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synced 2025-03-25 04:12:49 -04:00
* Tweak API doc behavior and styling * Instead of moving to the left during active dialogues, just move to the top * Allow pointer events * Adjust close button * Re-enable pinning API docs for game-dev and web-dev levels * Make sidebar in PlayGameDevLevelView stretch, better layout columns * Set up content of PlayGameDevLevelView sidebar to scroll * Add rest of PlayGameDevLevelView sidebar content, rework what loading looks like * Finish PlayGameDevLevelView * Add share area below * Cover the brown background, paint it gray * Tweak PlayGameDevLevelView * Have progress bar show everything * Fix Surface resize handling * Fix PlayGameDevLevelView resizing incorrectly when playing * Add GameDevVictoryModal to PlayGameDevLevelView * Don't show missing-doctype annotation in Ace * Hook up GameDevVictoryModal copy button * Fix onChangeAnnotation runtime error * Fix onLevelLoaded runtime error * Have CourseVictoryModal link to /courses when course is done * Trim, update CourseDetailsView * Remove last vestiges of teacherMode * Remove giant navigation buttons at top * Quick switch to flat style * Add analytics for game-dev * Update Analytics events for gamedev * Prefix event names with context * Send to Mixpanel * Include more properties * Mostly set up indefinite play and autocast for game-dev levels * Set up cast buttons and shortcut for game-dev * Add rudimentary instructions when students play game-dev levels * Couple tweaks * fix a bit of code that expects frames to always stick around * have PlayGameDevLevelView render a couple frames on load * API Docs use 'game' instead of 'hero' * Move tags to head without combining * Add HTML comment-start string Fixes missing entry point arrows * Fix some whitespace
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50 lines
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<style for="player-styles">
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