mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 02:38:05 -05:00
Address some code review feedback Correct error code in test Don't try to send emails to empty addresses Add tests for subscriptions Add tests for Next Steps email Fix specs Add reason for disabled test
576 lines
24 KiB
576 lines
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async = require 'async'
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
Grid = require 'gridfs-stream'
errors = require './errors'
log = require 'winston'
Patch = require '../models/Patch'
User = require '../models/User'
sendwithus = require '../sendwithus'
slack = require '../slack'
deltasLib = require '../../app/core/deltas'
PROJECT = {original: 1, name: 1, version: 1, description: 1, slug: 1, kind: 1, created: 1, permissions: 1}
FETCH_LIMIT = 1000 # So many ThangTypes
module.exports = class Handler
# subclasses should override these properties
modelClass: null
privateProperties: []
editableProperties: []
postEditableProperties: []
jsonSchema: {}
waterfallFunctions: []
allowedMethods: ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH']
constructor: ->
# TODO The second 'or' is for backward compatibility only
@privateProperties = @modelClass?.privateProperties or @privateProperties or []
@editableProperties = @modelClass?.editableProperties or @editableProperties or []
@postEditableProperties = @modelClass?.postEditableProperties or @postEditableProperties or []
@jsonSchema = @modelClass?.jsonSchema or @jsonSchema or {}
# subclasses should override these methods
hasAccess: (req) -> true
hasAccessToDocument: (req, document, method=null) ->
return true if req.user?.isAdmin()
if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_translation_coverage and (method or req.method).toLowerCase() in ['post', 'put']
return true if @isJustFillingTranslations(req, document)
if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_permissions
return document.hasPermissionsForMethod?(req.user, method or req.method)
return true
isJustFillingTranslations: (req, document) ->
differ = deltasLib.makeJSONDiffer()
omissions = ['original'].concat(deltasLib.DOC_SKIP_PATHS)
delta = differ.diff(_.omit(document.toObject(), omissions), _.omit(req.body, omissions))
flattened = deltasLib.flattenDelta(delta)
_.all flattened, (delta) ->
# sometimes coverage gets moved around... allow other changes to happen to i18nCoverage
return false unless _.isArray(delta.o)
return true if 'i18nCoverage' in delta.dataPath
return false unless delta.o.length is 1
index = delta.deltaPath.indexOf('i18n')
return false if index is -1
return false if delta.deltaPath[index+1] in ['en', 'en-US', 'en-GB'] # English speakers are most likely just spamming, so always treat those as patches, not saves.
return true
formatEntity: (req, document) -> document?.toObject()
getEditableProperties: (req, document) ->
props = @editableProperties.slice()
isBrandNew = req.method is 'POST' and not req.body.original
props = props.concat @postEditableProperties if isBrandNew
if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_permissions and req.user
# can only edit permissions if this is a brand new property,
# or you are an owner of the old one
isOwner = document.getAccessForUserObjectId(req.user._id) is 'owner'
if isBrandNew or isOwner or req.user?.isAdmin()
props.push 'permissions'
props.push 'commitMessage' if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions
props.push 'allowPatches' if @modelClass.schema.is_patchable
# sending functions
sendUnauthorizedError: (res) -> errors.unauthorized(res)
sendForbiddenError: (res) -> errors.forbidden(res)
sendNotFoundError: (res, message) -> errors.notFound(res, message)
sendMethodNotAllowed: (res, message) -> errors.badMethod(res, @allowedMethods, message)
sendBadInputError: (res, message) -> errors.badInput(res, message)
sendPaymentRequiredError: (res, message) -> errors.paymentRequired(res, message)
sendDatabaseError: (res, err) ->
if err instanceof errors.NetworkError
return res.status(err.code).send(err.toJSON())
return @sendError(res, err.code, err.response) if err?.response and err?.code
log.error "Database error, #{err}"
errors.serverError(res, 'Database error, ' + err)
sendError: (res, code, message) ->
errors.custom(res, code, message)
sendSuccess: (res, message='{}') ->
res.send 200, message
sendCreated: (res, message='{}') ->
res.send 201, message
sendAccepted: (res, message='{}') ->
res.send 202, message
sendNoContent: (res) ->
res.send 204
# generic handlers
get: (req, res) ->
return @sendForbiddenError(res) if not @hasAccess(req)
specialParameters = ['term', 'project', 'conditions']
if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_translation_coverage and req.query.view is 'i18n-coverage'
# TODO: generalize view, project, limit and skip query parameters
projection = {}
if req.query.project
projection[field] = 1 for field in req.query.project.split(',')
query = {slug: {$exists: true}, i18nCoverage: {$exists: true}}
q = @modelClass.find(query, projection)
skip = parseInt(req.query.skip)
if skip? and skip < 1000000
limit = parseInt(req.query.limit)
if limit? and limit < 1000
q.exec (err, documents) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
documents = (@formatEntity(req, doc) for doc in documents)
@sendSuccess(res, documents)
# If the model uses coco search it's probably a text search
else if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_search
term = req.query.term
matchedObjects = []
filters = if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions or @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_permissions then [filter: {index: true}] else [filter: {}]
skip = parseInt(req.query.skip)
limit = parseInt(req.query.limit)
if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_permissions and req.user
filters.push {filter: {index: req.user.get('id')}}
projection = null
if req.query.project is 'true'
projection = PROJECT
else if req.query.project
if @modelClass.className is 'User'
projection = PROJECT
log.warn 'Whoa, we haven\'t yet thought about public properties for User projection yet.'
projection = {}
projection[field] = 1 for field in req.query.project.split(',')
for filter in filters
callback = (err, results) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
for r in results.results ? results
obj = r.obj ? r
continue if obj in matchedObjects # TODO: probably need a better equality check
matchedObjects.push obj
filters.pop() # doesn't matter which one
unless filters.length
res.send matchedObjects
if term
filter.filter.$text = $search: term
else if filters.length is 1 and filters[0].filter?.index is true
# All we are doing is an empty text search, but that doesn't hit the index, so we'll just look for the slug.
filter.filter = slug: {$exists: true}
args = [filter.filter]
args.push projection if projection
q = @modelClass.find(args...)
if skip? and skip < 1000000
if limit? and limit < FETCH_LIMIT
q.exec callback
# if it's not a text search but the user is an admin, let him try stuff anyway
else if req.user?.isAdmin()
# admins can send any sort of query down the wire
# Example URL: http://localhost:3000/db/user?filter[anonymous]=true
filter = {}
filter[key] = JSON.parse(val) for own key, val of req.query.filter when key not in specialParameters if 'filter' of req.query
query = @modelClass.find(filter)
# Conditions are chained query functions, for example: query.find().limit(20).sort('-dateCreated')
# Example URL: http://localhost:3000/db/user?conditions[limit]=20&conditions[sort]=-dateCreated
hasLimit = false
for own key, val of req.query.conditions
numeric = parseInt val, 10
if not _.isNaN(numeric) and numeric + '' is val
val = numeric
query = query[key](val)
hasLimit ||= key is 'limit'
catch e
return @sendError(res, 422, 'Badly formed conditions.')
query.limit(2000) unless hasLimit
query.exec (err, documents) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
documents = (@formatEntity(req, doc) for doc in documents)
@sendSuccess(res, documents)
# regular users are only allowed text searches for now, without any additional filters or sorting
return @sendForbiddenError(res)
getById: (req, res, id) ->
return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccess(req)
if req.query.project
projection = {}
projection[field] = 1 for field in req.query.project.split(',')
projection.permissions = 1 # TODO: A better solution for always including properties the server needs
@getDocumentForIdOrSlug id, projection, (err, document) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
return @sendNotFoundError(res) unless document?
return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccessToDocument(req, document)
res.setHeader 'Cache-Control', 'no-cache' unless Handler.isID(id + '') # Don't cache if it's a slug instead of an ID
@sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, document))
getByRelationship: (req, res, args...) ->
# this handler should be overwritten by subclasses
if @modelClass.schema.is_patchable
return @getPatchesFor(req, res, args[0]) if req.route.method is 'get' and args[1] is 'patches'
return @setWatching(req, res, args[0]) if req.route.method is 'put' and args[1] is 'watch'
return @sendNotFoundError(res)
getNamesByIDs: (req, res) ->
ids = req.query.ids or req.body.ids
if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions
return @getNamesByOriginals(req, res)
@getPropertiesFromMultipleDocuments res, User, 'name', ids
getNamesByOriginals: (req, res, nonVersioned=false) ->
ids = req.query.ids or req.body.ids
ids = ids.split(',') if _.isString ids
ids = _.uniq ids
# Hack: levels loading thang types need the components returned as well.
# Need a way to specify a projection for a query.
project = {name: 1, original: 1, kind: 1, components: 1, prerenderedSpriteSheetData: 1}
sort = if nonVersioned then {} else {'version.major': -1, 'version.minor': -1}
makeFunc = (id) =>
(callback) =>
criteria = {}
criteria[if nonVersioned then '_id' else 'original'] = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)
@modelClass.findOne(criteria, project).sort(sort).exec (err, document) ->
return callback err if err
callback(null, document?.toObject() or null)
funcs = {}
for id in ids
return errors.badInput(res, "Given an invalid id: #{id}") unless Handler.isID(id)
funcs[id] = makeFunc(id)
async.parallel funcs, (err, results) ->
return errors.serverError err if err
res.send (d for d in _.values(results) when d)
getPatchesFor: (req, res, id) ->
query =
$or: [
{'target.original': id+''}
{'target.original': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)}
status: req.query.status or 'pending'
Patch.find(query).sort('-created').exec (err, patches) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
patches = (patch.toObject() for patch in patches)
@sendSuccess(res, patches)
setWatching: (req, res, id) ->
@getDocumentForIdOrSlug id, (err, document) =>
return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccessToDocument(req, document, 'get')
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
return @sendNotFoundError(res) unless document?
watchers = document.get('watchers') or []
me = req.user.get('_id')
watchers = (l for l in watchers when not l.equals(me))
watchers.push me if req.body.on and req.body.on isnt 'false'
document.set 'watchers', watchers
document.save (err, document) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
@sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, document))
versions: (req, res, id) ->
# TODO: a flexible system for doing GAE-like cursors for these sort of paginating queries
# Keeping it simple for now and just allowing access to the first FETCH_LIMIT results.
query = {'original': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id)}
sort = {'created': -1}
selectString = 'slug name version commitMessage created creator permissions'
aggregate = $match: query
@modelClass.aggregate(aggregate).project(selectString).limit(FETCH_LIMIT).sort(sort).exec (err, results) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
files: (req, res, id) ->
module = req.path[4..].split('/')[0]
query = {'metadata.path': "db/#{module}/#{id}"}
Grid.gfs.collection('media').find query, (err, cursor) ->
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
results = cursor.toArray (err, results) ->
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
getLatestVersion: (req, res, original, version) ->
# can get latest overall version, latest of a major version, or a specific version
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'Invalid MongoDB id: '+original) if not Handler.isID(original)
query = { 'original': mongoose.Types.ObjectId(original) }
if version?
version = version.split('.')
majorVersion = parseInt(version[0])
minorVersion = parseInt(version[1])
query['version.major'] = majorVersion unless _.isNaN(majorVersion)
query['version.minor'] = minorVersion unless _.isNaN(minorVersion)
sort = { 'version.major': -1, 'version.minor': -1 }
args = [query]
if req.query.project
projection = {}
fields = if req.query.project is 'true' then _.keys(PROJECT) else req.query.project.split(',')
projection[field] = 1 for field in fields
# Make sure that permissions and version are fetched, but not sent back if they didn't ask for them.
extraProjectionProps = []
extraProjectionProps.push 'permissions' unless projection.permissions
extraProjectionProps.push 'version' unless projection.version
projection.permissions = 1
projection.version = 1
args.push projection
@modelClass.findOne(args...).sort(sort).exec (err, doc) =>
return @sendNotFoundError(res) unless doc?
return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccessToDocument(req, doc)
doc = _.omit doc, extraProjectionProps if extraProjectionProps?
patch: ->
console.warn 'Received unexpected PATCH request'
put: (req, res, id) ->
# Client expects PATCH behavior for PUTs
# Real PATCHs return incorrect HTTP responses in some environments (e.g. Browserstack, schools)
return @sendForbiddenError(res) if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions and not req.user.isAdmin() # Campaign editor just saves over things.
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'No input.') if _.isEmpty(req.body)
return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccess(req)
idOrSlug = req.body._id or id
if not idOrSlug or idOrSlug is 'undefined'
console.error "Bad PUT trying to fetching the slug: #{idOrSlug} for #{@modelClass.collection?.name} from #{req.headers['x-current-path']}?"
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'No _id field provided.')
@getDocumentForIdOrSlug idOrSlug, (err, document) =>
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'Bad id.') if err and err.name is 'CastError'
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
return @sendNotFoundError(res) unless document?
return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccessToDocument(req, document)
@doWaterfallChecks req, document, (err, document) =>
return if err is true
return @sendError(res, err.code, err.res) if err
@saveChangesToDocument req, document, (err) =>
return @sendBadInputError(res, err.errors) if err?.valid is false
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
@sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, document))
@onPutSuccess(req, document)
post: (req, res) ->
if @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions
if req.body.original
return @postNewVersion(req, res)
return @postFirstVersion(req, res)
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'No input.') if _.isEmpty(req.body)
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'id should not be included.') if req.body._id
return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccess(req)
document = @makeNewInstance(req)
@saveChangesToDocument req, document, (err) =>
return @sendBadInputError(res, err.errors) if err?.valid is false
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
@sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, document))
@onPostSuccess(req, document)
onPostSuccess: (req, doc) ->
onPutSuccess: (req, doc) ->
TODO: think about pulling some common stuff out of postFirstVersion/postNewVersion
into a postVersion if we can figure out the breakpoints?
..... actually, probably better would be to do the returns with throws instead
and have a handler which turns them into status codes and messages
postFirstVersion: (req, res) ->
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'No input.') if _.isEmpty(req.body)
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'id should not be included.') if req.body._id
return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccess(req)
document = @makeNewInstance(req)
document.set('original', document._id)
document.set('creator', req.user._id)
@saveChangesToDocument req, document, (err) =>
return @sendBadInputError(res, err.errors) if err?.valid is false
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
@sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, document))
postNewVersion: (req, res) ->
To the client, posting new versions look like this:
POST /db/modelname
With the input being just the altered structure of the old version,
leaving the _id property intact even.
No version object means it's a new major version.
A version object with a major value means a new minor version.
All other properties in version are ignored.
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'This entity is not versioned') unless @modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'No input.') if _.isEmpty(req.body)
return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccess(req)
@getDocumentForIdOrSlug req.body._id, (err, parentDocument) =>
return @sendBadInputError(res, 'Bad id.') if err and err.name is 'CastError'
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
return @sendNotFoundError(res) unless parentDocument?
return @sendForbiddenError(res) unless @hasAccessToDocument(req, parentDocument)
editableProperties = @getEditableProperties req, parentDocument
updatedObject = parentDocument.toObject()
for prop in editableProperties
if (val = req.body[prop])?
updatedObject[prop] = val
else if updatedObject[prop]?
delete updatedObject[prop]
delete updatedObject._id
major = req.body.version?.major
validation = @validateDocumentInput(updatedObject)
return @sendBadInputError(res, validation.errors) unless validation.valid
done = (err, newDocument) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
newDocument.set('creator', req.user._id)
newDocument.save (err) =>
return @sendDatabaseError(res, err) if err
@sendSuccess(res, @formatEntity(req, newDocument))
if @modelClass.schema.is_patchable
@notifyWatchersOfChange(req.user, newDocument, req.headers['x-current-path'])
if major?
parentDocument.makeNewMinorVersion(updatedObject, major, done)
parentDocument.makeNewMajorVersion(updatedObject, done)
notifyWatchersOfChange: (editor, changedDocument, editPath) ->
docLink = "http://codecombat.com#{editPath}"
@sendChangedSlackMessage creator: editor, target: changedDocument, docLink: docLink
watchers = changedDocument.get('watchers') or []
# Don't send these emails to the person who submitted the patch, or to Nick, George, or Scott.
watchers = (w for w in watchers when not w.equals(editor.get('_id')) and not (w + '' in ['512ef4805a67a8c507000001', '5162fab9c92b4c751e000274', '51538fdb812dd9af02000001']))
return unless watchers.length
User.find({_id:{$in:watchers}}).select({email:1, name:1}).exec (err, watchers) =>
for watcher in watchers
@notifyWatcherOfChange editor, watcher, changedDocument, editPath
notifyWatcherOfChange: (editor, watcher, changedDocument, editPath) ->
return if not watcher.get('email')
context =
email_id: sendwithus.templates.change_made_notify_watcher
address: watcher.get('email')
name: watcher.get('name')
doc_name: changedDocument.get('name') or '???'
submitter_name: editor.get('name') or '???'
doc_link: if editPath then "http://codecombat.com#{editPath}" else null
commit_message: changedDocument.get('commitMessage')
sendwithus.api.send context, (err, result) ->
sendChangedSlackMessage: (options) ->
message = "#{options.creator.get('name')} saved a change to #{options.target.get('name')}: #{options.target.get('commitMessage') or '(no commit message)'} #{options.docLink}"
slack.sendSlackMessage message, ['artisans']
makeNewInstance: (req) ->
model = new @modelClass({})
if @modelClass.schema.is_patchable
watchers = [req.user.get('_id')]
if req.user.isAdmin() # https://github.com/codecombat/codecombat/issues/1105
nick = mongoose.Types.ObjectId('512ef4805a67a8c507000001')
watchers.push nick unless _.find watchers, (id) -> id.equals nick
model.set 'watchers', watchers
validateDocumentInput: (input) ->
tv4 = require('tv4').tv4
res = tv4.validateMultiple(input, @jsonSchema)
@isID: (id) -> _.isString(id) and id.length is 24 and id.match(/[a-f0-9]/gi)?.length is 24
getDocumentForIdOrSlug: (idOrSlug, projection, done) ->
unless done
done = projection # projection is optional argument
projection = null
idOrSlug = idOrSlug+''
if Handler.isID(idOrSlug)
query = @modelClass.findById(idOrSlug)
if not idOrSlug or idOrSlug is 'undefined'
console.error "Bad request trying to fetching the slug: #{idOrSlug} for #{@modelClass.collection?.name}"
return done null, null
query = @modelClass.findOne {slug: idOrSlug}
query.select projection if projection
query.exec (err, document) ->
done(err, document)
doWaterfallChecks: (req, document, done) ->
return done(null, document) unless @waterfallFunctions.length
# waterfall doesn't let you pass an initial argument
# so wrap the first waterfall function to pass in the document
funcs = (f for f in @waterfallFunctions)
firstFunc = funcs[0]
wrapped = (func, r, doc) -> (callback) -> func(r, doc, callback)
funcs[0] = wrapped(firstFunc, req, document)
async.waterfall funcs, (err, rrr, document) ->
done(err, document)
saveChangesToDocument: (req, document, done) ->
for prop in @getEditableProperties req, document
if (val = req.body[prop])?
document.set prop, val
# Hold on, gotta think about that one
#else if document.get(prop)? and req.method isnt 'PATCH'
# document.set prop, 'undefined'
obj = document.toObject()
# Hack to get saving of Users to work. Probably should replace these props with strings
# so that validation doesn't get hung up on Date objects in the documents.
delete obj.dateCreated
validation = @validateDocumentInput(obj)
return done(validation) unless validation.valid
document.save (err) -> done(err)
getPropertiesFromMultipleDocuments: (res, model, properties, ids) ->
query = model.find()
ids = ids.split(',') if _.isString ids
ids = _.uniq ids
for id in ids
return errors.badInput(res, "Given an invalid id: #{id}") unless Handler.isID(id)
query.where({'_id': { $in: ids} })
query.select(properties).exec (err, documents) ->
dict = {}
_.each documents, (document) ->
dict[document.id] = document
res.send dict
delete: (req, res) -> @sendMethodNotAllowed res, 'DELETE not allowed.'
head: (req, res) -> @sendMethodNotAllowed res, 'HEAD not allowed.'
# This is not a Mongoose user
projectionForUser: (req, model, ownerID) ->
return {} if 'privateProperties' not of model or req.user?._id + '' is ownerID + '' or req.user.isAdmin()
projection = {}
projection[field] = 0 for field in model.privateProperties