, @paused=true) ->
@actionNotSupported = false
action = @thangType.getActions()[actionName]
randomStart = actionName.startsWith('move')
reg = action.positions?.registration or @thangType.get('positions')?.registration or {x:0, y:0}
if action.animation
@framerate = (action.framerate ? 20) * (action.speed ? 1)
scale = @resolutionFactor * (action.scale ? @thangType.get('scale') ? 1)
@regX = -reg.x * scale
@regY = -reg.y * scale
@scaleX = @baseScaleX = 1 / scale
@scaleY = @baseScaleY = 1 / scale
func = if @paused then '_gotoAndStop' else '_gotoAndPlay'
animationName = @spriteSheetPrefix + actionName
if @currentFrame is 0 or @usePlaceholders
bounds = @thangType.get('raw').animations[action.animation].bounds
@scaleX = bounds[2] / (SPRITE_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH * @resolutionFactor)
@scaleY = bounds[3] / (SPRITE_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH * @resolutionFactor)
@regX = (- reg.x - bounds[0]) / @scaleX
@regY = (- reg.y - bounds[1]) / @scaleY
@framerate = action.framerate or 20
if randomStart and frames = @spriteSheet.getAnimation(animationName)?.frames
@currentAnimationFrame = Math.floor(Math.random() * frames.length)
if action.container
scale = @resolutionFactor * (action.scale ? @thangType.get('scale') ? 1)
@regX = -reg.x * scale
@regY = -reg.y * scale
@scaleX = @scaleY = @baseScaleX = @baseScaleY = 1 / scale
animationName = @spriteSheetPrefix + actionName
if @currentFrame is 0 or @usePlaceholders
bounds = @thangType.get('raw').containers[action.container].b
@scaleX = @baseScaleX = bounds[2] / (SPRITE_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH * @resolutionFactor)
@scaleY = @baseScaleY = bounds[3] / (SPRITE_PLACEHOLDER_WIDTH * @resolutionFactor)
@regX = (bounds[0] - reg.x) / @scaleX
@regY = (bounds[1] - reg.y) / @scaleY
# I don't think you can properly position the placeholder without either
# tying regX/Y to scaleX/Y or having this be a container within a container.
# This means if the placeholder has its scale changed from outside, the
# registration positioning will be off. Hopefully this won't matter.
@currentAnimation = actionName
notifyActionNeedsRender: (action) ->
@sprite?.trigger('action-needs-render', @sprite, action)