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Payment = require './Payment'
User = require '../users/User'
Handler = require '../commons/Handler'
{handlers} = require '../commons/mapping'
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
log = require 'winston'
sendwithus = require '../sendwithus'
hipchat = require '../hipchat'
config = require '../../server_config'
request = require 'request'
stripe = require('stripe')(config.stripe.secretKey)
async = require 'async'
products = {
'gems_5': {
amount: 499
gems: 5000
id: 'gems_5'
'gems_10': {
amount: 999
gems: 11000
id: 'gems_10'
'gems_20': {
amount: 1999
gems: 25000
id: 'gems_20'
PaymentHandler = class PaymentHandler extends Handler
modelClass: Payment
editableProperties: []
postEditableProperties: ['purchased']
jsonSchema: require '../../app/schemas/models/payment.schema'
makeNewInstance: (req) ->
payment = super(req)
payment.set 'purchaser', req.user._id
payment.set 'recipient', req.user._id
payment.set 'created', new Date().toISOString()
post: (req, res) ->
appleReceipt = req.body.apple?.rawReceipt
appleTransactionID = req.body.apple?.transactionID
appleLocalPrice = req.body.apple?.localPrice
stripeToken = req.body.stripe?.token
stripeTimestamp = parseInt(req.body.stripe?.timestamp)
productID = req.body.productID
if not (appleReceipt or (stripeTimestamp and productID))
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'Need either apple.rawReceipt or stripe.timestamp and productID')
if stripeTimestamp and not productID
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'Need productID if paying with Stripe.')
if stripeTimestamp and (not stripeToken) and (not user.get('stripeCustomerID'))
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'Need stripe.token if new customer.')
if appleReceipt
if not appleTransactionID
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'Apple purchase? Need to specify which transaction.')
@handleApplePaymentPost(req, res, appleReceipt, appleTransactionID, appleLocalPrice)
@handleStripePaymentPost(req, res, stripeTimestamp, productID, stripeToken)
#- Apple payments
handleApplePaymentPost: (req, res, receipt, transactionID, localPrice) ->
formFields = { 'receipt-data': receipt }
#- verify receipt with Apple
verifyReq = request.post({url: config.apple.verifyURL, json: formFields}, (err, verifyRes, body) =>
if err or not body?.receipt?.in_app or (not body?.bundle_id is 'com.codecombat.CodeCombat')
console.warn 'apple receipt error?', err, body
@sendBadInputError(res, 'Unable to verify Apple receipt.')
transaction = _.find body.receipt.in_app, { transaction_id: transactionID }
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'Invalid transactionID.') unless transaction
#- Check existence
transactionID = transaction.transaction_id
criteria = { 'ios.transactionID': transactionID }
Payment.findOne(criteria).exec((err, payment) =>
if payment
unless payment.get('recipient').equals(req.user._id)
return @sendForbiddenError(res)
@recalculateGemsFor(req.user, (err) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
@sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, payment))
payment = @makeNewInstance(req)
payment.set 'service', 'ios'
product = products[transaction.product_id]
payment.set 'amount', product.amount
payment.set 'gems', product.gems
payment.set 'ios', {
transactionID: transactionID
rawReceipt: receipt
localPrice: localPrice
validation = @validateDocumentInput(payment.toObject())
return @sendBadInputError(res, validation.errors) if validation.valid is false
payment.save((err) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
@incrementGemsFor(req.user, product.gems, (err) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
@sendCreated(res, @formatEntity(req, payment))
#- Stripe payments
handleStripePaymentPost: (req, res, timestamp, productID, token) ->
# First, make sure we save the payment info as a Customer object, if we haven't already.
if not req.user.get('stripeCustomerID')
card: token
description: req.user._id + ''
}).then(((customer) =>
req.user.set('stripeCustomerID', customer.id)
req.user.save((err) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
@beginStripePayment(req, res, timestamp, productID)
(err) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err)
@beginStripePayment(req, res, timestamp, productID)
beginStripePayment: (req, res, timestamp, productID) ->
product = products[productID]
((callback) ->
criteria = { recipient: req.user._id, 'stripe.timestamp': timestamp }
Payment.findOne(criteria).exec((err, payment) =>
callback(err, payment)
((callback) ->
stripe.charges.list({customer: req.user.get('stripeCustomerID')}, (err, recentCharges) =>
return callback(err) if err
charge = _.find recentCharges.data, (c) -> c.metadata.timestamp is timestamp
callback(null, charge)
((err, results) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
[payment, charge] = results
if not (payment or charge)
# Proceed normally from the beginning
@chargeStripe(req, res, payment, product)
else if charge and not payment
# Initialized Payment. Start from charging.
@recordStripeCharge(req, res, payment, product, charge)
# Charged Stripe and recorded it. Recalculate gems to make sure credited the purchase.
@recalculateGemsFor(req.user, (err) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
@sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, payment))
chargeStripe: (req, res, payment, product) ->
amount: product.amount
currency: 'usd'
customer: req.user.get('stripeCustomerID')
metadata: {
productID: product.id
userID: req.user._id + ''
gems: product.gems
timestamp: parseInt(req.body.stripe?.timestamp)
receipt_email: req.user.get('email')
# success case
((charge) => @recordStripeCharge(req, res, payment, product, charge)),
# error case
((err) =>
if err.type in ['StripeCardError', 'StripeInvalidRequestError']
@sendError(res, 402, err.message)
@sendDatabaseError(res, 'Error charging card, please retry.'))
recordStripeCharge: (req, res, payment, product, charge) ->
return @sendError(res, 500, 'Fake db error for testing.') if req.body.breakAfterCharging
payment = @makeNewInstance(req)
payment.set 'service', 'stripe'
payment.set 'productID', req.body.productID
payment.set 'amount', product.amount
payment.set 'gems', product.gems
payment.set 'stripe', {
customerID: req.user.get('stripeCustomerID')
timestamp: parseInt(req.body.stripe.timestamp)
chargeID: charge.id
validation = @validateDocumentInput(payment.toObject())
return @sendBadInputError(res, validation.errors) if validation.valid is false
payment.save((err) =>
# Credit gems
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
@incrementGemsFor(req.user, product.gems, (err) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
@sendCreated(res, @formatEntity(req, payment))
#- Incrementing/recalculating gems
incrementGemsFor: (user, gems, done) ->
purchased = _.clone(user.get('purchased'))
if not purchased?.gems
purchased ?= {}
purchased.gems = gems
user.set('purchased', purchased)
user.save((err) -> done(err))
user.update({$inc: {'purchased.gems': gems}}, {}, (err) -> done(err))
recalculateGemsFor: (user, done) ->
Payment.find({recipient: user._id}).select('gems').exec((err, payments) ->
gems = _.reduce payments, ((sum, p) -> sum + p.get('gems')), 0
purchased = _.clone(user.get('purchased'))
purchased ?= {}
purchased.gems = gems
user.set('purchased', purchased)
user.save((err) -> done(err))
module.exports = new PaymentHandler()