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mongoose = require('mongoose')
deltas = require '../../app/core/deltas'
log = require 'winston'
{handlers} = require '../commons/mapping'
config = require '../../server_config'
PatchSchema = new mongoose.Schema({status: String}, {strict: false,read:config.mongo.readpref})
PatchSchema.pre 'save', (next) ->
return next() unless @isNew # patch can't be altered after creation, so only need to check data once
target = @get('target')
targetID = target.id
Handler = require '../commons/Handler'
if not Handler.isID(targetID)
err = new Error('Invalid input.')
err.response = {message: 'isn\'t a MongoDB id.', property: 'target.id'}
err.code = 422
return next(err)
collection = target.collection
handler = require('../' + handlers[collection])
handler.getDocumentForIdOrSlug targetID, (err, document) =>
if err
err = new Error('Server error.')
err.response = {message: '', property: 'target.id'}
err.code = 500
return next(err)
if not document
err = new Error('Target of patch not found.')
err.response = {message: 'was not found.', property: 'target.id'}
err.code = 404
return next(err)
target.id = document.get('_id')
if handler.modelClass.schema.uses_coco_versions
target.original = document.get('original')
version = document.get('version')
target.version = _.pick document.get('version'), 'major', 'minor'
@set('target', target)
target.original = targetID
patches = document.get('patches') or []
patches = _.clone patches
patches.push @_id
document.set 'patches', patches, {strict: false}
@targetLoaded = document
document.save (err) -> next(err)
PatchSchema.methods.isTranslationPatch = -> # Don't ever fat arrow bind this one
expanded = deltas.flattenDelta @get('delta')
_.some expanded, (delta) -> 'i18n' in delta.dataPath
PatchSchema.methods.isMiscPatch = ->
expanded = deltas.flattenDelta @get('delta')
_.some expanded, (delta) -> 'i18n' not in delta.dataPath
# Keep track of when a patch is pending and newly approved.
PatchSchema.path('status').set (newVal) ->
@set 'wasPending', @status is 'pending' and newVal isnt 'pending'
@set 'newlyAccepted', newVal is 'accepted' and not @get('newlyAccepted') # Only true on the first accept
PatchSchema.methods.isNewlyAccepted = -> @get('newlyAccepted')
PatchSchema.methods.wasPending = -> @get 'wasPending'
PatchSchema.pre 'save', (next) ->
User = require '../users/User'
userID = @get('creator').toHexString()
if @get('status') is 'accepted'
User.incrementStat userID, 'stats.patchesContributed' # accepted patches
else if @get('status') is 'pending'
User.incrementStat userID, 'stats.patchesSubmitted' # submitted patches
module.exports = mongoose.model('patch', PatchSchema)