mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 19:32:03 -04:00
Saw that this caused 500s on /auth/whoami with no cookies set, with this error:
debug: 500: MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error index: coco.users.$emailLower_1 dup key: { : null }
Probably we need to be much more careful about what changes this blanket change to the minimize Mongoose option might introduce, since tests didn't catch this, but it would have taken the site down for anyone not logged in already.
This reverts commit 121f07d020
78 lines
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78 lines
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mongoose = require('mongoose')
deltas = require '../../app/core/deltas'
log = require 'winston'
{handlers} = require '../commons/mapping'
PatchSchema = new mongoose.Schema({status: String}, {strict: false})
PatchSchema.pre 'save', (next) ->
return next() unless @isNew # patch can't be altered after creation, so only need to check data once
target = @get('target')
targetID = target.id
Handler = require '../commons/Handler'
if not Handler.isID(targetID)
err = new Error('Invalid input.')
err.response = {message: 'isn\'t a MongoDB id.', property: 'target.id'}
err.code = 422
return next(err)
collection = target.collection
handler = require('../' + handlers[collection])
handler.getDocumentForIdOrSlug targetID, (err, document) =>
if err
err = new Error('Server error.')
err.response = {message: '', property: 'target.id'}
err.code = 500
return next(err)
if not document
err = new Error('Target of patch not found.')
err.response = {message: 'was not found.', property: 'target.id'}
err.code = 404
return next(err)
target.id = document.get('_id')
if handler.modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions
target.original = document.get('original')
version = document.get('version')
target.version = _.pick document.get('version'), 'major', 'minor'
@set('target', target)
target.original = targetID
patches = document.get('patches') or []
patches = _.clone patches
patches.push @_id
document.set 'patches', patches, {strict: false}
@targetLoaded = document
document.save (err) -> next(err)
PatchSchema.methods.isTranslationPatch = -> # Don't ever fat arrow bind this one
expanded = deltas.flattenDelta @get('delta')
_.some expanded, (delta) -> 'i18n' in delta.dataPath
PatchSchema.methods.isMiscPatch = ->
expanded = deltas.flattenDelta @get('delta')
_.some expanded, (delta) -> 'i18n' not in delta.dataPath
# Keep track of when a patch is pending and newly approved.
PatchSchema.path('status').set (newVal) ->
@set 'wasPending', @status is 'pending' and newVal isnt 'pending'
@set 'newlyAccepted', newVal is 'accepted' and not @get('newlyAccepted') # Only true on the first accept
PatchSchema.methods.isNewlyAccepted = -> @get('newlyAccepted')
PatchSchema.methods.wasPending = -> @get 'wasPending'
PatchSchema.pre 'save', (next) ->
User = require '../users/User'
userID = @get('creator').toHexString()
if @get('status') is 'accepted'
User.incrementStat userID, 'stats.patchesContributed' # accepted patches
else if @get('status') is 'pending'
User.incrementStat userID, 'stats.patchesSubmitted' # submitted patches
module.exports = mongoose.model('patch', PatchSchema)