Matt Lott 30e8fc2397 Courses: Link to campaigns, add intro course instances
Courses will now use campaign levels instead of mock data if available.
 At the moment only the first intro course has a campaign specified
2015-07-29 09:51:01 -07:00

42 lines
1.3 KiB

extends /templates/base
block content
//- DO NOT localize / i18n
div TODO: enter a code popup dialog
div(style='border-bottom: 1px solid black')
span *UNDER CONSTRUCTION, send feedback to
a.spl(href='') Courses
- var i = 0
while i < courses.length
+course-block(courses[i], i)
- i++
if i < courses.length
+course-block(courses[i], i)
- i++
mixin course-block(course, courseID)
.well.panel.course-panel(class=course.unlocked ? 'panel-success' : 'panel-info')
.panel-title #{course.title} #{course.unlocked ? '(enrolled)' : ''}
strong Topics
each topic in course.topics
li= topic
strong Hours of content: #{course.duration}
button.btn.btn-warning.btn-have-code(data-course-id="#{courseID}") I have a code
if course.unlocked
button.btn.btn-success.btn-enter(data-course-id="#{courseID}") Enter
button.btn.btn-info.btn-more-info(data-course-id="#{courseID}") More details