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synced 2025-01-07 05:02:23 -05:00
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96 lines
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CocoView = require 'views/core/CocoView'
template = require 'templates/play/level/web-surface-view'
module.exports = class WebSurfaceView extends CocoView
id: 'web-surface-view'
template: template
'tome:html-updated': 'onHTMLUpdated'
initialize: (options) ->
@goals = (goal for goal in options.goalManager?.goals ? [] when goal.html)
# Consider https://www.npmjs.com/package/css-select to do this on virtualDom instead of in iframe on concreteDOM
afterRender: ->
@iframe = @$('iframe')[0]
$(@iframe).on 'load', (e) =>
window.addEventListener 'message', @onIframeMessage
@iframeLoaded = true
@onIframeLoaded = null
# TODO: make clicking Run actually trigger a 'create' update here (for resetting scripts)
onHTMLUpdated: (e) ->
unless @iframeLoaded
return @onIframeLoaded = => @onHTMLUpdated e unless @destroyed
dom = htmlparser2.parseDOM e.html, {}
body = _.find(dom, name: 'body') ? {name: 'body', attribs: null, children: dom}
html = _.find(dom, name: 'html') ? {name: 'html', attribs: null, children: [body]}
# TODO: pull out the actual scripts, styles, and body/elements they are doing so we can merge them with our initial structure on the other side
{ virtualDom, styles, scripts } = @extractStylesAndScripts(@dekuify html)
messageType = if e.create or not @virtualDom then 'create' else 'update'
@iframe.contentWindow.postMessage {type: messageType, dom: virtualDom, styles, scripts, goals: @goals}, '*'
@virtualDom = virtualDom
dekuify: (elem) ->
return elem.data if elem.type is 'text'
return null if elem.type is 'comment' # TODO: figure out how to make a comment in virtual dom
elem.attribs = _.omit elem.attribs, (val, attr) -> attr.indexOf('<') > -1 # Deku chokes on `<thing <p></p>`
unless elem.name
console.log("Failed to dekuify", elem)
return elem.type
deku.element(elem.name, elem.attribs, (@dekuify(c) for c in elem.children ? []))
extractStylesAndScripts: (dekuTree) ->
recurse = (dekuTree) ->
#base case
if dekuTree.type is '#text'
return { virtualDom: dekuTree, styles: [], scripts: [] }
if dekuTree.type is 'style'
return { styles: [dekuTree], scripts: [] }
if dekuTree.type is 'script'
return { styles: [], scripts: [dekuTree] }
# recurse over children
childStyles = []
childScripts = []
dekuTree.children?.forEach (dekuChild, index) =>
{ virtualDom, styles, scripts } = recurse(dekuChild)
dekuTree.children[index] = virtualDom
childStyles = childStyles.concat(styles)
childScripts = childScripts.concat(scripts)
dekuTree.children = _.filter dekuTree.children # Remove the nodes we extracted
return { virtualDom: dekuTree, scripts: childScripts, styles: childStyles }
{ virtualDom, scripts, styles } = recurse(dekuTree)
combinedScripts = @combineNodes('script', scripts)
combinedStyles = @combineNodes('style', styles)
return { virtualDom, scripts: combinedScripts, styles: combinedStyles }
combineNodes: (type, nodes) ->
if _.any(nodes, (node) -> node.type isnt type)
throw new Error("Can't combine nodes of different types. (Got #{nodes.map (n) -> n.type})")
children = nodes.map((n) -> n.children).reduce(((a,b) -> a.concat(b)), [])
if _.isEmpty(children)
deku.element(type, {})
deku.element(type, {}, children)
onIframeMessage: (event) =>
origin = event.origin or event.originalEvent.origin
unless origin is window.location.origin
return console.log 'Ignoring message from bad origin:', origin
unless event.source is @iframe.contentWindow
return console.log 'Ignoring message from somewhere other than our iframe:', event.source
switch event.data.type
when 'goals-updated'
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'god:new-html-goal-states', goalStates: event.data.goalStates, overallStatus: event.data.overallStatus
console.warn 'Unknown message type', event.data.type, 'for message', e, 'from origin', origin
destroy: ->
window.removeEventListener 'message', @onIframeMessage