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CocoModel = require './CocoModel'
LevelComponent = require './LevelComponent'
LevelSystem = require './LevelSystem'
ThangType = require './ThangType'
module.exports = class Level extends CocoModel
@className: 'Level'
@schema: require 'schemas/models/level'
urlRoot: '/db/level'
serialize: (supermodel, session, cached=false) ->
o = @denormalize supermodel, session # hot spot to optimize
# Figure out Components
o.levelComponents = if cached then @getCachedLevelComponents(supermodel) else $.extend true, [], (lc.attributes for lc in supermodel.getModels LevelComponent)
@sortThangComponents o.thangs, o.levelComponents, 'Level Thang'
@fillInDefaultComponentConfiguration o.thangs, o.levelComponents # hot spot to optimize
# Figure out Systems
systemModels = $.extend true, [], (ls.attributes for ls in supermodel.getModels LevelSystem)
o.systems = @sortSystems o.systems, systemModels
@fillInDefaultSystemConfiguration o.systems
# Figure out ThangTypes' Components
tmap = {}
tmap[t.thangType] = true for t in o.thangs ? []
o.thangTypes = (original: tt.get('original'), name: tt.get('name'), components: $.extend(true, [], tt.get('components')) for tt in supermodel.getModels ThangType when tmap[tt.get('original')] or tt.get('components'))
@sortThangComponents o.thangTypes, o.levelComponents, 'ThangType'
@fillInDefaultComponentConfiguration o.thangTypes, o.levelComponents
cachedLevelComponents: null
getCachedLevelComponents: (supermodel) ->
@cachedLevelComponents ?= {}
levelComponents = supermodel.getModels LevelComponent
newLevelComponents = []
for levelComponent in levelComponents
if levelComponent.hasLocalChanges()
newLevelComponents.push $.extend(true, {}, levelComponent.attributes)
@cachedLevelComponents[levelComponent.id] ?= @cachedLevelComponents[levelComponent.id] = $.extend(true, {}, levelComponent.attributes)
denormalize: (supermodel, session) ->
o = $.extend true, {}, @attributes
if o.thangs and @get('type', true) is 'hero'
# TOOD: figure out if/when/how we are doing this for non-Hero levels that aren't expecting denormalization.
for levelThang in o.thangs
@denormalizeThang(levelThang, supermodel, session)
denormalizeThang: (levelThang, supermodel, session) ->
levelThang.components ?= []
# Empty out placeholder Components and store their values if we're the hero placeholder.
placeholders = {}
if levelThang.id is 'Hero Placeholder'
for thangComponent in levelThang.components
placeholders[thangComponent.original] = thangComponent
levelThang.components = [] # We have stored the placeholder values, so we can inherit everything else.
heroThangType = session?.get('heroConfig')?.thangType
levelThang.thangType = heroThangType if heroThangType
thangType = supermodel.getModelByOriginal(ThangType, levelThang.thangType)
configs = {}
for thangComponent in levelThang.components
configs[thangComponent.original] = thangComponent
for defaultThangComponent in thangType.get('components') or []
if levelThangComponent = configs[defaultThangComponent.original]
# Take the ThangType default Components and merge level-specific Component config into it
copy = $.extend true, {}, defaultThangComponent.config
levelThangComponent.config = _.merge copy, levelThangComponent.config
# Just add the Component as is
levelThangComponent = $.extend true, {}, defaultThangComponent
levelThang.components.push levelThangComponent
if placeholderComponent = placeholders[defaultThangComponent.original]
placeholderConfig = placeholderComponent.config ? {}
if placeholderConfig.pos # Pull in Physical pos x and y
levelThangComponent.config.pos ?= {}
levelThangComponent.config.pos.x = placeholderConfig.pos.x
levelThangComponent.config.pos.y = placeholderConfig.pos.y
else if placeholderConfig.team # Pull in Allied team
levelThangComponent.config.team = placeholderConfig.team
else if placeholderConfig.programmableMethods
# Take the ThangType default Programmable and merge level-specific Component config into it
copy = $.extend true, {}, placeholderConfig
levelThangComponent.config = _.merge copy, levelThangComponent.config
if levelThang.id is 'Hero Placeholder' and equips = _.find levelThang.components, {original: LevelComponent.EquipsID}
inventory = session?.get('heroConfig')?.inventory
equips.config ?= {}
equips.config.inventory = $.extend true, {}, inventory if inventory
sortSystems: (levelSystems, systemModels) ->
[sorted, originalsSeen] = [[], {}]
visit = (system) ->
return if system.original of originalsSeen
systemModel = _.find systemModels, {original: system.original}
return console.error 'Couldn\'t find model for original', system.original, 'from', systemModels unless systemModel
for d in systemModel.dependencies or []
system2 = _.find levelSystems, {original: d.original}
visit system2
#console.log 'sorted systems adding', systemModel.name
sorted.push {model: systemModel, config: $.extend true, {}, system.config}
originalsSeen[system.original] = true
visit system for system in levelSystems ? []
sortThangComponents: (thangs, levelComponents, parentType) ->
# Here we have to sort the Components by their dependencies.
# It's a bit tricky though, because we don't have either soft dependencies or priority levels.
# Example: Programmable must come last, since it has to override any Component-provided methods that any other Component might have created. Can't enumerate all soft dependencies.
# Example: Collides doesn't depend on Allied, but if both exist, Collides must come after Allied. Soft dependency example. Can't just figure out a proper priority to take care of it.
# Decision? Just special case the sort logic in here until we have more examples than these two and decide how best to handle most of the cases then, since we don't really know the whole of the problem yet.
# TODO: anything that depends on Programmable will break right now.
for thang in thangs ? []
sorted = []
visit = (c) ->
return if c in sorted
lc = _.find levelComponents, {original: c.original}
console.error thang.id or thang.name, 'couldn\'t find lc for', c, 'of', levelComponents unless lc
return unless lc
if lc.name is 'Programmable'
# Programmable always comes last
visit c2 for c2 in _.without thang.components, c
for d in lc.dependencies or []
c2 = _.find thang.components, {original: d.original}
unless c2
dependent = _.find levelComponents, {original: d.original}
dependent = dependent?.name or d.original
console.error parentType, thang.id or thang.name, 'does not have dependent Component', dependent, 'from', lc.name
visit c2 if c2
if lc.name is 'Collides'
allied = _.find levelComponents, {name: 'Allied'}
if allied
collides = _.find(thang.components, {original: allied.original})
visit collides if collides
#console.log thang.id, 'sorted comps adding', lc.name
sorted.push c
for comp in thang.components
visit comp
thang.components = sorted
fillInDefaultComponentConfiguration: (thangs, levelComponents) ->
for thang in thangs ? []
for component in thang.components or []
continue unless lc = _.find levelComponents, {original: component.original}
component.config ?= {}
TreemaUtils.populateDefaults(component.config, lc.configSchema, tv4)
@lastType = 'component'
@lastOriginal = component.original
@walkDefaults component.config, lc.configSchema.properties
fillInDefaultSystemConfiguration: (levelSystems) ->
for system in levelSystems ? []
system.config ?= {}
TreemaUtils.populateDefaults(system.config, system.model.configSchema, tv4)
@lastType = 'system'
@lastOriginal = system.model.name
@walkDefaults system.config, system.model.configSchema.properties
walkDefaults: (config, properties) ->
# This function is redundant, but is the old implementation.
# Remove it and calls to it once we stop seeing these warnings.
return unless properties
for prop, schema of properties
if schema.default? and config[prop] is undefined
console.warn 'Setting default of', config, 'for', prop, 'to', schema.default, 'but this method is deprecated... check your config schema!', @lastType, @lastOriginal
config[prop] = schema.default
if schema.type is 'object' and config[prop]
@walkDefaults config[prop], schema.properties
else if schema.type is 'array' and config[prop]
for item in config[prop] or []
@walkDefaults item, schema.items
dimensions: ->
width = 0
height = 0
for thang in @get('thangs') or []
for component in thang.components
c = component.config
continue unless c?
width = c.width if c.width? and c.width > width
height = c.height if c.height? and c.height > height
return {width: width, height: height}