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synced 2025-03-27 21:31:16 -04:00
181 lines
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181 lines
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RootView = require 'views/core/RootView'
locale = require 'locale/locale'
Patch = require 'models/Patch'
template = require 'templates/i18n/i18n-edit-model-view'
deltasLib = require 'core/deltas'
# in the template, but need to require to load them
require 'views/modal/RevertModal'
module.exports = class I18NEditModelView extends RootView
className: 'editor i18n-edit-model-view'
template: template
'change .translation-input': 'onInputChanged'
'change #language-select': 'onLanguageSelectChanged'
'click #patch-submit': 'onSubmitPatch'
constructor: (options, @modelHandle) ->
@model = new @modelClass(_id: @modelHandle)
@model = @supermodel.loadModel(@model).model
@model.saveBackups = true
@selectedLanguage = me.get('preferredLanguage', true)
showLoading: ($el) ->
$el ?= @$el.find('.outer-content')
onLoaded: ->
@model.markToRevert() unless @model.hasLocalChanges()
getRenderData: ->
c = super()
c.model = @model
c.selectedLanguage = @selectedLanguage
@translationList = []
if @supermodel.finished() then @buildTranslationList() else []
result.index = index for result, index in @translationList
c.translationList = @translationList
afterRender: ->
@hush = true
$select = @$el.find('#language-select').empty()
@addLanguagesToSelect($select, @selectedLanguage)
@hush = false
editors = []
@$el.find('tr[data-format="markdown"]').each((index, el) =>
foundEnEl = enEl=$(el).find('.english-value-row div')[0]
if foundEnEl?
englishEditor = ace.edit(foundEnEl)
englishEditor.el = enEl
editors.push englishEditor
foundToEl = toEl=$(el).find('.to-value-row div')[0]
if foundToEl?
toEditor = ace.edit(foundToEl)
toEditor.el = toEl
toEditor.on 'change', @onEditorChange
editors.push toEditor
for editor in editors
session = editor.getSession()
session.setTabSize 2
session.setMode 'ace/mode/markdown'
session.setNewLineMode = 'unix'
session.setUseSoftTabs true
editor.setOptions({ maxLines: Infinity })
onEditorChange: (event, editor) =>
return if @destroyed
index = $(editor.el).data('index')
rowInfo = @translationList[index]
value = editor.getValue()
@onTranslationChanged(rowInfo, value)
wrapRow: (title, key, enValue, toValue, path, format) ->
@translationList.push {
title: title,
key: key,
enValue: enValue,
toValue: toValue or '',
path: path
format: format
buildTranslationList: -> [] # overwrite
onInputChanged: (e) ->
index = $(e.target).data('index')
rowInfo = @translationList[index]
value = $(e.target).val()
@onTranslationChanged(rowInfo, value)
onTranslationChanged: (rowInfo, value) ->
#- Navigate down to where the translation will live
base = @model.attributes
for seg in rowInfo.path
base = base[seg]
base = base.i18n
base[@selectedLanguage] ?= {}
base = base[@selectedLanguage]
if rowInfo.key.length > 1
for seg in rowInfo.key[..-2]
base[seg] ?= {}
base = base[seg]
#- Set the data in a non-kosher way
base[rowInfo.key[rowInfo.key.length-1]] = value
#- Enable patch submit button
@$el.find('#patch-submit').attr('disabled', null)
onLanguageSelectChanged: (e) ->
return if @hush
@selectedLanguage = $(e.target).val()
if @selectedLanguage
me.set('preferredLanguage', @selectedLanguage)
onSubmitPatch: (e) ->
delta = @model.getDelta()
flattened = deltasLib.flattenDelta(delta)
save = _.all(flattened, (delta) ->
return _.isArray(delta.o) and delta.o.length is 1 and 'i18n' in delta.dataPath
commitMessage = "Diplomat submission for lang #{@selectedLanguage}: #{flattened.length} change(s)."
save = false if @savedBefore
if save
modelToSave = @model.cloneNewMinorVersion()
modelToSave.updateI18NCoverage() if modelToSave.get('i18nCoverage')
if @modelClass.schema.properties.commitMessage
modelToSave.set 'commitMessage', commitMessage
modelToSave = new Patch()
modelToSave.set 'delta', @model.getDelta()
modelToSave.set 'target', {
'collection': _.string.underscored @model.constructor.className
'id': @model.id
modelToSave.set 'commitMessage', commitMessage
errors = modelToSave.validate()
button = $(e.target)
button.attr('disabled', 'disabled')
return button.text('Failed to Submit Changes') if errors
type = 'PUT'
if @modelClass.schema.properties.version or (not save)
# Override PUT so we can trigger postNewVersion logic
# or you're POSTing a Patch
type = 'POST'
res = modelToSave.save(null, {type: type})
return button.text('Failed to Submit Changes') unless res
res.error => button.text('Error Submitting Changes')
res.success =>
@savedBefore = true
button.text('Submit Changes')