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synced 2024-11-24 16:17:57 -05:00
Pvp status view (temp location and UI) Remove pvp status from control bar Add game menu param for jumping into a specific tab Lots of bug fixing and session state cleanup Does not address problems with executing real-time multiplayer cast
194 lines
8.4 KiB
194 lines
8.4 KiB
CocoView = require 'views/kinds/CocoView'
template = require 'templates/game-menu/multiplayer-view'
{me} = require 'lib/auth'
ThangType = require 'models/ThangType'
LadderSubmissionView = require 'views/play/common/LadderSubmissionView'
RealTimeModel = require 'models/RealTimeModel'
RealTimeCollection = require 'collections/RealTimeCollection'
module.exports = class MultiplayerView extends CocoView
id: 'multiplayer-view'
className: 'tab-pane'
template: template
'ladder:game-submitted': 'onGameSubmitted'
'click textarea': 'onClickLink'
'change #multiplayer': 'updateLinkSection'
'click #create-game-button': 'onCreateRealTimeGame'
'click #join-game-button': 'onJoinRealTimeGame'
'click #leave-game-button': 'onLeaveRealTimeGame'
constructor: (options) ->
@level = options.level
@session = options.session
@listenTo @session, 'change:multiplayer', @updateLinkSection
destroy: ->
@realTimeSessions?.off 'add', @onRealTimeSessionAdded
@currentRealTimeSession?.off 'change', @onCurrentRealTimeSessionChanged
collection.off() for id, collection of @realTimeSessionsPlayers
getRenderData: ->
c = super()
c.joinLink = "#{document.location.href.replace(/\?.*/, '').replace('#', '')}?session=#{@session.id}"
c.multiplayer = @session.get 'multiplayer'
c.team = @session.get 'team'
c.levelSlug = @level?.get 'slug'
# For now, ladderGame will disallow multiplayer, because session code combining doesn't play nice yet.
if @level?.get('type') in ['ladder', 'hero-ladder']
c.ladderGame = true
c.readyToRank = @session?.readyToRank()
# Real-time multiplayer stuff
c.levelID = @session.get('levelID')
c.realTimeSessions = @realTimeSessions
c.currentRealTimeSession = @currentRealTimeSession if @currentRealTimeSession
c.realTimeSessionPlayers = @realTimeSessionsPlayers if @realTimeSessionsPlayers
# console.log 'MultiplayerView getRenderData', c.levelID
# console.log 'realTimeSessions', c.realTimeSessions
# console.log c.realTimeSessions.at(c.realTimeSessions.length - 1).get('state') if c.realTimeSessions.length > 0
# console.log 'currentRealTimeSession', c.currentRealTimeSession
# console.log 'realTimeSessionPlayers', c.realTimeSessionPlayers
afterRender: ->
@ladderSubmissionView = new LadderSubmissionView session: @session, level: @level
@insertSubView @ladderSubmissionView, @$el.find('.ladder-submission-view')
@$el.find('#created-multiplayer-session').toggle Boolean(@currentRealTimeSession?)
@$el.find('#create-game-button').toggle Boolean(not (@currentRealTimeSession?))
onClickLink: (e) ->
onGameSubmitted: (e) ->
ladderURL = "/play/ladder/#{@level.get('slug')}#my-matches"
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'router:navigate', route: ladderURL
updateLinkSection: ->
multiplayer = @$el.find('#multiplayer').prop('checked')
la = @$el.find('#link-area')
la.toggle if @level?.get('type') in ['ladder', 'hero-ladder'] then false else Boolean(multiplayer)
onHidden: ->
multiplayer = Boolean(@$el.find('#multiplayer').prop('checked'))
@session.set('multiplayer', multiplayer)
# Real-time Multiplayer ######################################################
# This view is responsible for joining and leaving real-time multiplayer games.
# It performs these actions:
# Display your current game (level, players)
# Display open games
# Create game button, if not in a game
# Join game button
# Leave game button, if in a game
# It monitors these:
# Real-time multiplayer sessions (for open games, player states)
# Current real-time multiplayer game session for changes
# Players for real-time multiplayer game session
# Real-time state variables:
# @realTimeSessionsPlayers - Collection of player lists for active real-time multiplayer sessions
# @realTimeSessions - Active real-time multiplayer sessions
# @currentRealTimeSession - Our current real-time multiplayer session
watchRealTimeSessions: ->
# Setup monitoring of real-time multiplayer level sessions
@realTimeSessionsPlayers = {}
# TODO: only request sessions for this level, !team, etc.
# TODO: move this to multiplayer_level_sessions/#{levelID}/
@realTimeSessions = new RealTimeCollection('multiplayer_level_sessions/')
@realTimeSessions.on 'add', @onRealTimeSessionAdded
@realTimeSessions.each (rts) => @watchRealTimeSession rts
watchRealTimeSession: (rts) ->
return if rts.get('state') is 'finished'
return if rts.get('levelID') isnt @session.get('levelID')
# console.log 'MultiplayerView watchRealTimeSession', rts
# Setup monitoring of players for given session
# TODO: verify we need this
realTimeSession = new RealTimeModel('multiplayer_level_sessions/' + rts.id)
realTimeSession.on 'change', @onRealTimeSessionChanged
@realTimeSessionsPlayers[rts.id] = new RealTimeCollection('multiplayer_level_sessions/' + rts.id + '/players')
@realTimeSessionsPlayers[rts.id].on 'add', @onRealTimePlayerAdded
@findCurrentRealTimeSession rts
findCurrentRealTimeSession: (rts) ->
# Look for our current real-time session (level, level state, member player)
return if @currentRealTimeSession or not @realTimeSessionsPlayers?
if rts.get('levelID') is @session.get('levelID') and rts.get('state') isnt 'finished'
@realTimeSessionsPlayers[rts.id].each (player) =>
if player.id is me.id and player.get('state') isnt 'left'
# console.log 'MultiplayerView found current real-time session', rts
@currentRealTimeSession = new RealTimeModel('multiplayer_level_sessions/' + rts.id)
@currentRealTimeSession.on 'change', @onCurrentRealTimeSessionChanged
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:joined-game', id: me.id, session: @currentRealTimeSession
onRealTimeSessionAdded: (rts) =>
@watchRealTimeSession rts
onRealTimeSessionChanged: (rts) =>
# console.log 'MultiplayerView onRealTimeSessionChanged', rts.get('state')
# TODO: @realTimeSessions isn't updated before we call render() here
# TODO: so this game isn't updated in open games list
onCurrentRealTimeSessionChanged: (rts) =>
# console.log 'MultiplayerView onCurrentRealTimeSessionChanged', rts
if rts.get('state') is 'finished'
@currentRealTimeSession.off 'change', @onCurrentRealTimeSessionChanged
@currentRealTimeSession = null
onRealTimePlayerAdded: (e) =>
onCreateRealTimeGame: ->
s = @realTimeSessions.create {
creator: @session.get('creator')
creatorName: @session.get('creatorName')
levelID: @session.get('levelID')
created: (new Date()).toISOString()
state: 'creating'
@currentRealTimeSession = @realTimeSessions.get(s.id)
@currentRealTimeSession.on 'change', @onCurrentRealTimeSessionChanged
# TODO: s.id === @currentRealTimeSession.id ?
players = new RealTimeCollection('multiplayer_level_sessions/' + @currentRealTimeSession.id + '/players')
players.create id: me.id, state: 'coding', name: @session.get('creatorName'), team: @session.get('team')
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:created-game', session: @currentRealTimeSession
onJoinRealTimeGame: (e) ->
return if @currentRealTimeSession
item = @$el.find(e.target).data('item')
@currentRealTimeSession = @realTimeSessions.get(item.id)
@currentRealTimeSession.on 'change', @onCurrentRealTimeSessionChanged
if @realTimeSessionsPlayers[item.id]
@realTimeSessionsPlayers[item.id].create id: me.id, state: 'coding', name: @session.get('creatorName'), team: @session.get('team')
console.error 'MultiplayerView onJoinRealTimeGame did not have a players collection', @currentRealTimeSession
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:joined-game', id: me.id, session: @currentRealTimeSession
onLeaveRealTimeGame: (e) ->
if @currentRealTimeSession
@currentRealTimeSession.off 'change', @onCurrentRealTimeSessionChanged
@currentRealTimeSession = null
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'real-time-multiplayer:left-game', id: me.id
console.error "Tried to leave a game with no currentMultiplayerSession"