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synced 2025-02-16 08:29:56 -05:00
TeacherClassView loaded course instances by owner rather than by classroom, so the student would be removed from course instances in unrelated but commonly owned classrooms.
275 lines
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275 lines
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RootView = require 'views/core/RootView'
template = require 'templates/courses/teacher-class-view'
helper = require 'lib/coursesHelper'
ClassroomSettingsModal = require 'views/courses/ClassroomSettingsModal'
InviteToClassroomModal = require 'views/courses/InviteToClassroomModal'
ActivateLicensesModal = require 'views/courses/ActivateLicensesModal'
RemoveStudentModal = require 'views/courses/RemoveStudentModal'
Classroom = require 'models/Classroom'
Classrooms = require 'collections/Classrooms'
LevelSessions = require 'collections/LevelSessions'
User = require 'models/User'
Users = require 'collections/Users'
Courses = require 'collections/Courses'
CourseInstance = require 'models/CourseInstance'
CourseInstances = require 'collections/CourseInstances'
module.exports = class TeacherClassView extends RootView
id: 'teacher-class-view'
template: template
'click .edit-classroom': 'onClickEditClassroom'
'click .add-students-btn': 'onClickAddStudents'
'click .sort-by-name': 'sortByName'
'click .sort-by-progress': 'sortByProgress'
'click #copy-url-btn': 'copyURL'
'click #copy-code-btn': 'copyCode'
'click .remove-student-link': 'onClickRemoveStudentLink'
'click .enroll-student-button': 'onClickEnroll'
'click .assign-to-selected-students': 'onClickBulkAssign'
'click .enroll-selected-students': 'onClickBulkEnroll'
'click .select-all': 'onClickSelectAll'
'click .student-checkbox': 'onClickStudentCheckbox'
'change .course-select': 'onChangeCourseSelect'
initialize: (options, classroomID) ->
@progressDotTemplate = require 'templates/courses/progress-dot'
@sortAttribute = 'name'
@sortDirection = 1
@classroom = new Classroom({ _id: classroomID })
@listenTo @classroom, 'sync', ->
@students = new Users()
jqxhrs = @students.fetchForClassroom(@classroom, removeDeleted: true)
if jqxhrs.length > 0
@listenTo @students, 'sync', @sortByName
@listenTo @students, 'sort', @renderSelectors.bind(@, '.students-table', '.student-levels-table')
@classroom.sessions = new LevelSessions()
requests = @classroom.sessions.fetchForAllClassroomMembers(@classroom)
@courses = new Courses()
@courseInstances = new CourseInstances()
onLoaded: ->
@classCode = @classroom.get('codeCamel') or @classroom.get('code')
@joinURL = document.location.origin + "/courses?_cc=" + @classCode
@earliestIncompleteLevel = helper.calculateEarliestIncomplete(@classroom, @courses, @courseInstances, @students)
@latestCompleteLevel = helper.calculateLatestComplete(@classroom, @courses, @courseInstances, @students)
for student in @students.models
# TODO: this is a weird hack
studentsStub = new Users([ student ])
student.latestCompleteLevel = helper.calculateLatestComplete(@classroom, @courses, @courseInstances, studentsStub)
classroomsStub = new Classrooms([ @classroom ])
@progressData = helper.calculateAllProgress(classroomsStub, @courses, @courseInstances, @students)
# @conceptData = helper.calculateConceptsCovered(classroomsStub, @courses, @campaigns, @courseInstances, @students)
@selectedCourse = @courses.first()
copyCode: ->
copyURL: ->
tryCopy: ->
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Classroom copy URL', category: 'Courses', classroomID: @classroom.id, url: @joinURL
catch err
message = 'Oops, unable to copy'
noty text: message, layout: 'topCenter', type: 'error', killer: false
onClickEditClassroom: (e) ->
classroom = @classroom
modal = new ClassroomSettingsModal({ classroom: classroom })
@listenToOnce modal, 'hide', @render
onClickRemoveStudentLink: (e) ->
user = @students.get($(e.currentTarget).data('student-id'))
modal = new RemoveStudentModal({
classroom: @classroom
user: user
courseInstances: @courseInstances
modal.once 'remove-student', @onStudentRemoved, @
onStudentRemoved: (e) ->
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Classroom removed student', category: 'Courses', classroomID: @classroom.id, userID: e.user.id
onClickAddStudents: (e) =>
modal = new InviteToClassroomModal({ classroom: @classroom })
@listenToOnce modal, 'hide', @render
removeDeletedStudents: () ->
_.remove(@classroom.get('members'), (memberID) =>
not @students.get(memberID) or @students.get(memberID)?.get('deleted')
sortByName: (e) ->
if @sortValue is 'name'
@sortDirection = -@sortDirection
@sortValue = 'name'
@sortDirection = 1
dir = @sortDirection
@students.comparator = (student1, student2) ->
return (if student1.broadName().toLowerCase() < student2.broadName().toLowerCase() then -dir else dir)
sortByProgress: (e) ->
if @sortValue is 'progress'
@sortDirection = -@sortDirection
@sortValue = 'progress'
@sortDirection = 1
dir = @sortDirection
@students.comparator = (student) ->
#TODO: I would like for this to be in the Level model,
# but it doesn't know about its own courseNumber
level = student.latestCompleteLevel
if not level
return -dir
return dir * ((1000 * level.courseNumber) + level.levelNumber)
getSelectedStudentIDs: ->
@$('.student-row .checkbox-flat input:checked').map (index, checkbox) ->
ensureInstance: (courseID) ->
onClickEnroll: (e) ->
userID = $(e.currentTarget).data('user-id')
user = @students.get(userID)
selectedUsers = new Users([user])
modal = new ActivateLicensesModal { @classroom, selectedUsers, users: @students }
modal.once 'redeem-users', -> document.location.reload()
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Classroom started enroll students', category: 'Courses'
onClickBulkEnroll: ->
courseID = @$('.bulk-course-select').val()
courseInstance = @courseInstances.findWhere({ courseID, classroomID: @classroom.id })
userIDs = @getSelectedStudentIDs().toArray()
selectedUsers = new Users(@students.get(userID) for userID in userIDs)
modal = new ActivateLicensesModal { @classroom, selectedUsers, users: @students }
modal.once 'redeem-users', -> document.location.reload()
application.tracker?.trackEvent 'Classroom started enroll students', category: 'Courses'
onClickBulkAssign: ->
courseID = @$('.bulk-course-select').val()
courseInstance = @courseInstances.findWhere({ courseID, classroomID: @classroom.id })
selectedIDs = @getSelectedStudentIDs()
members = selectedIDs.filter((index, userID) =>
user = @students.get(userID)
@assigningToUnenrolled = _.any selectedIDs, (userID) =>
not @students.get(userID).isEnrolled()
@$('.cant-assign-to-unenrolled').toggleClass('visible', @assigningToUnenrolled)
@assigningToNobody = selectedIDs.length is 0
@$('.no-students-selected').toggleClass('visible', @assigningToNobody)
if courseInstance
courseInstance.addMembers members, {
success: @onBulkAssignSuccess
courseInstance = new CourseInstance {
classroomID: @classroom.id
ownerID: @classroom.get('ownerID')
aceConfig: {}
courseInstance.save {}, {
success: =>
courseInstance.addMembers members, {
success: @onBulkAssignSuccess
onBulkAssignSuccess: =>
@render() unless @destroyed
noty text: $.i18n.t('teacher.assigned'), layout: 'center', type: 'information', killer: true, timeout: 5000
onClickSelectAll: (e) ->
checkboxes = @$('.student-checkbox input')
if _.all(checkboxes, 'checked')
@$('.select-all input').prop('checked', false)
checkboxes.prop('checked', false)
@$('.select-all input').prop('checked', true)
checkboxes.prop('checked', true)
onClickStudentCheckbox: (e) ->
# $(e.target).$()
checkbox = $(e.currentTarget).find('input')
checkbox.prop('checked', not checkbox.prop('checked'))
# checkboxes.prop('checked', false)
checkboxes = @$('.student-checkbox input')
@$('.select-all input').prop('checked', _.all(checkboxes, 'checked'))
onChangeCourseSelect: (e) ->
@selectedCourse = @courses.get($(e.currentTarget).val())
classStats: ->
stats = {}
playtime = 0
total = 0
for session in @classroom.sessions.models
pt = session.get('playtime') or 0
playtime += pt
total += 1
stats.averagePlaytime = if playtime and total then moment.duration(playtime / total, "seconds").humanize() else 0
stats.totalPlaytime = if playtime then moment.duration(playtime, "seconds").humanize() else 0
# TODO: Humanize differently ('1 hour' instead of 'an hour')
completeSessions = @classroom.sessions.filter (s) -> s.get('state')?.complete
stats.averageLevelsComplete = if @students.size() then (_.size(completeSessions) / @students.size()).toFixed(1) else 'N/A' # '
stats.totalLevelsComplete = _.size(completeSessions)
enrolledUsers = @students.filter (user) -> user.get('coursePrepaidID')
stats.enrolledUsers = _.size(enrolledUsers)
return stats