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synced 2025-02-25 14:04:54 -05:00
Attempting to use a react-component-like system, where the Surface simply emits everything that happens through the shared GameUIState, and the parent (in this case the ThangsTabView, but theoretically anything that uses the surface) handles the events manually, to enforce desired behavior for that particular context. It's nice that all the event handling is centralized, but it's still a bit of a mess, and not thoroughly stateful. But it's a start. This is in preparation for allowing multi-thang selection and manipulation in the level editor.
344 lines
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344 lines
13 KiB
CocoClass = require 'core/CocoClass'
GameUIState = require 'models/GameUIState'
# If I were the kind of math major who remembered his math, this would all be done with matrix transforms.
r2d = (radians) -> radians * 180 / Math.PI
d2r = (degrees) -> degrees / 180 * Math.PI
MIN_ZOOM = 0.1
DEFAULT_TARGET = {x: 0, y: 0}
# You can't mutate any of the constructor parameters after construction.
# You can only call zoomTo to change the zoom target and zoom level.
module.exports = class Camera extends CocoClass
@PPM: 10 # pixels per meter
@MPP: 0.1 # meters per pixel; should match @PPM
bounds: null # list of two surface points defining the viewable rectangle in the world
# or null if there are no bounds
# what the camera is pointed at right now
canvasScaleFactorX: 1
canvasScaleFactorY: 1
# properties for tracking going between targets
oldZoom: null
newZoom: null
oldTarget: null
newTarget: null
tweenProgress: 0.0
instant: false
'camera:zoom-in': 'onZoomIn'
'camera:zoom-out': 'onZoomOut'
'camera:zoom-to': 'onZoomTo'
'level:restarted': 'onLevelRestarted'
constructor: (@canvas, @options={}) ->
@gameUIState = @options.gameUIState or new GameUIState()
@listenTo @gameUIState, 'surface:stage-mouse-move', @onMouseMove
@listenTo @gameUIState, 'surface:stage-mouse-down', @onMouseDown
@listenTo @gameUIState, 'surface:stage-mouse-up', @onMouseUp
@listenTo @gameUIState, 'surface:mouse-scrolled', @onMouseScrolled
@handleEvents = @options.handleEvents ? true
@canvasWidth = parseInt(@canvas.attr('width'), 10)
@canvasHeight = parseInt(@canvas.attr('height'), 10)
@offset = {x: 0, y: 0}
@calculateViewingAngle angle
@calculateFieldOfView hFOV
onResize: (newCanvasWidth, newCanvasHeight) ->
@canvasScaleFactorX = newCanvasWidth / @canvasWidth
@canvasScaleFactorY = newCanvasHeight / @canvasHeight
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'camera:zoom-updated', camera: @, zoom: @zoom, surfaceViewport: @surfaceViewport
calculateViewingAngle: (angle) ->
# Operate on open interval between 0 - 90 degrees to make the math easier
epsilon = 0.000001 # Too small and numerical instability will get us.
@angle = Math.max(Math.min(Math.PI / 2 - epsilon, angle), epsilon)
if @angle isnt angle and angle isnt 0 and angle isnt Math.PI / 2
console.log "Restricted given camera angle of #{r2d(angle)} to #{r2d(@angle)}."
calculateFieldOfView: (hFOV) ->
# http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Field_of_view_in_video_games
epsilon = 0.000001 # Too small and numerical instability will get us.
@hFOV = Math.max(Math.min(Math.PI - epsilon, hFOV), epsilon)
if @hFOV isnt hFOV and hFOV isnt 0 and hFOV isnt Math.PI
console.log "Restricted given horizontal field of view to #{r2d(hFOV)} to #{r2d(@hFOV)}."
@vFOV = 2 * Math.atan(Math.tan(@hFOV / 2) * @canvasHeight / @canvasWidth)
if @vFOV > Math.PI
console.log 'Vertical field of view problem: expected canvas not to be taller than it is wide with high field of view.'
@vFOV = Math.PI - epsilon
calculateAxisConversionFactors: ->
@y2x = Math.sin @angle # 1 unit along y is equivalent to y2x units along x
@z2x = Math.cos @angle # 1 unit along z is equivalent to z2x units along x
@z2y = @z2x / @y2x # 1 unit along z is equivalent to z2y units along y
@x2y = 1 / @y2x # 1 unit along x is equivalent to x2y units along y
@x2z = 1 / @z2x # 1 unit along x is equivalent to x2z units along z
@y2z = 1 / @z2y # 1 unit along y is equivalent to y2z units along z
worldToSurface: (pos) ->
x = pos.x * Camera.PPM
y = -pos.y * @y2x * Camera.PPM
if pos.z
y -= @z2y * @y2x * pos.z * Camera.PPM
{x: x, y: y}
surfaceToCanvas: (pos) ->
{x: (pos.x - @surfaceViewport.x) * @zoom, y: (pos.y - @surfaceViewport.y) * @zoom}
canvasToScreen: (pos) ->
{x: pos.x * @canvasScaleFactorX, y: pos.y * @canvasScaleFactorY}
screenToCanvas: (pos) ->
{x: pos.x / @canvasScaleFactorX, y: pos.y / @canvasScaleFactorY}
canvasToSurface: (pos) ->
{x: pos.x / @zoom + @surfaceViewport.x, y: pos.y / @zoom + @surfaceViewport.y}
surfaceToWorld: (pos) ->
{x: pos.x * Camera.MPP, y: -pos.y * Camera.MPP * @x2y, z: 0}
canvasToWorld: (pos) -> @surfaceToWorld @canvasToSurface pos
worldToCanvas: (pos) -> @surfaceToCanvas @worldToSurface pos
worldToScreen: (pos) -> @canvasToScreen @worldToCanvas pos
surfaceToScreen: (pos) -> @canvasToScreen @surfaceToCanvas pos
screenToSurface: (pos) -> @canvasToSurface @screenToCanvas pos
screenToWorld: (pos) -> @surfaceToWorld @screenToSurface pos
cameraWorldPos: ->
# I tried to figure out the math for how much of @vFOV is below the midpoint (botFOV) and how much is above (topFOV), but I failed.
# So I'm just making something up. This would give botFOV 20deg, topFOV 10deg at @vFOV 30deg and @angle 45deg, or an even 15/15 at @angle 90deg.
botFOV = @x2y * @vFOV / (@y2x + @x2y)
topFOV = @y2x * @vFOV / (@y2x + @x2y)
botDist = @worldViewport.height / 2 * Math.sin(@angle) / Math.sin(botFOV)
z = botDist * Math.sin(@angle + botFOV)
x: @worldViewport.cx, y: @worldViewport.cy - z * @z2y, z: z
distanceTo: (pos) ->
# Get the physical distance in meters from the camera to the given world pos.
cpos = @cameraWorldPos()
dx = pos.x - cpos.x
dy = pos.y - cpos.y
dz = (pos.z or 0) - cpos.z
Math.sqrt dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
distanceRatioTo: (pos) ->
# Get the ratio of the distance to the given world pos over the distance to the center of the camera view.
cpos = @cameraWorldPos()
dy = @worldViewport.cy - cpos.y
camDist = Math.sqrt(dy * dy + cpos.z * cpos.z)
return @distanceTo(pos) / camDist
# Old method for flying things below; could re-integrate this
## Because none of our maps are designed to get smaller with distance along the y-axis, we'll only use z, as if we were looking straight down, until we get high enough. Based on worldPos.z, we gradually shift over to the more-realistic scale. This is pretty hacky.
#ratioWithoutY = dz * dz / (cPos.z * cPos.z)
#zv = Math.min(Math.max(0, worldPos.z - 5), cPos.z - 5) / (cPos.z - 5)
#zv * ratioWithY + (1 - zv) * ratioWithoutY
onZoomIn: (e) -> @zoomTo @target, @zoom * 1.15, 300
onZoomOut: (e) -> @zoomTo @target, @zoom / 1.15, 300
onMouseDown: (e) ->
return if @dragDisabled
@lastPos = {x: e.originalEvent.rawX, y: e.originalEvent.rawY}
@mousePressed = true
onMouseMove: (e) ->
return unless @mousePressed and @gameUIState.get('canDragCamera')
return if @dragDisabled
target = @boundTarget(@target, @zoom)
newPos =
x: target.x + (@lastPos.x - e.originalEvent.rawX) / @zoom
y: target.y + (@lastPos.y - e.originalEvent.rawY) / @zoom
@zoomTo newPos, @zoom, 0
@lastPos = {x: e.originalEvent.rawX, y: e.originalEvent.rawY}
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'camera:dragged', {}
onMouseUp: (e) ->
@mousePressed = false
onMouseScrolled: (e) ->
ratio = 1 + 0.05 * Math.sqrt(Math.abs(e.deltaY))
ratio = 1 / ratio if e.deltaY > 0
newZoom = @zoom * ratio
if e.screenPos and not @focusedOnSprite()
# zoom based on mouse position, adjusting the target so the point under the mouse stays the same
mousePoint = @screenToSurface(e.screenPos)
ratioPosX = (mousePoint.x - @surfaceViewport.x) / @surfaceViewport.width
ratioPosY = (mousePoint.y - @surfaceViewport.y) / @surfaceViewport.height
newWidth = @canvasWidth / newZoom
newHeight = @canvasHeight / newZoom
newTargetX = mousePoint.x - (newWidth * ratioPosX) + (newWidth / 2)
newTargetY = mousePoint.y - (newHeight * ratioPosY) + (newHeight / 2)
target = {x: newTargetX, y: newTargetY}
target = @target
@zoomTo target, newZoom, 0
onLevelRestarted: ->
@setBounds(@firstBounds, false)
setBounds: (worldBounds, updateZoom=true) ->
# receives an array of two world points. Normalize and apply them
@firstBounds = worldBounds unless @firstBounds
@bounds = @normalizeBounds(worldBounds)
@updateZoom true if updateZoom
@target = @currentTarget unless @focusedOnSprite()
normalizeBounds: (worldBounds) ->
return null unless worldBounds
top = Math.max(worldBounds[0].y, worldBounds[1].y)
left = Math.min(worldBounds[0].x, worldBounds[1].x)
bottom = Math.min(worldBounds[0].y, worldBounds[1].y)
right = Math.max(worldBounds[0].x, worldBounds[1].x)
bottom -= 1 if top is bottom
right += 1 if left is right
p1 = @worldToSurface({x: left, y: top})
p2 = @worldToSurface({x: right, y: bottom})
{x: p1.x, y: p1.y, width: p2.x-p1.x, height: p2.y-p1.y}
calculateMinMaxZoom: ->
# Zoom targets are always done in Surface coordinates.
@maxZoom = MAX_ZOOM
return @minZoom = MIN_ZOOM unless @bounds
@minZoom = Math.max @canvasWidth / @bounds.width, @canvasHeight / @bounds.height
if @zoom
@zoom = Math.max @minZoom, @zoom
@zoom = Math.min @maxZoom, @zoom
zoomTo: (newTarget=null, newZoom=1.0, time=1500) ->
# Target is either just a {x, y} pos or a display object with {x, y} that might change; surface coordinates.
time = 0 if @instant
newTarget ?= {x: 0, y: 0}
newTarget = (@newTarget or @target) if @locked
newZoom = Math.max newZoom, @minZoom
newZoom = Math.min newZoom, @maxZoom
thangType = @target?.sprite?.thangType
if thangType
@offset = _.clone(thangType.get('positions')?.torso or {x: 0, y: 0})
scale = thangType.get('scale') or 1
@offset.x *= scale
@offset.y *= scale
@offset = {x: 0, y: 0}
return if @zoom is newZoom and newTarget is newTarget.x and newTarget.y is newTarget.y
if time
@newTarget = newTarget
@oldTarget = @boundTarget(@target, @zoom)
@oldZoom = @zoom
@newZoom = newZoom
@tweenProgress = 0.01
.to({tweenProgress: 1.0}, time, createjs.Ease.getPowOut(4))
.call @finishTween
@target = newTarget
@zoom = newZoom
@updateZoom true
focusedOnSprite: ->
return @target?.name
finishTween: (abort=false) =>
return unless @newTarget
unless abort is true
@target = @newTarget
@zoom = @newZoom
@newZoom = @oldZoom = @newTarget = @newTarget = @tweenProgress = null
@updateZoom true
updateZoom: (force=false) ->
# Update when we're focusing on a Thang, tweening, or forcing it, unless we're locked
return if (not force) and (@locked or (not @newTarget and not @focusedOnSprite()))
if @newTarget
t = @tweenProgress
@zoom = @oldZoom + t * (@newZoom - @oldZoom)
[p1, p2] = [@oldTarget, @boundTarget(@newTarget, @newZoom)]
target = @target = x: p1.x + t * (p2.x - p1.x), y: p1.y + t * (p2.y - p1.y)
target = @boundTarget @target, @zoom
return if not force and _.isEqual target, @currentTarget
@currentTarget = target
viewportDifference = @updateViewports target
if viewportDifference > 0.1 # Roughly 0.1 pixel difference in what we can see
Backbone.Mediator.publish 'camera:zoom-updated', camera: @, zoom: @zoom, surfaceViewport: @surfaceViewport, minZoom: @minZoom
boundTarget: (pos, zoom) ->
# Given an {x, y} in Surface coordinates, return one that will keep our viewport on the Surface.
return pos unless @bounds
y = pos.y
if thang = pos.sprite?.thang
y = @worldToSurface(x: thang.pos.x, y: thang.pos.y).y # ignore z
marginX = (@canvasWidth / zoom / 2)
marginY = (@canvasHeight / zoom / 2)
x = Math.min(Math.max(marginX + @bounds.x, pos.x + @offset.x), @bounds.x + @bounds.width - marginX)
y = Math.min(Math.max(marginY + @bounds.y, y + @offset.y), @bounds.y + @bounds.height - marginY)
{x: x, y: y}
updateViewports: (target) ->
target ?= @target
sv = width: @canvasWidth / @zoom, height: @canvasHeight / @zoom, cx: target.x, cy: target.y
sv.x = sv.cx - sv.width / 2
sv.y = sv.cy - sv.height / 2
if @surfaceViewport
# Calculate how different this viewport is. (If it's basically not different, we can avoid visualizing the update.)
viewportDifference = Math.abs(@surfaceViewport.x - sv.x) + 1.01 * Math.abs(@surfaceViewport.y - sv.y) + 1.02 * Math.abs(@surfaceViewport.width - sv.width)
viewportDifference = 9001
@surfaceViewport = sv
wv = @surfaceToWorld sv # get x and y
wv.width = sv.width * Camera.MPP
wv.height = sv.height * Camera.MPP * @x2y
wv.cx = wv.x + wv.width / 2
wv.cy = wv.y + wv.height / 2
@worldViewport = wv
lock: ->
@target = @currentTarget
@locked = true
unlock: ->
@locked = false
destroy: ->
createjs.Tween.removeTweens @
onZoomTo: (e) ->
@zoomTo @worldToSurface(e.pos), @zoom, e.duration