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synced 2025-02-26 06:24:45 -05:00
1558 lines
82 KiB
1558 lines
82 KiB
module.exports = nativeDescription: "한국어", englishDescription: "Korean", translation:
slogan: "쉽고 간단한 게임 배우기"
no_ie: "죄송하지만 코드컴뱃은 인터넷 익스플로러 8에서는 동작하지 않습니다." # Warning that only shows up in IE8 and older
no_mobile: "코드 컴뱃은 모바일 기기용으로 제작되지 않았습니다. 아마 동작하지 않을 가능성이 높습니다." # Warning that shows up on mobile devices
play: "시작" # The big play button that opens up the campaign view.
play_campaign_version: "캠페인 버전 플레이" # Shows up under big play button if you only play /courses
old_browser: "브라우저가 너무 오래된 버전이라 코드 컴뱃을 실행할 수 없습니다." # Warning that shows up on really old Firefox/Chrome/Safari
old_browser_suffix: "시도해볼 수는 있겠지만..안될 수도 있습니다."
ipad_browser: "슬픈 소식: 코드컴뱃은 아이패드의 브라우저에서 구동되지않습니다. 좋은 소식: 우리의 아이패드 앱은 애플의 승인을 기다리고있습니다 ."
campaign: "캠페인"
for_beginners: "초보자용"
multiplayer: "멀티플레이어" # Not currently shown on home page
for_developers: "개발자용" # Not currently shown on home page.
or_ipad: "또는 아이패드의 다운로드"
play: "레벨" # The top nav bar entry where players choose which levels to play
community: "커뮤니티"
courses: "코스"
editor: "에디터"
blog: "블로그"
forum: "포럼"
account: "계정"
profile: "프로필"
stats: "스탯"
code: "코드"
admin: "관리자" # Only shows up when you are an admin
home: "홈"
contribute: "참여하기"
legal: "법"
about: "소개"
contact: "문의"
twitter_follow: "팔로우"
teachers: "선생님들"
careers: "채용"
close: "닫기"
okay: "확인"
page_not_found: "페이지를 찾을 수 없습니다"
title: "코드 컴뱃 번역을 도와주세요!" # This shows up when a player switches to a non-English language using the language selector.
sub_heading: "우리는 당신의 언어 능력이 필요합니다."
pitch_body: "우리는 영어로 코드 컴뱃을 개발하기 시작했지만, 이미 전세계의 유저들이 코드 컴뱃을 이용하고 있습니다. 그 중 많은 사람들이 한국어로 플레이하기를 바랍니다. 혹시 당신이 영어/한국어에 모두 능숙하다면, Diplomat으로 코드 컴뱃에 참여해서 모든 레벨 뿐만 아니라 웹사이트를 한국어로 번역할 수 있습니다."
missing_translations: "우리가 모든 내용을 한국어로 번역할때까지 기본은 영어로 제공됩니다."
learn_more: "외교관에 대해서 좀 더 자세히 알아보기"
subscribe_as_diplomat: "외교관을 위한 정기 구독"
play_as: "Play As " # Ladder page
compete: "경쟁!" # Course details page
spectate: "관중모드" # Ladder page
players: "플레이어" # Hover over a level on /play
hours_played: "플레이한 시간" # Hover over a level on /play
items: "아이템" # Tooltip on item shop button from /play
unlock: "해제" # For purchasing items and heroes
confirm: "확인"
owned: "소지함" # For items you own
locked: "잠김"
purchasable: "구매 가능" # For a hero you unlocked but haven't purchased
available: "가능"
skills_granted: "부여된 스킬" # Property documentation details
heroes: "영웅들" # Tooltip on hero shop button from /play
achievements: "성취한 목표" # Tooltip on achievement list button from /play
account: "계정" # Tooltip on account button from /play
settings: "설정" # Tooltip on settings button from /play
poll: "투표" # Tooltip on poll button from /play
next: "다음" # Go from choose hero to choose inventory before playing a level
change_hero: "영웅 교체" # Go back from choose inventory to choose hero
buy_gems: "젬 구매"
subscription_required: "가입 필수"
anonymous: "이름없는 플레이어"
level_difficulty: "난이도: "
play_classroom_version: "교실 버전 플레이" # Choose a level in campaign version that you also can play in one of your courses
campaign_beginner: "초보자 캠페인"
awaiting_levels_adventurer_prefix: "매주 마다 새로운 레벨이 생깁니다."
awaiting_levels_adventurer: "모험자로 등록 하세요!"
awaiting_levels_adventurer_suffix: "새로운 레벨을 가장 먼저 체험하세요!"
adjust_volume: "소리 조절"
campaign_multiplayer: "멀티 플레이어 전투장"
campaign_multiplayer_description: "... 이곳에서 당신은 다른 인간 플레이어들과 직접 결투할 수 있습니다."
campaign_old_multiplayer: "(추천하지 않습니다) 숙련된 멀티플레이어 경쟁"
campaign_old_multiplayer_description: "더 문명화 된 시대의 유물. 어떤 시뮬레이션은 이러한 이전, 영웅없는 멀티 경기장에 대해 실행되지 않습니다."
blurb: "당신은 큰 진전을 보이고있습니다! 당신이 코드컴뱃으로 얼마나 많이 배웠는지 부모님게 말하십시오."
email_invalid: "이메일 주소가 올바르지 않습니다."
form_blurb: "아래에 부모님의 이메일을 입력하고 우리는 그것들을 보여줍니다!"
form_label: "이메일"
placeholder: "이메일"
title: "우수한, 초심자"
sign_up: "계정 생성"
log_in: "로그인"
logging_in: "로그인 중"
log_out: "로그아웃"
forgot_password: "비밀번호를 잊으셨나요?"
authenticate_gplus: "G+ 인증"
load_profile: "G+ 프로필 불러오기"
finishing: "완료중.."
sign_in_with_facebook: "Facebook으로 로그인"
sign_in_with_gplus: "G+로 로그인"
signup_switch: "새로운 계정을 만드세요."
email_announcements: "안내 사항을 메일로 받겠습니다"
creating: "계정을 생성 중입니다..."
sign_up: "등록"
log_in: "비밀번호로 로그인"
required: "진행하기 전에 로그인이 필요합니다."
login_switch: "이미 계정이 있으신가요?"
school_name: "학교 이름과 도시"
optional: "옵션"
school_name_placeholder: "예시 고등학교, 스프링필드, IL"
recover_account_title: "계정 복구"
send_password: "복구 비밀번호 전송"
recovery_sent: "메일 전송 완료"
primary: "주 장비"
secondary: "보조 장비"
armor: "갑옷"
accessories: "액세서리"
misc: "잡동사니"
books: "책"
back: "뒤로가기" # When used as an action verb, like "Navigate backward"
continue: "계속" # When used as an action verb, like "Continue forward"
loading: "로딩중입니다..."
saving: "저장중입니다..."
sending: "보내는 중입니다..."
send: "전송"
cancel: "취소"
save: "저장"
publish: "내보내기"
create: "생성"
fork: "포크"
play: "시작" # When used as an action verb, like "Play next level"
retry: "재시도"
actions: "행동"
info: "정보"
help: "도움말"
watch: "보기"
unwatch: "보기 해제"
submit_patch: "패치 제출"
submit_changes: "변경사항 제출"
save_changes: "변경사항 저장"
and: "그리고"
name: "이름"
date: "날짜"
body: "구성"
version: "버전"
pending: "적용중"
accepted: "적용됨"
rejected: "거부됨"
withdrawn: "취소됨"
accept: "승인"
reject: "보류"
withdraw: "철수"
submitter: "제출자"
submitted: "제출됨"
commit_msg: "커밋 메세지"
version_history: "버전 히스토리"
version_history_for: "버전 히스토리 : "
select_changes: "차이를 보기위해 두 가지 사항을 변경하도록 선택합니다."
undo_prefix: "되돌리기"
undo_shortcut: "(Ctrl+Z)"
redo_prefix: "다시하기"
redo_shortcut: "(Ctrl+Shift+Z)"
play_preview: "현재 수준의 미리보기 재생"
result: "결과"
results: "결과들"
description: "설명"
or: "또한"
subject: "제목"
email: "이메일"
password: "비밀번호"
message: "메시지"
code: "코드"
ladder: "레더"
when: "언제"
opponent: "상대"
rank: "랭크"
score: "점수"
win: "승"
loss: "패"
tie: "무승부"
easy: "초급"
medium: "중급"
hard: "상급"
player: "플레이어"
player_level: "플레이어 레벨" # Like player level 5, not like level: Dungeons of Kithgard
warrior: "전사"
ranger: "레인저"
wizard: "마법사"
second: "초"
seconds: "초"
minute: "분"
minutes: "분"
hour: "시간"
hours: "시간"
day: "일"
days: "일"
week: "주"
weeks: "주"
month: "개월"
months: "개월"
year: "년"
years: "년"
completed_level: "완료된 레벨:"
course: "코스:"
done: "완료"
next_level: "다음 레벨:"
next_game: "다음 게임"
show_menu: "게임 매뉴 보이기"
home: "홈" # Not used any more, will be removed soon.
level: "레벨" # Like "Level: Dungeons of Kithgard"
skip: "넘어가기"
game_menu: "게임 메뉴"
guide: "가이드"
restart: "재시작"
goals: "목표들"
goal: "목표"
running: "실행중..."
success: "성공!"
incomplete: "목표 미완료"
timed_out: "제한 시간 초과"
failing: "다시 한번 더 도전해보세요."
control_bar_multiplayer: "멀티플레이어"
control_bar_join_game: "게임입장"
reload: "새로고침"
reload_title: "모든 코드가 다시 로딩 되었나요?"
reload_really: "모든 레벨 초기화합니다. 확실한가요?"
reload_confirm: "모두 초기화"
victory: "승리"
victory_title_prefix: ""
victory_title_suffix: " 완료"
victory_sign_up: "진행사항 저장을 위해 등록하세요"
victory_sign_up_poke: "코드를 저장하고 싶으세요? 지금 등록하세요!"
victory_rate_the_level: "이번 레벨 평가: " # {change}
victory_return_to_ladder: "레더로 돌아가기"
victory_saving_progress: "저장하기"
victory_go_home: "홈으로"
victory_review: "리뷰를 남겨주세요"
victory_review_placeholder: "어떤 레벨입니까?"
victory_hour_of_code_done: "정말 종료합니까?"
victory_hour_of_code_done_yes: "네 내 Hour of Code™ 완료했습니다!"
victory_experience_gained: "획득한 경험치"
victory_gems_gained: "획득한 젬"
victory_new_item: "새로운 아이템"
victory_viking_code_school: "놀랍습니다, 당신은 그냥 이길 힘든 수준이었습니다! 이미 소프트웨어 개발자가 아닌 경우, 당신은 비이킹 코드 학교에서 빠르게 이해할것입니다, 당신이 다음 레벨에서 자신의 능력을 14주 동안 전문 웹 개발자가 될 수있는 곳입니다."
victory_become_a_viking: "바이킹이 되세요"
guide_title: "가이드"
tome_cast_button_run: "실행"
tome_cast_button_running: "실행중"
tome_cast_button_ran: "실행됨"
tome_submit_button: "적용"
tome_reload_method: "이 방법에 대한 원래의 코드를 다시불러오기" # Title text for individual method reload button.
tome_select_method: "방법 선택"
tome_see_all_methods: "편집 할 수있는 모든 방법을 참조하십시오" # Title text for method list selector (shown when there are multiple programmable methods).
tome_select_a_thang: "누군가를 선택하세요. "
tome_available_spells: "사용 가능한 마법"
tome_your_skills: "당신의 스킬"
tome_current_method: "최근 방법"
code_saved: "코드가 저장됨"
skip_tutorial: "넘기기 (esc)"
keyboard_shortcuts: "단축키"
loading_ready: "준비!"
loading_start: "레벨 시작"
problem_alert_title: "코드를 수정하세요"
time_current: "현재:"
time_total: "최대:"
time_goto: "가기:"
non_user_code_problem_title: "레벨을 로드 할 수 없습니다"
infinite_loop_title: "무한 루프 감지"
infinite_loop_description: "세계를 구축하는 초기 코드는 결코 실행이 완료되지 않습니다. 아마도 하나의 정말 느리거나 또는 무한 루프가 있습니다. 혹은 버그일수있습니다. 당신은 다시 이 코드를 실행하려고하거나 기본 상태로 코드를 재설정 할 수 있습니다. 그게 해결되지 않으면, 저희에게 알려 주시기 바랍니다."
check_dev_console: "또한 잘못 갈 수를 알기 위해 개발자 콘솔을 열 수 있습니다."
check_dev_console_link: "(명령어)"
infinite_loop_try_again: "다시 시도해보세요."
infinite_loop_reset_level: "레벨 리셋"
infinite_loop_comment_out: "내 코드를 일시적 주석처리하기"
tip_toggle_play: "Ctrl+P로 실행을 계속하거나 멈출수 있어요"
tip_scrub_shortcut: "Ctrl+[, Ctrl+] 를 이용해 실행 속도를 빠르게 할 수 있어요"
tip_guide_exists: "화면 상단의 가이드를 클릭해보세요. 유용한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다."
tip_open_source: "코드 컴뱃은 100% 오픈 소스 기반입니다!"
tip_tell_friends: "코드 컴뱃을 즐기셨나요? 친구에게 알려주십시오"
tip_beta_launch: "코드 컴뱃은 2013년 10월에 베타 서비스를 출시했습니다."
tip_think_solution: "해결 방법을 고민해보세요, 문제를 고민하지 말구요"
# tip_theory_practice: "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. But in practice, there is. - Yogi Berra"
# tip_error_free: "There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works. - Alan Perlis"
# tip_debugging_program: "If debugging is the process of removing bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in. - Edsger W. Dijkstra"
# tip_forums: "Head over to the forums and tell us what you think!"
# tip_baby_coders: "In the future, even babies will be Archmages."
# tip_morale_improves: "Loading will continue until morale improves."
tip_all_species: "우리는 모든 생물이 동등하게 프로그래밍을 배울 기회가 있어야 한다고 생각합니다."
# tip_reticulating: "Reticulating spines."
# tip_harry: "Yer a Wizard, "
# tip_great_responsibility: "With great coding skill comes great debug responsibility."
# tip_munchkin: "If you don't eat your vegetables, a munchkin will come after you while you're asleep."
# tip_binary: "There are only 10 types of people in the world: those who understand binary, and those who don't."
# tip_commitment_yoda: "A programmer must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. ~ Yoda"
tip_no_try: "하든가 하지 말든가. 시도같은 건 없어. - 요다"
# tip_patience: "Patience you must have, young Padawan. - Yoda"
# tip_documented_bug: "A documented bug is not a bug; it is a feature."
tip_impossible: "성공하기 전까진 불가능해 보이는 법이죠. - Nelson Mandela"
tip_talk_is_cheap: "떠드는 건 가치가 없어요. 코드를 보여줘봐요. - Linus Torvalds"
# tip_first_language: "The most disastrous thing that you can ever learn is your first programming language. - Alan Kay"
# tip_hardware_problem: "Q: How many programmers does it take to change a light bulb? A: None, it's a hardware problem."
# tip_hofstadters_law: "Hofstadter's Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law."
# tip_premature_optimization: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil. - Donald Knuth"
# tip_brute_force: "When in doubt, use brute force. - Ken Thompson"
# tip_extrapolation: "There are only two kinds of people: those that can extrapolate from incomplete data..."
# tip_superpower: "Coding is the closest thing we have to a superpower."
# tip_control_destiny: "In real open source, you have the right to control your own destiny. - Linus Torvalds"
tip_no_code: "코드가 없는것보다 빠른것은 없습니다."
tip_code_never_lies: "코드는 절대로 거짓말을 하지 않는다. 주석은 가끔 하지만. — Ron Jeffries"
# tip_reusable_software: "Before software can be reusable it first has to be usable."
# tip_optimization_operator: "Every language has an optimization operator. In most languages that operator is ‘//’"
# tip_lines_of_code: "Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight. — Bill Gates"
# tip_source_code: "I want to change the world but they would not give me the source code."
# tip_javascript_java: "Java is to JavaScript what Car is to Carpet. - Chris Heilmann"
# tip_move_forward: "Whatever you do, keep moving forward. - Martin Luther King Jr."
tip_google: "문제가 너무 어렵다구요? 구글로 검색해보세요!"
# tip_adding_evil: "Adding a pinch of evil."
# tip_hate_computers: "That's the thing about people who think they hate computers. What they really hate is lousy programmers. - Larry Niven"
# tip_open_source_contribute: "You can help CodeCombat improve!"
# tip_recurse: "To iterate is human, to recurse divine. - L. Peter Deutsch"
# tip_free_your_mind: "You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt, and disbelief. Free your mind. - Morpheus"
# tip_strong_opponents: "Even the strongest of opponents always has a weakness. - Itachi Uchiha"
tip_paper_and_pen: "코딩을 하기전에, 당신은 항상 종이와 펜으로 계획을 지니고 있어야합니다."
tip_solve_then_write: "먼저, 문제를 해결하세요. 그러고, 코드를 쓰는겁니다. - John Johnson"
inventory_tab: "인벤토리"
save_load_tab: "저장하기/불러오기"
options_tab: "옵션"
guide_tab: "가이드"
guide_video_tutorial: "영상 튜토리얼"
guide_tips: "팁들"
multiplayer_tab: "멀티 플레이"
auth_tab: "가입하기"
inventory_caption: "장비 장착"
choose_hero_caption: "영웅 및 언어 선택 "
save_load_caption: "... 그리고 기록보기"
options_caption: "설정들을 바꾸기"
guide_caption: "문서들과 팁들"
multiplayer_caption: "친구들과 플레이 하세요!"
auth_caption: "진행사항을 저장하세요"
view_other_solutions: "리더보드 보기"
scores: "점수"
top_players: "상위 플레이어"
day: "오늘"
week: "이번 주"
all: "모든-시간"
time: "시간"
damage_taken: "데미지 정도"
damage_dealt: "죽음을 맞은 데미지"
difficulty: "난이도"
gold_collected: "수집된 골드"
equipped_item: "장착됨"
required_purchase_title: "구매 필요"
available_item: "사용 가능"
restricted_title: "사용 불가"
should_equip: "(장착하려면 더블클릭)"
equipped: "(장착됨)"
locked: "(잠김)"
restricted: "(이 레벨에서는 사용불가)"
equip: "장착"
unequip: "해제"
few_gems: "gem 몇개"
pile_gems: "gem 묶음"
chest_gems: "gem 상자"
purchasing: "구매중..."
declined: "귀하의 카드가 거부되었습니다"
retrying: "서버에러, 다시 시도하세요."
prompt_title: "gem 부족"
prompt_body: "gem이 더 필요하신가요?"
prompt_button: "샵 앤터"
recovered: "gem 구매후 브라우져를 새로고침 하세요."
price: "x{{gems}} / 한달"
# comparison_blurb: "Sharpen your skills with a CodeCombat subscription!"
# feature1: "110+ basic levels across 4 worlds"
# feature2: "10 powerful <strong>new heroes</strong> with unique skills!"
feature3: "80+ 보너스 레벨들"
# feature4: "<strong>{{gems}} bonus gems</strong> every month!"
feature5: "영상 튜토리얼"
feature6: "프리미엄 이메일 지원"
# feature7: "Private <strong>Clans</strong>"
free: "프리"
month: "달"
# must_be_logged: "You must be logged in first. Please create an account or log in from the menu above."
subscribe_title: "구독"
unsubscribe: "구독 해제"
confirm_unsubscribe: "구독 해제 확인"
# never_mind: "Never Mind, I Still Love You"
# thank_you_months_prefix: "Thank you for supporting us these last"
# thank_you_months_suffix: "months."
thank_you: "CodeCombat을 도와주셔서 감사합니다."
# sorry_to_see_you_go: "Sorry to see you go! Please let us know what we could have done better."
# unsubscribe_feedback_placeholder: "O, what have we done?"
# parent_button: "Ask your parent"
# parent_email_description: "We'll email them so they can buy you a CodeCombat subscription."
# parent_email_input_invalid: "Email address invalid."
# parent_email_input_label: "Parent email address"
# parent_email_input_placeholder: "Enter parent email"
# parent_email_send: "Send Email"
# parent_email_sent: "Email sent!"
# parent_email_title: "What's your parent's email?"
# parents: "For Parents"
# parents_title: "Dear Parent: Your child is learning to code. Will you help them continue?"
# parents_blurb1: "Your child has played __nLevels__ levels and learned programming basics. Help cultivate their interest and buy them a subscription so they can keep playing."
# parents_blurb1a: "Computer programming is an essential skill that your child will undoubtedly use as an adult. By 2020, basic software skills will be needed by 77% of jobs, and software engineers are in high demand across the world. Did you know that Computer Science is the highest-paid university degree?"
# parents_blurb2: "For ${{price}} USD/mo, your child will get new challenges every week and personal email support from professional programmers."
# parents_blurb3: "No Risk: 100% money back guarantee, easy 1-click unsubscribe."
# payment_methods: "Payment Methods"
# payment_methods_title: "Accepted Payment Methods"
# payment_methods_blurb1: "We currently accept credit cards and Alipay. You can also PayPal {{three_month_price}} USD to nick@codecombat.com with your account email in the memo to purchase three months' subscription and gems, or ${{year_price}} for a year."
# payment_methods_blurb2: "If you require an alternate form of payment, please contact"
# sale_button: "Sale!"
# sale_button_title: "Save $21 when you purchase a 1 year subscription"
# stripe_description: "Monthly Subscription"
# stripe_description_year_sale: "1 Year Subscription (${{discount}} discount)"
# subscription_required_to_play: "You'll need a subscription to play this level."
# unlock_help_videos: "Subscribe to unlock all video tutorials."
# personal_sub: "Personal Subscription" # Accounts Subscription View below
# loading_info: "Loading subscription information..."
# managed_by: "Managed by"
# will_be_cancelled: "Will be cancelled on"
# currently_free: "You currently have a free subscription"
# currently_free_until: "You currently have a subscription until"
# was_free_until: "You had a free subscription until"
# managed_subs: "Managed Subscriptions"
# subscribing: "Subscribing..."
# current_recipients: "Current Recipients"
# unsubscribing: "Unsubscribing"
# subscribe_prepaid: "Click Subscribe to use prepaid code"
# using_prepaid: "Using prepaid code for monthly subscription"
choose_hero: "영웅을 선택하세요"
programming_language: "프로그래밍 언어"
programming_language_description: "어떤 프로그래밍 언어를 사용하실건가요?"
default: "기본"
experimental: "고급"
python_blurb: "간단하지만 강력합니다."
javascript_blurb: "웹을 위한 언어."
coffeescript_blurb: "향상된 자바스크립트 문법."
clojure_blurb: "현대적인 Lisp."
lua_blurb: "게임 스크립팅 언어"
io_blurb: "간단하지만 아직 잘 알려지지 않은 언어."
status: "상태"
hero_type: "직업"
weapons: "무기"
weapons_warrior: "검 - 짧은 거리, 마법 불가"
weapons_ranger: "화살, 총 - 긴 거리, 마법 불가"
weapons_wizard: "마법봉, 지팡이 - 긴 거리, 마법 가능"
attack: "공격력" # Can also translate as "Attack"
health: "체력"
speed: "속도"
# regeneration: "Regeneration"
# range: "Range" # As in "attack or visual range"
# blocks: "Blocks" # As in "this shield blocks this much damage"
# backstab: "Backstab" # As in "this dagger does this much backstab damage"
# skills: "Skills"
# attack_1: "Deals"
# attack_2: "of listed"
# attack_3: "weapon damage."
# health_1: "Gains"
# health_2: "of listed"
# health_3: "armor health."
# speed_1: "Moves at"
# speed_2: "meters per second."
# available_for_purchase: "Available for Purchase" # Shows up when you have unlocked, but not purchased, a hero in the hero store
# level_to_unlock: "Level to unlock:" # Label for which level you have to beat to unlock a particular hero (click a locked hero in the store to see)
# restricted_to_certain_heroes: "Only certain heroes can play this level."
# writable: "writable" # Hover over "attack" in Your Skills while playing a level to see most of this
# read_only: "read-only"
# action: "Action"
# spell: "Spell"
action_name: "이름"
# action_cooldown: "Takes"
# action_specific_cooldown: "Cooldown"
action_damage: "데미지"
action_range: "사거리"
# action_radius: "Radius"
# action_duration: "Duration"
example: "예제"
ex: "예시" # Abbreviation of "example"
# current_value: "Current Value"
# default_value: "Default value"
# parameters: "Parameters"
returns: "뒤로가기"
# granted_by: "Granted by"
granularity_saved_games: "저장됨"
granularity_change_history: "기록"
# general_options: "General Options" # Check out the Options tab in the Game Menu while playing a level
volume_label: "볼륨"
music_label: "음악"
music_description: "배경음악 ON/OFF"
editor_config_title: "에디터 설정"
editor_config_keybindings_label: "단축키 설정"
editor_config_keybindings_default: "기본(Ace)"
editor_config_keybindings_description: "일반적인 에디터와 마찬가지인 단축키 설정"
editor_config_livecompletion_label: "자동완성 활성화"
editor_config_livecompletion_description: "입력하는 동안 자동완성 기능을 사용합니다."
editor_config_invisibles_label: "투명 설정"
editor_config_invisibles_description: "스페이스, 탭 설정"
editor_config_indentguides_label: "들여쓰기 가이드 보기"
editor_config_indentguides_description: "들여쓰기 보조용 세로줄 표시하기."
editor_config_behaviors_label: "자동 기능"
editor_config_behaviors_description: "괄호, 인용부호, 따옴표 자동 완성."
why_codecombat: "왜 코드 컴뱃이지?"
why_paragraph_1: "프로그래밍을 배울 필요가 있으세요? 레슨 받을 필요 없습니다. 아마 엄청난 시간과 노력을 소모해야 할 것입니다."
why_paragraph_2_prefix: "프로그래밍은 재미있어야 합니다."
why_paragraph_2_italic: "여기 뱃지있어 받아가~"
why_paragraph_2_center: "이런 단순히 뱃지얻는 식의 게임 말고,"
why_paragraph_2_italic_caps: "아 엄마 나 이 레벨 반드시 끝내야 돼! <- 이런 방식 말고요."
why_paragraph_2_suffix: "이것이 왜 코드 컴뱃이 멀티플레이 게임인지를 말해줍니다. 단순히 게임화된 레슨의 연장이 아닙니다. 우리는 당신이 너무 재밌어서 멈출 수 없을 때까지 절대 멈추지 않을 것입니다."
why_paragraph_3: "만약 당신이 어떤 게임에 곧잘 빠진다면 이번엔 코드컴뱃을 한번 시도해보세요. 그리고 기술시대에 사는 마법사 중 하나가 되어보는 건 어떠세요?"
# press_title: "Bloggers/Press"
# press_paragraph_1_prefix: "Want to write about us? Feel free to download and use all of the resources included in our"
# press_paragraph_1_link: "press packet"
# press_paragraph_1_suffix: ". All logos and images may be used without contacting us directly."
team: "팀"
nick_title: "프로그래머" # {change}
# nick_blurb: "Motivation Guru"
matt_title: "프로그래머" # {change}
matt_blurb: "자전거 타는 사람"
# cat_title: "Game Designer"
# cat_blurb: "Airbender"
scott_title: "프로그래머" # {change}
# scott_blurb: "Reasonable One"
# maka_title: "Customer Advocate"
# maka_blurb: "Storyteller"
# rob_title: "Software Engineer"
# rob_blurb: "Codes things and stuff"
# josh_c_title: "Game Designer"
# josh_c_blurb: "Designs games"
# robin_title: "UX Design & Research"
# robin_blurb: "Scaffolding"
# josh_title: "Game Designer"
# josh_blurb: "Floor Is Lava"
# retrostyle_title: "Illustration"
# retrostyle_blurb: "RetroStyle Games"
# jose_title: "Music"
# jose_blurb: "Taking Off"
# carlos_title: "Region Manager, Brazil"
# carlos_blurb: "Celery Man"
# teachers:
# who_for_title: "Who is CodeCombat for?"
# who_for_1: "We recommend CodeCombat for students aged 9 and up. No prior programming experience is needed. We've designed CodeCombat to appeal to both boys and girls."
# who_for_2: "Our Courses system allows teachers to set up classrooms, track progress and assign additional content to students through a dedicated interface."
# more_info_title: "Where can I find more information?"
# more_info_1: "Our"
# more_info_2: "teachers forum"
# more_info_3: "is a good place to connect with fellow educators who are using CodeCombat."
# title: "Teacher Survey"
# must_be_logged: "You must be logged in first. Please create an account or log in from the menu above."
# retrieving: "Retrieving information..."
# being_reviewed_1: "Your application for a free trial is being"
being_reviewed_2: "검토됨."
# approved_1: "Your application for a free trial was"
# approved_2: "approved!"
# approved_4: "You can now enroll your students on the"
# approved_5: "courses"
approved_6: "페이지."
# denied_1: "Your application for a free trial has been"
denied_2: "거절됨."
contact_1: "연락해주세요."
# contact_2: "if you have further questions."
# description_1: "We offer free trials to teachers. You will be given 2 free enrollments which can be used to enroll students in paid courses."
# description_1b: "You can find more information on our"
# description_2: "teachers"
# description_3: "page."
# description_4: "Please fill out this quick survey and we’ll email you setup instructions."
# email: "Email Address"
# school: "Name of School"
# location: "Name of City"
# age_students: "How old are your students?"
# under: "Under"
# other: "Other:"
# amount_students: "How many students do you teach?"
# hear_about: "How did you hear about CodeCombat?"
# fill_fields: "Please fill out all fields."
# thanks: "Thanks! We'll send you setup instructions shortly."
save_version_title: "새로운 버전을 저장합니다"
new_major_version: "신규 버전"
submitting_patch: "패치 적용중..."
cla_prefix: "변경사항을 저장하기 위해서는, 먼저 계약사항에 동의 하셔야 합니다."
cla_url: "CLA"
cla_suffix: "."
cla_agree: "동의 합니다"
# owner_approve: "An owner will need to approve it before your changes will become visible."
contact_us: "코드컴뱃에 전할 말"
welcome: "언제든 의견을 보내주세요. 이 양식을 이메일에 사용해 주세요!"
forum_prefix: "공개적으로 논의할 사항이라면 우리 포럼에서 해주세요 : "
forum_page: "포럼"
forum_suffix: " 대신에."
# faq_prefix: "There's also a"
faq: "자주 묻는 질문"
# subscribe_prefix: "If you need help figuring out a level, please"
# subscribe: "buy a CodeCombat subscription"
# subscribe_suffix: "and we'll be happy to help you with your code."
# subscriber_support: "Since you're a CodeCombat subscriber, your email will get our priority support."
# screenshot_included: "Screenshot included."
# where_reply: "Where should we reply?"
send: "의견 보내기"
title: "계정 설정"
not_logged_in: "로그인하시거나 계정을 생성하세요."
autosave: "변경 사항은 자동 저장 됩니다"
me_tab: "나"
picture_tab: "사진"
# delete_account_tab: "Delete Your Account"
# wrong_email: "Wrong Email"
# wrong_password: "Wrong Password"
upload_picture: "사진 업로드"
# delete_this_account: "Delete this account permanently"
# reset_progress_tab: "Reset All Progress"
# reset_your_progress: "Clear all your progress and start over"
# god_mode: "God Mode"
password_tab: "비밀번호"
emails_tab: "이메일"
admin: "관리자"
# manage_subscription: "Click here to manage your subscription."
new_password: "새 비밀번호"
new_password_verify: "확인(다시한번 입력해주세요)"
# type_in_email: "Type in your email to confirm account deletion."
# type_in_email_progress: "Type in your email to confirm deleting your progress."
# type_in_password: "Also, type in your password."
email_subscriptions: "이메일 구독"
email_subscriptions_none: "이메일 구독 안 함"
email_announcements: "공지사항"
email_announcements_description: "코드 컴뱃의 개발 및 진행 상황을 이메일로 구독하세요"
email_notifications: "알람"
email_notifications_summary: "당신의 코드 컴뱃 활동과 관련된 자동 알림 메일을 설정할 수 있습니다."
email_any_notes: "모든 알림 받기"
email_any_notes_description: "모든 알림 메일 받지 않기"
email_news: "뉴스"
email_recruit_notes: "구인 정보"
email_recruit_notes_description: "정말 실력이 좋으시다고 판단되면, 보다 좋은 구직 정보와 관련하여 연락드릴 수도 있습니다."
contributor_emails: "조력자들 이메일"
contribute_prefix: "우리는 언제나 당신의 참여를 환영 합니다 : "
contribute_page: "참여하기 페이지"
contribute_suffix: "자세한 사항이 설명되어 있습니다."
email_toggle: "모두 변경"
error_saving: "오류 저장"
saved: "변경사항 저장 완료"
password_mismatch: "비밀번호가 일치하지 않습니다."
password_repeat: "비밀번호를 한번 더 입력해 주세요."
keyboard_shortcuts: "단축키"
space: "스페이스"
enter: "엔터"
press_enter: "엔터를 누르세요"
escape: "Esc"
shift: "Shift"
run_code: "현재 코드 실행"
run_real_time: "실시간 코드 실행"
# continue_script: "Continue past current script."
# skip_scripts: "Skip past all skippable scripts."
# toggle_playback: "Toggle play/pause."
# scrub_playback: "Scrub back and forward through time."
# single_scrub_playback: "Scrub back and forward through time by a single frame."
# scrub_execution: "Scrub through current spell execution."
# toggle_debug: "Toggle debug display."
# toggle_grid: "Toggle grid overlay."
# toggle_pathfinding: "Toggle pathfinding overlay."
# beautify: "Beautify your code by standardizing its formatting."
# maximize_editor: "Maximize/minimize code editor."
main_title: "코드 컴뱃 커뮤니티"
# introduction: "Check out the ways you can get involved below and decide what sounds the most fun. We look forward to working with you!"
# level_editor_prefix: "Use the CodeCombat"
# level_editor_suffix: "to create and edit levels. Users have created levels for their classes, friends, hackathons, students, and siblings. If create a new level sounds intimidating you can start by forking one of ours!"
# thang_editor_prefix: "We call units within the game 'thangs'. Use the"
# thang_editor_suffix: "to modify the CodeCombat source artwork. Allow units to throw projectiles, alter the direction of an animation, change a unit's hit points, or upload your own vector sprites."
# article_editor_prefix: "See a mistake in some of our docs? Want to make some instructions for your own creations? Check out the"
# article_editor_suffix: "and help CodeCombat players get the most out of their playtime."
# find_us: "Find us on these sites"
# social_github: "Check out all our code on GitHub"
# social_blog: "Read the CodeCombat blog on Sett"
# social_discource: "Join the discussion on our Discourse forum"
# social_facebook: "Like CodeCombat on Facebook"
# social_twitter: "Follow CodeCombat on Twitter"
# social_gplus: "Join CodeCombat on Google+"
# social_hipchat: "Chat with us in the public CodeCombat Slack channel"
# contribute_to_the_project: "Contribute to the project"
clan: "클랜"
clans: "클랜들"
new_name: "새로운 클랜 이름"
new_description: "새로운 클랜 설명"
make_private: "클랜을 비공개로 만들기"
# subs_only: "subscribers only"
create_clan: "새로운 클랜 만들기"
private_preview: "미리보기"
# private_clans: "Private Clans"
public_clans: "공개 클랜들"
my_clans: "내가 속한 클랜"
clan_name: "클랜 이름"
name: "이름"
chieftain: "클랜장"
# type: "Type"
edit_clan_name: "클랜 이름 수정"
edit_clan_description: "클랜 설명 수정"
edit_name: "이름 변경"
edit_description: "설명 변경"
private: "(비공개)"
summary: "요약"
average_level: "평균 레벨"
average_achievements: "평균 성취"
delete_clan: "클랜 삭제"
leave_clan: "클랜 탈퇴"
join_clan: "클랜 가입"
invite_1: "초대:"
invite_2: "*링크를 보내 클랜 초대하기"
members: "멤버들"
# progress: "Progress"
# not_started_1: "not started"
# started_1: "started"
# complete_1: "complete"
# exp_levels: "Expand levels"
rem_hero: "영웅 삭제"
status: "상태"
# complete_2: "Complete"
# started_2: "Started"
# not_started_2: "Not Started"
# view_solution: "Click to view solution."
# view_attempt: "Click to view attempt."
# latest_achievement: "Latest Achievement"
# playtime: "Playtime"
# last_played: "Last played"
# leagues_explanation: "Play in a league against other clan members in these multiplayer arena instances."
# track_concepts1: "Track concepts"
# track_concepts2a: "learned by each student"
# track_concepts2b: "learned by each member"
# track_concepts3a: "Track levels completed for each student"
# track_concepts3b: "Track levels completed for each member"
# track_concepts4a: "See your students'"
# track_concepts4b: "See your members'"
# track_concepts5: "solutions"
# track_concepts6a: "Sort students by name or progress"
# track_concepts6b: "Sort members by name or progress"
# track_concepts7: "Requires invitation"
# track_concepts8: "to join"
# private_require_sub: "Private clans require a subscription to create or join."
# courses:
# course: "Course"
# courses: "courses"
# create_new_class: "Create New Class"
# not_enrolled: "You are not enrolled in this course."
# visit_pref: "Please visit the"
# visit_suf: "page to enroll."
# select_class: "Select one of your classes"
# unnamed: "*unnamed*"
# select: "Select"
# unnamed_class: "Unnamed Class"
# edit_settings: "edit class settings"
# edit_settings1: "Edit Class Settings"
# progress: "Class Progress"
# add_students: "Add Students"
# stats: "Statistics"
# total_students: "Total students:"
# average_time: "Average level play time:"
# total_time: "Total play time:"
# average_levels: "Average levels completed:"
# total_levels: "Total levels completed:"
# furthest_level: "Furthest level completed:"
# concepts_covered: "Concepts Covered"
# students: "Students"
# students1: "students"
# concepts: "Concepts"
# levels: "levels"
# played: "Played"
# play_time: "Play time:"
# completed: "Completed:"
# invite_students: "Invite students to join this class."
# invite_link_header: "Link to join course"
# invite_link_p_1: "Give this link to students you would like to have join the course."
# invite_link_p_2: "Or have us email them directly:"
# capacity_used: "Course slots used:"
# enter_emails: "Enter student emails to invite, one per line"
# send_invites: "Send Invites"
# title: "Title"
# description: "Description"
# creating_class: "Creating class..."
# purchasing_course: "Purchasing course..."
# buy_course: "Buy Course"
# buy_course1: "Buy this course"
# create_class: "Create Class"
# select_all_courses: "Select 'All Courses' for a 50% discount!"
# all_courses: "All Courses"
# number_students: "Number of students"
# enter_number_students: "Enter the number of students you need for this class."
# name_class: "Name your class"
# displayed_course_page: "This will be displayed on the course page for you and your students. It can be changed later."
# buy: "Buy"
# purchasing_for: "You are purchasing a license for"
# creating_for: "You are creating a class for"
# for: "for" # Like in 'for 30 students'
# receive_code: "Afterwards you will receive an unlock code to distribute to your students, which they can use to enroll in your class."
# free_trial: "Free trial for teachers!"
# get_access: "to get individual access to all courses for evalutaion purposes."
# questions: "Questions?"
# teachers_click: "Teachers Click Here"
# students_click: "Students Click Here"
# courses_on_coco: "Courses on CodeCombat"
# designed_to: "Courses are designed to introduce computer science concepts using CodeCombat's fun and engaging environment. CodeCombat levels are organized around key topics to encourage progressive learning, over the course of 5 hours."
# more_in_less: "Learn more in less time"
# no_experience: "No coding experience necesssary"
# easy_monitor: "Easily monitor student progress"
# purchase_for_class: "Purchase a course for your entire class. It's easy to sign up your students!"
# see_the: "See the"
# more_info: "for more information."
# choose_course: "Choose Your Course:"
# enter_code: "Enter an unlock code to join an existing class"
# enter_code1: "Enter unlock code"
# enroll: "Enroll"
# pick_from_classes: "Pick from your current classes"
# enter: "Enter"
# or: "Or"
# topics: "Topics"
# hours_content: "Hours of content:"
# get_free: "Get FREE course"
# enroll_paid: "Enroll Students in Paid Courses"
# you_have1: "You have"
# you_have2: "unused paid enrollments"
# use_one: "Use 1 paid enrollment for"
# use_multiple: "Use paid enrollments for the following students:"
# already_enrolled: "already enrolled"
# licenses_remaining: "licenses remaining:"
# insufficient_enrollments: "insufficient paid enrollments"
# enroll_students: "Enroll Students"
# get_enrollments: "Get More Enrollments"
# change_language: "Change Course Language"
# keep_using: "Keep Using"
# switch_to: "Switch To"
# greetings: "Greetings!"
# learn_p: "Learn Python"
# learn_j: "Learn JavaScript"
# language_cannot_change: "Language cannot be changed once students join a class."
# back_classrooms: "Back to my classrooms"
# back_courses: "Back to my courses"
# edit_details: "Edit class details"
# enrolled_courses: "enrolled in paid courses:"
# purchase_enrollments: "Purchase Enrollments"
# remove_student: "remove student"
# assign: "Assign"
# to_assign: "to assign paid courses."
# teacher: "Teacher"
# complete: "Complete"
# none: "None"
# save: "Save"
# play_campaign_title: "Play the Campaign"
# play_campaign_description: "You’re ready to take the next step! Explore hundreds of challenging levels, learn advanced programming skills, and compete in multiplayer arenas!"
# create_account_title: "Create an Account"
# create_account_description: "Sign up for a FREE CodeCombat account and gain access to more levels, more programming skills, and more fun!"
# preview_campaign_title: "Preview Campaign"
# preview_campaign_description: "Take a sneak peek at all that CodeCombat has to offer before signing up for your FREE account."
# arena: "Arena"
# arena_soon_title: "Arena Coming Soon"
# arena_soon_description: "We are working on a multiplayer arena for classrooms at the end of"
# not_enrolled1: "Not enrolled"
# not_enrolled2: "Ask your teacher to enroll you in the next course."
# next_course: "Next Course"
# coming_soon1: "Coming soon"
# coming_soon2: "We are hard at work making more courses for you!"
# available_levels: "Available Levels"
# welcome_to_courses: "Adventurers, welcome to Courses!"
# ready_to_play: "Ready to play?"
# start_new_game: "Start New Game"
# play_now_learn_header: "Play now to learn"
# play_now_learn_1: "basic syntax to control your character"
# play_now_learn_2: "while loops to solve pesky puzzles"
# play_now_learn_3: "strings & variables to customize actions"
# play_now_learn_4: "how to defeat an ogre (important life skills!)"
# welcome_to_page: "Welcome to your Courses page!"
# completed_hoc: "Amazing! You've completed the Hour of Code course!"
# ready_for_more_header: "Ready for more? Play the campaign mode!"
# ready_for_more_1: "Use gems to unlock new items!"
# ready_for_more_2: "Play through brand new worlds and challenges"
# ready_for_more_3: "Learn even more programming!"
# saved_games: "Saved Games"
# hoc: "Hour of Code"
# my_classes: "My Classes"
# class_added: "Class successfully added!"
# view_class: "view class"
# view_levels: "view levels"
# join_class: "Join A Class"
# ask_teacher_for_code: "Ask your teacher if you have a CodeCombat class code! If so, enter it below:"
# enter_c_code: "<Enter Class Code>"
# join: "Join"
# joining: "Joining class"
# course_complete: "Course Complete"
# play_arena: "Play Arena"
# start: "Start"
# last_level: "Last Level"
# welcome_to_hoc: "Adventurers, welcome to our Hour of Code!"
# logged_in_as: "Logged in as:"
# not_you: "Not you?"
# welcome_back: "Hi adventurer, welcome back!"
# continue_playing: "Continue Playing"
# more_options: "More options:"
# option1_header: "Option 1: Invite students via email"
# option1_body: "Students will automatically be sent an invitation to join this class, and will need to create an account with a username and password."
# option2_header: "Option 2: Send URL to your students"
# option2_body: "Students will be asked to enter an email address, username and password to create an account."
# option3_header: "Option 3: Direct students to codecombat.com/courses"
# option3_body: "Give students the following passcode to enter along with an email address, username and password when they create an account."
# thank_you_pref: "Thank you for your purchase! You can now assign"
# thank_you_suff: "more students to paid courses."
# return_to_class: "Return to classroom"
# return_to_course_man: "Return to course management."
# students_not_enrolled: "students not enrolled"
# total_all_classes: "Total Across All Classes"
# how_many_enrollments: "How many additional paid enrollments do you need?"
# each_student_access: "Each student in a class will get access to Courses 2-4 once they are enrolled in paid courses. You may assign each course to each student individually."
# purchase_now: "Purchase Now"
# enrollments: "enrollments"
# remove_student1: "Remove Student"
# are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to remove this student from this class?"
# remove_description1: "Student will lose access to this classroom and assigned classes. Progress and gameplay is NOT lost, and the student can be added back to the classroom at any time."
# remove_description2: "The activated paid license will not be returned."
# keep_student: "Keep Student"
# removing_user: "Removing user"
# to_join_ask: "To join a class, ask your teacher for an unlock code."
# join_this_class: "Join Class"
# enter_here: "<enter unlock code here>"
# successfully_joined: "Successfully joined"
# click_to_start: "Click here to start taking"
# my_courses: "My Courses"
# classroom: "Classroom"
# use_school_email: "use your school email if you have one"
# unique_name: "a unique name no one has chosen"
# pick_something: "pick something you can remember"
# class_code: "Class Code"
# optional_ask: "optional - ask your teacher to give you one!"
# optional_school: "optional - what school do you go to?"
# start_playing: "Start Playing"
# skip_this: "Skip this, I'll create an account later!"
# welcome: "Welcome"
# getting_started: "Getting Started with Courses"
# download_getting_started: "Download Getting Started Guide [PDF]"
# getting_started_1: "Create a new class by clicking the green 'Create New Class' button below."
# getting_started_2: "Once you've created a class, click the blue 'Add Students' button."
# getting_started_3: "You'll see student's progress below as they sign up and join your class."
# additional_resources: "Additional Resources"
# additional_resources_1_pref: "Download/print our"
# additional_resources_1_mid: "Course 1 Teacher's Guide"
# additional_resources_1_suff: "explanations and solutions to each level."
# additional_resources_2_pref: "Complete our"
# additional_resources_2_suff: "to get two free enrollments for the rest of our paid courses."
# additional_resources_3_pref: "Visit our"
# additional_resources_3_mid: "Teacher Forums"
# additional_resources_3_suff: "to connect to fellow educators who are using CodeCombat."
# additional_resources_4_pref: "Check out our"
# additional_resources_4_mid: "Schools Page"
# additional_resources_4_suff: "to learn more about CodeCombat's classroom offerings."
# your_classes: "Your Classes"
# no_classes: "No classes yet!"
# create_new_class1: "create new class"
# available_courses: "Available Courses"
# unused_enrollments: "Unused enrollments available:"
# students_access: "All students get access to Introduction to Computer Science for free. One enrollment per student is required to assign them to paid CodeCombat courses. A single student does not need multiple enrollments to access all paid courses."
# active_courses: "active courses"
# no_students: "No students yet!"
# add_students1: "add students"
# view_edit: "view/edit"
# students_enrolled: "students enrolled"
# length: "Length:"
archmage_title: "대마법사"
archmage_title_description: "(코더)"
# archmage_summary: "If you are a developer interested in coding educational games, become an archmage to help us build CodeCombat!"
artisan_title: "장인"
artisan_title_description: "(레벨 제작자)"
# artisan_summary: "Build and share levels for you and your friends to play. Become an Artisan to learn the art of teaching others to program."
adventurer_title: "모험가"
adventurer_title_description: "(레벨 테스터)"
# adventurer_summary: "Get our new levels (even our subscriber content) for free one week early and help us work out bugs before our public release."
scribe_title: "작가"
scribe_title_description: "(기사 에디터)"
# scribe_summary: "Good code needs good documentation. Write, edit, and improve the docs read by millions of players across the globe."
diplomat_title: "외교관"
diplomat_title_description: "(번역가)"
# diplomat_summary: "CodeCombat is localized in 45+ languages by our Diplomats. Help us out and contribute translations."
ambassador_title: "대사"
ambassador_title_description: "(지원)"
# ambassador_summary: "Tame our forum users and provide direction for those with questions. Our ambassadors represent CodeCombat to the world."
main_title: "코드 컴뱃 에디터들"
article_title: "기사 에디터들"
thang_title: "Thang 에디터"
level_title: "레벨 에디터"
achievement_title: "업적 에디터"
# poll_title: "Poll Editor"
back: "뒤로"
revert: "되돌리기"
revert_models: "모델 되돌리기"
pick_a_terrain: "지형을 선택하세요."
dungeon: "지하 감옥"
indoor: "내부"
desert: "사막"
grassy: "풀로 덮인"
# mountain: "Mountain"
# glacier: "Glacier"
small: "작게"
large: "크게"
fork_title: "새 버전 가져오기"
fork_creating: "포크 생성중..."
# generate_terrain: "Generate Terrain"
more: "더 보기"
wiki: "위키"
live_chat: "실시간 채팅"
# thang_main: "Main"
# thang_spritesheets: "Spritesheets"
# thang_colors: "Colors"
level_some_options: "다른 옵션들?"
level_tab_thangs: "Thangs"
level_tab_scripts: "스크립트들"
level_tab_settings: "설정"
level_tab_components: "요소들"
level_tab_systems: "시스템"
# level_tab_docs: "Documentation"
level_tab_thangs_title: "현재 Thangs"
# level_tab_thangs_all: "All"
level_tab_thangs_conditions: "컨디션 시작"
level_tab_thangs_add: "Thangs 추가"
# level_tab_thangs_search: "Search thangs"
# add_components: "Add Components"
# component_configs: "Component Configurations"
# config_thang: "Double click to configure a thang"
delete: "삭제"
duplicate: "복제"
stop_duplicate: "복제 중지"
rotate: "회전"
level_settings_title: "설정"
level_component_tab_title: "현재 요소들"
level_component_btn_new: "새로운 요소들 생성"
level_systems_tab_title: "현재 시스템"
level_systems_btn_new: "새로운 시스템생성"
level_systems_btn_add: "새로운 시스템 추가"
level_components_title: "모든 Thang 들로 되돌아가기"
level_components_type: "타입"
level_component_edit_title: "요소 편집"
level_component_config_schema: "환경 설정"
level_component_settings: "설정"
level_system_edit_title: "시스템 편집"
create_system_title: "새로운 시스템 생성"
new_component_title: "새로운 요소들 생성"
new_component_field_system: "시스템"
new_article_title: "새로운 기사 작성"
new_thang_title: "새로운 Thang type 시작"
new_level_title: "새로운 레벨 시작"
new_article_title_login: "새 기사를 작성하시려면 로그인하세요."
# new_thang_title_login: "Log In to Create a New Thang Type"
new_level_title_login: "새로운 레벨을 만드시려면 로그인하세요."
# new_achievement_title: "Create a New Achievement"
# new_achievement_title_login: "Log In to Create a New Achievement"
# new_poll_title: "Create a New Poll"
# new_poll_title_login: "Log In to Create a New Poll"
article_search_title: "기사들은 여기에서 찾으세요"
thang_search_title: "Thang 타입들은 여기에서 찾으세요"
level_search_title: "레벨들은 여기에서 찾으세요"
achievement_search_title: "업적 검색"
# poll_search_title: "Search Polls"
read_only_warning2: "주의: 로그인하지 않으셨기 때문에 내용을 저장할 수 없습니다."
# no_achievements: "No achievements have been added for this level yet."
# achievement_query_misc: "Key achievement off of miscellanea"
# achievement_query_goals: "Key achievement off of level goals"
# level_completion: "Level Completion"
# pop_i18n: "Populate I18N"
# tasks: "Tasks"
# clear_storage: "Clear your local changes"
# add_system_title: "Add Systems to Level"
# done_adding: "Done Adding"
edit_btn_preview: "미리보기"
edit_article_title: "기사 편집하기"
# polls:
# priority: "Priority"
# contribute:
# page_title: "Contributing"
# intro_blurb: "CodeCombat is 100% open source! Hundreds of dedicated players have helped us build the game into what it is today. Join us and write the next chapter in CodeCombat's quest to teach the world to code!"
# alert_account_message_intro: "Hey there!"
# alert_account_message: "To subscribe for class emails, you'll need to be logged in first."
# archmage_introduction: "One of the best parts about building games is they synthesize so many different things. Graphics, sound, real-time networking, social networking, and of course many of the more common aspects of programming, from low-level database management, and server administration to user facing design and interface building. There's a lot to do, and if you're an experienced programmer with a hankering to really dive into the nitty-gritty of CodeCombat, this class might be for you. We would love to have your help building the best programming game ever."
# class_attributes: "Class Attributes"
# archmage_attribute_1_pref: "Knowledge in "
# archmage_attribute_1_suf: ", or a desire to learn. Most of our code is in this language. If you're a fan of Ruby or Python, you'll feel right at home. It's JavaScript, but with a nicer syntax."
# archmage_attribute_2: "Some experience in programming and personal initiative. We'll help you get oriented, but we can't spend much time training you."
# how_to_join: "How To Join"
# join_desc_1: "Anyone can help out! Just check out our "
# join_desc_2: "to get started, and check the box below to mark yourself as a brave Archmage and get the latest news by email. Want to chat about what to do or how to get more deeply involved? "
# join_desc_3: ", or find us in our "
# join_desc_4: "and we'll go from there!"
# join_url_email: "Email us"
# join_url_hipchat: "public Slack channel"
# archmage_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on new coding opportunities and announcements."
# artisan_introduction_pref: "We must construct additional levels! People be clamoring for more content, and we can only build so many ourselves. Right now your workstation is level one; our level editor is barely usable even by its creators, so be wary. If you have visions of campaigns spanning for-loops to"
# artisan_introduction_suf: ", then this class might be for you."
# artisan_attribute_1: "Any experience in building content like this would be nice, such as using Blizzard's level editors. But not required!"
# artisan_attribute_2: "A hankering to do a whole lot of testing and iteration. To make good levels, you need to take it to others and watch them play it, and be prepared to find a lot of things to fix."
# artisan_attribute_3: "For the time being, endurance en par with an Adventurer. Our Level Editor is super preliminary and frustrating to use. You have been warned!"
# artisan_join_desc: "Use the Level Editor in these steps, give or take:"
# artisan_join_step1: "Read the documentation."
# artisan_join_step2: "Create a new level and explore existing levels."
# artisan_join_step3: "Find us in our public Slack channel for help."
# artisan_join_step4: "Post your levels on the forum for feedback."
# artisan_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on level editor updates and announcements."
# adventurer_introduction: "Let's be clear about your role: you are the tank. You're going to take heavy damage. We need people to try out brand-new levels and help identify how to make things better. The pain will be enormous; making good games is a long process and no one gets it right the first time. If you can endure and have a high constitution score, then this class might be for you."
# adventurer_attribute_1: "A thirst for learning. You want to learn how to code and we want to teach you how to code. You'll probably be doing most of the teaching in this case, though."
# adventurer_attribute_2: "Charismatic. Be gentle but articulate about what needs improving, and offer suggestions on how to improve."
# adventurer_join_pref: "Either get together with (or recruit!) an Artisan and work with them, or check the box below to receive emails when there are new levels to test. We'll also be posting about levels to review on our networks like"
# adventurer_forum_url: "our forum"
# adventurer_join_suf: "so if you prefer to be notified those ways, sign up there!"
# adventurer_subscribe_desc: "Get emails when there are new levels to test."
# scribe_introduction_pref: "CodeCombat isn't just going to be a bunch of levels. It will also include a resource for knowledge, a wiki of programming concepts that levels can hook into. That way rather than each Artisan having to describe in detail what a comparison operator is, they can simply link their level to the Article describing them that is already written for the player's edification. Something along the lines of what the "
# scribe_introduction_url_mozilla: "Mozilla Developer Network"
# scribe_introduction_suf: " has built. If your idea of fun is articulating the concepts of programming in Markdown form, then this class might be for you."
# scribe_attribute_1: "Skill in words is pretty much all you need. Not only grammar and spelling, but able to convey complicated ideas to others."
# contact_us_url: "Contact us"
# scribe_join_description: "tell us a little about yourself, your experience with programming and what sort of things you'd like to write about. We'll go from there!"
# scribe_subscribe_desc: "Get emails about article writing announcements."
# diplomat_introduction_pref: "So, if there's one thing we learned from the "
# diplomat_launch_url: "launch in October"
# diplomat_introduction_suf: "it's that there is sizeable interest in CodeCombat in other countries! We're building a corps of translators eager to turn one set of words into another set of words to get CodeCombat as accessible across the world as possible. If you like getting sneak peeks at upcoming content and getting these levels to your fellow nationals ASAP, then this class might be for you."
# diplomat_attribute_1: "Fluency in English and the language you would like to translate to. When conveying complicated ideas, it's important to have a strong grasp in both!"
# diplomat_i18n_page_prefix: "You can start translating our levels by going to our"
# diplomat_i18n_page: "translations page"
# diplomat_i18n_page_suffix: ", or our interface and website on GitHub."
# diplomat_join_pref_github: "Find your language locale file "
# diplomat_github_url: "on GitHub"
# diplomat_join_suf_github: ", edit it online, and submit a pull request. Also, check this box below to keep up-to-date on new internationalization developments!"
# diplomat_subscribe_desc: "Get emails about i18n developments and levels to translate."
# ambassador_introduction: "This is a community we're building, and you are the connections. We've got forums, emails, and social networks with lots of people to talk with and help get acquainted with the game and learn from. If you want to help people get involved and have fun, and get a good feel of the pulse of CodeCombat and where we're going, then this class might be for you."
# ambassador_attribute_1: "Communication skills. Be able to identify the problems players are having and help them solve them. Also, keep the rest of us informed about what players are saying, what they like and don't like and want more of!"
# ambassador_join_desc: "tell us a little about yourself, what you've done and what you'd be interested in doing. We'll go from there!"
# ambassador_join_note_strong: "Note"
# ambassador_join_note_desc: "One of our top priorities is to build multiplayer where players having difficulty solving levels can summon higher level wizards to help them. This will be a great way for ambassadors to do their thing. We'll keep you posted!"
# ambassador_subscribe_desc: "Get emails on support updates and multiplayer developments."
# changes_auto_save: "Changes are saved automatically when you toggle checkboxes."
# diligent_scribes: "Our Diligent Scribes:"
# powerful_archmages: "Our Powerful Archmages:"
# creative_artisans: "Our Creative Artisans:"
# brave_adventurers: "Our Brave Adventurers:"
# translating_diplomats: "Our Translating Diplomats:"
# helpful_ambassadors: "Our Helpful Ambassadors:"
please_login: "토너먼트 게임을 시작하기 앞서 로그인해주세요."
my_matches: "나의 경기들"
simulate: "시뮬레이션"
simulation_explanation: "시뮬레이션을 통해 더 빨리 랭킹 평가를 받을 수 있습니다."
# simulation_explanation_leagues: "You will mainly help simulate games for allied players in your clans and courses."
simulate_games: "시뮬레이션 실행!"
games_simulated_by: "내가 시뮬레이션한 게임 수:"
games_simulated_for: "다른 사람에 의해 시뮬레이션된 게임 수:"
# games_in_queue: "Games currently in the queue:"
games_simulated: "시뮬레이션 실행된 게임"
games_played: "플레이한 게임"
ratio: "비율"
leaderboard: "상위권 순위 차트"
# battle_as: "Battle as "
summary_your: "당신의 "
# summary_matches: "Matches - "
summary_wins: " 승자들, "
summary_losses: " 패자들"
# rank_no_code: "No New Code to Rank"
rank_my_game: "내 게임 순위 매기기!"
rank_submitting: "제출중..."
rank_submitted: "순위 매기기 제출"
rank_failed: "순위 매기기 실패"
# rank_being_ranked: "Game Being Ranked"
rank_last_submitted: "제출 완료"
# help_simulate: "Help simulate games?"
# code_being_simulated: "Your new code is being simulated by other players for ranking. This will refresh as new matches come in."
# no_ranked_matches_pre: "No ranked matches for the "
# no_ranked_matches_post: " team! Play against some competitors and then come back here to get your game ranked."
# choose_opponent: "Choose an Opponent"
select_your_language: "언어를 고르세요!"
tutorial_play: "튜토리얼 보기"
tutorial_recommended: "전에 플레이해본 적이 없으시다면 튜토리얼을 보시는 걸 권장합니다."
tutorial_skip: "튜토리얼 넘기기"
tutorial_not_sure: "어떻게 진행되는지 알고 싶은세요?"
tutorial_play_first: "튜토리얼을 먼저 플레이해보세요."
simple_ai: "기초 인공지능" # {change}
warmup: "워밍업"
friends_playing: "친구들이 게임중"
log_in_for_friends: "로그인하시고 친구들과 게임을 즐기세요!"
# social_connect_blurb: "Connect and play against your friends!"
# invite_friends_to_battle: "Invite your friends to join you in battle!"
fight: "전투 시작!"
watch_victory: "당신의 승리를 확인하세요"
# defeat_the: "Defeat the"
# watch_battle: "Watch the battle"
# tournament_started: ", started"
# tournament_ends: "Tournament ends"
# tournament_ended: "Tournament ended"
# tournament_rules: "Tournament Rules"
# tournament_blurb: "Write code, collect gold, build armies, crush foes, win prizes, and upgrade your career in our $40,000 Greed tournament! Check out the details"
# tournament_blurb_criss_cross: "Win bids, construct paths, outwit opponents, grab gems, and upgrade your career in our Criss-Cross tournament! Check out the details"
# tournament_blurb_zero_sum: "Unleash your coding creativity in both gold gathering and battle tactics in this alpine mirror match between red sorcerer and blue sorcerer. The tournament began on Friday, March 27 and will run until Monday, April 6 at 5PM PDT. Compete for fun and glory! Check out the details"
# tournament_blurb_ace_of_coders: "Battle it out in the frozen glacier in this domination-style mirror match! The tournament began on Wednesday, September 16 and will run until Wednesday, October 14 at 5PM PDT. Check out the details"
# tournament_blurb_blog: "on our blog"
rules: "규칙"
winners: "승리자"
# league: "League"
# red_ai: "Red CPU" # "Red AI Wins", at end of multiplayer match playback
# blue_ai: "Blue CPU"
# wins: "Wins" # At end of multiplayer match playback
# humans: "Red" # Ladder page display team name
# ogres: "Blue"
# user:
# stats: "Stats"
# singleplayer_title: "Singleplayer Levels"
# multiplayer_title: "Multiplayer Levels"
# achievements_title: "Achievements"
# last_played: "Last Played"
# status: "Status"
# status_completed: "Completed"
# status_unfinished: "Unfinished"
# no_singleplayer: "No Singleplayer games played yet."
# no_multiplayer: "No Multiplayer games played yet."
# no_achievements: "No Achievements earned yet."
# favorite_prefix: "Favorite language is "
# favorite_postfix: "."
# not_member_of_clans: "Not a member of any clans yet."
# achievements:
# last_earned: "Last Earned"
# amount_achieved: "Amount"
# achievement: "Achievement"
# current_xp_prefix: ""
# current_xp_postfix: " in total"
# new_xp_prefix: ""
# new_xp_postfix: " earned"
# left_xp_prefix: ""
# left_xp_infix: " until level "
# left_xp_postfix: ""
# account:
# payments: "Payments"
# prepaid_codes: "Prepaid Codes"
# purchased: "Purchased"
# subscription: "Subscription"
# invoices: "Invoices"
# service_apple: "Apple"
# service_web: "Web"
# paid_on: "Paid On"
# service: "Service"
# price: "Price"
# gems: "Gems"
# active: "Active"
# subscribed: "Subscribed"
# unsubscribed: "Unsubscribed"
# active_until: "Active Until"
# cost: "Cost"
# next_payment: "Next Payment"
# card: "Card"
# status_unsubscribed_active: "You're not subscribed and won't be billed, but your account is still active for now."
# status_unsubscribed: "Get access to new levels, heroes, items, and bonus gems with a CodeCombat subscription!"
# account_invoices:
# amount: "Amount in US dollars"
# declined: "Your card was declined"
# invalid_amount: "Please enter a US dollar amount."
# not_logged_in: "Log in or create an account to access invoices."
# pay: "Pay Invoice"
# purchasing: "Purchasing..."
# retrying: "Server error, retrying."
# success: "Successfully paid. Thanks!"
# account_prepaid:
# purchase_code: "Purchase a Subscription Code"
# purchase_code1: "Subscription Codes can be redeemed to add premium subscription time to one or more CodeCombat accounts."
# purchase_code2: "Each CodeCombat account can only redeem a particular Subscription Code once."
# purchase_code3: "Subscription Code months will be added to the end of any existing subscription on the account."
# users: "Users"
# months: "Months"
# purchase_total: "Total"
# purchase_button: "Submit Purchase"
# your_codes: "Your Codes"
# redeem_codes: "Redeem a Subscription Code"
# prepaid_code: "Prepaid Code"
# lookup_code: "Lookup prepaid code"
# apply_account: "Apply to your account"
# copy_link: "You can copy the code's link and send it to someone."
# quantity: "Quantity"
# redeemed: "Redeemed"
# no_codes: "No codes yet!"
# you_can1: "You can"
# you_can2: "purchase a prepaid code"
# you_can3: "that can be applied to your own account or given to others."
could_not_load: "서버로부터 로딩하는 데 문제가 발생했습니다."
connection_failure: "연결 실패"
unauthorized: "로그인한 상태가 아닙니다. 혹시 쿠키를 사용하지 못하게 설정해놓으셨나요?"
forbidden: "권한이 필요합니다."
not_found: "찾을 수 없습니다."
not_allowed: "잘못된 접근입니다."
timeout: "서버 타임아웃"
conflict: "리소스 충돌"
# bad_input: "Bad input."
server_error: "서버 에러"
unknown: "알 수 없는 에러 발생"
# error: "ERROR"
# sessions: "Sessions"
# your_sessions: "Your Sessions"
level: "레벨"
# social_network_apis: "Social Network APIs"
# facebook_status: "Facebook Status"
facebook_friends: "페이스북 친구들"
# facebook_friend_sessions: "Facebook Friend Sessions"
gplus_friends: "구글 플러스 친구들"
# gplus_friend_sessions: "G+ Friend Sessions"
leaderboard: "상위권 순위 차트"
# user_schema: "User Schema"
user_profile: "유저 프로필"
# patch: "Patch"
# patches: "Patches"
# patched_model: "Source Document"
# model: "Model"
system: "시스템"
# systems: "Systems"
# component: "Component"
# components: "Components"
# thang: "Thang"
# thangs: "Thangs"
# level_session: "Your Session"
# opponent_session: "Opponent Session"
# article: "Article"
# user_names: "User Names"
# thang_names: "Thang Names"
files: "파일들"
# top_simulators: "Top Simulators"
# source_document: "Source Document"
# document: "Document"
# sprite_sheet: "Sprite Sheet"
# employers: "Employers"
# candidates: "Candidates"
# candidate_sessions: "Candidate Sessions"
# user_remark: "User Remark"
# user_remarks: "User Remarks"
# versions: "Versions"
items: "아이템"
# hero: "Hero"
# heroes: "Heroes"
# achievement: "Achievement"
clas: "CLAs"
# play_counts: "Play Counts"
# feedback: "Feedback"
# payment_info: "Payment Info"
# campaigns: "Campaigns"
# poll: "Poll"
# user_polls_record: "Poll Voting History"
# course: "Course"
# courses: "Courses"
# course_instance: "Course Instance"
# course_instances: "Course Instances"
# classroom: "Classroom"
# classrooms: "Classrooms"
# clan: "Clan"
# clans: "Clans"
# members: "Members"
# users: "Users"
# concepts:
# advanced_strings: "Advanced Strings"
# algorithms: "Algorithms"
# arguments: "Arguments"
# arithmetic: "Arithmetic"
# arrays: "Arrays"
# basic_syntax: "Basic Syntax"
# boolean_logic: "Boolean Logic"
# break_statements: "Break Statements"
# classes: "Classes"
# continue_statements: "Continue Statements"
# for_loops: "For Loops"
# functions: "Functions"
# graphics: "Graphics"
# if_statements: "If Statements"
# input_handling: "Input Handling"
# math_operations: "Math Operations"
# object_literals: "Object Literals"
# parameters: "Parameters"
# strings: "Strings"
# variables: "Variables"
# vectors: "Vectors"
# while_loops: "Loops"
# recursion: "Recursion"
# delta:
# added: "Added"
# modified: "Modified"
# not_modified: "Not Modified"
# deleted: "Deleted"
# moved_index: "Moved Index"
# text_diff: "Text Diff"
# merge_conflict_with: "MERGE CONFLICT WITH"
# no_changes: "No Changes"
multiplayer_title: "멀티 플레이어 설정" # We'll be changing this around significantly soon. Until then, it's not important to translate.
# multiplayer_toggle: "Enable multiplayer"
# multiplayer_toggle_description: "Allow others to join your game."
multiplayer_link_description: "당신에게 참여를 원하는 사람에게 이 링크를 주세요."
multiplayer_hint_label: "힌트:"
multiplayer_hint: " 모두 선택하려면 링크를 클릭하세요, 그리고 ⌘-C 또는 Ctrl-C 를 눌러서 링크를 복사하세요."
multiplayer_coming_soon: "곧 좀 더 다양한 멀티플레이어 모드가 업데이트 됩니다!"
multiplayer_sign_in_leaderboard: "로그인하시거나 계정을 만드시고 상위권 순위 차트에 이름을 올려보세요."
# page_title: "Legal"
opensource_intro: "코드 컴뱃은 무료이며 전적으로 오픈 소스를 기반으로 합니다."
opensource_description_prefix: "코드 컴뱃의"
github_url: "GitHub"
opensource_description_center: "를 확인해보세요. 그리고 원하신다면 함께 도와주세요! 코드 컴뱃은 수천 개의 오픈 소스 프로젝트를 기반으로 만들어졌고 저희는 이들에 대해 깊은 애정을 갖고 있습니다. 한번 "
archmage_wiki_url: "Archmage 위키"
opensource_description_suffix: "를 확인해보세요. 코드 컴뱃을 가능하게 만든 소프트웨어들을 찾아보실 수 있습니다."
# practices_title: "Respectful Best Practices"
# practices_description: "These are our promises to you, the player, in slightly less legalese."
privacy_title: "프라이버시"
# privacy_description: "We will not sell any of your personal information."
# security_title: "Security"
# security_description: "We strive to keep your personal information safe. As an open source project, our site is freely open to anyone to review and improve our security systems."
email_title: "이메일"
# email_description_prefix: "We will not inundate you with spam. Through"
email_settings_url: "이메일 설정"
# email_description_suffix: "or through links in the emails we send, you can change your preferences and easily unsubscribe at any time."
# cost_title: "Cost"
# cost_description: "CodeCombat is free to play for all of its core levels, with a ${{price}} USD/mo subscription for access to extra level branches and {{gems}} bonus gems per month. You can cancel with a click, and we offer a 100% money-back guarantee."
# copyrights_title: "Copyrights and Licenses"
# contributor_title: "Contributor License Agreement"
# contributor_description_prefix: "All contributions, both on the site and on our GitHub repository, are subject to our"
# cla_url: "CLA"
# contributor_description_suffix: "to which you should agree before contributing."
# code_title: "Code - MIT"
# code_description_prefix: "All code owned by CodeCombat or hosted on codecombat.com, both in the GitHub repository or in the codecombat.com database, is licensed under the"
# mit_license_url: "MIT license"
# code_description_suffix: "This includes all code in Systems and Components that are made available by CodeCombat for the purpose of creating levels."
# art_title: "Art/Music - Creative Commons "
# art_description_prefix: "All common content is available under the"
# cc_license_url: "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License"
# art_description_suffix: "Common content is anything made generally available by CodeCombat for the purpose of creating Levels. This includes:"
art_music: "뮤직"
art_sound: "사운드"
art_artwork: "원화"
art_sprites: "스프라이트"
# art_other: "Any and all other non-code creative works that are made available when creating Levels."
# art_access: "Currently there is no universal, easy system for fetching these assets. In general, fetch them from the URLs as used by the site, contact us for assistance, or help us in extending the site to make these assets more easily accessible."
# art_paragraph_1: "For attribution, please name and link to codecombat.com near where the source is used or where appropriate for the medium. For example:"
# use_list_1: "If used in a movie or another game, include codecombat.com in the credits."
# use_list_2: "If used on a website, include a link near the usage, for example underneath an image, or in a general attributions page where you might also mention other Creative Commons works and open source software being used on the site. Something that's already clearly referencing CodeCombat, such as a blog post mentioning CodeCombat, does not need some separate attribution."
# art_paragraph_2: "If the content being used is created not by CodeCombat but instead by a user of codecombat.com, attribute them instead, and follow attribution directions provided in that resource's description if there are any."
# rights_title: "Rights Reserved"
# rights_desc: "All rights are reserved for Levels themselves. This includes"
# rights_scripts: "Scripts"
# rights_unit: "Unit configuration"
# rights_description: "Description"
# rights_writings: "Writings"
# rights_media: "Media (sounds, music) and any other creative content made specifically for that Level and not made generally available when creating Levels."
# rights_clarification: "To clarify, anything that is made available in the Level Editor for the purpose of making levels is under CC, whereas the content created with the Level Editor or uploaded in the course of creation of Levels is not."
# nutshell_title: "In a Nutshell"
# nutshell_description: "Any resources we provide in the Level Editor are free to use as you like for creating Levels. But we reserve the right to restrict distribution of the Levels themselves (that are created on codecombat.com) so that they may be charged for in the future, if that's what ends up happening."
# canonical: "The English version of this document is the definitive, canonical version. If there are any discrepancies between translations, the English document takes precedence."
# third_party_title: "Third Party Services"
# third_party_description: "CodeCombat uses the following third party services (among others):"
# title: "Tournament Prizes" # This section was for an old tournament and doesn't need new translations now.
# blurb_1: "These prizes will be awarded according to"
# blurb_2: "the tournament rules"
# blurb_3: "to the top human and ogre players."
# blurb_4: "Two teams means double the prizes!"
# blurb_5: "(There will be two first place winners, two second-place winners, etc.)"
# rank: "Rank"
# prizes: "Prizes"
# total_value: "Total Value"
# in_cash: "in cash"
# custom_wizard: "Custom CodeCombat Wizard"
# custom_avatar: "Custom CodeCombat avatar"
# heap: "for six months of \"Startup\" access"
# credits: "credits"
# one_month_coupon: "coupon: choose either Rails or HTML"
# one_month_discount: "discount, 30% off: choose either Rails or HTML"
license: "라이센스"
# oreilly: "ebook of your choice"
# av_espionage: "Espionage" # Really not important to translate /admin controls.
# av_espionage_placeholder: "Email or username"
# av_usersearch: "User Search"
# av_usersearch_placeholder: "Email, username, name, whatever"
# av_usersearch_search: "Search"
av_title: "관리자 뷰"
av_entities_sub_title: "속성들"
av_entities_users_url: "유저들"
av_entities_active_instances_url: "액티브 인스턴스들"
# av_entities_user_code_problems_list_url: "User Code Problems List"
av_other_sub_title: "다른 사람들"
av_other_debug_base_url: "베이스 (base.jade 디버깅)"
u_title: "유저 목록"
# ucp_title: "User Code Problems"
lg_title: "가장 최근 게임"
clas: "컨트리뷰터 라이센스 약관"