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synced 2025-03-21 10:30:16 -04:00
School now optional N/A placeholder on district field and don't save it if it's n/a Updating required field error UI a bit, and there is some larger refactoring needed here later. NCES phone number for district only entries will currently be a child school, will fix later. Closes #3818
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122 lines
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module.exports.formToObject = ($el, options) ->
options = _.extend({ trim: true, ignoreEmptyString: true }, options)
obj = {}
inputs = $('input, textarea, select', $el)
for input in inputs
input = $(input)
continue unless name = input.attr('name')
if input.attr('type') is 'checkbox'
obj[name] ?= []
if input.is(':checked')
else if input.attr('type') is 'radio'
continue unless input.is('checked')
obj[name] = input.val()
value = input.val() or ''
value = _.string.trim(value) if options.trim
if value or (not options.ignoreEmptyString)
obj[name] = value
module.exports.objectToForm = ($el, obj, options={}) ->
options = _.extend({ overwriteExisting: false }, options)
inputs = $('input, textarea, select', $el)
for input in inputs
input = $(input)
continue unless name = input.attr('name')
continue unless obj[name]?
if input.attr('type') is 'checkbox'
value = input.val()
if _.contains(obj[name], value)
input.attr('checked', true)
else if input.attr('type') is 'radio'
value = input.val()
if obj[name] is value
input.attr('checked', true)
if options.overwriteExisting or (not input.val())
module.exports.applyErrorsToForm = (el, errors, warning=false) ->
errors = [errors] if not $.isArray(errors)
missingErrors = []
for error in errors
if error.code is tv4.errorCodes.OBJECT_REQUIRED
prop = _.last(_.string.words(error.message)) # hack
message = $.i18n.t('common.required_field')
else if error.dataPath
prop = error.dataPath[1..]
message = error.message
message = "#{error.property} #{error.message}."
message = message[0].toUpperCase() + message[1..]
message = error.message if error.formatted
prop = error.property
if error.code is tv4.errorCodes.FORMAT_CUSTOM
originalMessage = /Format validation failed \(([^\(\)]+)\)/.exec(message)[1]
unless _.isEmpty(originalMessage)
message = originalMessage
if error.code is 409 and error.property is 'email'
message += ' <a class="login-link">Log in?</a>'
missingErrors.push error unless setErrorToProperty el, prop, message, warning
# Returns the jQuery form group element in case of success, otherwise undefined
module.exports.setErrorToField = setErrorToField = (el, message, warning=false) ->
formGroup = el.closest('.form-group')
unless formGroup.length
return console.error el, " did not contain a form group, so couldn't show message:", message
kind = if warning then 'warning' else 'error'
afterEl = $(formGroup.find('.help-block, .form-control, input, select, textarea')[0])
formGroup.addClass "has-#{kind}"
helpBlock = $("<span class='help-block #{kind}-help-block'>#{message}</span>")
if afterEl.length
afterEl.before helpBlock
formGroup.append helpBlock
module.exports.setErrorToProperty = setErrorToProperty = (el, property, message, warning=false) ->
input = $("[name='#{property}']", el)
unless input.length
return console.error "#{property} not found in", el, "so couldn't show message:", message
setErrorToField input, message, warning
module.exports.scrollToFirstError = ($el=$('body')) ->
$first = $el.find('.has-error, .alert-danger, .error-help-block, .has-warning, .alert-warning, .warning-help-block').filter(':visible').first()
if $first.length
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $first.offset().top - 20 }, 300)
module.exports.clearFormAlerts = (el) ->
$('.has-error', el).removeClass('has-error')
$('.has-warning', el).removeClass('has-warning')
$('.alert.alert-danger', el).remove()
$('.alert.alert-warning', el).remove()
module.exports.updateSelects = (el) ->
el.find('select').each (i, select) ->
value = $(select).attr('value')
module.exports.validateEmail = (email) ->
filter = /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,63}$/i # https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5763990
return filter.test(email)
module.exports.disableSubmit = (el, message='...') ->
$el = $(el)
$el.data('original-text', $el.text())
$el.text(message).attr('disabled', true)
module.exports.enableSubmit = (el) ->
$el = $(el)
$el.text($el.data('original-text')).attr('disabled', false)