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Level = require 'models/Level'
CocoClass = require 'lib/CocoClass'
AudioPlayer = require 'lib/AudioPlayer'
LevelSession = require 'models/LevelSession'
ThangType = require 'models/ThangType'
app = require 'application'
World = require 'lib/world/world'
# This is an initial stab at unifying loading and setup into a single place which can
# monitor everything and keep a LoadingScreen visible overall progress.
# Would also like to incorporate into here:
# * World Building
# * Sprite map generation
# * Connecting to Firebase
module.exports = class LevelLoader extends CocoClass
spriteSheetsBuilt: 0
spriteSheetsToBuild: 0
'god:new-world-created': 'loadSoundsForWorld'
constructor: (@levelID, @supermodel, @sessionID) ->
setTimeout (=> @update()), 1 # lets everything else resolve first
playJingle: ->
jingles = ["ident_1", "ident_2"]
AudioPlayer.playInterfaceSound jingles[Math.floor Math.random() * jingles.length]
# Session Loading
loadSession: ->
url = if @sessionID then "/db/level_session/#{@sessionID}" else "/db/level/#{@levelID}/session"
@session = new LevelSession()
@session.url = -> url
@session.once 'sync', @onSessionLoaded
onSessionLoaded: =>
# TODO: maybe have all non versioned models do this? Or make it work to PUT/PATCH to relative urls
@session.url = -> '/db/level.session/' + @id
# Supermodel (Level) Loading
loadLevelModels: ->
@supermodel.once 'loaded-all', @onSupermodelLoadedAll
@supermodel.on 'loaded-one', @onSupermodelLoadedOne
@supermodel.once 'error', @onSupermodelError
@level = @supermodel.getModel(Level, @levelID) or new Level _id: @levelID
@supermodel.shouldPopulate = (model) =>
# if left unchecked, the supermodel would load this level
# and every level next on the chain. This limits the population
handles = [model.id, model.get 'slug']
return model.constructor.className isnt "Level" or @levelID in handles
@supermodel.populateModel @level
onSupermodelError: =>
msg = $.i18n.t('play_level.level_load_error',
defaultValue: "Level could not be loaded.")
@$el.html('<div class="alert">' + msg + '</div>')
onSupermodelLoadedOne: (e) =>
# if e.model.type() is 'ThangType'
# thangType = e.model
# options = {async: true}
# if thangType.get('name') is 'Wizard'
# options.colorConfig = me.get('wizard')?.colorConfig or {}
# building = thangType.buildSpriteSheet options
# if building
# @spriteSheetsToBuild += 1
# thangType.on 'build-complete', =>
# @spriteSheetsBuilt += 1
# @notifyProgress()
onSupermodelLoadedAll: =>
@trigger 'loaded-supermodel'
# Things to do when either the Session or Supermodel load
update: ->
return if @updateCompleted
return unless @supermodel.finished() and @session.loaded
app.tracker.updatePlayState(@level, @session)
@updateCompleted = true
denormalizeSession: ->
return if @session.get 'levelName'
patch =
'levelName': @level.get('name')
'levelID': @level.get('slug') or @level.id
if me.id is @session.get 'creator'
patch.creatorName = me.get('name')
@session.set key, value for key, value of patch
tempSession = new LevelSession _id: @session.id
tempSession.save(patch, {patch: true})
@sessionDenormalized = true
# World init
initWorld: ->
return if @world
@world = new World @level.get('name')
serializedLevel = @level.serialize(@supermodel)
@world.loadFromLevel serializedLevel, false
buildSpriteSheets: ->
thangTypes = {}
thangTypes[tt.get('name')] = tt for tt in @supermodel.getModels(ThangType)
colorConfigs = @world.getTeamColors()
thangsProduced = {}
baseOptions = {resolutionFactor: 4, async: true}
for thang in @world.thangs
continue unless thang.spriteName
thangType = thangTypes[thang.spriteName]
options = thang.getSpriteOptions(colorConfigs)
options.async = true
thangsProduced[thang.spriteName] = true
@buildSpriteSheet(thangType, options)
for thangName, thangType of thangTypes
continue if thangsProduced[thangName]
thangType.spriteOptions = {resolutionFactor: 4, async: true}
@buildSpriteSheet(thangType, thangType.spriteOptions)
buildSpriteSheet: (thangType, options) ->
if thangType.get('name') is 'Wizard'
options.colorConfig = me.get('wizard')?.colorConfig or {}
building = thangType.buildSpriteSheet options
return unless building
console.log 'Building:', thangType.get('name'), options
@spriteSheetsToBuild += 1
thangType.on 'build-complete', =>
@spriteSheetsBuilt += 1
# Initial Sound Loading
loadAudio: ->
AudioPlayer.preloadInterfaceSounds ["victory"]
loadLevelSounds: ->
scripts = @level.get 'scripts'
return unless scripts
for script in scripts when script.noteChain
for noteGroup in script.noteChain when noteGroup.sprites
for sprite in noteGroup.sprites when sprite.say?.sound
thangTypes = @supermodel.getModels(ThangType)
for thangType in thangTypes
for trigger, sounds of thangType.get('soundTriggers') or {} when trigger isnt 'say'
AudioPlayer.preloadSoundReference sound for sound in sounds
# Dynamic sound loading
loadSoundsForWorld: (e) ->
world = e.world
thangTypes = @supermodel.getModels(ThangType)
for [spriteName, message] in world.thangDialogueSounds()
continue unless thangType = _.find thangTypes, (m) -> m.get('name') is spriteName
continue unless sound = AudioPlayer.soundForDialogue message, thangType.get('soundTriggers')
filename = AudioPlayer.preloadSoundReference sound
# everything else sound wise is loaded as needed as worlds are generated
allDone: ->
@supermodel.finished() and @session.loaded and @spriteSheetsBuilt is @spriteSheetsToBuild
progress: ->
return 0 unless @level.loaded
overallProgress = 0
supermodelProgress = @supermodel.progress()
overallProgress += supermodelProgress * 0.7
overallProgress += 0.1 if @session.loaded
spriteMapProgress = if supermodelProgress is 1 then 0.2 else 0
spriteMapProgress *= @spriteSheetsBuilt / @spriteSheetsToBuild if @spriteSheetsToBuild
overallProgress += spriteMapProgress
return overallProgress
notifyProgress: ->
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'level-loader:progress-changed', progress: @progress()
@initWorld() if @allDone()
# @trigger 'ready-to-init-world' if @allDone()
@trigger 'loaded-all' if @progress() is 1
destroy: ->
@supermodel.off 'loaded-one', @onSupermodelLoadedOne