mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 18:40:45 -04:00
anonymous users are now warned if their new name is already chosen User Settings is now without auto-save Upon name conflict, a user will be suggested a new name which is then submitted if the user chooses to save after all. Refactored conflicted name checking so it can be used in more places Signup form now has an optional name field Covered extra case where the debounced check happened too late. Support for submitting on enter. Worked in scott's comments and got tests working again
175 lines
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175 lines
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gplusClientID = '800329290710-j9sivplv2gpcdgkrsis9rff3o417mlfa.apps.googleusercontent.com'
go = (path) -> -> @routeDirectly path, arguments
module.exports = class CocoRouter extends Backbone.Router
subscribe: ->
Backbone.Mediator.subscribe 'gapi-loaded', @onGPlusAPILoaded, @
Backbone.Mediator.subscribe 'router:navigate', @onNavigate, @
# every abnormal view gets listed here
'': 'home'
'preview': 'home'
'beta': 'home'
# editor views tend to have the same general structure
'editor/:model(/:slug_or_id)(/:subview)': 'editorModelView'
# Direct links
'test': go('TestView')
'test/*subpath': go('TestView')
'demo': go('DemoView')
'demo/*subpath': go('DemoView')
'play/ladder/:levelID': go('play/ladder/ladder_view')
'play/ladder': go('play/ladder_home')
# db and file urls call the server directly
'db/*path': 'routeToServer'
'file/*path': 'routeToServer'
# most go through here
'*name': 'general'
home: -> @openRoute('home')
general: (name) ->
editorModelView: (modelName, slugOrId, subview) ->
modulePrefix = "views/editor/#{modelName}/"
suffix = subview or (if slugOrId then 'edit' else 'home')
ViewClass = @tryToLoadModule(modulePrefix + suffix)
unless ViewClass
#console.log('could not hack it', modulePrefix + suffix)
args = (a for a in arguments when a)
args.splice(0, 0, 'editor')
return @openRoute(args.join('/'))
view = new ViewClass({}, slugOrId)
@openView if view then view else @notFoundView()
cache: {}
openRoute: (route) ->
route = route.split('?')[0]
route = route.split('#')[0]
view = @getViewFromCache(route)
openView: (view) ->
$('#page-container').empty().append view.el
window.currentView = view
window.scrollTo(0, view.scrollY) if view.scrollY?
view.didReappear() if view.fromCache
onGPlusAPILoaded: =>
renderLoginButtons: ->
$('.share-buttons, .partner-badges').addClass('fade-in').delay(10000).removeClass('fade-in', 5000)
setTimeout(FB.XFBML.parse, 10) if FB?.XFBML?.parse # Handles FB login and Like
return unless gapi?.plusone?
gapi.plusone.go?() # Handles +1 button
for gplusButton in $('.gplus-login-button')
params = {
callback: 'signinCallback',
clientid: gplusClientID,
cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin',
scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.login https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email',
height: 'short',
if gapi.signin?.render
gapi.signin.render(gplusButton, params)
console.warn 'Didn\'t have gapi.signin to render G+ login button. (DoNotTrackMe extension?)'
getViewFromCache: (route) ->
if route of @cache
@cache[route].fromCache = true
return @cache[route]
view = @getView(route)
@cache[route] = view if view?.cache
return view
routeDirectly: (path, args) ->
if window.currentView?.reloadOnClose
return document.location.reload()
path = "views/#{path}"
ViewClass = @tryToLoadModule path
return @openView @notFoundView() if not ViewClass
view = new ViewClass({}, args...) # options, then any path fragment args
getView: (route, suffix='_view') ->
# iteratively breaks down the url pieces looking for the view
# passing the broken off pieces as args. This way views like 'resource/14394893'
# will get passed to the resource view with arg '14394893'
pieces = _.string.words(route, '/')
split = Math.max(1, pieces.length-1)
while split > -1
sub_route = _.string.join('/', pieces[0..split]...)
path = "views/#{sub_route}#{suffix}"
ViewClass = @tryToLoadModule(path)
break if ViewClass
split -= 1
return @notFoundView() if not ViewClass
args = pieces[split+1..]
view = new ViewClass({}, args...) # options, then any path fragment args
tryToLoadModule: (path) ->
return require(path)
catch error
if error.toString().search('Cannot find module "' + path + '" from') is -1
throw error
notFoundView: ->
NotFoundView = require('views/not_found')
view = new NotFoundView()
closeCurrentView: ->
return unless window.currentView?
if window.currentView.cache
window.currentView.scrollY = window.scrollY
activateTab: ->
base = _.string.words(document.location.pathname[1..], '/')[0]
$("ul.nav li.#{base}").addClass('active')
initialize: ->
@cache = {}
# http://nerds.airbnb.com/how-to-add-google-analytics-page-tracking-to-57536
@bind 'route', @_trackPageView
_trackPageView: ->
onNavigate: (e) ->
manualView = e.view or e.viewClass
@navigate e.route, {trigger: not manualView}
return unless manualView
if e.viewClass
args = e.viewArgs or []
view = new e.viewClass(args...)
@openView view
@openView e.view
routeToServer: (e) ->
window.location.href = window.location.href