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synced 2025-03-23 11:27:21 -04:00
132 lines
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132 lines
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CocoClass = require 'lib/CocoClass'
cache = {}
{me} = require('lib/auth')
# Top 20 obscene words (plus 'fiddlesticks') will trigger swearing Simlish with *beeps*.
# Didn't like leaving so much profanity lying around in the source, so rot13'd.
rot13 = (s) -> s.replace /[A-z]/g, (c) -> String.fromCharCode c.charCodeAt(0) + (if c.toUpperCase() <= "M" then 13 else -13)
swears = (rot13 s for s in ["nefrubyr", "nffubyr", "onfgneq", "ovgpu", "oybbql", "obyybpxf", "ohttre", "pbpx", "penc", "phag", "qnza", "qnea", "qvpx", "qbhpur", "snt", "shpx", "cvff", "chffl", "fuvg", "fyhg", "svqqyrfgvpxf"])
createjs.Sound.registerPlugins([createjs.WebAudioPlugin, createjs.FlashPlugin, createjs.HTMLAudioPlugin])
class Manifest
constructor: -> @storage = {}
add: (filename, group='misc') ->
name = name or filename
@storage[group] = [] unless @storage[group]?
return if filename in @storage[group]
addPrimarySound: (filename) -> @add(filename, 'primarySounds')
addSecondarySound: (filename) -> @add(filename, 'secondarySounds')
getData: -> return @storage
class Media
constructor: (name) -> @name = name if name
loaded: false
data: null
progress: 0.0
error: null
name: ''
class AudioPlayer extends CocoClass
'play-sound': (e) -> @playInterfaceSound e.trigger
constructor: () ->
@ext = if createjs.Sound.getCapability('mp3') then '.mp3' else '.ogg'
@soundsToPlayWhenLoaded = {}
createNewManifest: ->
@manifest = new Manifest()
listenToSound: ->
# I would like to go through PreloadJS to organize loading by queue, but
# when I try to set it up, I get an error with the Sound plugin.
# So for now, we'll just load through SoundJS instead.
createjs.Sound.on 'fileload', @onSoundLoaded
soundForDialogue: (message, soundTriggers) ->
if _.isArray message then message = message.join ' '
return message unless _.isString message
return null unless say = soundTriggers?.say
message = _.string.slugify message
return sound if sound = say[message]
defaults = say.defaultSimlish
if say.swearingSimlish?.length and _.find(swears, (s) -> message.search(s) isnt -1)
defaults = say.swearingSimlish
return null unless defaults?.length
return defaults[message.length % defaults.length]
preloadInterfaceSounds: (names) ->
for name in names
filename = "/file/interface/#{name}#{@ext}"
@preloadSound filename, name
playInterfaceSound: (name) ->
filename = "/file/interface/#{name}#{@ext}"
if filename of cache and createjs.Sound.loadComplete filename
@playSound name
createjs.Sound.play name
@preloadInterfaceSounds [name] unless filename of cache
@soundsToPlayWhenLoaded[name] = true
playSound: (name) ->
createjs.Sound.play name, {volume: me.get('volume')}
# # TODO: load Interface sounds somehow, somewhere, somewhen
preloadSoundReference: (sound) ->
name = @nameForSoundReference sound
filename = '/file/' + name
@preloadSound filename, name
nameForSoundReference: (sound) ->
sound[@ext.slice(1)] # mp3 or ogg
preloadSound: (filename, name) ->
return unless filename
return if filename of cache
name ?= filename
# SoundJS flips out if you try to register the same file twice
createjs.Sound.registerSound(filename, name, 1, true) # 1: 1 channel, true: should preload
cache[filename] = new Media(name)
onSoundLoaded: (e) =>
media = cache[e.src]
return if not media
media.loaded = true
media.progress = 1.0
if @soundsToPlayWhenLoaded[media.name]
@playSound media.name
@soundsToPlayWhenLoaded[media.name] = false
onSoundLoadError: (e) =>
console.error 'Could not load sound', e
notifyProgressChanged: ->
Backbone.Mediator.publish('audio-player:loaded', {sender:@})
getStatus: (src) ->
return cache[src] or null
module.exports = new AudioPlayer()
average = (numbers) ->
return 0 if numbers.length is 0
sum = 0
sum += num for num in numbers
return sum / numbers.length