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synced 2025-03-26 04:40:54 -04:00
520 lines
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520 lines
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SuperModel = require 'models/SuperModel'
CocoClass = require 'core/CocoClass'
LevelLoader = require 'lib/LevelLoader'
GoalManager = require 'lib/world/GoalManager'
God = require 'lib/God'
{createAetherOptions} = require 'lib/aether_utils'
simulatorInfo = {}
if $.browser
simulatorInfo['desktop'] = $.browser.desktop if $.browser.desktop
simulatorInfo['name'] = $.browser.name if $.browser.name
simulatorInfo['platform'] = $.browser.platform if $.browser.platform
simulatorInfo['version'] = $.browser.versionNumber if $.browser.versionNumber
module.exports = class Simulator extends CocoClass
constructor: (@options) ->
@options ?= {}
simulatorType = if @options.headlessClient then 'headless' else 'browser'
@simulator =
type: simulatorType
info: simulatorInfo
_.extend @, Backbone.Events
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Starting simulation!'
@retryDelayInSeconds = 2
@taskURL = '/queue/scoring'
@simulatedByYou = 0
@god = new God maxAngels: 1, workerCode: @options.workerCode, headless: true # Start loading worker.
destroy: ->
fetchAndSimulateOneGame: (humanGameID, ogresGameID) =>
return if @destroyed
url: '/queue/scoring/getTwoGames'
type: 'POST'
parse: true
humansGameID: humanGameID
ogresGameID: ogresGameID
simulator: @simulator
error: (errorData) ->
console.warn "There was an error fetching two games! #{JSON.stringify errorData}"
if errorData?.responseText?.indexOf("Old simulator") isnt -1
noty {
text: errorData.responseText
layout: 'center'
type: 'error'
success: (taskData) =>
return if @destroyed
unless taskData
@trigger 'statusUpdate', "No games to simulate. Trying another game in #{@retryDelayInSeconds} seconds."
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Setting up simulation...'
#refactor this
@task = new SimulationTask(taskData)
@supermodel ?= new SuperModel()
@stopListening @supermodel, 'loaded-all'
@levelLoader = new LevelLoader supermodel: @supermodel, levelID: @task.getLevelName(), sessionID: @task.getFirstSessionID(), opponentSessionID: @task.getSecondSessionID(), headless: true
if @supermodel.finished()
@listenToOnce @supermodel, 'loaded-all', @simulateSingleGame
simulateSingleGame: ->
return if @destroyed
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Simulating...'
catch error
@handleSingleSimulationError error
commenceSingleSimulation: ->
Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'god:infinite-loop', @handleSingleSimulationInfiniteLoop, @
Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'god:goals-calculated', @processSingleGameResults, @
@god.createWorld @generateSpellsObject()
handleSingleSimulationError: (error) ->
console.error 'There was an error simulating a single game!', error
return if @destroyed
if @options.headlessClient and @options.simulateOnlyOneGame
console.log 'GAMERESULT:tie'
handleSingleSimulationInfiniteLoop: ->
console.log 'There was an infinite loop in the single game!'
return if @destroyed
if @options.headlessClient and @options.simulateOnlyOneGame
console.log 'GAMERESULT:tie'
processSingleGameResults: (simulationResults) ->
return console.error "Weird, we destroyed the Simulator before it processed results?" if @destroyed
taskResults = @formTaskResultsObject simulationResults
catch error
console.log "Failed to form task results:", error
return @cleanupAndSimulateAnotherTask()
console.log 'Processing results:', taskResults
humanSessionRank = taskResults.sessions[0].metrics.rank
ogreSessionRank = taskResults.sessions[1].metrics.rank
if @options.headlessClient and @options.simulateOnlyOneGame
if humanSessionRank is ogreSessionRank
console.log 'GAMERESULT:tie'
else if humanSessionRank < ogreSessionRank
console.log 'GAMERESULT:humans'
else if ogreSessionRank < humanSessionRank
console.log 'GAMERESULT:ogres'
sendSingleGameBackToServer: (results) ->
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Simulation completed, sending results back to server!'
url: '/queue/scoring/recordTwoGames'
data: results
type: 'PUT'
parse: true
success: @handleTaskResultsTransferSuccess
error: @handleTaskResultsTransferError
complete: @cleanupAndSimulateAnotherTask
fetchAndSimulateTask: =>
return if @destroyed
if @options.headlessClient
if @dumpThisTime # The first heapdump would be useless to find leaks.
console.log 'Writing snapshot.'
@dumpThisTime = true if @options.heapdump
if @options.testing
_.delay @setupSimulationAndLoadLevel, 0, @options.testFile, 'Testing...', status: 400
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Fetching simulation data!'
url: @taskURL
type: 'GET'
parse: true
error: @handleFetchTaskError
success: @setupSimulationAndLoadLevel
cache: false
handleFetchTaskError: (errorData) =>
console.error "There was a horrible Error: #{JSON.stringify errorData}"
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'There was an error fetching games to simulate. Retrying in 10 seconds.'
handleNoGamesResponse: ->
info = 'Finding game to simulate...'
console.log info
@trigger 'statusUpdate', info
simulateAnotherTaskAfterDelay: =>
console.log "Retrying in #{@retryDelayInSeconds}"
retryDelayInMilliseconds = @retryDelayInSeconds * 1000
_.delay @fetchAndSimulateTask, retryDelayInMilliseconds
setupSimulationAndLoadLevel: (taskData, textStatus, jqXHR) =>
return @handleNoGamesResponse() if jqXHR.status is 204
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Setting up simulation!'
@task = new SimulationTask(taskData)
levelID = @task.getLevelName()
catch err
console.error err
@trigger 'statusUpdate', "Error simulating game: #{err}. Trying another game in #{@retryDelayInSeconds} seconds."
@supermodel ?= new SuperModel()
@stopListening @supermodel, 'loaded-all'
@levelLoader = new LevelLoader supermodel: @supermodel, levelID: levelID, sessionID: @task.getFirstSessionID(), opponentSessionID: @task.getSecondSessionID(), headless: true
if @supermodel.finished()
@listenToOnce @supermodel, 'loaded-all', @simulateGame
simulateGame: ->
return if @destroyed
info = 'All resources loaded, simulating!'
console.log info
@trigger 'statusUpdate', info, @task.getSessions()
catch err
console.error 'There was an error in simulation:', err, err.stack, "-- trying again in #{@retryDelayInSeconds} seconds"
assignWorldAndLevelFromLevelLoaderAndDestroyIt: ->
@world = @levelLoader.world
@level = @levelLoader.level
@session = @levelLoader.session
@otherSession = @levelLoader.opponentSession
@levelLoader = null
setupGod: ->
@god.setLevel @level.serialize(@supermodel, @session, @otherSession)
@god.setLevelSessionIDs (session.sessionID for session in @task.getSessions())
@god.setWorldClassMap @world.classMap
@god.setGoalManager new GoalManager(@world, @level.get 'goals')
humanFlagHistory = _.filter @session.get('state')?.flagHistory ? [], (event) => event.source isnt 'code' and event.team is (@session.get('team') ? 'humans')
ogreFlagHistory = _.filter @otherSession.get('state')?.flagHistory ? [], (event) => event.source isnt 'code' and event.team is (@otherSession.get('team') ? 'ogres')
@god.lastFlagHistory = humanFlagHistory.concat ogreFlagHistory
#console.log 'got flag history', @god.lastFlagHistory, 'from', humanFlagHistory, ogreFlagHistory, @session.get('state'), @otherSession.get('state')
@god.lastSubmissionCount = 0 # TODO: figure out how to combine submissionCounts from both players so we can use submissionCount random seeds again.
@god.lastDifficulty = 0
commenceSimulationAndSetupCallback: ->
Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'god:infinite-loop', @onInfiniteLoop, @
Backbone.Mediator.subscribeOnce 'god:goals-calculated', @processResults, @
@god.createWorld @generateSpellsObject()
# Search for leaks, headless-client only.
if @options.headlessClient and @options.leakTest and not @memwatch?
leakcount = 0
maxleakcount = 0
console.log 'Setting leak callbacks.'
@memwatch = require 'memwatch'
@memwatch.on 'leak', (info) =>
console.warn "LEAK!!\n" + JSON.stringify(info)
unless @hd?
if (leakcount++ is maxleakcount)
@hd = new @memwatch.HeapDiff()
@memwatch.on 'stats', (stats) =>
console.warn 'stats callback: ' + stats
diff = @hd.end()
console.warn "HeapDiff:\n" + JSON.stringify(diff)
if @options.exitOnLeak
console.warn 'Exiting because of Leak.'
@hd = new @memwatch.HeapDiff()
onInfiniteLoop: ->
return if @destroyed
console.warn 'Skipping infinitely looping game.'
@trigger 'statusUpdate', "Infinite loop detected; grabbing a new game in #{@retryDelayInSeconds} seconds."
_.delay @cleanupAndSimulateAnotherTask, @retryDelayInSeconds * 1000
processResults: (simulationResults) ->
return console.error "Weird, we destroyed the Simulator before it processed results?" if @destroyed
taskResults = @formTaskResultsObject simulationResults
catch error
console.log "Failed to form task results:", error
return @cleanupAndSimulateAnotherTask()
unless taskResults.taskID
console.error "*** Error: taskResults has no taskID ***\ntaskResults:", taskResults
@sendResultsBackToServer taskResults
sendResultsBackToServer: (results) ->
status = 'Recording:'
for session in results.sessions
states = ['wins', if _.find(results.sessions, (s) -> s.metrics.rank is 0) then 'loses' else 'draws']
status += " #{session.name} #{states[session.metrics.rank]}"
@trigger 'statusUpdate', status
console.log 'Sending result back to server:'
console.log JSON.stringify results
if @options.headlessClient and @options.testing
return @fetchAndSimulateTask()
url: '/queue/scoring'
data: results
type: 'PUT'
parse: true
success: @handleTaskResultsTransferSuccess
error: @handleTaskResultsTransferError
complete: @cleanupAndSimulateAnotherTask
handleTaskResultsTransferSuccess: (result) =>
return if @destroyed
console.log "Task registration result: #{JSON.stringify result}"
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'Results were successfully sent back to server!'
unless @options.headlessClient
simulatedBy = parseInt($('#simulated-by-you').text(), 10) + 1
handleTaskResultsTransferError: (error) =>
return if @destroyed
@trigger 'statusUpdate', 'There was an error sending the results back to the server.'
console.log "Task registration error: #{JSON.stringify error}"
cleanupAndSimulateAnotherTask: =>
return if @destroyed
cleanupSimulation: ->
@world = null
@level = null
formTaskResultsObject: (simulationResults) ->
taskResults =
taskID: @task.getTaskID()
receiptHandle: @task.getReceiptHandle()
originalSessionID: @task.getFirstSessionID()
originalSessionRank: -1
calculationTime: 500
sessions: []
simulator: @simulator
randomSeed: @task.world.randomSeed
for session in @task.getSessions()
sessionResult =
sessionID: session.sessionID
submitDate: session.submitDate
creator: session.creator
name: session.creatorName
totalScore: session.totalScore
rank: @calculateSessionRank session.sessionID, simulationResults.goalStates, @task.generateTeamToSessionMap()
if session.sessionID is taskResults.originalSessionID
taskResults.originalSessionRank = sessionResult.metrics.rank
taskResults.originalSessionTeam = session.team
taskResults.sessions.push sessionResult
return taskResults
calculateSessionRank: (sessionID, goalStates, teamSessionMap) ->
ogreGoals = (goalState for key, goalState of goalStates when goalState.team is 'ogres')
humanGoals = (goalState for key, goalState of goalStates when goalState.team is 'humans')
ogresWon = _.all ogreGoals, {status: 'success'}
humansWon = _.all humanGoals, {status: 'success'}
if ogresWon is humansWon
return 0
else if ogresWon and teamSessionMap['ogres'] is sessionID
return 0
else if ogresWon and teamSessionMap['ogres'] isnt sessionID
return 1
else if humansWon and teamSessionMap['humans'] is sessionID
return 0
return 1
generateSpellsObject: ->
@currentUserCodeMap = @task.generateSpellKeyToSourceMap()
@spells = {}
for thang in @level.attributes.thangs
continue if @thangIsATemplate thang
@generateSpellKeyToSourceMapPropertiesFromThang thang
thangIsATemplate: (thang) ->
for component in thang.components
continue unless @componentHasProgrammableMethods component
for methodName, method of component.config.programmableMethods
return true if @methodBelongsToTemplateThang method
return false
componentHasProgrammableMethods: (component) -> component.config? and _.has component.config, 'programmableMethods'
methodBelongsToTemplateThang: (method) -> typeof method is 'string'
generateSpellKeyToSourceMapPropertiesFromThang: (thang) =>
for component in thang.components
continue unless @componentHasProgrammableMethods component
for methodName, method of component.config.programmableMethods
spellKey = @generateSpellKeyFromThangIDAndMethodName thang.id, methodName
@createSpellAndAssignName spellKey, methodName
@createSpellThang thang, method, spellKey
@transpileSpell thang, spellKey, methodName
generateSpellKeyFromThangIDAndMethodName: (thang, methodName) ->
spellKeyComponents = [thang, methodName]
spellKeyComponents[0] = _.string.slugify spellKeyComponents[0]
spellKey = spellKeyComponents.join '/'
createSpellAndAssignName: (spellKey, spellName) ->
@spells[spellKey] ?= {}
@spells[spellKey].name = spellName
createSpellThang: (thang, method, spellKey) ->
@spells[spellKey].thangs ?= {}
@spells[spellKey].thangs[thang.id] ?= {}
spellTeam = @task.getSpellKeyToTeamMap()[spellKey]
playerTeams = @task.getPlayerTeams()
useProtectAPI = true
if spellTeam not in playerTeams
useProtectAPI = false
spellSession = _.filter(@task.getSessions(), {team: spellTeam})[0]
unless codeLanguage = spellSession?.submittedCodeLanguage
console.warn 'Session', spellSession.creatorName, spellSession.team, 'didn\'t have submittedCodeLanguage, just:', spellSession
@spells[spellKey].thangs[thang.id].aether = @createAether @spells[spellKey].name, method, useProtectAPI, codeLanguage ? 'javascript'
transpileSpell: (thang, spellKey, methodName) ->
slugifiedThangID = _.string.slugify thang.id
generatedSpellKey = [slugifiedThangID,methodName].join '/'
source = @currentUserCodeMap[generatedSpellKey] ? ''
aether = @spells[spellKey].thangs[thang.id].aether
unless _.contains(@task.spellKeysToTranspile, generatedSpellKey)
aether.pure = source
aether.transpile source
catch e
console.log "Couldn't transpile #{spellKey}:\n#{source}\n", e
aether.transpile ''
createAether: (methodName, method, useProtectAPI, codeLanguage) ->
aetherOptions = createAetherOptions functionName: methodName, codeLanguage: codeLanguage, skipProtectAPI: not useProtectAPI
return new Aether aetherOptions
class SimulationTask
constructor: (@rawData) ->
@spellKeyToTeamMap = {}
@spellKeysToTranspile = []
getLevelName: ->
levelName = @rawData.sessions?[0]?.levelID
return levelName if levelName?
@throwMalformedTaskError 'The level name couldn\'t be deduced from the task.'
generateTeamToSessionMap: ->
teamSessionMap = {}
for session in @rawData.sessions
@throwMalformedTaskError 'Two players share the same team' if teamSessionMap[session.team]?
teamSessionMap[session.team] = session.sessionID
throwMalformedTaskError: (errorString) ->
throw new Error "The task was malformed, reason: #{errorString}"
getFirstSessionID: -> @rawData.sessions[0].sessionID
getSecondSessionID: -> @rawData.sessions[1].sessionID
getTaskID: -> @rawData.taskID
getReceiptHandle: -> @rawData.receiptHandle
getSessions: -> @rawData.sessions
getSpellKeyToTeamMap: -> @spellKeyToTeamMap
getPlayerTeams: -> _.pluck @rawData.sessions, 'team'
setWorld: (@world) ->
generateSpellKeyToSourceMap: ->
playerTeams = _.pluck @rawData.sessions, 'team'
spellKeyToSourceMap = {}
for session in @rawData.sessions
teamSpells = session.teamSpells[session.team]
allTeams = _.keys session.teamSpells
nonPlayerTeams = _.difference allTeams, playerTeams
for team in allTeams
for spell in session.teamSpells[team]
@spellKeyToTeamMap[spell] = team
for nonPlayerTeam in nonPlayerTeams
for spell in session.teamSpells[nonPlayerTeam]
spellKeyToSourceMap[spell] ?= @getWorldProgrammableSource(spell, @world)
@spellKeysToTranspile.push spell
teamCode = {}
for thangName, thangSpells of session.transpiledCode
for spellName, spell of thangSpells
fullSpellName = [thangName, spellName].join '/'
if _.contains(teamSpells, fullSpellName)
_.merge spellKeyToSourceMap, teamCode
getWorldProgrammableSource: (desiredSpellKey ,world) ->
programmableThangs = _.filter world.thangs, 'isProgrammable'
@spells ?= {}
@thangSpells ?= {}
for thang in programmableThangs
continue if @thangSpells[thang.id]?
@thangSpells[thang.id] = []
for methodName, method of thang.programmableMethods
pathComponents = [thang.id, methodName]
if method.cloneOf
pathComponents[0] = method.cloneOf # referencing another Thang's method
pathComponents[0] = _.string.slugify pathComponents[0]
spellKey = pathComponents.join '/'
@thangSpells[thang.id].push spellKey
if not method.cloneOf and spellKey is desiredSpellKey
#console.log "Setting #{desiredSpellKey} from world!"
return method.source