Scott Erickson f1f1c23fd4 Refactor /auth endpoints for #3469
* Take `/server/routes/auth` and move most of the logic to `/server/middleware/auth`, refactoring to use generators.
* List all `/auth/*` endpoints in `/server/routes/`.
* Fill in testing gaps for `/auth/unsubscribe`.
* Add debug log when `sendwithus` is not operational, so it 'works' in development and testing.
* Use passport properly!
* Track Facebook and G+ logins in user activity as well as passport logins.
2016-04-12 12:07:11 -07:00

40 lines
1.5 KiB

authentication = require 'passport'
LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy
User = require '../models/User'
config = require '../../server_config'
errors = require '../commons/errors'
module.exports.setup = ->
authentication.serializeUser((user, done) -> done(null, user._id))
authentication.deserializeUser((id, done) ->
User.findById(id, (err, user) -> done(err, user)))
if config.picoCTF
pico = require('../lib/picoctf');
authentication.use new pico.PicoStrategy()
authentication.use(new LocalStrategy(
(username, password, done) ->
# kind of a hacky way to make it possible for iPads to 'log in' with their unique device id
if username.length is 36 and '@' not in username # must be an identifier for vendor
q = { iosIdentifierForVendor: username }
q = { emailLower: username.toLowerCase() }
User.findOne(q).exec((err, user) ->
return done(err) if err
if not user
return done(new errors.Unauthorized('not found', { property: 'email' }))
passwordReset = (user.get('passwordReset') or '').toLowerCase()
if passwordReset and password.toLowerCase() is passwordReset
User.update {_id: user.get('_id')}, {$unset: {passwordReset: ''}}, {}, ->
return done(null, user)
hash = User.hashPassword(password)
unless user.get('passwordHash') is hash
return done(new errors.Unauthorized('is wrong', { property: 'password' }))
return done(null, user)