Rob 9c7320e26a - Move Zatanna out of own repo and into CodeCombat
- Move snippet creation out of SpellView
- Disable text based completions.
2016-07-01 16:39:21 -07:00

332 lines
14 KiB

utils = require 'core/utils'
defaults =
# Mapping ace mode language to line endings to automatically insert
# E.g. javascript: ";"
basic: true
snippetsLangDefaults: true
liveCompletion: true
language: 'javascript'
languagePrefixes: 'this.,@,self.'
keywords: true
snippets: true
text: true
# TODO: Should we be hooking in completers differently?
# TODO: Should show popup if we have a snippet match in Autocomplete.filterCompletions
# TODO: Create list of manual test cases
module.exports = class Zatanna
Tokenizer = ''
BackgroundTokenizer = ''
constructor: (aceEditor, options) ->
{Tokenizer} = ace.require 'ace/tokenizer'
{BackgroundTokenizer} = ace.require 'ace/background_tokenizer'
@editor = aceEditor
config = ace.require 'ace/config'
options ?= {}
defaultsCopy = _.extend {}, defaults
@options = _.merge defaultsCopy, options
#TODO: Renable option validation if we care
#validationResult = optionsValidator @options
#unless validationResult.valid
# throw new Error "Invalid Zatanna options: " + JSON.stringify(validationResult.errors, null, 4)
ace.config.loadModule 'ace/ext/language_tools', () =>
@snippetManager = ace.require('ace/snippets').snippetManager
# Prevent tabbing a selection trigging an incorrect autocomplete
# E.g. Given this.moveRight() selecting ".moveRight" from left to right and hitting tab yields this.this.moveRight()()
# TODO: Figure out how to intercept this properly
# TODO: Or, override expandSnippet command
# TODO: Or, SnippetManager's expandSnippetForSelection
@snippetManager.expandWithTab = -> return false
# Define a background tokenizer that constantly tokenizes the code
highlightRules = new (@editor.getSession().getMode().HighlightRules)()
tokenizer = new Tokenizer highlightRules.getRules()
@bgTokenizer = new BackgroundTokenizer tokenizer, @editor
aceDocument = @editor.getSession().getDocument()
@bgTokenizer.setDocument aceDocument
@editor.commands.on 'afterExec', @doLiveCompletion
setAceOptions: () ->
aceOptions =
'enableLiveAutocompletion': @options.liveCompletion
'enableBasicAutocompletion': @options.basic
'enableSnippets': @options.completers.snippets
@editor.setOptions aceOptions
@editor.completer?.autoSelect = true
copyCompleters: () ->
@completers = {snippets: {}, text: {}, keywords: {}}
if @editor.completers?
[@completers.snippets.comp, @completers.text.comp, @completers.keywords.comp] = @editor.completers
if @options.completers.snippets
@completers.snippets = pos: 0
# Replace the default snippet completer with our custom one
@completers.snippets.comp = require('./snippets') @snippetManager, @options.autoLineEndings
if @options.completers.keywords
@completers.keywords = pos: 1
activateCompleter: (comp) ->
if Array.isArray comp
@editor.completers = comp
else if typeof comp is 'string'
if @completers[comp]? and @editor.completers[@completers[comp].pos] isnt @completers[comp].comp
@editor.completers.splice(@completers[comp].pos, 0, @completers[comp].comp)
@editor.completers = []
for type, comparator of @completers
if @options.completers[type] is true
@activateCompleter type
addSnippets: (snippets, language) ->
@options.language = language
ace.config.loadModule 'ace/ext/language_tools', () =>
@snippetManager = ace.require('ace/snippets').snippetManager
snippetModulePath = 'ace/snippets/' + language
ace.config.loadModule snippetModulePath, (m) =>
if m?
@snippetManager.files[language] = m
@snippetManager.unregister m.snippets if m.snippets?.length > 0
@snippetManager.unregister @oldSnippets if @oldSnippets?
m.snippets = if @options.snippetsLangDefaults then @snippetManager.parseSnippetFile m.snippetText else []
m.snippets.push s for s in snippets
@snippetManager.register m.snippets
@oldSnippets = m.snippets
setLiveCompletion: (val) ->
if val is true or val is false
@options.liveCompletion = val
set: (setting, value) ->
switch setting
when 'snippets' or 'completers.snippets'
return unless typeof value is 'boolean'
@options.completers.snippets = value
@activateCompleter 'snippets'
when 'basic'
return unless typeof value is 'boolean'
@options.basic = value
when 'liveCompletion'
return unless typeof value is 'boolean'
@options.liveCompletion = value
when 'language'
return unless typeof value is 'string'
@options.language = value
when 'completers.keywords'
return unless typeof value is 'boolean'
@options.completers.keywords = value
when 'completers.text'
return unless typeof value is 'boolean'
@options.completers.text = value
on: -> @paused = false
off: -> @paused = true
doLiveCompletion: (e) =>
# console.log 'Zatanna doLiveCompletion', e
return unless @options.basic or @options.liveCompletion or @options.completers.snippets or @options.completers.text
return if @paused
TokenIterator = TokenIterator or ace.require('ace/token_iterator').TokenIterator
editor = e.editor
text = e.args or ""
hasCompleter = editor.completer and editor.completer.activated
# We don't want to autocomplete with no prefix
if is "backspace" or is "insertstring"
pos = editor.getCursorPosition()
token = (new TokenIterator editor.getSession(), pos.row, pos.column).getCurrentToken()
if token? and token.type not in ['comment', 'string']
prefix = @getCompletionPrefix editor
# Bake a fresh autocomplete every keystroke
editor.completer?.detach() if hasCompleter
# Only autocomplete if there's a prefix that can be matched
if (prefix)
unless (editor.completer)
# Create new autocompleter
Autocomplete = ace.require('ace/autocomplete').Autocomplete
# Overwrite "Shift-Return" to Esc + Return instead
# TODO: Need a better way to update this command. This is super shady.
# TODO: Shift-Return errors when Autocomplete is open, dying on this call:
# TODO: calls editor.completer.insertMatch(true) in lib/ace/autocomplete.js
if Autocomplete?.prototype?.commands?
exitAndReturn = (editor) =>
# TODO: Execute a proper Return that selects the Autocomplete if open
@editor.insert "\n"
Autocomplete.prototype.commands["Shift-Return"] = exitAndReturn
editor.completer = new Autocomplete()
# Disable autoInsert and show popup
editor.completer.autoSelect = true
editor.completer.autoInsert = false
# Hide popup if more than 10 suggestions
# TODO: Completions aren't asked for unless we show popup, so this is super hacky
# TODO: Backspacing to yield more suggestions does not close popup
if editor.completer?.completions?.filtered?.length > 10
# Update popup CSS after it's been launched
# TODO: Popup has original CSS on first load, and then visibly/weirdly changes based on these updates
# TODO: Find better way to extend popup.
else if editor.completer.popup?
$('.ace_autocomplete').find('.ace_content').css('cursor', 'pointer')
$('.ace_autocomplete').css('font-size', @options.popupFontSizePx + 'px') if @options.popupFontSizePx?
$('.ace_autocomplete').css('line-height', @options.popupLineHeightPx + 'px') if @options.popupLineHeightPx?
$('.ace_autocomplete').css('width', @options.popupWidthPx + 'px') if @options.popupWidthPx?
# TODO: Can't change padding before resize(), but changing it afterwards clears new padding
# TODO: Figure out how to hook into events rather than using setTimeout()
# fixStuff = =>
# $('.ace_autocomplete').find('.ace_line').css('color', 'purple')
# $('.ace_autocomplete').find('.ace_line').css('padding', '20px')
# # editor.completer.popup.resize?(true)
# setTimeout fixStuff, 1000
# Update tokens for text completer
if @options.completers.text and in ['backspace', 'del', 'insertstring', 'removetolinestart', 'Enter', 'Return', 'Space', 'Tab']
@bgTokenizer.fireUpdateEvent 0, @editor.getSession().getLength()
getCompletionPrefix: (editor) ->
# TODO: this is not used to get prefix that is passed to completer.getCompletions
# TODO: Autocomplete.gatherCompletions is using this (no regex 3rd param):
# TODO: var prefix = util.retrievePrecedingIdentifier(line, pos.column);
util = util or ace.require 'ace/autocomplete/util'
pos = editor.getCursorPosition()
line = editor.session.getLine pos.row
prefix = null
editor.completers?.forEach (completer) ->
if completer?.identifierRegexps
completer.identifierRegexps.forEach (identifierRegex) ->
if not prefix and identifierRegex
prefix = util.retrievePrecedingIdentifier line, pos.column, identifierRegex
prefix = util.retrievePrecedingIdentifier line, pos.column unless prefix?
addCodeCombatSnippets: (level, spellView, e) ->
snippetEntries = []
haveFindNearestEnemy = false
haveFindNearest = false
for group, props of e.propGroups
for prop in props
if _.isString prop # organizePalette
owner = group
else # organizePaletteHero
owner = prop.owner
prop = prop.prop
doc = _.find (e.allDocs['__' + prop] ? []), (doc) ->
return true if doc.owner is owner
return (owner is 'this' or owner is 'more') and (not doc.owner? or doc.owner is 'this')
if doc?.snippets?[e.language]
name =
content = doc.snippets[e.language].code
if /loop/.test(content) and level.get 'moveRightLoopSnippet'
# Replace default loop snippet with an embedded moveRight()
content = switch e.language
when 'python' then 'loop:\n self.moveRight()\n ${1:}'
when 'javascript' then 'loop {\n this.moveRight();\n ${1:}\n}'
else content
if /loop/.test(content) and level.get('type') in ['course', 'course-ladder']
# Temporary hackery to make it look like we meant while True: in our loop snippets until we can update everything
content = switch e.language
when 'python' then content.replace /loop:/, 'while True:'
when 'javascript' then content.replace /loop/, 'while (true)'
when 'lua' then content.replace /loop/, 'while true then'
when 'coffeescript' then content
else content
name = switch e.language
when 'python' then 'while True'
when 'coffeescript' then 'loop'
else 'while true'
# For now, update autocomplete to use hero instead of self/this, if hero is already used in the source.
# Later, we should make this happen all the time - or better yet update the snippets.
source = spellView.getSource()
if /hero/.test(source) or not /(self[\.\:]|this\.|\@)/.test(source)
thisToken =
'python': /self/,
'javascript': /this/,
'lua': /self/
if thisToken[e.language] and thisToken[e.language].test(content)
content = content.replace thisToken[e.language], 'hero'
entry =
content: content
meta: $.i18n.t('keyboard_shortcuts.press_enter', defaultValue: 'press enter')
name: name
tabTrigger: doc.snippets[e.language].tab
importance: doc.autoCompletePriority ? 1.0
haveFindNearestEnemy ||= name is 'findNearestEnemy'
haveFindNearest ||= name is 'findNearest'
if name is 'attack'
# Postpone this until we know if findNearestEnemy is available
attackEntry = entry
snippetEntries.push entry
if doc.userShouldCaptureReturn
varName = doc.userShouldCaptureReturn.variableName ? 'result'
entry.captureReturn = switch e.language
when 'javascript' then 'var ' + varName + ' = '
#when 'lua' then 'local ' + varName + ' = ' # TODO: should we do this?
else varName + ' = '
# TODO: Generalize this snippet replacement
# TODO: Where should this logic live, and what format should it be in?
if attackEntry?
unless haveFindNearestEnemy or haveFindNearest or @options.level.get('slug') in ['known-enemy', 'course-known-enemy']
# No findNearestEnemy, so update attack snippet to string-based target
# (On Known Enemy, we are introducing enemy2 = "Gert", so we want them to do attack(enemy2).)
attackEntry.content = attackEntry.content.replace '${1:enemy}', '"${1:Enemy Name}"'
snippetEntries.push attackEntry
if haveFindNearest and not haveFindNearestEnemy
# window.zatannaInstance = @zatanna # For debugging. Make sure to not leave active when committing.
# window.snippetEntries = snippetEntries
lang = utils.aceEditModes[e.language].substr 'ace/mode/'.length
@addSnippets snippetEntries, lang
spellView.editorLang = lang