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synced 2024-11-28 01:55:38 -05:00
So that in forms you don't have to find the equality for each option. Instead, just set the select value and, afterRender, call updateSelects, the options that matches the value will become selected.
101 lines
3.6 KiB
101 lines
3.6 KiB
module.exports.formToObject = ($el, options) ->
options = _.extend({ trim: true, ignoreEmptyString: true }, options)
obj = {}
inputs = $('input, textarea, select', $el)
for input in inputs
input = $(input)
continue unless name = input.attr('name')
if input.attr('type') is 'checkbox'
obj[name] ?= []
if input.is(':checked')
else if input.attr('type') is 'radio'
continue unless input.is('checked')
obj[name] = input.val()
value = input.val() or ''
value = _.string.trim(value) if options.trim
if value or (not options.ignoreEmptyString)
obj[name] = value
module.exports.objectToForm = ($el, obj, options={}) ->
options = _.extend({ overwriteExisting: false })
inputs = $('input, textarea, select', $el)
for input in inputs
input = $(input)
continue unless name = input.attr('name')
continue unless obj[name]?
if input.attr('type') is 'checkbox'
value = input.val()
if _.contains(obj[name], value)
input.attr('checked', true)
else if input.attr('type') is 'radio'
value = input.val()
if obj[name] is value
input.attr('checked', true)
if options.overwriteExisting or (not input.val())
module.exports.applyErrorsToForm = (el, errors, warning=false) ->
errors = [errors] if not $.isArray(errors)
missingErrors = []
for error in errors
if error.code is tv4.errorCodes.OBJECT_REQUIRED
prop = _.last(_.string.words(error.message)) # hack
message = 'Required field'
else if error.dataPath
prop = error.dataPath[1..]
message = error.message
message = "#{error.property} #{error.message}."
message = message[0].toUpperCase() + message[1..]
message = error.message if error.formatted
prop = error.property
missingErrors.push error unless setErrorToProperty el, prop, message, warning
# Returns the jQuery form group element in case of success, otherwise undefined
module.exports.setErrorToField = setErrorToField = (el, message, warning=false) ->
formGroup = el.closest('.form-group')
unless formGroup.length
return console.error el, " did not contain a form group, so couldn't show message:", message
kind = if warning then 'warning' else 'error'
afterEl = $(formGroup.find('.help-block, .form-control, input, select, textarea')[0])
formGroup.addClass "has-#{kind}"
helpBlock = $("<span class='help-block #{kind}-help-block'>#{message}</span>")
if afterEl.length
afterEl.before helpBlock
formGroup.append helpBlock
module.exports.setErrorToProperty = setErrorToProperty = (el, property, message, warning=false) ->
input = $("[name='#{property}']", el)
unless input.length
return console.error "#{property} not found in", el, "so couldn't show message:", message
setErrorToField input, message, warning
module.exports.scrollToFirstError = ($el=$('body')) ->
$first = $el.find('.has-error, .alert-danger, .error-help-block, .has-warning, .alert-warning, .warning-help-block').filter(':visible').first()
$('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $first.offset().top - 20 }, 300)
module.exports.clearFormAlerts = (el) ->
$('.has-error', el).removeClass('has-error')
$('.has-warning', el).removeClass('has-warning')
$('.alert.alert-danger', el).remove()
$('.alert.alert-warning', el).remove()
module.exports.updateSelects = (el) ->
el.find('select').each (i, select) ->
value = $(select).attr('value')