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mongoose = require 'mongoose'
plugins = require '../plugins/plugins'
log = require 'winston'
config = require '../../server_config'
CampaignSchema = new mongoose.Schema(body: String, {strict: false,read:config.mongo.readpref})
CampaignSchema.index({i18nCoverage: 1}, {name: 'translation coverage index', sparse: true})
CampaignSchema.index({slug: 1}, {name: 'slug index', sparse: true, unique: true})
CampaignSchema.index({type: 1}, {name: 'type index', sparse: true})
CampaignSchema.plugin plugins.PatchablePlugin
CampaignSchema.statics.updateAdjacentCampaigns = (savedCampaign) ->
Campaign = require '../campaigns/Campaign'
query = {}
query["adjacentCampaigns.#{savedCampaign.get '_id'}"] = {$exists: true}
Campaign.find(query).exec (err, campaigns) ->
return log.error "Couldn't search for adjacent campaigns to update because of #{err}" if err
for campaign in campaigns
acs = campaign.get 'adjacentCampaigns'
ac = acs[savedCampaign.get '_id']
# Let's make sure that we're adding translations, otherwise let's not update yet.
# We could possibly remove this; not sure it's worth having.
[oldI18NCount, newI18NCount] = [0, 0]
oldI18NCount += _.size(translations) for lang, translations of ac.i18n ? {}
newI18NCount += _.size(translations) for lang, translations of savedCampaign.get('i18n') ? {}
continue unless newI18NCount > oldI18NCount
ac.i18n = savedCampaign.get('i18n')
# Save without using middleware so that we don't get into a post-save loop.
Campaign.findByIdAndUpdate campaign._id, {$set: {adjacentCampaigns: acs}}, (err, doc) ->
return log.error "Couldn't save updated adjacent campaign because of #{err}" if err
CampaignSchema.post 'save', -> @constructor.updateAdjacentCampaigns @
module.exports = mongoose.model('campaign', CampaignSchema)