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synced 2025-03-07 02:38:05 -05:00
Previously, when diplomats submit translations, the system would try to figure out whether it should be a 'patch' or a 'change', and then would either create a patch for an admin or artisan to review and accept or reject, or would apply the changes immediately and they would be live. This was done as a compromise between getting translations live quickly, but also preventing already-translated text from getting overwritten without oversight. But having the client handle this added logical complexity. So this makes all diplomats submit patches, no matter what. The server is then in charge of deciding if it should auto-accept the patch or not. Either way, a patch is created. There was also much refactoring. This commit includes: * Update jsondiffpatch so changes within array items are handled correctly * Refactor posting patches to use the new auto-accepting logic, and out of Patch model * Refactor POST /db/patch/:handle/status so that it doesn't rely on handlers * Refactor patch stat handling to ensure auto-accepted patches are counted * Refactor User.incrementStat to use mongodb update commands, to avoid race conditions * Refactor Patch tests
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164 lines
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utils = require '../lib/utils'
errors = require '../commons/errors'
_ = require 'lodash'
wrap = require 'co-express'
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
database = require '../commons/database'
parse = require '../commons/parse'
{ notifyChangesMadeToDoc } = require '../commons/notify'
# More info on database versioning: https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/wiki/Versioning
exports.postNewVersion = (Model, options={}) -> wrap (req, res) ->
# Find the document which is getting a new version
parent = yield database.getDocFromHandle(req, Model)
if not parent
throw new errors.NotFound('Parent not found.')
# Check permissions
# TODO: Figure out an encapsulated way to do this; it's more permissions than versioning
if options.hasPermissionsOrTranslations
permissions = options.hasPermissionsOrTranslations
permissions = [permissions] if _.isString(permissions)
permissions = ['admin'] if not _.isArray(permissions)
hasPermission = _.any(req.user?.hasPermission(permission) for permission in permissions)
if Model.schema.uses_coco_permissions and not hasPermission
hasPermission = parent.hasPermissionsForMethod(req.user, req.method)
if not (hasPermission or database.isJustFillingTranslations(req, parent))
throw new errors.Forbidden()
# Create the new version, a clone of the parent with POST data applied
Model = parent.constructor
doc = database.initDoc(req, Model)
exports.initNewVersion(doc, parent)
database.assignBody(req, doc, { unsetMissing: true })
major = req.body.version?.major
yield exports.saveNewVersion(doc, major)
notifyChangesMadeToDoc(req, doc)
exports.initNewVersion = (doc, parent) ->
# makes a (mostly) copy of the parent document
ATTRIBUTES_NOT_INHERITED = ['_id', 'version', 'created', 'creator']
doc.set(_.omit(parent.toObject(), ATTRIBUTES_NOT_INHERITED))
return doc
exports.saveNewVersion = wrap (doc, major=null) ->
# Given a document created by initNewVersion and then modified, this sets its versions and updates existing
# versions accordingly.
Model = doc.constructor
# Get latest (minor or major) version. This may not be the same document (or same major version) as parent.
latestSelect = 'version index slug'
original = doc.get('original')
if _.isNumber(major)
q1 = Model.findOne({original: original, 'version.isLatestMinor': true, 'version.major': major})
q1 = Model.findOne({original: original, 'version.isLatestMajor': true})
q1.select latestSelect
latest = yield q1.exec()
# Handle the case where no version is marked as latest, since making new
# versions is not atomic
if not latest
if _.isNumber(major)
q2 = Model.findOne({original: original, 'version.major': major})
q2.sort({'version.minor': -1})
q2 = Model.findOne()
q2.sort({'version.major': -1, 'version.minor': -1})
latest = yield q2.exec()
if not latest
throw new errors.NotFound('Previous version not found.')
# Update the latest version, making it no longer the latest.
version = _.clone(latest.get('version'))
wasLatestMajor = version.isLatestMajor
version.isLatestMajor = false
if _.isNumber(major)
version.isLatestMinor = false
raw = yield latest.update({$set: {version: version}, $unset: {index: 1, slug: 1}})
if not raw.nModified
console.error('Conditions', conditions)
console.error('Doc', doc)
console.error('Raw response', raw)
throw new errors.InternalServerError('Latest version could not be modified.')
# update the new doc with version, index information
# Relying heavily on Mongoose schema default behavior here. TODO: Make explicit?
if _.isNumber(major)
'version.major': latest.version.major
'version.minor': latest.version.minor + 1
'version.isLatestMajor': wasLatestMajor
if wasLatestMajor
doc.set('index', true)
doc.set({index: undefined, slug: undefined})
doc.set('version.major', latest.version.major + 1)
doc.set('index', true)
doc.set('parent', latest._id)
doc = yield doc.save()
catch e
# Revert changes to latest doc made earlier, should set everything back to normal
yield latest.update({$set: _.pick(latest.toObject(), 'version', 'index', 'slug')})
throw e
return doc
exports.getLatestVersion = (Model, options={}) -> wrap (req, res) ->
# can get latest overall version, latest of a major version, or a specific version
original = req.params.handle
version = req.params.version
if not database.isID(original)
throw new errors.UnprocessableEntity('Invalid MongoDB id: '+original)
query = { 'original': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(original) }
if version?
version = version.split('.')
majorVersion = parseInt(version[0])
minorVersion = parseInt(version[1])
query['version.major'] = majorVersion unless _.isNaN(majorVersion)
query['version.minor'] = minorVersion unless _.isNaN(minorVersion)
dbq = Model.findOne(query)
dbq.sort({ 'version.major': -1, 'version.minor': -1 })
# Make sure that permissions and version are fetched, but not sent back if they didn't ask for them.
projection = parse.getProjectFromReq(req)
if projection
extraProjectionProps = []
extraProjectionProps.push 'permissions' unless projection.permissions
extraProjectionProps.push 'version' unless projection.version
projection.permissions = 1
projection.version = 1
doc = yield dbq.exec()
throw new errors.NotFound() if not doc
throw new errors.Forbidden() unless database.hasAccessToDocument(req, doc)
doc = _.omit doc, extraProjectionProps if extraProjectionProps?
exports.versions = (Model, options={}) -> wrap (req, res) ->
original = req.params.handle
dbq = Model.find({'original': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(original)})
dbq.sort({'created': -1})
dbq.select(parse.getProjectFromReq(req) or 'slug name version commitMessage created creator permissions')
results = yield dbq.exec()