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synced 2024-11-30 19:06:59 -05:00
anonymous users are now warned if their new name is already chosen User Settings is now without auto-save Upon name conflict, a user will be suggested a new name which is then submitted if the user chooses to save after all. Refactored conflicted name checking so it can be used in more places Signup form now has an optional name field Covered extra case where the debounced check happened too late. Support for submitting on enter. Worked in scott's comments and got tests working again
125 lines
3.7 KiB
125 lines
3.7 KiB
GRAVATAR_URL = 'https://www.gravatar.com/'
cache = {}
CocoModel = require './CocoModel'
util = require 'lib/utils'
module.exports = class User extends CocoModel
@className: 'User'
@schema: require 'schemas/models/user'
urlRoot: '/db/user'
notyErrors: false
initialize: ->
isAdmin: ->
permissions = @attributes['permissions'] or []
return 'admin' in permissions
displayName: ->
@get('name') or 'Anoner'
lang: ->
@get('preferredLanguage') or 'en-US'
getPhotoURL: (size=80, useJobProfilePhoto=false, useEmployerPageAvatar=false) ->
photoURL = if useJobProfilePhoto then @get('jobProfile')?.photoURL else null
photoURL ||= @get('photoURL')
if photoURL
prefix = if photoURL.search(/\?/) is -1 then '?' else '&'
return "#{photoURL}#{prefix}s=#{size}" if photoURL.search('http') isnt -1 # legacy
return "/file/#{photoURL}#{prefix}s=#{size}"
return "/db/user/#{@id}/avatar?s=#{size}&employerPageAvatar=#{useEmployerPageAvatar}"
@getByID = (id, properties, force) ->
{me} = require 'lib/auth'
return me if me.id is id
user = cache[id] or new module.exports({_id: id})
if force or not cache[id]
user.loading = true
success: ->
user.loading = false
#user.trigger 'sync' # needed?
cache[id] = user
# callbacks can be either success or error
@getByIDOrSlug: (idOrSlug, force, callbacks={}) ->
{me} = require 'lib/auth'
isID = util.isID idOrSlug
if me.id is idOrSlug or me.slug is idOrSlug
callbacks.success me if callbacks.success?
return me
cached = cache[idOrSlug]
user = cached or new @ _id: idOrSlug
if force or not cached
user.loading = true
success: ->
user.loading = false
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'user:fetched'
callbacks.success user if callbacks.success?
error: ->
user.loading = false
callbacks.error user if callbacks.error?
cache[idOrSlug] = user
@getUnconflictedName: (name, done) ->
$.ajax "/auth/name/#{name}",
success: (data) -> done data.name
statusCode: 409: (data) ->
response = JSON.parse data.responseText
done response.name
getEnabledEmails: ->
emails = _.clone(@get('emails')) or {}
emails = _.defaults emails, @schema().properties.emails.default
(emailName for emailName, emailDoc of emails when emailDoc.enabled)
setEmailSubscription: (name, enabled) ->
newSubs = _.clone(@get('emails')) or {}
(newSubs[name] ?= {}).enabled = enabled
@set 'emails', newSubs
announcement: 'generalNews'
developer: 'archmageNews'
tester: 'adventurerNews'
level_creator: 'artisanNews'
article_editor: 'scribeNews'
translator: 'diplomatNews'
support: 'ambassadorNews'
notification: 'anyNotes'
migrateEmails: ->
return if @attributes.emails or not @attributes.emailSubscriptions
oldSubs = @get('emailSubscriptions') or []
newSubs = {}
newSubs[newSubName] = {enabled: oldSubName in oldSubs} for oldSubName, newSubName of @emailMap
@set('emails', newSubs)
isEmailSubscriptionEnabled: (name) -> (@get('emails') or {})[name]?.enabled
a = 5
b = 40
# y = a * ln(1/b * (x + b)) + 1
@levelFromExp: (xp) ->
if xp > 0 then Math.floor(a * Math.log((1/b) * (xp + b))) + 1 else 1
# x = (e^((y-1)/a) - 1) * b
@expForLevel: (level) ->
Math.ceil((Math.exp((level - 1)/ a) - 1) * b)
level: ->
levelFromExp: (xp) -> User.levelFromExp(xp)
expForLevel: (level) -> User.expForLevel(level)