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AnalyticsString = require '../models/AnalyticsString'
log = require 'winston'
mongoose = require 'mongoose'
config = require '../../server_config'
_ = require 'lodash'
module.exports = utils =
# TODO: Remove, use commons/database.isID instead
isID: (id) -> _.isString(id) and id.length is 24 and id.match(/[a-f0-9]/gi)?.length is 24
getCodeCamel: (numWords=3) ->
# 250 words
words = 'angry apple arm army art baby back bad bag ball bath bean bear bed bell best big bird bite blue boat book box boy bread burn bus cake car cat chair city class clock cloud coat coin cold cook cool corn crash cup dark day deep desk dish dog door down draw dream drink drop dry duck dust east eat egg enemy eye face false farm fast fear fight find fire flag floor fly food foot fork fox free fruit full fun funny game gate gift glass goat gold good green hair half hand happy heart heavy help hide hill home horse house ice idea iron jelly job jump key king lamp large last late lazy leaf left leg life light lion lock long luck map mean milk mix moon more most mouth music name neck net new next nice night north nose old only open page paint pan paper park party path pig pin pink place plane plant plate play point pool power pull push rain ready red rest rice ride right ring road rock room run sad safe salt same sand sell shake shape share sharp sheep shelf ship shirt shoe shop short show sick side silly sing sink sit size sky sleep slow small snow sock soft soup south space speed spell spoon star start step stone stop sweet swim sword table team thick thin thing think today tooth top town tree true turn type under want warm watch water west wide win word yes zap zoo'.split(' ')
_.map(_.sample(words, numWords), (s) -> s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1)).join('')
objectIdFromTimestamp: (timestamp) ->
# mongoDB ObjectId contains creation date in first 4 bytes
# So, it can be used instead of a redundant created field
# http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/object-id/
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8749971/can-i-query-mongodb-objectid-by-date
# Convert string date to Date object (otherwise assume timestamp is a date)
timestamp = new Date(timestamp) if typeof(timestamp) == 'string'
# Convert date object to hex seconds since Unix epoch
hexSeconds = Math.floor(timestamp/1000).toString(16)
# Create an ObjectId with that hex timestamp
mongoose.Types.ObjectId(hexSeconds + "0000000000000000")
findStripeSubscription: (customerID, options, done) ->
# Grabs latest subscription (e.g. in case of a resubscribe)
return done() unless customerID?
return done() unless options.subscriptionID? or options.userID?
# Some prepaid tests were calling this in such a way that stripe wasn't defined.
stripe = require('stripe')(config.stripe.secretKey) unless stripe
subscriptionID = options.subscriptionID
userID = options.userID
subscription = null
nextBatch = (starting_after, done) ->
options = limit: 100
options.starting_after = starting_after if starting_after
stripe.customers.listSubscriptions customerID, options, (err, subscriptions) ->
return done(subscription) if err
return done(subscription) unless subscriptions?.data?.length > 0
for sub in subscriptions.data
if subscriptionID? and sub.id is subscriptionID
unless subscription?.cancel_at_period_end is false
subscription = sub
if userID? and sub.metadata?.id is userID
unless subscription?.cancel_at_period_end is false
subscription = sub
# Check for backwards compatible basic subscription search
# Only recipient subscriptions are currently searched for via userID
if userID? and not sub.metadata?.id and sub.plan?.id is 'basic'
subscription ?= sub
return done(subscription) if subscription?.cancel_at_period_end is false
if subscriptions.has_more
nextBatch(subscriptions.data[subscriptions.data.length - 1].id, done)
nextBatch(null, done)
getAnalyticsStringID: (str, callback) ->
unless str?
log.error "getAnalyticsStringID given invalid str param"
return callback -1
@analyticsStringCache ?= {}
return callback @analyticsStringCache[str] if @analyticsStringCache[str]
insertString = =>
# http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/create-an-auto-incrementing-field/#auto-increment-optimistic-loop
AnalyticsString.find({}, {_id: 1}).sort({_id: -1}).limit(1).exec (err, documents) =>
if err?
log.error "Failed to find next analytics string _id for #{str}"
return callback -1
seq = if documents.length > 0 then documents[0]._id + 1 else 1
doc = new AnalyticsString _id: seq, v: str
doc.save (err) =>
if err?
log.error "Failed to save analytics string ID for #{str}"
return callback -1
@analyticsStringCache[str] = seq
callback seq
# Find existing string
AnalyticsString.findOne(v: str).exec (err, document) =>
if err?
log.error "Failed to lookup analytics string #{str}"
return callback -1
if document
@analyticsStringCache[str] = document._id
return callback @analyticsStringCache[str]