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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

CocoView = require 'views/kinds/CocoView'
template = require 'templates/play/level/tome/spell_palette_entry'
{me} = require 'lib/auth'
filters = require 'lib/image_filter'
DocFormatter = require './DocFormatter'
module.exports = class SpellPaletteEntryView extends CocoView
tagName: 'div' # Could also try <code> instead of <div>, but would need to adjust colors
className: 'spell-palette-entry-view'
template: template
popoverPinned: false
overridePopoverTemplate: '<div class="popover spell-palette-popover" role="tooltip"><div class="arrow"></div><h3 class="popover-title"></h3><div class="popover-content"></div></div>'
'surface:frame-changed': 'onFrameChanged'
'tome:palette-hovered': 'onPaletteHovered'
'tome:palette-pin-toggled': 'onPalettePinToggled'
'tome:spell-debug-property-hovered': 'onSpellDebugPropertyHovered'
'mouseenter': 'onMouseEnter'
'mouseleave': 'onMouseLeave'
'click': 'onClick'
constructor: (options) ->
super options
@thang = options.thang
@docFormatter = new DocFormatter options
@doc = @docFormatter.doc
getRenderData: ->
c = super()
c.doc = @doc
afterRender: ->
animation: false
html: true
placement: 'top'
trigger: 'manual' # Hover, until they click, which will then pin it until unclick.
content: @docFormatter.formatPopover()
container: 'body'
template: @overridePopoverTemplate
window.element = @$el
@$el.on '', =>
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:palette-hovered', thang: @thang, prop:, entry: @
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'audio-player:play-sound', trigger: 'spell-palette-entry-open', volume: 1
onMouseEnter: (e) ->
# Make sure the doc has the updated Thang so it can regenerate its prop value
@$'bs.popover').options.content = @docFormatter.formatPopover()
@$el.popover 'show' unless @popoverPinned or @otherPopoverPinned
onMouseLeave: (e) ->
@$el.popover 'hide' unless @popoverPinned or @otherPopoverPinned
togglePinned: ->
if @popoverPinned
@popoverPinned = false
@$el.add('.spell-palette-popover.popover').removeClass 'pinned'
$('.spell-palette-popover.popover .close').remove()
@$el.popover 'hide'
@popoverPinned = true
@$el.popover 'show'
@$el.add('.spell-palette-popover.popover').addClass 'pinned'
x = $('<button type="button" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true" class="close">×</button>')
$('.spell-palette-popover.popover').append x
x.on 'click', @onClick
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'audio-player:play-sound', trigger: 'spell-palette-entry-pin', volume: 1
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:palette-pin-toggled', entry: @, pinned: @popoverPinned
onClick: (e) =>
if key.shift
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:insert-snippet', doc: @options.doc, language: @options.language, formatted: @doc
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:palette-clicked', thang: @thang, prop:, entry: @
onFrameChanged: (e) ->
return unless e.selectedThang?.id is
@options.thang = @thang = @docFormatter.options.thang = e.selectedThang # Update our thang to the current version
onPaletteHovered: (e) ->
return if e.entry is @
@togglePinned() if @popoverPinned
onPalettePinToggled: (e) ->
return if e.entry is @
@otherPopoverPinned = e.pinned
onSpellDebugPropertyHovered: (e) ->
matched = is and e.owner is @doc.owner
if matched and not @debugHovered
@debugHovered = true
@togglePinned() unless @popoverPinned
else if @debugHovered and not matched
@debugHovered = false
@togglePinned() if @popoverPinned
destroy: ->
$('.popover.pinned').remove() if @popoverPinned # @$el.popover('destroy') doesn't work
@togglePinned() if @popoverPinned
@$el.popover 'destroy'