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# There's one TomeView per Level. It has:
# - a CastButtonView, which has
# - a cast button
# - an autocast settings options button
# - for each spell (programmableMethod):
# - a Spell, which has
# - a list of Thangs that share that Spell, with one aether per Thang per Spell
# - a SpellView, which has
# - tons of stuff; the meat
# - a SpellListView, which has
# - for each spell:
# - a SpellListEntryView, which has
# - icons for each Thang
# - the spell name
# - a reload button
# - documentation for that method (in a popover)
# - a SpellPaletteView, which has
# - for each programmableProperty:
# - a SpellPaletteEntryView
# The CastButtonView and SpellListView always show.
# The SpellPaletteView shows the entries for the currently selected Programmable Thang.
# The SpellView shows the code and runtime state for the currently selected Spell and, specifically, Thang.
# The SpellView obscures most of the SpellListView when present. We might mess with this.
# You can switch a SpellView to showing the runtime state of another Thang sharing that Spell.
# SpellPaletteViews are destroyed and recreated whenever you switch Thangs.
# The SpellListView shows spells to which your team has read or readwrite access.
# It doubles as a Thang selector, since it's there when nothing is selected.
View = require 'views/kinds/CocoView'
template = require 'templates/play/level/tome/tome'
{me} = require 'lib/auth'
Spell = require './spell'
SpellListView = require './spell_list_view'
ThangListView = require './thang_list_view'
SpellPaletteView = require './spell_palette_view'
CastButtonView = require './cast_button_view'
window.SHIM_WORKER_PATH = '/javascripts/workers/catiline_worker_shim.coffee'
module.exports = class TomeView extends View
id: 'tome-view'
template: template
controlsEnabled: true
cache: false
'tome:spell-loaded': "onSpellLoaded"
'tome:cast-spell': "onCastSpell"
'tome:toggle-spell-list': 'onToggleSpellList'
'surface:sprite-selected': 'onSpriteSelected'
'god:new-world-created': 'onNewWorld'
'click #spell-view': 'onSpellViewClick'
'click': 'onClick'
afterRender: ->
@worker = @createWorker()
programmableThangs = _.filter @options.thangs, 'isProgrammable'
if programmableThangs.length
@createSpells programmableThangs, programmableThangs[0].world # Do before spellList, thangList, and castButton
@spellList = @insertSubView new SpellListView spells: @spells, supermodel: @supermodel
@thangList = @insertSubView new ThangListView spells: @spells, thangs: @options.thangs, supermodel: @supermodel
@castButton = @insertSubView new CastButtonView spells: @spells, levelID: @options.levelID
@teamSpellMap = @generateTeamSpellMap(@spells)
console.warn "Warning: There are no Programmable Thangs in this level, which makes it unplayable."
delete @options.thangs
onNewWorld: (e) ->
thangs = _.filter e.world.thangs, 'isSelectable'
programmableThangs = _.filter thangs, 'isProgrammable'
@createSpells programmableThangs, e.world
@thangList.adjustThangs @spells, thangs
@spellList.adjustSpells @spells
createWorker: ->
# In progress
worker = cw
initialize: (scope) ->
self.window = self
self.global = self
console.log 'Tome worker initialized.'
doIt: (data, callback, scope) ->
console.log 'doing', what
importScripts '/javascripts/tome_aether.js'
catch err
console.log err.toString()
a = new Aether()
callback 'good'
onAccepted = (s) -> console.log 'accepted', s
onRejected = (s) -> console.log 'rejected', s
worker.doIt('hmm').then onAccepted, onRejected
generateTeamSpellMap: (spellObject) ->
teamSpellMap = {}
for spellName, spell of spellObject
teamName = spell.team
teamSpellMap[teamName] ?= []
spellNameElements = spellName.split '/'
thangName = spellNameElements[0]
spellName = spellNameElements[1]
teamSpellMap[teamName].push thangName if thangName not in teamSpellMap[teamName]
return teamSpellMap
createSpells: (programmableThangs, world) ->
pathPrefixComponents = ['play', 'level', @options.levelID, @options.session.id, 'code']
@spells ?= {}
@thangSpells ?= {}
for thang in programmableThangs
continue if @thangSpells[thang.id]?
@thangSpells[thang.id] = []
for methodName, method of thang.programmableMethods
pathComponents = [thang.id, methodName]
if method.cloneOf
pathComponents[0] = method.cloneOf # referencing another Thang's method
pathComponents[0] = _.string.slugify pathComponents[0]
spellKey = pathComponents.join '/'
@thangSpells[thang.id].push spellKey
unless method.cloneOf
skipProtectAPI = @getQueryVariable("skip_protect_api") is "true" or @options.levelID isnt 'brawlwood'
skipProtectAPI = true # gah, it's so slow :( and somehow still affects simulation
#skipProtectAPI = false if @options.levelID is 'dungeon-arena'
skipFlow = @getQueryVariable("skip_flow") is "true" or @options.levelID is 'brawlwood'
spell = @spells[spellKey] = new Spell programmableMethod: method, spellKey: spellKey, pathComponents: pathPrefixComponents.concat(pathComponents), session: @options.session, supermodel: @supermodel, skipFlow: skipFlow, skipProtectAPI: skipProtectAPI, worker: @worker
for thangID, spellKeys of @thangSpells
thang = world.getThangByID thangID
if thang
@spells[spellKey].addThang thang for spellKey in spellKeys
delete @thangSpells[thangID]
spell.removeThangID thangID for spell in @spells
onSpellLoaded: (e) ->
for spellID, spell of @spells
return unless spell.loaded
onCastSpell: (e) ->
# A single spell is cast.
# Hmm; do we need to make sure other spells are all cast here?
cast: ->
if @options.levelID is 'brawlwood'
# For performance reasons, only includeFlow on the currently Thang.
for spellKey, spell of @spells
for thangID, spellThang of spell.thangs
hadFlow = Boolean spellThang.aether.options.includeFlow
willHaveFlow = spellThang is @spellView?.spellThang
spellThang.aether.options.includeFlow = spellThang.aether.originalOptions.includeFlow = willHaveFlow
spellThang.aether.transpile spell.source unless hadFlow is willHaveFlow
#console.log "set includeFlow to", spellThang.aether.options.includeFlow, "for", thangID, "of", spellKey
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:cast-spells', spells: @spells
onToggleSpellList: (e) ->
onSpellViewClick: (e) ->
onClick: (e) ->
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'focus-editor' unless $(e.target).parents('.popover').length
clearSpellView: ->
@spellView?.$el.after('<div id="' + @spellView.id + '"></div>').detach()
@spellView = null
@spellTabView?.$el.after('<div id="' + @spellTabView.id + '"></div>').detach()
@spellTabView = null
@removeSubView @spellPaletteView if @spellPaletteView
@spellPaletteView = null
onSpriteSelected: (e) ->
thang = e.thang
spellName = e.spellName
return @clearSpellView() unless thang?.isProgrammable
selectedThangSpells = (@spells[spellKey] for spellKey in @thangSpells[thang.id])
if spellName
spell = _.find selectedThangSpells, {name: spellName}
spell = @thangList.topSpellForThang thang
#spell = selectedThangSpells[0] # TODO: remember last selected spell for this thang
return @clearSpellView() unless spell?.canRead()
unless spell.view is @spellView
@spellView = spell.view
@spellTabView = spell.tabView
@$el.find('#' + @spellView.id).after(@spellView.el).remove()
@$el.find('#' + @spellTabView.id).after(@spellTabView.el).remove()
@castButton.attachTo @spellView
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:spell-shown', thang: thang, spell: spell
@spellList.setThangAndSpell thang, spell
@spellView?.setThang thang
@spellTabView?.setThang thang
if @spellPaletteView?.thang isnt thang
@spellPaletteView = @insertSubView new SpellPaletteView thang: thang, supermodel: @supermodel
@spellPaletteView.toggleControls {}, spell.view.controlsEnabled # TODO: know when palette should have been disabled but didn't exist
reloadAllCode: ->
spell.view.reloadCode false for spellKey, spell of @spells
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'tome:cast-spells', spells: @spells
destroy: ->
spell.destroy() for spellKey, spell of @spells
@worker = null